Incoming: Storm of Magic

Wszystko to, co nie pasuje nigdzie indziej.

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Chuck Norris
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Re: Incoming: Storm of Magic

Post autor: wru »

Coś za dużo tych nekromantów :mrgreen: i co z tą nową bestyją do VC?
Come crawling faster, obey your Master...

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Wielki Nieczysty Spamer
Posty: 6756
Lokalizacja: Włocławek - Klub Fantasy "FENIX"

Post autor: Shinue »

Harry z warseera napisał:
All I know is big undead bat thing kit. I have not heard about riders one way or the other.
EDIT: Now I have ... this one comes with a rider.
chodzą tez plotki o flesh golemach...

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Posty: 2683
Lokalizacja: Szczecin

Post autor: Byqu »

Wyjdzie coś do lizardów?
Chociarz mist golemy z Xlanhuapec?

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Posty: 2586

Post autor: Kefas »

Ale wysyp w lipcu się szykuje :shock:

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Wielki Nieczysty Spamer
Posty: 6022
Lokalizacja: Włoszczowa

Post autor: Rasti »

Taa, w żywicy chyba po cenie złota :(
Zobaczymy co będzie ta książka zawierać i ile będzie kosztować, choć z tego co widziałem, to coś około 150zł...

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3443
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk

Post autor: Klafuti »

Nikt nie każe jej kupować. Zapamiętanie treści jest za darmo :) .
"Głos opinii publicznej nie jest substytutem myślenia."
~Warren E. Buffett

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Wielki Nieczysty Spamer
Posty: 6022
Lokalizacja: Włoszczowa

Post autor: Rasti »

Wiadomo, ale mam dużego RB i jest miodna książeczka :]

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Posty: 1517

Post autor: gervaz »

oto, co będzie zawierać książka (przeklejone z warseera):


The rules for SoM are essentially the same as WFB however, instead of having 2D6 magic dice, there are 4D6 in the pool. The whole basis of the game is very rock, paper, scissors (as Mat Ward put it himself Yeah 40K stupification).

(ROCK) Anytime you have a Wizard ontop of a fulcrum that wizard gains a ++3 Ward save, is ItP, and also can only be assiled by one model in combat, ie; your looking at 1v1 fighting. Hence where the monsters come in (edit: they don't recieve thunderstomp or stomp while assulting a wizard on a Fulcrum).

(PAPER)To sum up what the Wardster says: Since you can only have one model attcking these ROIDED up Wizards, you send monsters in after them as they are a single model and spill attacks, high strength, sp. rules, etc. . .

(SCISSORS) Troops and Steadfast eat monsters for breakfast. . . in theory (cannons do it better though ), and thus, the more troops you have the easier you can hold back the torrential assualting that is monsters upon wizards.

From what I could tell (I only skimmed the Battle Report, it was 6ish pages, and I didn't care for reading that long. . . no I'm not ADD ) whoever was in control of the most magical fulcrums, won the game. Points on the board did play factor I believe, granting some overall V.Ps to the contestants at the end or something, but it wasn't a large factor.


There are three levels of magic spells in SoM, Insert name here, Domination, and Catyclsmic.

While in control of one fulcrum you recieved acess to the (will call them tier 1 spells since I can't remember names), dosen't matter lvl of caster, etc. . . if you were on a fulcurum at all your caster could cast tier one spells, for example a Lore of Shadow spell that can create 'mirage' terrain pieces on the board.

the Domination spells or tier two (sticking to my system) was granted upon having more fulcrums than your opponent.

Lastly, Catayclismic spells were granted when you controlled all the fulcrums or your opponent is not in control of any, and thus lets you 'insta-win' the game with some lores, and others not so much.

Every half turn of the game the spinner is spun to see what the winds of magic favors. This is the spinner you all probably know about, all the main eight lores have a slot on the spinner. When the magic is in favor, that paticular lore gains magic 'boosts' in the form of +X to casting (hinted at channeling also, but the W.D didn't say specific bonsus).

However, to make it fair game for all the other lores, every lore in the game is considered a 'subsidary' lore and is associated with a main lore, in this case High Magic would be with Light, Tznetch magic with Fire, Skaven Skyre with Heavens etc. . .

In addition to this bonus for casting, each lore will have addtional tier 1, 2, 3 spells and the other A.B lores, in this case will recieve 2 additional spells.

If a caster happens to be on a fulcrum while when he miscasts (Teclis ftwbabywtfbbq), he not only suffers a normal miscast, but also a catastorphic miscast as well. In this case, Ogres miscast on theirs and Catastropic level.

Miscast results for this are 'terri-bad-you-dead' from the sounds of Mat Ward himself, however the only two I saw was that, you can turn ever caster on the field into a frog, and the fulcrum blows up, and units within X amount of in. take S10 hits etc. . .

Some of the spells are cool, some are dumb, and some have the potential to end the game first turn, the usual.

For example, in no paticular tier or Lore:

One spell causes a 'titanic' earthquake and allows you to complete shift two relam of battle board tiles on the field with troops terrain and all in any facing(s) or direction you would like. (think maybe shadow, but don't know for sure)

One spell like I menitoned can create illusionary terrain. (Shadow)

Another can move terrain. (don't know)

Yet, another can create forests like Blood etc. . . or your choice (Life)

Slann can sacrafice himself and other charcters on his side to komikazie yours. (Life I think, not sure)

4D6 Fireball, and one that can end in large-blast template(s). (Fire)

Can make a unit ethereal. (don't know)

One spell can allow to summon random units for help. (don't know)

Oh, and for no paticalar reasons, Dwarf runesmiths etc. . have acess to spel. . er 'Runes' similar to the Anvil's abilities while on a fulcrum.

Allies/Points Allotment:

This I thought was the coolest aspect of the game so far.

