Juz to widze... Mag-kapłan Slann, Saurus Starej Krwi, Silnik Bogów, Jezdzcy Cold One'ow, Scynki, Scynki Harcownicy, Kohorty Scynków...
![Rolling Eyes :roll:](./images/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Moderator: Ziemko
I...Just saw the book myself and made special looks at the following:
Skinks and sallys and razordons, krox's, camys are still all aquatic and they do not have any jungle fighters rule.
The Priest can only ride an Engine of the Gods for 290 pts. It does NOT take up any extra hero slots or rare slots unless it is a hidden rule somewhere but as in previous books it is always out in the open. Only displaces 1 crew skink so better protection against shooting.
The Skink Chief can ride a terradon for 30pts, a Stegadon for 235pts or an Ancient Steg for 275pts. They do NOT take up any extra hero or rare slots. Only displaces 1 crew skink so better protection against shooting.
Terradons are toughness THREE. 30pts each. They have 1 str3 attack and 1 str4 attack. Characters mounted on a terradon CAN join the unit.
Scar vets and Skink Chiefs CAN be BSB's and take magical items unless they have a magic banner. The Slann can be the BSB and take a magic banner AND his full magic allowance.
Skinks are two different units now.
Skinks rank and file. 5pts come with jav and shield and can take a full command as well as add Krox's. Does not say which leadership to use though I would assume you always use the highest and it does not say if the unit is immune to fear since the Krox's are not heroes as in the BRB. By RAW they would still have fear then?
Skink skirmishers are 7 pts and come with blowpipes. +1 pt to upgrade to jav & shield.
As before if you have a Slann and a Temple Guard unit they Must be together unless of course you have more than one TG unit and you can only have one Slann per TG unit.
Engine of the Gods does ONE D6 Str4 damage with it's range attack.
Salamanders use templates and EACH template is fully resolved before the next is shot. That means models may be hit multiple times for each unit shooting. Do not panic when they eat the handlers but still do the monster reaction when the handlers are all gone. Did not see that characters could not join them but could have missed that.
Ranzordons DO have only a 12" range.
Cameleons still get the extra -1 to hit from shooting.
Mazdamundi has the Sun Standard of Hexoath which does nothing as I see it but he is the BSB. The banner others may use is the Sun Standard of Chotec which gives you the shooting protection.
Blade of Realities as we have seen forces a LDR test for every hit and if they fail they die with no saves. If the ldr test is passed you still roll to wound and do saves as normal so it is not a one trick pony.
Shield of the Morrored pool now only 30pts and works on a 2+.
Stegadon Helm - +1 save +1 ldr for skink wearing it. 50pts
Divine Plaque of Protection for a 2+ ward against shooting is an enchanted item for Slann only.
Czyli na 2k mozna miec 4 silniki...I am saying exacty that at 2000+pts armies. Of course you will need to pay approx 400+pts for each skink + engine combo (350+ if taken naked).
4 engines with L2 skinks would add up to 12 magic levels, 14pd 10dd naked, plus the unstoppable magic of the engines themselfs.
You can easly fit 4 Eotgs with 3x10 skink units in 2000pts and have room for full magic items and levels on all skink priests.
1600 punktów w 4 modelach !!!Czyli na 2k mozna miec 4 silniki...
Wiesz... Nigdy nic nie wiadomo4x Engine i 5 fasta ma szanse breaknąć 400 pkt, jak stedziowi ataki nie pójdą
D4S4 no save na D6 czy 2D6 cali zasięgu? Przez pierwsze 2 tury nie masz zasięgu, nie wspominajac też, że na 2250 mam 4 magów nurgle`a i sciagam Ci 1 skinka co turęLasti pisze:Wiesz... Nigdy nic nie wiadomo4x Engine i 5 fasta ma szanse breaknąć 400 pkt, jak stedziowi ataki nie pójdąAle te 4x Engine ma tez szanse 3 turami strzelania zmasakowac cala armie chaosu
Release the Przemcio!
a przerzut?
Shield of the Morrored pool now only 30pts and works on a 2+.
paulinka17 pisze:Mówiłem, jabaniutki nawet oczka zmrużył z rozkoszy.
Dziedzic pisze:JH i UD razem, piekło zamarzło i serce Szaitisa pękło.
Nie wyjales sensu tego zdania. Chodzi o to ze TYLKO Skink Priest moze jezdzic na Enginie. A nie ze mozesz go tylko i wylacznie na Enginie wystawicwedlug mnie brednie jakich malo...
przeczytalem tylko poczatek i mi wystarczy... skink tylko na engine...
to po hugo niby wypuszczaja model na terradonie bulshit!
takie tam gadanie, przeciez enginy sa na ancientach, a nacient jest w rarach wiec nie wiem skad u was 4 enginy maja byc
The Priest can only ride an Engine of the Gods for 290 pts. It does NOT take up any extra hero slots or rare slots