No to brzmi naprawdę extraSome other interesting bits:
Iron daemon war engine
Rocket launcher firing daemon spirits (hunter killer missile etc daemons seek souls)
Kadai (Fire daemons in armour).

Moderator: esgaroth
No to brzmi naprawdę extraSome other interesting bits:
Iron daemon war engine
Rocket launcher firing daemon spirits (hunter killer missile etc daemons seek souls)
Kadai (Fire daemons in armour).
i jeszcze to z tego samego tematu :Grimstonefire na CDO pisze:
Scale model world WF news.
A bit of a long post, written on warseer and copied/pasted (when I say 'here' I mean on warseer)
I thought you may all appreciate this summary. I went to the Scale Model World event today and spoke to Mark Bedford and Ead (the IT/newsletter guy). As they will undoubtedly read this at some point (see later for how I know), I’d like to thank you guys for taking the time to answer my many questions.
As nothing was said that I feel should be kept private, I’ll just note it all down.
I asked him first about the Steam Train, what the idea was behind it all. As many people know their idea is that the CD will be travelling to war in armoured convoys. So that’s the idea behind it. From a rules point of view the idea is that the front part of the steam train is the CD equivalent of an empire steam tank (presumably with ‘open top’ rules) and is supposed to be detached from the back part before the battle. The wagon that we’ve seen, the siege bombard, and any others they make will have their own steam engine on them, so they are capable of some locomotion.
The second hero type CD model is an engineer, over on CDO there has been some discussion if it is a combat hero or an engineer (as it didn’t have a label right next to it).
As it is relevant to most of what follows I’ll put this bit here. I asked him about future plans for the Chaos Dwarfs and it seems that they are in discussions right now (well, a meeting next week) about how best to go forwards with them.
From what I gather they have lots and lots of plans for things they can do, but any future support will be directly determined by how popular the other CD models are. The people higher up want to make a decision based on sales data. So the more people buy the higher the chances of them making a stand alone list. Mark basically said that. If the sales figures of the things we’ve seen are good they will green light the whole project so that the Chaos Dwarfs become the Warhammer Forge equivalent of the Death Korps of Krieg.
I asked him about the bull concept art, and it seems there is an intention to rework the idea to make it more metal than burning flesh with lava. Mark was saying it looked too much like a Balrog, which I don’t think is a bad thing at all! They would want to make it ridden. I wasn’t too sure if there was a definite plan to actually make this into a model or not, presumably it’s to do with the CD project being given the ok.
Same with hobgoblins, something Mark Bedford is very keen to do.
Bull Centaurs from what I gather are going to happen anyway, they are going to be ogre sized models.
I asked him about them doing basic troops, he said that their remit does not currently allow them to make stand alone infantry, like chaos dwarf warriors. He did however (with a cheeky grin and a twinkle in his eye) say that *IF* they were to have the warriors mounted on a war machine, and people could buy the warriors separately in order to go on it, that it would be a possible way forwards. He mentioned again the Blunderbussers wagon, so imo that one is going to happen.
Something we chatted about for a little bit was the daemonic stuff. How the last thing we’ve seen from GW for them is the Hellcannon, which is obviously nothing to do with steam power. It seems they have thought about this as well, infact he may bring it up at the meeting next week…
The way Mark described this I think they are definitely moving towards a combined range of models that has both steam and daemon powered models (i.e. some steam, some daemonic). We discussed how this would be done in the fluff, and he said they may look at a daemonic energy cult (not his exact words) as a way of working it in. I am fairly certain we will see some exclusively daemon powered models at some point.
I asked him about when the WF book was to be set, whether it is before or after what we consider to be the present (i.e. after SoC or not). What I took from his answer is that it is set in the present, as in the nurgle hordes are right now marching in at the start of the book. He said that the fans would always pick apart where certain characters are in the timeline, whether it’s before or after SoC etc. So from what I gather they have gone with the easier option of starting it *today*, as in a direct follow on after the 8th ed rulebook. The interesting thing is that from their point of view this is the official continuation of the timeline, it is not an alternate future. Mark was very clear about that. Presumably they are leaving it up to the fans to take it or leave it, which is exactly how it should be I think.
He said that where they go after the first book (or 2 books, he wasn’t clear) is up to them, it may change now that Rick has gone. So I wouldn’t consider anything written in stone yet.
I asked him about their plans for Dwarfs (as someone on warseer asked me to) and it seems they have no immediate plans, other than that they are planning to provide the most support to the highest selling warhammer armies, of which Dwarfs are 5th apparently. I guess that says a lot about their plans, he did say that Skaven are seeing a bit of a blip in sales at the moment, but I take it from what he said that they are not a high seller possibly(?)
I asked about how they are looking to do the nurgle models, what they are currently looking at is keeping the back half of the warrior cloaks and replacing the rest with an upgrade set. A tentacle arm was mentioned. For the knights I think it could be everything but the shield arm gets replaced. I didn’t actually ask about the horse for some reason. Maybe the horse head?
