Nowe armie z WFB w tym roku

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"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 116
Lokalizacja: cz-wa

Nowe armie z WFB w tym roku

Post autor: petronikus »

Kto wie jakie 7-edycyjne armie wyjdą w tym roku z WFB :?: ...i następnym.

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Posty: 2825
Lokalizacja: Legion Kraków

Post autor: Dibo »

Teraz szczurki sakveni potem kozy beastmeni (jupi!) a po nich chyba mumie khemri ale tego ostatniego akurat nie jestem pewien .
Czcij Koze !!

Twoja Stara gra w Age of Sigmar !

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Posty: 780
Lokalizacja: XIII Kohorta

Post autor: Kris »

Gdzies na cytadeli zapowiedź była zupełnie nowej armii - coś a la indie - nomadzi, słonie bojowe itd.
ale nie pamiętam czy to miało być w tym roku....
Chieftain (Skaven Hero - 45pkt.) Toughness: 4
Goblin Big Boss (Goblin Hero - 35pkt.) Toughness: 4
Elf Prince (High Elf Lord - 150pkt.) Toughness: 3
I gdzie tu sprawiedliwość na świecie :?:

"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 119
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Post autor: lizardboy »

to był żart na prima aprilis

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Posty: 2586

Post autor: Kefas »

War Seer pisze:Order of army books that were released during 6th edition
Empire (oct 2000)
Orcs & Goblins (nov 2000)
Dwarfs (jan 2001)
Vampire Counts (apr 2001)
Dark Elves (jun 2001)
High Elves (jan 2002)
Skaven (mar 2002)
Hordes of Chaos (jun 2002)
Tomb Kings (jan 2003)
Lizardmen (may 2003)
Beasts of Chaos (aug 2003)
Bretonnia (feb 2004)
Ogre Kingdoms (jan 2005)
Wood Elves (aug 2005)
Dwarfs* (mar 2006)
Note that the last couple of books were written when the 7th edition rules were almost completely done and so they work much better under 7th edition than most other 6th edition armies. For that reason they are not very likely to get an update at all in 7th edition and will more likely be redone in early 8th edition.

7th edition
The seventh edition of the rulebook was published in september 2006 and like the change from 4th to 5th edition, going from 6th to 7th changed relatively little. All army books remained useable, though naturally some things became more or less useful than they were.

Army books released so far during 7th edition
Orcs & Goblins (oct 2006)
Empire (jan 2007)
High Elves (nov 2007)
Vampire Counts (mar 2008)
Daemons of Chaos (may 2008)
Dark Elves (aug 2008)
Warriors of Chaos (nov 2008)
Lizardmen (feb 2009)

Upcoming known army books (in order)
Skaven (late 2009)
Beasts of Chaos (early 2010)
Tomb Kings (first half 2010?)

Army books just behind the horizon (order not known)
Ogre Kingdoms (second half 2010?)
Bretonnia (2011?)
Note that releases more than a year away are always subject to change (though this does not happen very often), so we can only know things that are reasonably close for certain anyway.

8th edition
At the moment it looks like 8th edition will hit us medio 2010 or 2011 (2010 was the prime suspect for a long time, but 2011 has been creeping in a bit lately), with a release schedule probably similar to what Warhammer 40K had in 2008 - a new rulebook in july(ish) and a new starter set in september(ish). Most army books will have been released by that time, the starter set will be four years old (common lifespan for an edition of the core games is 4 years) and GW will likely want to put out a new, fresh one to attract new customers and tempt the veterans with deals that are "just too good not to get, even if I don't play either of the two armies". It is important to understand that new editions are primarily made to keep the excitement about the game high and NOT primarily about balancing anything. So expect rule tweaks to make the game more immersive and intuitve first and foremost.

The starter set will almost certainly include two set starter forces, quite different from each other. It will most likely be one "goodie" and one "baddie". The odds of it being Orcs & Goblins versus Empire are quite high.

Wild suggestions that will certainly crop up are:
- all existing army books will be invalidated (rubbish)
- Warhammer might switch to a D10 system instead of D6 (rubbish)
- the turn order might change from I Go, You Go to some kind of integrated system (rubbish)
- the game background might change dramatically, with the Empire being conquered by Chaos or something similar (rubbish)
These things always turn up when a new edition is underway and should be regarded with a healty dose of skepticism.

