![d'oh! #-o](./images/smilies/eusa_doh.gif)
8 Edycja Warhammera I
Re: 8 Edycja Warhammera
![d'oh! #-o](./images/smilies/eusa_doh.gif)
"Księga Armii Nocnych Goblinów"( 09.11.2011
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii
http://www.docstoc.com/docs/94525591/No ... 99ga-Armii
- Master of reality
- Oszukista
- Posty: 833
- Lokalizacja: Warszawa
10 w szeregu? Proszę was to nie Warmaster że takie hordy się wystawia.
Nie mogę się za to doczekać startera. Może HE nareszcie dostaną nowe modele. I ten plastikowy Griffon. Nareszcie pod herosem![Pray [-o<](./images/smilies/eusa_pray.gif)
Nie mogę się za to doczekać startera. Może HE nareszcie dostaną nowe modele. I ten plastikowy Griffon. Nareszcie pod herosem
![Pray [-o<](./images/smilies/eusa_pray.gif)
I sold my soul for rock'n roll
- General Baga
- Kradziej
- Posty: 905
- Lokalizacja: AjWajHajm/ True Legion
Panowie - sledze Warseer i Bell`a dość długo, jak na razie WSZYSTKO (o tym zaraz) co sie tam pojawiło spełniło sie.
Jeśli chcecie mogę wykopać jako przykłady - zawartość pudełka VIIed wałka,zawartość pudełka nowej 40stki, zmiany zasad w stosunku VI do VIIed publikowane jakies pól roku przed, zdjecia modeli do poszczególnych armii publikowane ładnych kilka miesięcy przed oficjalnymi, zasady poszczególnych jednostek na warser sa juz kilka miesiecy przed i zgadzają sie w 99%...
To nie chodzi o to, że ktos napisał posta po ang. my żyjemy w Polsce, oni w trochę innym kraju....
Niestety wierze, że będzie potrzebne te 10 modeli (w ramach psełdoklimatu), a kogo będzie na to stać?? Jak któryś z moich przedmówców powiedział, tych co teraz. Ja powiedziałem wałhamerowi DZIĘKUJE już jakiś czas temu, sa inne gry lepsze zasady, tańsze i ładniejsze figurki.
Jeśli ktos sie ze mna nie zgadza ma prawo...
Jeśli chcecie mogę wykopać jako przykłady - zawartość pudełka VIIed wałka,zawartość pudełka nowej 40stki, zmiany zasad w stosunku VI do VIIed publikowane jakies pól roku przed, zdjecia modeli do poszczególnych armii publikowane ładnych kilka miesięcy przed oficjalnymi, zasady poszczególnych jednostek na warser sa juz kilka miesiecy przed i zgadzają sie w 99%...
To nie chodzi o to, że ktos napisał posta po ang. my żyjemy w Polsce, oni w trochę innym kraju....
Niestety wierze, że będzie potrzebne te 10 modeli (w ramach psełdoklimatu), a kogo będzie na to stać?? Jak któryś z moich przedmówców powiedział, tych co teraz. Ja powiedziałem wałhamerowi DZIĘKUJE już jakiś czas temu, sa inne gry lepsze zasady, tańsze i ładniejsze figurki.
Jeśli ktos sie ze mna nie zgadza ma prawo...
I nigdzie w życiu nie wyjadę
Mnie u siebie horoszo
Na inne kraje lachę kładę
Tam w kieliszkach wyższe dno
Tu chcę umrzeć w kraju cnót
Mnie u siebie horoszo
Na inne kraje lachę kładę
Tam w kieliszkach wyższe dno
Tu chcę umrzeć w kraju cnót
- General Baga
- Kradziej
- Posty: 905
- Lokalizacja: AjWajHajm/ True Legion
i cos bardziej dokładnie (chciałbym zauważyć ze plotka 10+ sie powtarza...) ( ZA WARSEER.COM)
* Army construction is moving back to percentages.
* Strength in Depth/ Stepping up
* Crush attack for larger creatures
* 40mm models moving to 3 model-wide ranks.
* Multiple objective driven scenarios in the rulebook
* Power dice aren’t generated by the number of spellcasters. The pool is decided by 2D6. Magic users add their magic level to the score rolled. All Wizards have a chance to generate more power dice.
* Archers fire in two ranks (not just High Elves but all archers)
Other rumours (and description of above)
These are all listed in no particular order.
* Army construction is moving back to percentages.
There have been not been strong rumours yet to support any specific % for all categories, however, 25% min core, 25% max special and 25% max rare seem to be undisputed.
* Slot system may or may not be dropped
* Categories for core/special/rare are remaining.
There have been no rumours yet of a system wide errata to specify which things are limited as a result.
NOTE: The magic rumours nobody seems to agree on, so rather than try and find what exactly the truth is I will just put here most of the theories
* Power dice aren’t generated by the number of spellcasters. The pool is decided by 2D6. Magic users add their magic level to the score rolled. All Wizards have a chance to generate more power dice. - Avian
* Giving irresistible force a downside
* If a wizard fails to cast (not counting dispels) twice in a row he miscasts
* Making miscasts harder to have but much more devastating.
* Dispel scroll only adding dispel dice (+2 dice to the dispel dice pool once per game). (edit - possibly speculation)
* Something rumoured is carrying over power dice, but holding too many could lead to a ‘magic backlash’.
* All the book Lores will have more supportive spells than they have now, and will all be getting a major overhaul. Each lore to get a mega spell.
* Dispel attempts to be made by specific wizards (presumable your casting level is beneficial for dispelling spells)
* A higher chance of miscast with multiple casters.
* If a wizard fail to cast a spell he can't cast other spells in the same phase.
NOTE: Trying to nail down what the truth is here is very hard. Once it is explained properly by someone who knows categorically what it is I will update this
Some of this is only my understanding of what has been discussed.
There are basically 2 big new rules here; what I have named 'Stepping up', and a 'Horde' rule. - Harry.
What is 100% clear is that models in the second rank will have some role to play in most combats.
* Stepping up. – Harry/ Avian
Basically how this works is that the second rank get to fight only if the guy in front is killed. But they only get a single attack regardless of what their profile attacks are, or what weapons they are carrying* . It is not clear yet whether they get to use special rules in addition to this or not at all (frenzy, hatred and killing blow etc). Only once there are insufficient models left to replace those that are killed in the attacking rank will the overall attacks of the unit drop.
*It has yet to be clarified exactly how models with spears get to use them.
No word on the impact for High Elves.
Cavalry still only fight in 1 rank.
You have a unit of 20 guys, 5x4, 5 of which are in base contact with the enemy and 15 are not. The enemy strikes first and kills 6 of your guys. As you now have 14 models you have sufficient numbers to step up and replace casualties.
Because the front 2 ranks consists of 10 models overall, 6 of which are now dead, you still get to fight back with 4 models. In the next round of combat, the ranks are reset, so 5 models are in base contact, 5 in the second rank (capable of ‘stepping up’) and 4 in the third (remember, you still have 14 models). This time the enemy kills a further 8 models, leaving you with 2 models that get to fight back and a unit of 6.
This is the same regardless of which side they are attacked on.
* Horde
Fight in 3 ranks if 10+ wide (4 with spears). - Avian.
Some benefit to fighting in large units, may automatically become stubborn beyond a certain unit size. – Harry
* One Save to ruin them all!
Models will only ever get one save (be it ward, mundane or magical armour). No word yet on whether regeneration is included. From Alessio himself!
* 40mm models
40mm models moving to 3 model-wide ranks. Ogre sized models are officially being put into their own size category (finally).
* Crush them!
Additional stomp/crush attacks for big infantry (ogres, trolls, etc) to represent them trampling lesser races underfoot. Bigger bonus for large creatures like giants.
* Fewer armour save modifiers
* Chariots
S7 autokill is gone. (edit: possible speculation)
* Measure the distance for the furthest moving model, and perform whatever manoeuvres you wish within that lax limitation. Command models will have some role to play in giving free manoeuvre as you move (Musician bonus similar to Ancient Battles?).
* Charging.
An added 'bonus' of getting an 'extra' +D6 or +D3 inches of movement to your move range (presumably the D6 or D3 decided by the category of warrior; infantry/cavalry/ogre sized).
* Heavy cavalry no longer able to march
- Heavy cavalry, defined as any cavalry with a 2+ or better save, cannot march. They can double their move when charging as normal, but they are not allowed to make a March move.
- "Medium and Fast cavalry remain the same".
* As it happens to be the same rumour; fewer armour save modifiers.
* Archers fire in two ranks (not just High Elves but all archers). - Harry
* Fear and Terror
When in combat, units or monsters with these rules gain 1 or 2 or 3 points of Static Combat modifier. This is added to the number of wounds caused by the Fear/Terror model/unit, as well as ranks, banners, etc. These bonuses may be cumulative between fear/terror causing things attacking a unit.
* Autobreaking from fear or terror is gone.
* Multiple objective driven scenarios in the rulebook (no kill points). See GW grand tournament and doubles scenarios.
* 15 or so missions in the new rulebook. 9 or 10 of the missions required Core units to capture objectives. Units must have banners to capture objectives. Several missions had multiple objectives
* Victory Conditions
Interestingly something I picked up from a post was that ‘victory conditions’ have been referred to in the last 3 books, not victory points.
* Terrain
Difficult terrain may be merged with very difficult and encompass more things (presumably more than just affecting movement).
* Army construction is moving back to percentages.
* Strength in Depth/ Stepping up
* Crush attack for larger creatures
* 40mm models moving to 3 model-wide ranks.
* Multiple objective driven scenarios in the rulebook
* Power dice aren’t generated by the number of spellcasters. The pool is decided by 2D6. Magic users add their magic level to the score rolled. All Wizards have a chance to generate more power dice.
