Mordęga do idealniej rozpy - by Kanadian

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Re: Mordęga do idealniej rozpy - by Kanadian

Post autor: Kanadian »

pojawiała się szansa na wyjazd na arene, więc projekt Radom musi poczekać.

Mam pomysł pojechać na 2 slanach.

2800 Pts - Lizardmen Army

1 Slann Mage-Priest @ 400.0 Pts
Lore of Shadow; Battle Standard
Crown of Command, Plaque of Tepok
Higher State of Consciousness
Focused Rumination

1 Slann Mage-Priest @ 290.0 Pts
General, Lore of Life
Focus of Mystery
Obsidian Trinket

2x20 Saurus Warriors @ 226.0 Pts

4x10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70.0 Pts

2x5 Chameleon Skinks @ 60.0 Pts

2x6 Kroxigors @ 330.0 Pts

16 Temple Guard @ 287.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
Banner of the Eternal Flame

2x2 Salamander Hunting Packs @ 150.0 Pts

Models in Army: 136

Total Army Cost: 2789.0

Ogólnie x2 stubborn w armii oraz 2x 4lev, magicy co czynią armię bardziej stabilną,
2 lory z których całkiem fajne comab można krecić, (ale to aż 700 punktów) i dlatego nie starczyło mi punktów na sztandary w saurusach a i chamki jakoś biednie wyglądają, jakoś nie widzę co można tu zrobić, jakieś sugestie?

lub bardziej tradycyjnie na:

Slann (LIGHT) + BSB
Focus of Mystery
Focused Rumination
Higher State of Consciousness
Becalming Cogitation
Crown of Command
Obsidian Trinket
Cube of Darkness

3x20 Saurus Warriors
Banner, Musician

4x10 Skink Skirmishers

3x6 Chameleon Skinks

2x6 Kroxigors

3 Teradons

2x2 Salamander Hunting Packs

opcja nr 2 nie ma flamingów, tylko jeden mag, więc jak rzut mi nie wyjdzie to tracę faze magii, i już wiem że przeciw ogrom light nie jest najlepszym wyborem, ale za to śmietnik bogaty, są latacze i więcej saurusów.

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Posty: 2947

Post autor: Golonka »

Pierwsza opcja jest ciekawa, ładnie złożona i do przemyślenia. Pograj tym i daj znać. Druga jest raczej fajna, ale brakuje jej game breakerstwa pierwszej, za to jest bardziej pewna i sprawdzona.
Furion pisze:
@nders9 pisze:
Can units deploy closer than 1" apart?
No, becouse no.

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Posty: 1304

Post autor: Kanadian »

Pierwsza gra, i zaskakująco dobrze, przeciw Ogrom. Starciłem 2x skink 2 salki, i 50% kroksów (punktowo), i wyczyściłem stół.

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Posty: 2947

Post autor: Golonka »

Super. A co miał przeciwnik? I którą grałeś?
Furion pisze:
@nders9 pisze:
Can units deploy closer than 1" apart?
No, becouse no.

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Posty: 1304

Post autor: Kanadian »

Grałem z Murmim, rozpa pierwsza.
6 maneters w scoutcie, 2x3 cawa, 2x piesko-koty, 7 i 9 Ironów (z dwurakami) fierbelly + Duży mag BSB, 2x Canon 2x10 gnoblars

Oboje testujemy armię, u niego na pewno pojawi się tyrant bardzo go brakowało.
co zauważyłem:
1. Wystawienie 6 maneterów na flance jest przerażająca, w szczególności jak nie masz na flankach żadnej sensownej odpowiedzi. I nie łudzę się że kiedykolwiek będę miał, bo wystawi ich gdzie indziej.
2. Iron balstery padają od 2x10 skinków
3. Piesko-koty są strasznie gietą jednostką, tanie jak barszcz, szybkie, S i T 4, 2W, i do tego wszędzie się wcisną, jedna z lepszych odginaczek w grze.

przy tych punktach ciężko ich wymanewrować, ponieważ armia jest zaskakująco szybka, a do tego mocna w szarży.

za chwilę test nr 2, z Imperium.

Nie powiódł się, fakt że zagraliśmy 2,5 tury, ale było ciężko, rakiety mi zdziesiątkowały armie, wszystkie trafiały było bolesne. nawet przeciętna faza magii mogła dużo zmienić ale niestety przeciwnik musiał zakończyć. Więc uznaję porażkę.

Choć bardziej źle zagrałem niż armia się nie sprawdziła.

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Posty: 1304

Post autor: Kanadian »

Nowa kmina, Punkty Silesian'owe - 2800
możliwe że dam radę dotrzeć.

Starałem się wrócić do stegadona i czystych kroksów.

Slann Mage-Priest 455 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Light; Battle Standard
Focus of Mystery; Focused Rumination; Higher State of Consciousness
Obsidian Amulet
Dispel Scroll
Engine of the Gods 395 Pts
Magic Level 2;Luckstone

4x10 Skink Skirmishers 70 Pts
2x20 Saurus Warriors 238 Pts
Shield; Standard; Musician

2x6 Chameleon Skinks 72 Pts
3 Terradon Riders 90 Pts
2x6 Kroxigors 330 Pts

2x2 Salamander Hunting Packs 150 Pts

Models in Army: 124

My Lizzies vs Ryrics Druchii, we battled at 2800 points.