Army books or projects far off or uncertain
Dwarfs (early 8th edition?)
Wood Elves (early 8th edition?)
Chaos Dwarfs (GW "will develop them when we will have the time to, and resources")
Dogs of War (no plans to develop them)

New army books for entirely new or forgotten armies
Though Fishmen, Hobgoblins, Araby, Nippon, Cathay and Ind are more and more frequently mentioned in the army books (the Warriors of Chaos book mentions them all), the chance of any of them getting an army book any time soon is low.
tak to wyglądały i wyglądają plany developerskie GW by War Seer

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Posty: 1610
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Post autor: ANtY »

Ryboludzie :D

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Pan Spamu
Posty: 8709
Lokalizacja: krk czyli Ulthuan

Post autor: Kosa »

Kefas pisze:
War Seer pisze: - Warhammer might switch to a D10 system instead of D6 (rubbish)
ciekawe to :)
"Człowiek jest czemś, co pokonanem być winno"

Moja Galeria Pomalowanych Ludków

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Posty: 751
Lokalizacja: Łorsoł

Post autor: Telchar »

Kosa pisze:
Kefas pisze:
War Seer pisze: - Warhammer might switch to a D10 system instead of D6 (rubbish)
ciekawe to :)
War Seer pisze: (rubbish) - Serwis Społeczności Mordheim

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Posty: 2180
Lokalizacja: Solec nad Wisłą

Post autor: Tullaris »

No to co, czekamy na figurki do rybikaów :lol2: .
Tullaris Dredbringer was dying. He knew this, and he cared not.... At last, he knew the truth that Khain had tried to share with him all theas years, and it was glorius.
"Kings of Ulthuan!" the Pheniks King spat the words sa a curse. "You are usurpres and thieves. You owne me a debt. In my name, and thad of my fadher, I call upon you to repey it now."

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"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 116
Lokalizacja: cz-wa

Post autor: petronikus »

ryboludzie cos jak takie nagi z warcrafta...hmm no i ten pomysł z D10 kolejne "nowe coś" by wydoić kasę od klientów

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Posty: 1610
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Post autor: ANtY »

Jezu, pisze przecież, że ta plotka to rubbish - śmieć....

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"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 170
Lokalizacja: Legionowo

Post autor: Pistolet »

np w wh40k juzsa ryboluzie (tau) wiec tutaj tez moze przemyca troche rybości do jakiejś armii

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Undead, Flying, Lucky Git
Posty: 5574

Post autor: Jasiuuu »

lizaki są trochę rybowate ... po ograch nie potrzebna nam w batllu kolejna cyrk-armia :mrgreen:

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Posty: 4131
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Fisch »

ja bym się bankowo przerzucił na ryboludzi!

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Posty: 1207
Lokalizacja: O(j)pole

Post autor: Hobbit »

GW dla zwiększenia sprzedaży pewnie tak skomponowałoby AB, że ryboludzie wciągaliby demony nosem. :)
O największy z wielkich! Co będziemy robić w tej edycji? To samo co w każdej głupcze... Opanowywać świat!
Opolski klub gier bitewnych "WarAcademy"

Chuck Norris
Posty: 487

Post autor: GreatJester »

Którego nie mają :wink: Mogliby zrobić army book przymierza wschodu, czyli Ind, Nippon, Kataj. A hobgobosy? Do ogrów! Też mongoły :P

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Posty: 2180
Lokalizacja: Solec nad Wisłą

Post autor: Tullaris »

Mnie najbardziej cieszy ta plota :) .
- the game background might change dramatically, with the Empire being conquered by Chaos or something similar (rubbish)
No to dobro w Warhammerze przestanie ciągle wygrywać, choć wolał bym aby Imperium upało przez Wampiry lub Nagasha, a nie przez chałas.
A skoro już Imperiu ma upaść, to może też inny ciągle (dziwnym trafem :? ) dotychczas niepokonany byt (Ulthuan) wkońcu padnie i prawowity Władca obejmie władzę nad tą wyspą :twisted: :D .

Ps. jakiego przymierza wschodu :? , oddziele AB dla Kathauj, Nippoiu i Indu :P .
Tullaris Dredbringer was dying. He knew this, and he cared not.... At last, he knew the truth that Khain had tried to share with him all theas years, and it was glorius.
"Kings of Ulthuan!" the Pheniks King spat the words sa a curse. "You are usurpres and thieves. You owne me a debt. In my name, and thad of my fadher, I call upon you to repey it now."

Chuck Norris
Posty: 487

Post autor: GreatJester »

No mogłeś podać moje imię. Nie bój się nie gryzę; no dobra gryzę :twisted: Rogatyszczur weźmie w swe szpony cały świat. Ale nie sądze by empire upadło. Bo musiały by upaść krasnale, Bretonia, we

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Posty: 1006
Lokalizacja: Katowice

Post autor: Quaki »

chlopaki.. czy nie widzicie pieknego slowa "rubbish"?
podpowiadam - znaczy ono: smieci, odpadki, bzdura, bulsiet :]

Chuck Norris
Posty: 487

Post autor: GreatJester »

Widzimy , widzimy. Człowiek lubi gadać o bzdurach. Albo nazywać bzdurami rzeczy nieuniknione :badgrin: