niemiecki C.O.M.B.A.T 8.0

Rozwój i dyskusje na temat rozwiązań przywracających grze balans.

Moderator: Barbarossa

Posty: 1507
Lokalizacja: Gdynia, BWT

niemiecki C.O.M.B.A.T 8.0

Post autor: Błażej »

Ograniczenia na które często grają niemcy...
Army Restrictions:
2500 Points
- Max 12 Power Dice per Magic Phase
- Max 2 additional Power or Dispel Dice (incl. Channeling)
- Max 4 Power Dice per Spell
- No Casting bonus of more than +4 on the following lores: Shadow, Metal, Death, Heavens, Life
- Max 80 shooting models, normal (single shot) Bolt Thrower count as 5, other WMs as 10
- Max 3 shooting models using a template (incl. Cannons and Breath Weapons)
- Max 45 Models per Unit
- Models from 9-11 Points: max 40
- Models from 12-14 Points: max 35
- Models from 15-18 Points: max 30
- Models from 19-29 Points: max 20
- Models from 30-39 Points: max 12
- Models from 40+ Points: max 9
- The first and third magic level on units generating more than one spell from the lore of death (and warlocks) count as one generated power dice
- No choice more than triple
- No Power Scroll, Crown of Command or Folding Fortress

- No chars or unit champions with unique names (spezial chars)
- „Look Out, Sir!“ is granted against Dwellers, Final Transmutation, dreaded 13th spell

No additional restrictions

Chaos Dwarves:
- Max 4 from: Iron Demon, first Template with Strength 5, second and each further Template
with Strength 5 (counts twice), Bull Centaur Taur’ruk, K’daai Destroyer
- Hellcannon, Dreadquake Mortar, Magma Cannon each count as 15 Shooting models,
Hobgoblins with Knifes as 0.25, Chaos Dwarves with Blunderbuss as 1.5
- No Chalice of Blood and Darkness
- Max 1 each of: Iron Demon, K’daai Destroyer, Hellcannon

Daemons of Chaos:
- The following gifts may not be take: Master oft he Swarm (reroll), Portalglyph, Stone of
- Max 1 Skull Cannon, max 2 Units of Beasts of Nurgle (and 8 models total)
- max 2 units of Furies
- Max 30 Plaguebearers per Unit, max 6 Beasts of Nurgle per Unit;
- Max 10 of Plague Drones and Beasts of Nurgle per army
- Greater Daemons loose 25 Points of their budget for Gifts for every Magic Level after the
second (Great Unclean One after the first)
- Max 6 of: every Unit Daemons of Nurgle (Nurglings and Daemon Princes with no magic
levels count as 0, the Great Unclean One counts as 2), Skull Cannon
Dark Elves:
- no banner of Nagarythe
- max 10 warlocks per unit
- 0-2 of: each Supreme Sorceres, Sacrificial Dagger, unit of doomfire warlocks, one or more
sorceress/ surpreme sorceress with the lore of death
- 0-3 of: every flying unit/ character, every character on steed (counts as 0,5)
- Shooting: 1.5 per Repeater Crossbow, 2.5 per Shade, 10 per Repeater Bolt Thrower, 5 per
Template Weapon, 5 per Shooting Chariot
- Company rule: models with the seadragon cloak are never fast cavalry

- max 3 of: Temple Guard, dispel scroll, Cube of Darkness, Harmonic convergence and channeling staff onone model, becalming recognition
- Slann or Standart of Discipline
- Max 8 Terrados
- Becalming Cogitation counts as 1 Dispel Dice
- Models with Blow Pipes count as 1.5 Shooting Models, Razordons as 5, Salamanders as 10,
Stegadons as 1
- Cohorts with 20+ Skinks and 2+ Kroxigors do not count towards shooting allowance
- skinks in cohorts count as 0.5 shooting models
- Max 40 from: each Temple Guard, Slann (counts as 6), Oldblood (counts as 4), Scar Veteran
(counts as 2)

High Elves:
- Max 2 of: each Archmage, Book of Hoeth
- Max 2 of: Star-/ Moon Dragon, Frostheart Phoenix, Banner of the World Dragon, Book of Hoeth on Archmage
- Sisters of Avelorn count as 2 Shooting Models, Reaver Bow as 5, Eagle-Claw Repeater as 5
- Book of Hoeth counts as 2 generated Power and 1 generated Dispel Dice
- Banner of the World Dragon as 1 generated Dispel Dice