The empire upgrade sets are being improved, as has previously been said.
I asked Mark about when they plan to start rolling this stuff out. They are hoping to get stuff out in January, with the Tamurkhan book out in April. Some models before, some with book, some after, same format as IA. I asked him this directly after the steam train questions and I believe that is the one he said had just been sent for production.
Lastly, I asked him about the interview from the newsletter. He said I should talk to Ead, who said (and I quote) “someone started a thread on Warseer asking about us doing interviews and we thought it was a good idea…” To which I replied “that was me!” Lol. So folks, clearly the Forgeworld people (well, ead at least) DO read threads here about FW, hence why I’m sure they will read this.
I didn’t realise, but it seems the Black Library people have done video interviews at some point, Ead was saying that they’ve got the same person doing them. They will hopefully include some picture stills of models and artwork through it, something I said there should have been more of in the Dark Eldar vids. The interview(s) will be put up in December, just before Christmas. Ead was saying that the questions people send in will all be reviewed and they will pick the best to ask.
I asked Mark if they can do this for Warhammer Forge and he said they will! Yay.
Cheers again Mark and Ead.
Grimstonefire na CDO pisze:From what I gather, they are now committed to producing a full list anyway.
Ach te uroki bycia ciągle głodnymMad Mike pisze:To nie wypali. Zanim wjedzie, to sytuacja ulegnie odwróceniu i tort będzie w środku Cezarakwaku pisze:nawet gdyby miał tam wjechać tort z Cezarym w środku.
Infernal Puppet pisze:Skavenom udaje się 100%, nieudane projekty to sabotaże konkurencji więc się nie liczą.
i komentarz jeszcze do tegoghost21 na Warseer pisze:a tiny bit of info
the list in the turkmanian book for cd will be based around the black fortess
there WILL however be a normal CD list coming out with a WF book SOON afterwards!
i jeszcze to w tym temacieGrimstonefire na warseer pisze:I take it this is confirmed then. 100% categorically there will be 2 CD only playable lists(?).
One that puts all the tamurkhan CD models into one (elite) list. The Legion of Azgorh.
One that puts all the other CD models in (like BC and hobgoblins).
Plus the option to integrate some into WoC tamurkhan lists.
Which makes the CD book highly likely to be the next one out, before Brets/TK.
Wszystko jasne?ghost21 na Warseer pisze:the tk/ bret one was at least 6 months to a year away anyway
the cd one should be within a few months of the turkmanian book look out for a hobgoblin at gd france ...
(damn u spelling god)
ghost21 na Warseer pisze:theres 2 or 3 guys who are really demanding the cd fluff gets done properly not just there evil dwarfs who have a red bull fetish
the lady who does the proof reading is realy nice and she said she would make sure that the fluff makes sense
zhatan87 na CDO pisze:Hi everybody!
I was to the french GD!
And there are many things to share with you!
I have forgot my camera (damn!!!!), but a friend take some pics that I will share as soon as possible.
1) Miniatures : no more minis than what we can see in other GD, so that I didn't take any pics. Some were lacking, such as the great taurus...
But CD minis are unbelievable : cute, great level of detail.
One of my favourite is the dreadquake!
CD crew are beauty, and the ogre slave is great!
2) I talked with FW people. They couldn't tell me much but what I got :
To the question of big hat : the taller, the better you are in the CD society.
To the question of hobgoblins : surprise.
To the other ; nothing.
But they said that we shoudn't wait all the entries in the list. So, I assume that they will make monsters and war machines (they have already done them), but if I should bid on something, I will say that no CD core units...
The CD book was there!
Yes I saw it! Not the complete throne book of tamurkhan, but I got in my hands the pdf of the CD list and fluff which will feature into it!
I was so happy
I take some pics, but I couldn't have all the pages of course... But many of them...
I think that it takes 30 to 40 pages (recto). So, I assume that there won't be a separate CD book But, hey, still a CD list in the Tamurkhan book!
3) Fluff : as I wanted to concentrate on the list (to play the list as soon as possible), I didn't take time to read all the fluff, and I didn't take any pic of the fluff part.
But, of what I read, the fluff looks like very nearly to the old one, in the old 4th edition CD book. I found the same phrases.
There was included a topic on black orcs and the revolt, and how they were fired of the CD kingdom (maybe it was written to explain why there is no more orc and BO entry in the list)
Artwork are really good, very dark style, and as technology on the characters as they can draw.
4) The list : I love the fluffy rules they give to the army!
I have many pics to share with you! (soon)
The CD list is rather good. Many things look pretty optimized (as I'm a tournament player).
Lord :
The list presents only one special character, and it is not Azgor. Maybe the list lacks entry???
He is riding a better great taurus (W5), for a cost of 500 pts.
The only lord entry is sorcerer lord.
265 pts. Sorcerer lord are level 3 sorcerer AND daemonsmith.
Lore of Hashut (yes we have!), lore of fire, metal and death. No more shadow.
