1 Prince
General; Dragon Armour; Shield
Helm of Fortune
Sword of Strife
Guardian Phoenix
1 Elf Steed: Barded
1 Noble
Dragon Armour
Enchanted Shield
Sword of Anti-Heroes
Ironcurse Icon
1 Elf Steed: Barded
1 Noble
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Battle Standard
1 Elf Steed: Barded
1 Noble
Dragon Armour
Loremaster Cloak
Warrior Bane
Charmed Shield
1 Elf Steed: Barded
1 Archmage
Magic Level 4 Lore of Beasts
Book of Hoeth
1 Elf Steed
10 Silver Helms
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
10 Elf Steed
26 White Lions
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Lion Pelt; Standard; Musician
Banner of Swiftness
Amulet of Light
21 First Archers
Longbow; Musician
20 Archers
Longbow; Musician
17 Spear Elves
Spear; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
1 Great Eagle
Models in Army: 92
Total Army Cost: 2499.0
Ewentualnie wersja z większym odginaniem:
Unnamed2500 Pts - High Elves Army
1 Prince
Dragon Armour
Sword of Bloodshed
Enchanted Shield
Potion of Foolhardiness
1 Elf Steed: Barded
1 Prince
General; Heavy Armour; Shield
Helm of Fortune
Loremasters Cloak
Sword of Battle
1 Elf Steed: Barded
1 Noble
Great Weapon; Battle Standard
Armour of Caledor
Guardian Phoenix
1 Elf Steed
1 Mage
Magic Level 2; Lore of Beasts
Seerstaff of Saphery
0: Wyssan's Wildform
5: Savage Beast of Horros
1 Elf Steed: Barded
10 Silver Helms
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
10 Elf Steed
26 White Lions
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Lion Pelt; Standard; Musician
Banner of Arcane Protection
Amulet of Light
2 Tiranoc Chariot
2 Great Eagles
Models in Army: 92
Total Army Cost: 2500.0
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