Hello so I'm a Lithuanian who need Polish players generosity, I'm coming to Bialostok tournament in December, but still I don't have all the miniatures I need, and Piotr suggested me to write my self on your forum, so I did
Well I already said if there would be generous Polish players who could lend me 3 treekins, 18 waywatchers and 5 glade riders I would really appreciate it, also I would bring them Lithuanian Black beer, because like the Polish were few weeks earlier in Lithuanian they said that our black bear is much better then Polish and all the time they drank only black beer
Lithuanian need help :)
Moderator: Gremlin
If I`ll arrive to Bialystok on this event i can take 6 WW 4 u ... if i completed my skaven army ;P
http://forum.wfb-pol.org/viewtopic.php? ... 14#p456314
Now all depends on Front Wschodni.
Temat do zamkniecia drogi Blessie. Figsy ja załatwiam.
Now all depends on Front Wschodni.
Temat do zamkniecia drogi Blessie. Figsy ja załatwiam.