Daemonsmith rule : within 3 inches of warmachine, gain look out sir rule, and relance artillery or scattery dice for one warmachine.
CD need daemonsmith as some misfire are pretty strong...
You need daemonsmith in order to get some entry (kdiii, warmachines, etc...)
Fluffy rule : if miscast, another fact : 1Wound lost (without save) but gain +1T as they become to change to stone! One time for the +1 T (but not for the -1W)...
Can ride lamassu and great taurus.
Great taurus : same as before with new rule.
Lamassu : they say to refer to "storm of magic" book!
All CD characters come with the black armour for free!
Heroes :
Daemonsmith : 95 pts
level 1, fire, metal and death
Daemonsmith have an enchanted blade, they throw on the chart in order to know what is the gain (such as eternal hattred, reroll, etc...)
CD hero : 105 pts
T5 and LD 9 now
Come with the GREAT rule : Stubborn!
Hobgoblin khan : 40 pts
BC hero : I will describe them in BC units. Do not look at the older version any more!
Core units :
CD core units :
Same as before, can have great weapon, shield or blunderbusses.
Blunderbusses : as described on warseer : range 12, S3 piercing.
1d3 multiple shots (roll one time for the unit).
If 10 blunder : no more long range and stand and shoot reaction penality
If 20 or more : reroll to wound
Hobgoblins : 4 pts
Come with light armour and throwing knives
Animosity : great change, very fluffy. No test if CD or BC within 6.
1 : panic test (coward!) If succeed, act as normal.
2-5 : act as normal
6 : bloody murderers! 1D3 wounds, then get reroll to hit.
Backstabber rule : very fluffy too! : if restrain to pursue, fleeing unit suffer 1D6 S3 hits for each 10 hobgoblins
Special units :
No more BO, orcs or goblins
No more sneaky gits
No more bolt thrower
Infernal guard : Changes!
WS5, stubborn now!
13 pts, +1 pt for shield
Fireglaves can have shields
Wolf riders : mongol look
7 pts (????? Should be an error!)
unit size 5+.
Fluffy rules : if they charge from rear or flanck, +1 to combat resolution. If charged, -1 to hit roll.
BC unit : monstruous beasts
Have scaly skin rule (5+). Have heavy armour.
Can have shield (5 pts), great weapon (10 pts), or spears (5 pts)
Cause fear!
Characters are the same : hero : S5T5W3A4. Cause fear, may have black armour (but not BC units)
New unit : Kdiiiiiiii
Bound daemon!
Monstruous infantry
Unbreakable, unstable
Fear, flamming attack
Ward save 4+, 2+ ward save against flamming attacks
One rule say that every model in base to base (but not other Kdiii) suffer 1S4 hit, flamming
Another rule is very fluffy : CD sorcerer summon these creatures. With time, they lost power on them.
At the beginning of the 2dn turn, and for each turn, toughness test. If failed, 1D3 wound without save.
Magma cannon : 145 pts
war machine
flamme thrower, range 24.
S5, 1D3 wound
Rocketteer : 100 pts
Our old death rocket.
war machine
Stone thrower, S3 flamming, S8 1D6 wounds
Rare units :
Iron daemon : changes :
S8T8W8 on the list. S8T6W6 on the fluffy part.
Every warmachines can have hellbound amelioration :
hellbound : magical, cause fear, +1T and +1W. But is misfire, additionnal 1D3 wound (no save)
Chaos giant siege
Dreadquake : 155 pts
our new earthshaker!
war machine
Got an ogre slave. Can have another one for 20 pts (so we can reach 9 wounds!)
S5 template, S10 1D6 wounds.
Quake wave : dangerous test for the unit if they want to move or fire. No march move, no charge.
Slow to fire : if the ogre slave is slain, 3+ to fire.
My feeling : good value unit!
Finally, our NEW MONSTER : Kdii Monster
Contrary to what we thought, the artwork that shown a taurus in fusion is the Kdii! Looks like a golem bull!
Unbreakable, unstable
Frenzy +1D3
Flamming attack, terror, large target
Ward save 4+, 2+ ward save against flamming attacks
Same rules as Kdii
Hashut lore : soon but I found only two spells not as usefull as the others.
Lore attribute : +1D3 casting against Flammable...
Signature spell : range 12 : get hattred rule. Boost version : all unit in 12
Sixth spell : Flammes of Azghor are back!!!!!! And yes they are!
Small template, scatter 1D6. S6, 1D6 wound.
+ under the center : Toughness test -2 or slain (no save).
25+ : boost version : great template
10 Magics items. Rather good but as in the TK book.
That's all folks!
My feeling : I fear that we won't have our own CD book (to costly). But the CD list is good.
Miniatures are great, cute, well designed and great amount of details.
The CD list is rather good, and very fluffy!
Ravening Hordes list isn't gone, as the two lists are very differents way to play!
We shouldn't wait FW to make all the range, so, everybody here, that have allways loved to be free to have their own vision of their mini, still have this possibility!
To Thommy H : this is a reason why CDO won't die!