FAQ 1.4 do brety mówi :
Q: If a Grail Knight kills an enemy character in a challenge, does
the Bretonnian player gain the Victory Point bonus from the
Underdog Challenge rule? (p50)
A: No. Whilst they may fight in challenges as if they were a
unit champion, they are not unit champions.
W booku do bretki mamy takie cuś przy paragrafie kiedy mozna stracić blessing :
''Player refuses to meet challenge in a fight where a Knightly character (or the Champion of a unit of Knights) could have accepted. ''
Jeszcze cytat z zasad grali :
''Every model in a unit of Grail Knights can issue and accept challenges as if they were a champion'' - zwracam uwagę ze nie ma mowy ze kiedy odrzuci jest traktowany jako czempion.
Czy Grail Knight odrzucając czelendż traci blessing?