DoCh, na nowy EURO format

Poczytaj jak słaby i dziurawy jest dany pomysł na armię, zanim nie przyniesie on wygranej na następnym masterze.

Moderatorzy: Yudokuno, PAWLAK

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5391
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk-SNOT

DoCh, na nowy EURO format

Post autor: thurion »


Kod: Zaznacz cały

1 Keeper of Secrets @ 550 Pts
General; Magic Level 2
Siren Song [25]
Soul Hunger [25]

1 Herald of Slaanesh @ 190 Pts
Battle Standard 
1 Chariot of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts

1 Herald of Tzeentch @ 165 Pts
Magic Level 2
Spell Breaker [25]
Master of sorcery [25]

10 Daemonettes of Slaanesh @ 120 Pts

10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 120 Pts
Magic Level 1

10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 120 Pts
Magic Level 1

5 Chaos Furies @ 60 Pts

5 Chaos Furies @ 60 Pts

5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne @ 175 Pts

5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne @ 175 Pts

6 Flamers of Tzeench @ 210 Pts

1 Fiends of Slaanesh @ 55 Pts

Casting Pool: 8+1 (mstr of sorcery)

Dispel Pool: 6+1 (scroll)

Models in Army: 60

Total Army Cost: 2000
Army Restrictions for the European Team Championship

- Armies cannot be duplicated.
- Armies are 2000/2250/2600 points.
- No characters that are: special, named or Albion
- No DoW or RoR in non-DoW armies . (OK may use Rhinox Cav)
- No SoC armies.

The ladder system:
All armies are divided into three categories; A, B and C. Category A armies are limited to 2000pts, B to 2250pts, C to 2600pts

When calculating victory points at the end of the game, once you have the result, then add 10% to any category A army's losses rounding off as normal. Any category C army would conversely have its losses reduced by 20%

Category A (2000pts)
Demons of Chaos

Category B (2250pts)
Dark Elves
Skaven (to be confirmed end of February)
Chaos Dwarfs
High Elves
Warriors of Chaos
Tomb Kings
Wood Elves

Category C (2600pts)
Beastmen (to be confirmed end of April)
Ogre Kingdoms
Orcs & Goblins
Dogs of War

General composition rules:

- Band C Armies may have 6 Special and 4 Rare Choices.
- Max. 1 of each rare choice (Max.2 of each for High Elves)
- Max. 2 of the same Special choice
- Max. 3 of the same Core choice, except ranked infantry without missile weapons and beast herds.
- Max. 3 chariots (incl. characters and units).
- Max. 3 units of flyers (incl. characters)
- Max. 45 models with missile weapons with a range of 20”+ (not incl. war machines, characters and chariots).
- Max. 5 warmachines.
- Max. 9 PD in an army *

*Magic description
You can use a maximum of 9 power dice in each magic phase. Each bound spell you use count as 1 power dice, all following bound spells used in the same turn counts as 2 power dice.

Every ability that grants the bearer complete knowledge of a single lore counts as one power dice in each magic phase.

All dice you would not normally generate, such as Focused Rumination Slann free dice, Skaven warpstones, night goblin mushrooms, power of darkness etc., also count in the total number of dice you can use in a magic phase.

Tomb Kings count each dice they use for a spell as 1 power dice and casket of souls counts as 2 dice total. They can not chose not to use all the dice when casting an incantation, for example a Liche Priest can’t choose only to use 1 dice on a spell. You can how ever choose not to cast a spell with a model. The 2 basic power dice all armies get only counts if they are used to dispel RIP spells with.

Max 10 dispel dice per army. First dispel scroll (and similar working items) you have in your army counts as 1 dispel dice, in EACH magic phase. The second and all other scrolls, counts as 2 dispel dice in each magic phase. So if you have 3 scrolls you can use a maximum of 5 dispel dice each magic phase. Dice from magic resistance does count in this maximum. Being allowed to reroll your dispel dice every turn counts as 1 dispel dice.

Dice removed by the Chaos Dwarf Chalice of Darkness count as dice used. You remove 3 power dice, you can use only 6 more in your magic phase.