- An Empire Army got a Pool with 5 points. The following units take up points from the pool:
2 points: 5+ Demigryphs
1 point: Wizard lord, Steam tank, every Great Canon;, exactly 4 Demigryphs in the
army, 3rd and any following choice from (Master Engineer; Hellblaster
Volley Gun)
0,5 points: Hurricanum, Luminark of Hysh, War Altar, exactly 3 Demigryphs in the
army, 2nd choice of (Master Engineer, Hellblaster Volley Gun)
- Max 1 Steam Tank
- Master Engineer counts as 5 shooting models, Steam Tank as 10, Volley Gun as 15
- Max 8 Demigryphs and a max 6 per unit
- max 2 from: Steam Tank, Great Canon
- max 4 Detachment units with less than 10 models
Company rule: If you got a War Altar in your army, every rolled Banishment has to be changed for
another spell

- no Neffera's Plaques of Incantations
- max 4 War- and/or Necrosphinxes
- every breath weapon counts half as a template
- casket of souls does not count towards the shooting limit
- max 2 of: every Liche High Priest, 1st Casket of Souls.
- the lore attribute of the nehekhara lore may alternatively to the normal effect heal a single wound on a single character
- units of undead contructs may heal up to one wound per spell through the lore attribute
Company Rule: all models within 12'' of the army general ignore the marching restrictions

Warriors of Chaos:
- Daemon Prince can have max 4 of: Mark of Nurgle, Fly, Chaos Armor, Scaly Skin,
Soulfeeder, magic levels (count twice if Level 3+)
- Max 6 of: every character mit T5 (except Chaos Lord), Chaos Chariot, Gorebeast-Chariot,
Chimera (2nd chimera counts twice), Hellcannon (max 1), Sorcerer Lord and Daemon
Prince, the 3rd and the 6th Skullcrusher
- max 1 model with 3+ ward save (except Warshrine of Tzeentch)
- Model with 3+ ward save can't have Third Eye of Tzeentch
- max 1 Hellcannon
- max 4 flying units (flying Daemon Prince and every chimera after the first count twice);
- max 1 Daemon Prince

Orcs & Goblins:
- Short Bows do not count as shooting models
- Doom Diver counts as a template weapon
- the 3rd and any following dice generated from magic mushrooms count towards power dice
- max 12 Power Dice included magic mushrooms
- stealing dispel dice with the lore attribute from little waagh counts as 1 generated Power
Dice (if the limit would be oversteped, the effect does not trigger entirely)
- max 6 fanatics
Company Rule: One Unit of Orcs or Savage Orcs in the army may take a magic banner up to 25 pts.

Ogre Kingdoms:
- Max 8 Mournfangs
- max 6 Mournfangs und Maneater per unit
- no Hellheart; Leadbelcher count as 4, Maneater with pistols or brace of pistols as 3,
Ironblaster as 15, Scraplauncher as 8, Thundertusks as 10 and Gnoblars as 0,25 shooting
- Biggest unit of monstrous infantry in the army can not have more than 12 models (included
characters, except Hunter)
- Max 1 Ironblaster
Company Rule: Greedy Fist does not work in the magic phase

- A Skaven Army got a Pool with 5 points. Following units take up points from the pool:
3 points: 2nd Hellpit Abomination
2 points: Hellpit Abomination
1 point: Grey Seer (max 1) , Warplightning Canon (max. 1), Doom Rocket (if also
Brass Orb is in the army)
0,5 points:Doomwheel, Brass Orb,Screaming Bell, Doom Rocket (if no Brass Orb is
in the army), each Assassin after the 1st
- Jezzail Teams und Gutter Runner (with Slings and Poison Attacks) count as 2 shooting
models; Ratlingguns, Death Globe and Brass Orb as 5; Doomwheel, Warpflaming Thrower,
Doom Rocket and Poison Wind Mortar as 10
- Plaque Furnace do not count toward template limit, Poison Wind Mortar, Death Globe,
Doom Rocket and Brass Orb half
- max12 Gutter Runner with Slings and Poison Attacks

- 2700 pts
- Core Units max 4 each, Tuskgor Chariots max 5 each
- Cygor, Jabberslythe and Ghorgon cost 200 instead 275 pts each
- Beastmen can generate 3 Power-/Dispel dice per magic phase
- Victory Points, scored by your opponent for destroyed/fleeing units, are reduced by 10%.
Company Rule: Every Unit of Minotaurs and one unit of Gors per army can have a magic banner up
to 25 pts.

