Data: 08.02.2014
Format: 2400 ETC (draft 2)
Wpisowe: 10 zł
Nagrody: Zależne od frekwencji
Limit miejsc: 30
Adres: Pałac Młodzieży w Tarnowie, ul. Józefa Piłsudskiego 24
W razie pytań odnośnie jak dotrzeć proszę pisać do mnie lub do Maka.
Rozkład jazdy:
9.00 - 9.30 Zapisy
9.30 - 12.15 I Bitwa
12.30 - 15.00 II Bitwa
15.30 - 18.00 III Bitwa
18.15 Ogłoszenie wyników i zakończenie turnieju (dla chętnych Afterparty
![Twisted Evil :twisted:](./images/smilies/icon_twisted.gif)
Czas na bitwę: max 2,30 min (na pierwszą bitwę 2,45 min). Gramy 3 bitwy, każda 6 tur.
Po drugiej bitwie przerwa techniczna na paszę
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
![Exclamation :!:](./images/smilies/icon_exclaim.gif)
Na terenie Pałacu Młodzieży, a co za tym idzie, w trakcie turnieju obowiązuje zakaz spożywania alkoholu!
Rozkład jazdy jest sztywny jak procedury urzędnicze, nie naruszalny rzekłbym. Proszę o trzymanie się go
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
UWAGA!!! Wałowanie będzie surowo karane, przy pierwszym stwierdzonym celowym oszukiwaniu podczas gry delikwent dostaje -10 lub więcej pkt (wg. uznania sędziego) do generalki, za drugim razem wylatuje z turnieju!!!
Arik - główny
White Lion - liniowy
Mapki: gramy na mapkach ETC
Proxy dopuszczalne.
Brak wymogu pomalowanej armii, ale będzie ocena malowania
Bezwzględnie wymaganym, minimum to akcesoria ułatwiające płynną grę zatem:
* posiadanie Army Booka, CZYTELNEJ rozpiski
* wzorniki oraz odpowiednie modele – jeśli wymagane
* spis czarów/karty magii – jeśli wymagany
* miarka oraz kostki.
Posiadanie całości = +5DP do klasyfikacji generalnej. Brak czegokolwiek = 0DP.
Ocena malowania 0-5:
- pomalowane 100% armii - 3pkt
- pomalowane 75%-99% - 2 pkt
- pomalowane 50%-74% - 1 pkt
- pomalowane mniej niż 50% - 0 pkt
- podstawki wymodelowane i pomalowane 0-1
- tray'e 0-1
proxy w armii - 0 pkt z oceny malowania
Victory points scored as per the rulebook, with the exceptions that:
- units that are at 25% or less of their original models yield 50% VP's to the opponent (characters, monsters and handlers, war machines and single models are unaffected).
-units that are fleeing at the end of the battle yield 50% VP's to the opponent.
In both cases, bonuses (for generals, banners, etc.) are not counted towards the 50%. Units that are both: fleeing and at/below ¼ strength still only yiled 50% VP’s.
Victory points to Battle points per game:
0-160 -> 10-10
161-320 -> 11-9
321-480 -> 12-8
481-640 -> 13-7
641-800 -> 14-6
801-960 –> 15-5
961-1120 –> 16-4
1121-1280 -> 17-3
1281-1440 -> 18-2
1441-1600 -> 19-1
1600+ -> 20/0
Second Draft Rulepack for ETC WFB 2014
1. Rule changes
• Up to 2 Characters per unit can get "look out sir" against the following spells: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation and Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for Look Out, Sir! apply.
• BSBs can take all the equipment their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs. Wood Elf BSB can take kindreds and do not lose their longbow.
2. Magic Restrictions
• An army may use up to maximum 12 power dice during each magic phase
• A player can never use more than 5 power dice to cast a spell, no matter the source. For the Lore of Death and the Okkam's Mindrazor spell, this is lowered to 4 power dice.
• Apart from Winds of Magic, an army may only generate up to 2 additional Power or Dispel Dice per magic phase (including channelling). Any extra dice above this is discarded and lost.
3. Army Building Restrictions
• All the Army building restrictions are applied only during the creation of the roster, and may be ignored during the game (for example, by joining characters to units or creating new units)
• The army lists allowed are those from any of the currently published GW Army Books, and The Legion of Azgorh from Tamurkhan. No other unit or army list may be used on the event.
• Special or Named Characters are not allowed
• Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress may not be taken.
• Units cannot be more than 60 models nor 450 points. This does not apply to characters.
• All army sizes are 2400 pt, except when specifically stated in brackets.
Beastmen (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Victory points achieved against Beastmen are decreased by 10%
• Units with Beastmen Ambush may alternatively deploy as if they had the Ambushers special rule (Note that this doesn’t require an equal or bigger unit not ambushing). Beastlords and Wargors may be allocated to join such units, and will enter the game with the corresponding unit.
Chaos Dwarfs (The Legion of Azgorh)
• K'daai Destroyer/War Machine/Hellcannon (max 1)/Chalice of Blood and Darkness/Sorceror-Prophet with Lore of Death, max 4
• Chalice of Blood and Darkness (counts as 2)/Death magic in the army/Dispel Scroll, max 2
• Ashstorm and Flames of Azgorh can’t be cast with more than 4 Power Dice
Daemons of Chaos
• Beast of Nurgle, max 8 models in total and 4 models per unit
• More than 4 Beast of Nurgle models present in the army/Skull Cannon (max 1)/Nurgle BSB/Great Unclean One with Lore of Death, max 2
Dark Elves
• Reaper Bolt Thrower/Each 5 (or fraction) shade models/Dark Rider with Repeater Crossbow units/Darkshard units, max 7
• Dark Rider units, Characters on Dark Steed, max 3 each
• Each 5 (or fraction) Doomfire Warlock models/Supreme Sorceress with Lore of Death/Sacrificial Dagger, max 2
• Arnzipal’s Black Horror can’t be cast with more than 4 Power Dice
• Can generate up to 4 Dispel Dice per phase instead of 2
• Anvil of Doom/Grudge Thrower/Cannon/Organ Gun/2nd Bolt Thrower, max 4
• Anvil of Doom/Spelleater Rune/Spellbreaking Rune/Master Rune of Balance, max 2
• Each 7 (or fraction) Demigryph Knight models/Steam Tank/War Altar with 2 or more Light Wizards presents in the army/Duplicated War Machines present in the army, max 2
• Great Cannon/Steam Tank/Hellblaster Volleygun/Engineers present in the army/2nd Mortar, max 5
• Steam Tank (max 1)/Great Cannon, max 3
High Elves
• Book of Hoeth/Banner of the World Dragon/Unmounted Frostheart Phoenix, max 2
• 2nd Unmounted Frostheart Phoenix (counts as 2)/Lord on Monster/Dispel Scroll/Silverhelms present in the army, max 3
• Archmage with Lore of Shadow or Death cannot use Book of Hoeth
• Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower/Each 8 (or fraction) Shadow Warrior or Sister of Averlon models/Archer units, max 7
• Ellyrian Reaver units, max 3
• Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One/Each 3 (or fraction) Salamander models, max 3
• Becalming Cogitation/Dispel Scroll/Channeling Staff and Harmonic Convergence on the same model/Slann with Lore of Death (not including Wandering Deliberations), max 2
• Skink Skirmisher units, max 4
Ogre Kingdoms
• Gnoblar units, max 3
• Crown of Command/Ironblaster/Each 8 (or fraction) Mournfang Models, max 2
• 2nd Ironblaster/Lords present in the army, max 1
• Hellheart/Dispel Scroll, max 1
Orcs and Goblins (2500)
• Rat Swarm units, Giant Rat units, Warlock Engineers, max 3 each
• Skaven Slave models, max 120
• Gutter Runner units, max 2
• 2nd Warp Lightning Cannon (counts as 2)/Screaming Bell/2nd Doomwheel/Hellpit Abomination (max 1), max 2
• Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Power Scroll/Screaming Bell, max 2
Tomb Kings (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Victory points achieved against Tomb Kings are decreased by 10%
• Skeleton Archer models, max 80
• Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations can't be taken by model with Lore of Death
Vampire Counts
• Zombies, max 3 units and 120 models
• Spirit Host units/Hexwraith units (max 2)/Ethereal characters(max 2)/Cairn Wraith units, max 3
• Red Fury/Death Magic present in the army/More than 8 Crypt Horror models/More than 10 Hexwraith models, max 2
• Quickblood on Vampire Lord/2nd Lord Choice/Terrorgheist (max 1)/2nd Banshee, max 2
Warriors of Chaos
• Exalted Hero on Daemonic Mount/Daemon Prince/Core Chaos Chariots present in the army (max 3)/Skullcrusher unit, max 4
• Daemon Prince/Chimera, max 2
• Hellcannon/Lore of Death present in the army/Lore of Tzeentch present in the army, max 2
• Third Eye of Tzeentch/Talisman of Preservation/Armour of Destiny, max 1 on the same model
• Chaos Armour/Soul Feeder/Dragonhelm/Dragonbane Gem/Wizard level(s)/Daemon of Nurgle/Flying/Lore of Death or Nurgle, max 3 on the same Daemon Prince
Wood Elves (2500)
• Glade Guard models (excluding scouts), max 50
• All elves in the army have ASF (Wild Riders are Elves. This does not affect mounts)
• Wizards may choose spells from any of the 8 Common Lores
• Forest Spirit's Ward Save is not negated by Magical Attacks