Race specific:
DAEMONS OF CHAOS - All Greater Daemons count as an additional hero choice; Herald BSB may take either daemonic gifts or a daemonic icon, not both; Daemonic Gifts may not be duplicated (except for Spellbreakers); Horrors are limited to 0-2.
DARK ELVES -Max. 35 repeater crossbows in the army; Max. 8 shades per unit; Max. 2 flying units or characters; Assassins after the first take a hero choice; Pendant of khaleth takes a hero choice; Ring of hotek takes a hero choice; Max. 1 Large Target; Max. 1 Rare choice
EMPIRE - Steam Tank counts as 2 rare choices; Max. 3 Wizards (Including the Arch Lector)
LIZARDMEN - Characters mounted on Stegadons also use the relevant special or rare slot; Max. 6 Terradons in army (excl. characters); All disciplines taken after the third count as an additional hero slot (Slann BSB counts as 1, Becalming Cogitation as 2 Disciplines); max. 2 Stegadons of any type
ORCS & GOBLINS - Max 6 goblin fanatics.
VAMPIRE COUNTS - The Drakenhoff banner counts as an additional hero choice; The Helm of Command counts as an additional hero choice; Each +1 to cast in the army counts as 1 powerdice in each phase. Max. 5 Cairn Wraiths
WOOD ELVES - Treeman Ancient counts as Treeman.
SKAVEN (wstepne): Max 2 Large Targets; Max 25 Plague monks/unit; One unit of clanrats needed for each clanratslave and giant rat unit; Storm Banner is BSB only; Doom Rocket counts as warmachine;Weaponteams, Jezzail units and Doomweel count as warmachines; HPA costs 2 rare choices
awaiting your questions :)
Ostatnio zmieniony 29 sty 2010, o 10:39 przez thurion, łącznie zmieniany 3 razy.

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Lex Luthor
Posty: 16595
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Ziemko »

Czokolandia ;)
Przy tylko 2 oddzialach furii zastanowilbym sie czy nie zrobic z nich np. 7demek , kosztem moze fienda.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5391
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk-SNOT

Post autor: thurion »

fiend ist krieg, nie do wywalenia

jedno co by moglo pojsc na furie to pyrocaster, ale jest on moja jedyna bronia na smoki obok keepera :) (tak wiem, lapanie flamerami smokow wydaje sie srednim pomyslem xD ale naprawde wychodzi lepiej niz sie wydaje)

mysle ze rozpa jest przemyslana, na euro zasady terenow i compa rydwan wydaje mi sie fajny :) gorki do nieba, malo strzelania, magii, w 2 bitwach w ktorych w zeszlym roku mialem srednio dalby mi naprawde duzo wzgledem juggera, jedyna bitwa ktora by byla na minus w stosunku do zeszlego roku to pewnie z czeskimi HE, tyle ze ta bitwa gdyby koles pomyslal to i tak by byla w plecy wiec nie ma sie co stresowac xD

poszla rozkmina :)
zmniejszylem Level keepera i wywalilem pyrocastera, weszlo master of sorcery i soul hunger... czyli magie nadal maksujemy (mstr. liczy sie jako kostka), dispell mamy IMO mega wystarczajacy (6DD + scroll), wywalamy pyrocastera a zyskujemy 2 pewne bronie na LT (mstr. of sorcery i soul hunger)

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Posty: 14649
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: swieta_barbara »

Bardzo ladne. Teraz tylko wszedzie tym jezdzij :]

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Posty: 7714
Lokalizacja: Syberia

Post autor: bigpasiak »

Jakie piękne ograniczenia :)
Tak to można grać 8) :mrgreen:

Rozpa fajna i wbrew pozorom wszechstronna.
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...

Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5711
Lokalizacja: Gorzów Wlkp. "Rogaty Szczur"

Post autor: Furion »

IMO jak już masz lvl 2 na keeperze to jeden pies czy to będzie lvl 1 - imo kilka furii za ten level sprawdziloby się lepiej.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5391
Lokalizacja: Gdańsk-SNOT

Post autor: thurion »

chariot ssie po kule, pisze to juz po raz trzeci od wczoraj :mrgreen:
odbilem sie od golych 5 realmow bez blessinga rzucajac pare impactow, nie mowiac o imperium, nawet VC mi go pokroily (ale tutaj zarobil na siebie ok 2x wiec ostatecznie na +, tyle ze w demonach z VC to byle gowno jest na + ;) )xD
docelowo bedzie pewnie to samo co bylo

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5056
Lokalizacja: Front Wschodni - Białystok

Post autor: Karli »

Właśnie miałem pisać, że rozpa fajna, tylko po co tam ten chariot ?? Jakaś sekretna taktyka za nim przemawia (jak przy pyrocasterze) ?
Byłoby afrontem nie napić się z Frontem!