Vampire Counts:
- Ethereal units max 3 (max 2 of them can be characters) with a total of 10 models
- Units can not be increased over 45 models
- max. 3 from: Master Necromancer with Death Magic, Terrorgheist (counts twice), Red Fury
on a lord choice (counts twice; if the lord choice also have eternal hatred/ASF thrice), 7+
Vargheists in the army, 9+ Crypt Horrors in the army, the 2nd Mortis Engine; each repeated
vampiric power;
- max 2 Models with mit Shooting attacks
- max per army: 12 Vargheists, 20 Models of montrous infantry, 15 Black Knights/mounted
Characters, 2 units of Fell Bats; max 8 Crypt Horrors/Vargheists per Unit

Wood Elves:
- 2700 pts
- Victory Points, scored by your opponent for destroyed/fleeing units, are reduced by 10%
- Hail of Doom Arrows, Treemen and Ancients counts as 5 shooting models each; characters
(except the Ancient) and Warhawk Rider do not count against shooting limit,Glade Rider
- Core Units max 4 each
- Branchwraith/Spellsinger can have Lore of Beats or Lore of Life
- Company Rules: Ward Saves from Forest Spirits also work against magical attacks;
Spellweaver can have Lore of Shadows, Wardancer make supporting attacks with all their
attacks not just one; Bow of Loren uses Strength of his bearer; Cluster of Radiants can be
chosen by any character, not only by Ancients and Branchwraiths
- All elven models (incl. wild riders, excluding mounts, Eagles, dryads, Treemen etc) have the Always strike first special rule

- The anvil does not count towards the shooting limit
- Iron Drakes count as 1,5 shooting models
- Gyrobombers; Gyrocopters; Trollhammertorpedo; master engineers; rune of forging; rune of accuracy; and the first of every rune of penetration count as 5 shooting models
- The first rune of stoicism counts as 10, the second as 20 shooting models
- The master rune of Groth One-eye counts as 40 shooting models
- The first two steam cannons do not count as template weapons
- Gyrobombers and Organ guns count as 0,5 template weapons
- The master rune of Groth One-Eye counts as 2 templates

Rule Changes:
- Units that are fleeing at the end of the battle yield full victory points to the opponent
- Units that are at 25% or less of their original models yield 50% victory points to the opponent
- Rulebook scenarios will not be used
- Cannons can't shoot at models, if they aren't able to draw a line of sight towards them. "Over-
/Underguessing" is prohibited, and should be prevented by the judges.
- Dragons, Terrorgheists, Plaguefurnaces, Screaming Bells, the War Altar, the Bale Taurus and the
inherent characters yield victory points separately
- Even in the Deploying-Units-Phase, the 1“-Apart-Rule applys
- The BSBs of the armys Dwarves, Bretonnia and Woodelves can take all the equipment, their unit
type has access to as if they weren't BSBs.
- A unit of 3 or more models has to be at least two models wide at the end of their movement phase
- When a single model without random movement is wheeling, it ignores the 1“-Apart-Rule for
enemy models and terrain. Same rule applys for models with random movement, but only in the
case of terrain.
Simple Line of Sight
- Line of sight is determined from base to base.
- Units can see through everything, except hills and impasseble terrain.
- If a model is shooting on an enemy unit and their front (or flank/rear, depends on the position of
the shooter) is covert for at least 50% by other units, hills, buildings or obstacles, the unit gets
penalties for hard cover.
- If a model is shooting in, or through, a wood it gets penalties for light cover. If the shooting model
is in the wood and there is no other wood between the shooter and the target, the penalty does not
- War Machines that don't have to roll to hit (such as stone throwers or cannons) will never get
cover through their own units. This also applys for the Hellcannon, the Iron Blaster, the
Scraplauncher, the Skullcannon and the Steamtank.
- Models which are shooting from a hill, or at a target on a hill, and whose target is only covert by
units which are not on a hill, will get no penalty for hard cover. (Unit A (on a hill) is shooting on
Unit C (not on a hill) and Unit B is interfering (not on a hill) → no hard cover)
- Large Targets will never get any cover from Infantry, Beasts or Swarms.
- As War machines in terms of shooting restrictions, all units with typ "war machine" counts, for
example the anvil of doom.
- the term "no more than three of a kind" also includes units, that used to be 2 for 1 choicees and
characters. So max 3 Pumo Wagons, Reaper Bolt Thrower, Warlock Engineers et cetera.
- A shooting model is a model that can do damage in the shooting phase. e.g. Skink-Cohort and so
- The Woodelves BSB can take all normal equipment his unit type has access to, but still loses his
-"Look Out Sir" also for unit champions against Final Transmutation, Dwellers Below etc.
-Template weapons that are "one use only" also counted to the template limit, unless otherwise
- Only Legion of Azgorh from Tamurkhan is allowed. No other units or armies from Tarmurkhan
-The application of this rules also imply the C.O.M.B.A.T. FAQ
-Do not roll type of terrain. Every piece of terrain uses always the basic rules of its kind.All
obstacles are walls
-Units can not enter buildings

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Posty: 2008
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Hoax »

No power scroll, max 4 kości na czar - 13tkę bez ifki można rzucić tylko rzucając 5, 5, 5, 6 :mrgreen:

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Posty: 7831
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Grolshek »

No Crown of Command :shock: Demony nietknięte :shock:
Spróbuj lepszej gry:

Szczur Królów
Posty: 13706
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Kalesoner »

Az chyba bym zrobił turniej na taki format w wawie.

