Troche lipny ten IB ale co tam

NO i 7 X charioty

Jka bym mial grac na te pkt to bym nawe pomyslal o wywaleniu gwardii i dac wiecej skorpow i chariotow

Liche High Priest @ 340 Pts
Hieratic Jar [25]
Cloak of the Dunes [20]
Collar of Shapesh [25]
Dispel Scroll [25]
Tomb King - chariot @ 318 Pts
General; Light Armour
Flail of Skulls [45]
Enchanted Shield [10]
Golden Ankrha [45]
Tomb Prince - chariot @ 176 Pts
Flail; Light Armour; Shield
Chariot of Fire [25]
Tomb Prince - chariot @ 199 Pts
Flail; Shield
Armour of the Ages [35]
Vambraces of the Sun [15]
Tomb Prince - chariot @ 194 Pts
Light Armour; Shield
Brooch of the Great Desert [25]
Sword of Might [20]
Liche Priest @ 165 Pts
Dispel Scroll [25]
Dispel Scroll [25]
Liche Priest @ 165 Pts
Dispel Scroll [25]
Dispel Scroll [25]
Icon Bearer @ 65 Pts
Battle Standard
3 Skeleton Chariots @ 200 Pts
Standard; Musician
Icon of the Sacred Eye [50]
3 Skeleton Chariots @ 120 Pts
3 Skeleton Chariots @ 120 Pts
3 Skeleton Chariots @ 120 Pts
3 Skeleton Chariots @ 120 Pts
3 Skeleton Chariots @ 120 Pts
3 Skeleton Chariots @ 120 Pts
2 Tomb Swarm @ 90 Pts
19 Skeleton Warriors @ 177 Pts
Bow; FCG
19 Skeleton Warriors @ 177 Pts
Bow; FCG
Tomb Scorpion @ 85 Pts
Tomb Scorpion @ 85 Pts
Tomb Scorpion @ 85 Pts
Tomb Scorpion @ 85 Pts
4 Carrion @ 96 Pts
24 Tomb Guard @ 358 Pts
FCG i Icon of Rakaph [40]
Bone Giant @ 220 Pts
Bone Giant @ 220 Pts
Screaming Skull Catapult @ 110 Pts
Skulls of the Foe
Screaming Skull Catapult @ 110 Pts
Skulls of the Foe
Casting Pool: 2
Dispel Pool: 6
Models in Army: 117
Total Army Cost: 4440