
Poczytaj jak słaby i dziurawy jest dany pomysł na armię, zanim nie przyniesie on wygranej na następnym masterze.

Moderatorzy: Yudokuno, PAWLAK

Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4071


Post autor: quas »

1 Bretonnian Lord @ 259 Pts
General; Heavy Armour; Grail Vow
Sword of the Lady's Champion [40]
Virtue of Audacity (1st) [30]
Mantle of Damsel Elena [20]
Enchanted Shield [10]

1 Paladin Battle Standard Bearer @ 145 Pts
Heavy Armour; Battle Standard Bearer; Grail Vow
Sword of Might [20]
Gromril Great Helm [30]

1 Paladin @ 182 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Grail Vow
Falcon Horn of Fredemund [45]
Royal Pegasus @ [50] Pts

1 Damsel of the Lady @ 130 Pts
Magic Level 1, Warhorse
Dispel Scroll [25]
Dispel Scroll [25]

2x6 Knights Errant @ 127 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Musician; Barding; Knightly Vow

8 Knights of the Realm @ 241 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Barding; Knightly Vow
War Banner [25]

11 Peasant Bowmen Skirmishers @ 87 Pts
Longbow; Musician; Braizers

21 * Men-at-Arms @ 132 Pts
Halberd; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Yeomen Warden

4 Pegasus Knights @ 230 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Musician; Knightly Vow

2x5 Mounted Yeomen @ 87 Pts
Spear; Bow; Shield; Musician; Fast Cavalry

7 Grail Knights @ 326 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Barding; Grail Vow
Banner of Defense [30]

1 Field Trebuchet @ 90 Pts

Casting Pool: 3
Dispel Pool: 3
Models in Army: 82
Total Army Cost: 2250

chyba spokojnie do pogrania rozpa.

Awatar użytkownika
Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4287
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk SNOT

Post autor: Jagal »

Wygląda dobrze, tylko nie widze sensu wystawiania m@a bo ni w pipe ni w oko nie pasują mi do tej rozpy :P

wywalic m@a,
wstawic sztandar na pegazach,
zmniejszyc lucznikow do 10 skirmish.
za pozostałe pkt wsadzic osmego grala
i moze kolejnych lucznikow, albo dopakowac lance rrantow jedną do 9 z EB
Kupię bretońskie modele z 5tej edycji:
Metalowi quesci,
French Games Day Knight 'L'Hermite De Malemont' !! ,
4ed rycerze na piechotę.

Snot Fanpage <<--- , klikać! ;)

Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4071

Post autor: quas »

1 Bretonnian Lord @ 259 Pts
General; Heavy Armour; Grail Vow
Sword of the Lady's Champion [40]
Virtue of Audacity (1st) [30]
Mantle of Damsel Elena [20]
Enchanted Shield [10]

1 Paladin Battle Standard Bearer @ 145 Pts
Heavy Armour; Battle Standard Bearer; Grail Vow
Sword of Might [20]
Gromril Great Helm [30]

1 Paladin @ 182 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Grail Vow
Falcon Horn of Fredemund [45]
1 Royal Pegasus @ [50] Pts

1 Damsel of the Lady @ 130 Pts
Magic Level 1
Dispel Scroll [25]
Dispel Scroll [25]

6 Knights Errant @ 127 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Musician; Barding; Knightly Vow

9 Knights Errant @ 221 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Barding; Knightly Vow
Errantry Banner [20]

8 Knights of the Realm @ 241 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Barding; Knightly Vow
War Banner [25]

11 Peasant Bowmen Skirmishers @ 87 Pts
Longbow; Musician; Braizers

4 Pegasus Knights @ 230 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Musician; Knightly Vow

2x5 Mounted Yeomen @ 87 Pts
Spear; Bow; Shield; Musician; Fast Cavalry

8 Grail Knights @ 364 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Barding; Grail Vow
Banner of Defense [30]

1 Field Trebuchet @ 90 Pts

Casting Pool: 3
Dispell Pool: 3
Models in Army: 65
Total Army Cost: 2250

to wchodzi zamiast piechoty...ale mam do niej sentyment-bede wystawial jak tylko posklejam do konca :twisted:
alternatywnie->erranci zmniejszeni do 6 za to wpada 2gi oddzial lucznikow i jeszcze jakies punkty zostaja.