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Posty: 2288
Lokalizacja: Legion Kraków

Post autor: Dydu »

Kalesoner pisze:Az chyba bym zrobił turniej na taki format w wawie.
Wpadłbym :)

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Posty: 1243
Lokalizacja: Zgierz

Post autor: Urban »

przy VC nie jest źle.

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Posty: 2759
Lokalizacja: Warszawa Czarne Wrony

Post autor: eliah91 »

Tomby całkiem spoko wyglądają.

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Posty: 7831
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Grolshek »

Aaaa zapomniałem dodać. Orki na ojro są nasłabszą armią. Na combacie nie istnieją wcale. Na szczęście danonki w malowaniu :P
Spróbuj lepszej gry:

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Posty: 77

Post autor: CrazyChris »

Orki calkiem spoko sie graja, a DoC, Imp, HE, DE, VC sa w topie ... DoC moga czasem byc troche przegiente ;)

Wielki Nieczysty Spamer
Posty: 6586
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: misha »

brak budynkow, zakaz kresek :-) deko dziwne te zasady, jeszcze bardziej namotane niż w EURO
Klub Adeptus Mechanicus Warszawa, Okęcie, Al Krakowska
Sklep FGB Figurkowe Gry Bitewne Warszawa, Zelazna 69A

Maciek P.
Posty: 1234
Lokalizacja: Legion Kraków

Post autor: Maciek P. »

Nic ciekawego. Da się grać, ale euro lepsze i prostsze.

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Posty: 1243
Lokalizacja: Zgierz

Post autor: Urban »

misha pisze:brak budynkow, zakaz kresek :-) deko dziwne te zasady, jeszcze bardziej namotane niż w EURO
Do przodu kreska patrzeć nie będzie ale ustawić bokiem się chyba już da? Czy też nie? Dziwnie skonstruowany ten zapis jest, jednak wydaje mi się że w 1 szeregu ustawić się da modele.

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Pan Spamu
Posty: 8784
Lokalizacja: Kraków

Post autor: Laik »

Urban pisze:
misha pisze:brak budynkow, zakaz kresek :-) deko dziwne te zasady, jeszcze bardziej namotane niż w EURO
Do przodu kreska patrzeć nie będzie ale ustawić bokiem się chyba już da? Czy też nie? Dziwnie skonstruowany ten zapis jest, jednak wydaje mi się że w 1 szeregu ustawić się da modele.
da się, czasem tylko może braknąć ruchu, no i kawalerii jest to trudniej zrobić.
swieta_barbara pisze:Jesteś maszyna debelial, bez Ciebie to hobby dawno by umarło.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5056
Lokalizacja: Front Wschodni - Białystok

Post autor: Karli »

Dosyć skomplikowane.
Byłoby afrontem nie napić się z Frontem!

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Posty: 7831
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Grolshek »

Co w praktyce oznacza ten zapis: "- No Casting bonus of more than +4 on the following lores: Shadow, Metal, Death, Heavens, Life" ?
Spróbuj lepszej gry:

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 14649
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: swieta_barbara »

Że book of ashur i skull of rarkos nic Ci nie dają.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 7831
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Grolshek »

swieta_barbara pisze:Że book of ashur i skull of rarkos nic Ci nie dają.
Tak myślałem. THX.
Spróbuj lepszej gry:

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1351
Lokalizacja: ZKF Zabrze

Post autor: Denis »

Jak dla mnie za dużo wszystkiego. Niektóre armie bezsensu cięte. Ciągle wole EURO mimo że jest fatalne.
” Rozejrzyj się dookoła. Zobaczysz ludzi, bez których ten świat byłby lepszy.”

Death Note

Galeria :
Strona Malarska na Facebooku: ... 9393055688

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Posty: 1304

Post autor: Kanadian »

Niemieckie compy są beznadziejne, ci ludzie twierdzą że wszystko jest przegięte. Totalna beznadzieja.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 2008
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Hoax »

6 bestii w unicie nie :lol2: