mają przyjemność zaprosić na turniej WARHAMMERA "Euro Paradox "
Czas i miejsce:
06.07.2014 Niedziela
Paradox Cafe - ul. ANIELEWICZA 2
Wpisowe: 15zł
Limit miejsc: 20
Format: 2400 EURO
Ogólne zasady turnieju.
W czasie turnieju obowiązują zasady 8ed WFB zapisane w:
rulebooku 8ed i army bookach
aktualnych erratach i faq'ach publikowanych na stronach Games Workshop
aktualnych uściśleniach sędziowskich viewtopic.php?f=29&t=35294
gramy 3 bitwy (6 tur lub 2:30h): 3x Battleline
gramy na stołach 72"x48"
Specyficzne zasady kompozycji armii:
Army Composition, Draft 3.5
1. Rule changes
• Up to 2 Characters in a unit can get a 2+ "Look Out, Sir!" against Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation and Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for Look Out, Sir! apply.
• BSBs can take all the equipment their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs. Wood Elf BSB can take kindreds and do not lose their longbow.
2. Magic Restrictions
• An army may use up to maximum 12 power dice during each magic phase
• A player can never use more than 5 power dice to cast a spell, no matter the source. For the Lore of Death and the Okkam's Mindrazor spell, this is lowered to 4 power dice.
• Apart from Winds of Magic, an army may only generate up to 2 additional Power or Dispel Dice per magic phase (including channelling). Any extra dice above this is discarded and lost.
3. Team restrictions
• A team consists of 8 players, each of which with an army from a different army list
• A team may not contain more than 2 armies with 3 or more Lore of Death spells. Beastmen and Tomb Kings do not count towards this limit.
4. Army Building Restrictions
• All the Army building restrictions are applied only during the creation of the roster, and may be ignored during the game (for example, by joining characters to units or creating new units)
• The army lists allowed are those from any of the currently published GW Army Books, and The Legion of Azgorh from Tamurkhan. No other unit or army list may be used on the event.
• Special or Named Characters are not allowed
• Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress may not be taken.
• Units cannot be more than 60 models nor 450 points. This does not apply to characters.
• All army sizes are 2400 pt, except when specifically stated in brackets.
Beastmen (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Victory points achieved against Beastmen are decreased by 10%
• May generate up to 3 Power Dice
• Gor and Minotaur units may carry magic standards (max 50 points)
Bretonnia (2500)
Chaos Dwarfs (The Legion of Azgorh)
• K'daai Destroyer/War Machine/Hellcannon (max 1)/Chalice of Blood and Darkness, max 4
• Chalice of Blood and Darkness (counts as 2)/Death magic in the army/Dispel Scroll, max 2
• Ashstorm can’t be cast with more than 4 Power Dice
Daemons of Chaos
• Beast of Nurgle, max 7 models in total and 4 models per unit
• 4 or more Beast of Nurgle models in the army/Skull Cannon (max 1)/1st Nurgle Herald/Great Unclean One with Lore of Death, max 2
Dark Elves
• Reaper Bolt Thrower/Each 5 (or fraction) shade models/Dark Rider with Repeater Crossbow units/Darkshard units, max 7
• Dark Rider units, Characters on Dark Steed, max 3 each
• Dark Rider models after 15/Doomfire Warlock models/Character on Cold One or Pegasus/Character on Dark Steed (counts as 2), max 15
• 6 or more Doomfire Warlock models/mounted Supreme Sorceress with Lore of Death or Dark Magic/Sacrificial Dagger, max 1
• Cannon/Grudge Thrower/Organ Gun/Flame Cannon/Each 2 (or fraction) Gyrocopter after 3, max 4
• Steam Tank/One or more duplicated war machines/Each 5 (or fraction) Demigryph models/War Altar and 2 or more Light Wizards in the army, max 3
• Great Cannon (max 2 if Steam Tank in the army)/Steam Tank (max 1)/Hellblaster Volleygun/Each Light Wizard after the first in an army with War Altar, max 4
High Elves
• Book of Hoeth/Banner of the World Dragon/Unmounted Frostheart Phoenix, max 2
• Frostheart Phoenix/Star Dragon/Moon Dragon, max 2
• Archmage with Lore of Shadow or Death cannot use Book of Hoeth
• Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower/Each 8 (or fraction) Shadow Warrior or Sister of Averlon models/Archer units, max 7
• Ellyrian Reaver units, max 3
• Skink Skirmisher units (max 4)/Skink Cohort unit/Flying, non-Frenzied, units or characters/Salamander models, max 14
Ogre Kingdoms
• Gnoblar units, max 3
• Crown of Command (counts as 2)/Runemaw/4 or more Characters/6 or more Mournfang models, max 3
• 2nd Ironblaster (counts as 2)/Lords present in the army/4 or more Mournfang models, max 2
• Hellheart/Dispel Scroll, max 1
Orcs and Goblins (2500)
• Rat Swarm units, Giant Rat units, Warlock Engineers, max 3 each
• Skaven Slave models, max 120
• Gutter Runners max 20 models
• 2nd Warp Lightning Cannon (counts as 2)/Screaming Bell/Hellpit Abomination (max 1), max 2
• Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Power Scroll/Screaming Bell, max 2
Tomb Kings (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Victory points achieved against Tomb Kings are decreased by 10%
• May generate up to 3 Power Dice
• Skeleton Archer models, max 80
• Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations can't be taken by model with Lore of Death
Vampire Counts
• Zombies, max 3 units and 120 models
• Ethereal Characters (max 2)/Ethereal units, max 3
• 2nd Crypt Horror unit/11 or more Hexwraith models (max 20)/3 or more Death spells in the army/Quickblood (only if combined with Red Fury), max 1
• Terrorgheist (max 1)/9 or more Crypt Horror models (max 16)/one or more Banshees/Red Fury, max 2
Warriors of Chaos
• Exalted Hero on Daemonic Mount/Daemon Prince/one or more Core Chaos Chariots (max 3)/Skullcrusher unit, max 4
• Daemon Prince/Chimera, max 2
• 2nd Hellcannon/Lore of Death and/or Tzeentch in the army, max 1
• Third Eye of Tzeentch/Talisman of Preservation/Armour of Destiny, max 1 on the same model
• Chaos Armour/Soul Feeder/Dragonhelm/Dragonbane Gem/3 or more Wizard levels/Daemon of Nurgle/Flying/Lore of Death or Nurgle, max 3 on the same Daemon Prince
Wood Elves
• Non-character models with Asrai longbow, max 90
• Hagbane tips/Trueflight Arrows/Waywatchers (count as 2)/Waystalkers (count as 5), max 60
• Spellweaver with Lore of Death/Moonstone of the Hidden Ways/3 or more Waystalkers, max 1
• 8 or more Sisters of the Thorn in the same unit/Spellweaver on Elven Steed with Lore of Death or Dark Magic, max 1
GRamy na najbardziej aktualne mapki Furiona
w przypadku braku potrzebnej ilości określonych terenów zastrzegamy sobie prawo do ich modyfikacji
![Twisted Evil :twisted:](./images/smilies/icon_twisted.gif)
Obowiązuje zakaz spożywania WŁASNEGO alkoholu, napojów, jedzenia oraz środków odurzających powszechnie zdelegalizowanych w trakcie turnieju. Osoby nie stosujące się do powyższych zaleceń będą wypraszane z Paradox Cafe.Zasady dodatkowe:
DO WARPA !!!: Jeżeli wciągniesz do warpa maga 4lv masz darmowe piwo w barze (sok dla nieletnich)
Przewidujemy drobne nagrody .
Harmonogram czasowy:
09:20-09:50 - zapisy
10:00-12:30 - I bitwa
12:40-15:10 - II bitwa
15:20-17:50 - III bitwa
18:00 - Zakończenie turnieju, rozdanie dyplomów i browarów (sok dla nieletnich) jak też ostatniego miejsca.
Ocena Malowania:
0 - wystarczy jeden prox w armii,
1 - armia nie w pełni pomalowana, ale ponad 50% modeli jest pomalowane,
3 - armia w pełni pomalowana, chociaż posiada pewne niedoróbki (np.brak trayów pod skirmish),
4 - armia w pełni pomalowana, WYSiWYG, traye pod regimentami, zarówno dla zwykłych jak i skirmish.
Simple Line of Sight
All units and terrain pieces are divided into the following three categories:
Blocking: Hills, Buildings and impassable terrain.
These block Line of Sight, even to other blocking terrain (You can't see through it).
Non-Blocking: Rivers, marches and swarms.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).
Interfering: All other terrain and units.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).
If you shoot through interfering units or terrain there is a -2 to hit penalty, only -1 for woods (never cumulative).
If shooting at a large target, units in buildings or on hills there are no to hit modifiers for interfering
or non-blocking terrain or units, unless it is an interfering wood.
When such a unit is doing the shooting there are no to hit penalties for interfering or non-blocking
terrain or units, other than interfering woods.
+3 duże punkty do klasyfikacji generalnej za nadesłanie poprawnego zgłoszenia do dnia 04.07.2014 na adres: paradox.turniej@wp.pl
Zgłoszenie jest poprawne jeśli:
zawiera w tytule nazwę turnieju
zawiera w treści imię, nick, nazwisko, ligowe ID (http://ranking.wfb-pol.org/players.php), reprezentowane miasto,
zawiera w załączniku (format .txt, .html lub .doc) poprawną i czytelną rozpiskę,
jako, że istnieje limit miejsc na liście zgłoszonych będą znajdować się tylko osoby po nadesłaniu pełnego i poprawnego zgłoszenia; nie ma możliwości bukowania miejsc.
Punkty zarówno za malowanie jak i nadesłane zgłoszenie będą dodane po zakończeniu ostatniej rundy.
Za niesportowe zachowanie; celowe przedłużanie, notoryczne wykłócanie się, obrażanie innych uczestników, nadużywanie wulgaryzmów, awantury i skrajne pijaństwo Organizatorzy mają prawo przyznać dowolną ilość karniaków a w skrajnych przypadkach nawet wykluczyć uczestnika z dalszej części imprezy.