Ryric was kind enough to quickly cut up his 3000 point army, to play me at 2800.
Just to help me to prepare for atourney, I want to attend.

Ryrics list

S. Sorc Levle 4 Fire (spells 0,2,5,6)
Sacraficial Dagger and Pendant
Sorc L2 Metal (spells 2,3,4)
Toum of furion
Sorc L2 Shadow (spells 0,5)

16 Rxb's with shields and music
40 Corsairs Full command and frenzy
16 warriors with musician
10 Corsairs with hand-xbows, music and champion
2x5 harpies

2x5 WE
20 BG banner and music
5 CoK with music

2x Hydra
Models in Army: 129

The Battle Plan
Avoid confrontation at all cost's with his combat troops.
Use Sallies to wither down his BG and Corsair's
Take out one hydra with kroxes (need magic support to do this), Magic missile the other and shoot it to death.
Do the same to the rest of the army, magic and shoot it to death, there is no point in engaging the druchii in CC, as they are easily taken down with shooting. Exception is my combat troops can handle their support unit's.


I was satisfied with the Deployment, I had kroxes by the forest, where no elves could receive steadfast, and my RnF infantry was on the other side.

Ostatnio zmieniony 18 wrz 2012, o 05:59 przez Kanadian, łącznie zmieniany 2 razy.

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Posty: 1304

Post autor: Kanadian »

Tą rozpą zagrałem jedną grę do tej pory.

The first turn

I manage to win the roll for first turn.

I move forward, mainly to give myself room to flee. Using chamo skinks to draw out and isolate Druchii unit's, in result hopefully allowing my kroxes to rush his Supreme Sorceress.

The magic phase
Magic phase is wasted as both my casters (Slan and priest) fail to cast their spell's.

Shooting phase
It's more fruitful, the right chamo skink manage to get 5 poisons on WE, deleting the unit.
Their cousins only managed to kill 2 harpies, meaning that extinction is near.


My opponent's go

The right harpy unit, vengefully charges chamo skink as payback. Hoping to gain in the eyes of the oldones they hold. (I would gain nothing from a fleeing unit of camos), and if they held, it could mean that the 2 frenzied units could possibly be pulled out of place.
I could s&s the other unit of harpies and my opponent decides to hold them in position, to protect the Supreme Sorceress. This was a good call.
The left hydra moves up, but my skink are far enough, that the flame template could only kill a few, so it doesn't breath f9ire this turn. Corsairs move up to test their luck at shooting some chamo skinks.

In the center the WE and Corsairs move up, but keep far enough to make my charge too risky. Rxb's take up position in the building.
On the right flank, the BG circle the building to set up a killzone. While the hydra and knights rush forward to flank me.

The center skink find themselves trapped in a flame cage, this was a result of and insane magic phase, with 3 successful Druchii channels, and 3 successfully cast power of darkness, my opponent had an insane amount of dice, while I only had 3 DD. Enchanted blades are cast on rxb's in the building. Fire ball hit's my treadons killing one.

In the shooting phase the teradon unit is finished off by the rxbs.

In combat 3 chamo skink are killed, in return they only get one harpie back. Thanks to cold blooded they hold, on a luckey roll of 3. Making me a very happy person, My opponent moved his CoC so far up, it prevented him form charging next turn.


Turn two, My go

The left skink fail their march test, and cant escape the hydra, in result are feed to it, they move in front of the beast, forcing a charge flee, reaction. Meaning the end of my skink unit, but in return allowing me 2 rounds of shooting and magic, which should be, more then sufficient, to take the beast down.
The other unit of skink moves away from harm. Here I made a mistake, I moved them, too far up, and in result are no longer in shooting range.
The dicision was a hard one, but the skinks (flame cage) are sacrificed for the grater good, and move forward (one survives), in order to allow the Kroxes to rush forward, putting pressure on the Supreme sorceress.
The unengaged chameleons start to circle the Druchii line, to get a decent shot at the CoB.
One saurus unit moves closer to the killzone, to taunt the enemy in to charging.
Mean while, the other unit moves out of the charge arc of the hydra, and set up a killzone of my own (along with the EoTG), except my killzone is not as obvious.
Both unit's of sallies move in for a shot at the enemy.

I cast net on the handbowed corsairs to discourage my opponent of planning to try a lucky charge to get them to the flank of my kroxes. One harpie is killed thanks to the heavens lore attribute, rest is dispelled.

Skink manage to wound the left hydra twice.
Chamo skink kill some warriors.
Center salies kill off 4 WE and some corsairs.
While the right sallies burn some BG.

Only one chamo skin is left fighting 2 harpies, but thanks to the will of Slan he refuses to run.