How to create your army.

You create your army by using the percentage system, however up 25% of your army can be allied with monsters, other armies (through spell binding), or items.

In the White Dwarf, they had a photocopy out of the SoM book, a diagram explaining options on that the monsters will be able to take.

Case in point, a normal Chimera (the monster in the diagram) cost as much as a D.E Hydra before any upgrades. The Chimera and other SoM monsters will be able to Dub/Kit themselves out with extra abilites or rules such as: 'chomp' attacks, armor, regeneration, posion, tail weapons (plus one to hit in rear), breath weapon, wings, etc. . . The SoM monsters seem to be -like the Chimera for example- priced differently and have different stats than what one would assume the Chimera would have.

The Chimera shown was not a Mt. Chimera and had S5, T5 in the pic. I do not know if the option for different Chimeras or different any monster for that matter will be aviable, however I suspect so, as that leads to my next point.

There will be some odd 70ish (memory isn't for sure, but it made me go huh?! when I read it) monsters in the beastiary -probably some from current books.

Allied armies, up 25% can be allies, I'm not sure on the restriction of this other than it requires some sort of binding from spells, and that based on how many fulcrums you control is how many reenforcements come in. You get 75 points for one fulcrum, 150 for one more than our opponent, and 300 for all the fulcrums/you control one but your opponent dosen't control any.

Not sure how the above is going to work out in pre-game list buliding, but we will see.

Lastly, and the coolest in my opinon, is that many of the abilites to control monsters as allies and allied troops depend on magic items. These items are just for the SoM, and were described as 'arcane and enchantments re-energizing their lost powers with the magical brezee -insert colorful description here.

These items do not count against your magical allotment, and are 'allied in' if you would like to take them. Some of the items I've read so far include:

Binding Scrolls/Runes for Monsters and troops alike.

Fozzriks FLYING Fortress. . . with armermants. . . probably cannons.

Items that give Ward Saves to whole units based on conrol of fulcrums, ie; domination of all gives you ++4.

A scroll/incantation that destroys binding scrolls.

A enchanted item that can destroy magic items.

Lastly, and my favorite the Dawnsword. . .

At its full potential which is based on how many fulcrums you control, it:

Doubles your attacks.

Auto Hits

Auto Wounds

Does (2D6) Wounds for every wound caused.

Teclis is still better though. . . don't be jelly.

Product Placement:

The resin kits for packs of creatures like C.O and Sbre.Ts should be in packs of 5's from what the "Wardster" was spouting in the book.

The 6 portals come in one package, and blisters are all in plastic.

Other things:
There is two battles in the book, one for the release, day with D.E and C.W, and one with L.M and Skaven thats in 'progress' for the month of August.

There is also a nice page at the back-end of the book with the Vamp photo like in earlier pictures from Bram and Harry and Hastings etc. . .

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Posty: 2204
Lokalizacja: Danzig / Breslau

Post autor: Smh »

Rasti pisze:Taa, w żywicy chyba po cenie złota :(
tylko Cockatrice jest w Finecaście, reszta w plastiku!!
Rasti pisze:Zobaczymy co będzie ta książka zawierać i ile będzie kosztować, choć z tego co widziałem, to coś około 150zł...
a nawet i 159 ;P pewnie kwestia sklepu

no i po raz kolejny, to będzie dodatek, więc nie zacznie obowiązywać wszędzie i wszystkich zwłaszcza na turniejach
Moje morskie krasie z Barak Varr teraz także na blogu

- Wiosłujesz [...] jakbyś w życiu nic innego nie robił. Myślałem, że krasnoludy nie umieją ani żeglować, ani pływać...
- Ulegasz stereotypom.

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Wielki Nieczysty Spamer
Posty: 6022
Lokalizacja: Włoszczowa

Post autor: Rasti »

Nie chodzi mi o to, że ma gdzieś obowiązywać :)

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3305
Lokalizacja: Wawa

Post autor: Karlito »

Do Kampanii za to będzie świetnie pasować :twisted: Już powoli zbira się ekipa do grania na duże punkty :D
Welcome to the Tower of Rising Sun.
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Tiger Brown
Posty: 953
Lokalizacja: Syrenogród

Post autor: Tiger Brown »

Że malowanie paskudne to jedno, ale sama figurka kiepska. Stylistyka przywołuje mi wspomnienie jarmarków na prowincji w okresie późnego Gierka. #-o
"Pomaluję wasze figsy" - w przypadku niektórych to brzmiałoby jak groźba.

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Posty: 734

Post autor: Mauler »

Jakieś paskudztwo. Pieski z kiwającymi główkami na tylnym podszybiu starych trabantów były ładniejsze.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5674

Post autor: Afro »

wy tak na serio? przecież ten obrazek był zrobiony w paincie chyba :p
"You either die a cyka or live long enough to become a blyat"

Posty: 1062

Post autor: Klops »

dopóki nie zobaczę figurki na żywo nie oceniam Razorgory(pumby) to jeden z najładniejszych figsów w mojej armii a na fotkach GW syf ... 45x319.jpg
Ostatnio zmieniony 25 cze 2011, o 10:09 przez Klops, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

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Posty: 7831
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Grolshek »

Klops pisze:do puki nie zobaczę figurki
Bardzo ciekawa interpretacja słowa "dopóki"...

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Posty: 7714
Lokalizacja: Syberia

Post autor: bigpasiak »

Grolshek pisze:
Klops pisze:do puki nie zobaczę figurki
Bardzo ciekawa interpretacja słowa "dopóki"...
Ja bym poszedł krok dalej i powiedział, że to ciekawa wariacja na temat słowa "dopóki"... ale co tam ;)
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...

Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...

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Posty: 1890
Lokalizacja: Toruń

Post autor: ARBAL »
