1 Tomb King @ 260 Pts
Casting Order (x1); General
Cloak of the Dunes [20]
Flail of Skulls [45]
Collar of Shapesh [25]
1 Liche Priest @ 165 Pts
Casting Order (x1); Hierophant
Dispel Scroll [25]
Hieratic Jar [25]
1 Liche Priest @ 165 Pts
Casting Order (x1)
Dispel Scroll [25]
Dispel Scroll [25]
1 Liche Priest @ 165 Pts
Casting Order (x1)
Dispel Scroll [25]
Dispel Scroll [25]
14 Skeleton Heavy Horsemen @ 300 Pts
Spear; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
War Banner [25]
1 Champion @ [14] Pts
2 Tomb Swarm @ 90 Pts
12 Skeleton Warriors @ 114 Pts
1 Champion @ [10] Pts
1 Tomb Scorpion @ 85 Pts
1 Tomb Scorpion @ 85 Pts
1 Tomb Scorpion @ 85 Pts
5 Carrion @ 120 Pts
1 Bone Giant (US WD281) @ 225 Pts
Bone Giant Option 3; Heavy Armour
1 Screaming Skull Catapult @ 110 Pts
Skulls of the Foe
3 Skeleton Chariots @ 120 Pts
4 Skeleton Chariots @ 160 Pts
chociaz ostatnio mam spora chec pogrania na 12+ rydwanach :d moze wiec zmienie sobie rozpiske na speed freaksow khemrickich