Zasady zgodne z zasadami od GW
Unnamed2000 Pts - x Legions of Chaos Army
1 Archaon, The Everchosen @ 650.0 Pts
General; Chosen of the Gods; Frenzy; Lore of Tzeentch; Magic Level 2;
1 Dorghar @ [70.0] Pts
1 Exalted Hero of Khorne @ 151.0 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Battle Standard
1 Throgg, King of Trolls @ 195.0 Pts
Great Weapon
#Wintertooth Crown [0.0]
20 Gor Herd of Khorne @ 215.0 Pts
2ndWeapon; Standard; Musician; Mark of Khorne; Frenzy
5 Ungor Raiders of Tzeentch @ 43.0 Pts
Short Bow; Musician; Mark of Tzeentch
5 Ungor Raiders of Tzeentch @ 43.0 Pts
Short Bow; Musician; Mark of Tzeentch
4 Chaos Trolls @ 152.0 Pts
2nd Hand Weapon
4 Marauder Horsemen of Tzeentch @ 115.0 Pts
Mark of Tzeentch; Throwing Axes; Shield; Standard
1 Chieftain @ [10.0] Pts
5 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
4 Putrid Blightkings @ 220.0 Pts
Mark of Nurgle; Chaos Armour; Shield; Standard
1 Putrid Blightking Champion @ [10.0] Pts
Chaos Armour
1 Hellcannon @ 210.0 Pts
3 Hellcannon Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Heavy Armour
Models in Army: 46
Total Army Cost: 1994.0
co sadzicie?
LoCh na2000pkt
Nie, jest tylko że jeden bezmarkowy oddział knightów możesz mianować Swords of Chaos.
Najnowszy plik do Army Builder 2.2c: ... 9732380.abGrolshek pisze:Obyś w piekle Slaanesza za pasywnego robił.