My opponent's go

The BG charges my right salie unit, who flee accordingly to the battle plan,the BG redirect and target my saurus, I decide to try my luck and hold.
The lone WE charges here executioners a.k.a. sallies. Thus making room for the corsair charge.
The corsairs team up with the BG and try to hit my saurus, which gives me a nice opportunity to flee. The BG fail their charge.
And the Corsairs then redirect in to the only possible target the Kroxes. Normally I would flee, but since the sally-WE combat taking place in front of them, meaning only a quarter of the corsairs will be fighting 2/3 of my saurus. And the corsairs position them selves in the middle of my killzone.
On the left the hydra charges my skink, who the Slan sacrifices, giving them the flee order, the hydar doesn't brake a sweat easily catching up with the skink, enjoying it's meal it is unaware that is fate is already sealed. As the plan of the old ones draws near.
The right hydra moves up to breath fire on to the saurus.
The CoK move in to a good charge position.

Shooting and magic
magic is generally stopped, and the last fireball spell directed at my chamo skink draws my scroll, as I will need them to take down the CoB, and I'm already 1/2 of my skink unit's are out of action. The survivor of the flame cage is gunned down by the CoC. The unengaged kroxes take 2w. The hydra toasts a few saurus (making quite a few saves)

in combat my chamo skink is finally slaughtered, and the harpies reform. The WE kills a sallie skink and going down.
The corsairs are slaughtered by the kroxes, but thanks to steadfast they hold.


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Posty: 1304

Post autor: Kanadian »

Turn three

My go

Left krox charge harpies, center sallies after some consideration charge the other unit of harpies, who flee, so I redirect in to the flank of the CoC, my opponent wants to flee, but forgot that stupidity makes him ITP.
In the right both the EoTG and saurus charge the engaged unit of corsairs.


My slan moves closer to the hydra just to personally observe the beast go down, as the hydra is concentrated on the Slan a unit of skink moves behind it.
Both sallies and saurus rally. A unit of skink positioned itself between the hydra, CoK and my saurus.
The chameleons move in to take a shot at the cob.
The EoTG uses it's flare, killing some corsairs doing a W on the hydra. magic is uneventful.

The left hydra dies the death of a thousand cut's, as it takes so many wounds it cant save them all, and goes down. While the remaining skink unit targets the other hydra, unfortunately only taking one wound.
the chameleons kill two CoB attendance.

The corsairs are massacred, after the fight only 4 remain, they flee only to meet their end, trampled by the stegadon. The krox turn to face the hydra, and the saurus face the BG.
The left kroxes go through the harpies, and overrun in to the flank of the warriors.
The sallies wound the chariot but it holds on a 5. and then reforms :?.


My opponent's go


first of all the BG charge my saurus, according to my battle plan I did not want to engage them in combat so I flee, the BG have no possible charges.
The hydra charges he fleeing saurus to push them further away from combat, next redirects in to the skink, the skink flee. So the hydra is stranded.
The CoK charge the fleeing skink to push them off the table, and redirects in to the only target, the saurus.
On the right the corsairs desperately try to save their general wizard, by flank charging the kroxes.

Magic is generally stopped except for a enchanted blades on the Rxb's.

The Rxb's target the EoTG, wounding the beast and killing one skink.

The CoK win the combat with the saurus but the saurus hold.
On the opposite side, the kroxes smash a handful of druchii and both units flee, kroxes chase the warriors and sorc. (in the photo I did not move the kroxes in the persuit)
The sallies wound the CoC but it holds.


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Posty: 1304

Post autor: Kanadian »

Turn Four

My go

Krox charge the fleeing warriors causing them to flee of the table.
EotG charges the CoB
Second Krox unit hit the flank of the remaining Hydra.


Salies move in to finish off the BG.
Slan approches the saurus and kroxes to buff them in combat.
Skink move in closer to shoot some corsairs.

In magic phase I fail the first spell with the slan by rolling a total of 8 on 5 dice, pure skill.
The rest is dispelled.

The sallies evaporate all but 3 BG.
Harpies are shot down by the Chamo skink.

The CoC takes another wound, but holds
The COB is killed (or left on 1 wound)
The krox loose combat, but hold.
The knights are broken by the saurus.

My opponent's go
At this point my opponent calls it.

Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3154
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, 8 Bila

Post autor: Myth »

Te Twoje raporty są naprawdę ciekawe, jedyne co, to wrzuć może rozpiskę DE. Jaką magią władała ich czarodziejka? - druki 3D i turnieje.

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Posty: 1304

Post autor: Kanadian »

Faktycznie gdzieś zgubiłem początek, już dodany. Cieszę się że się podoba.

Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3154
Lokalizacja: Warszawa, 8 Bila

Post autor: Myth »

Teraz jest wszystko tak jak być powinno. Przeciwnik nie próbował wybiec w jakiś sposób babką z pit of shades przed siebie i rzucać czar z fafnastu kości w stedzia/slanna? - druki 3D i turnieje.

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Posty: 1304

Post autor: Kanadian »

jedna nie trafiła, jedną za słabo rzucił, jedną zbiłem.