Magic Level 4
Book of Hoeth [100.0]
1 Archmage @ 265 Pts (Lore of Life)
Magic Level 3
Power Scroll [35.0]
Dragonbane Gem [5.0]
1 Mage @ 185.0 Pts (Lore of Life)
Magic Level 2
Sacred Incense [30.0]
Jewel of the Dusk [15.0]
Ironcurse Icon [5.0]
1 Mage @ 120 Pts (Lore of Shadow)
Magic Level 1
1 Noble @ 186 Pts ( 4+AS)
Great Weapon Dragon Armor Shield
Battle Standard
Banner of the World Dragon [60.0]
31 First Archers @ 387 Pts
Standard Bearer Musician
Banner of Eternal Flame [10.0]
1 Captain @ [10.0] Pts
19 Archers @ 245 Pts
Standard Musician
1 Captain @ [10.0] Pts
33 White Lions @ 605 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armor; Lion Pelt; Standard; Musician
Banner of Sorcery [50]
1 Guardian @ [22] Pts
Amulet of Light [15]
3 Great Eagles @ 150 Pts
Zastanawiam się nad PG(25) zamiast WL
Dodać jeszcze kilka eagle
Grałem dzisiaj na skeveny i demony i Wl traciłem jak .......
To maja pierwsza rozpa na 8ed nie wiem co jest grywalne ale kombo Andrzej jest bardzo niszczące