* Archers fire in two ranks (not just High Elves but all archers)
Other rumours (and description of above)
These are all listed in no particular order.
* Army construction is moving back to percentages.
There have been not been strong rumours yet to support any specific % for all categories, however, 25% min core, 25% max special and 25% max rare seem to be undisputed.
* Slot system may or may not be dropped
* Categories for core/special/rare are remaining.
There have been no rumours yet of a system wide errata to specify which things are limited as a result.
NOTE: The magic rumours nobody seems to agree on, so rather than try and find what exactly the truth is I will just put here most of the theories
* Power dice aren’t generated by the number of spellcasters. The pool is decided by 2D6. Magic users add their magic level to the score rolled. All Wizards have a chance to generate more power dice. - Avian
* Giving irresistible force a downside
* If a wizard fails to cast (not counting dispels) twice in a row he miscasts
* Making miscasts harder to have but much more devastating.
* Dispel scroll only adding dispel dice (+2 dice to the dispel dice pool once per game). (edit - possibly speculation)
* Something rumoured is carrying over power dice, but holding too many could lead to a ‘magic backlash’.
* All the book Lores will have more supportive spells than they have now, and will all be getting a major overhaul. Each lore to get a mega spell.
* Dispel attempts to be made by specific wizards (presumable your casting level is beneficial for dispelling spells)
* A higher chance of miscast with multiple casters.
* If a wizard fail to cast a spell he can't cast other spells in the same phase.
NOTE: Trying to nail down what the truth is here is very hard. Once it is explained properly by someone who knows categorically what it is I will update this
Some of this is only my understanding of what has been discussed.
There are basically 2 big new rules here; what I have named 'Stepping up', and a 'Horde' rule. - Harry.
What is 100% clear is that models in the second rank will have some role to play in most combats.
* Stepping up. – Harry/ Avian
Basically how this works is that the second rank get to fight only if the guy in front is killed. But they only get a single attack regardless of what their profile attacks are, or what weapons they are carrying* . It is not clear yet whether they get to use special rules in addition to this or not at all (frenzy, hatred and killing blow etc). Only once there are insufficient models left to replace those that are killed in the attacking rank will the overall attacks of the unit drop.
*It has yet to be clarified exactly how models with spears get to use them.
No word on the impact for High Elves.
Cavalry still only fight in 1 rank.
You have a unit of 20 guys, 5x4, 5 of which are in base contact with the enemy and 15 are not. The enemy strikes first and kills 6 of your guys. As you now have 14 models you have sufficient numbers to step up and replace casualties.
Because the front 2 ranks consists of 10 models overall, 6 of which are now dead, you still get to fight back with 4 models. In the next round of combat, the ranks are reset, so 5 models are in base contact, 5 in the second rank (capable of ‘stepping up’) and 4 in the third (remember, you still have 14 models). This time the enemy kills a further 8 models, leaving you with 2 models that get to fight back and a unit of 6.
This is the same regardless of which side they are attacked on.
* Horde
Fight in 3 ranks if 10+ wide (4 with spears). - Avian.
Some benefit to fighting in large units, may automatically become stubborn beyond a certain unit size. – Harry
* One Save to ruin them all!
Models will only ever get one save (be it ward, mundane or magical armour). No word yet on whether regeneration is included. From Alessio himself!
* 40mm models
40mm models moving to 3 model-wide ranks. Ogre sized models are officially being put into their own size category (finally).
* Crush them!
Additional stomp/crush attacks for big infantry (ogres, trolls, etc) to represent them trampling lesser races underfoot. Bigger bonus for large creatures like giants.
* Fewer armour save modifiers
* Chariots
S7 autokill is gone. (edit: possible speculation)
* Measure the distance for the furthest moving model, and perform whatever manoeuvres you wish within that lax limitation. Command models will have some role to play in giving free manoeuvre as you move (Musician bonus similar to Ancient Battles?).
* Charging.
An added 'bonus' of getting an 'extra' +D6 or +D3 inches of movement to your move range (presumably the D6 or D3 decided by the category of warrior; infantry/cavalry/ogre sized).
* Heavy cavalry no longer able to march
- Heavy cavalry, defined as any cavalry with a 2+ or better save, cannot march. They can double their move when charging as normal, but they are not allowed to make a March move.
- "Medium and Fast cavalry remain the same".
* As it happens to be the same rumour; fewer armour save modifiers.
* Archers fire in two ranks (not just High Elves but all archers). - Harry
* Fear and Terror
When in combat, units or monsters with these rules gain 1 or 2 or 3 points of Static Combat modifier. This is added to the number of wounds caused by the Fear/Terror model/unit, as well as ranks, banners, etc. These bonuses may be cumulative between fear/terror causing things attacking a unit.
* Autobreaking from fear or terror is gone.
* Multiple objective driven scenarios in the rulebook (no kill points). See GW grand tournament and doubles scenarios.
* 15 or so missions in the new rulebook. 9 or 10 of the missions required Core units to capture objectives. Units must have banners to capture objectives. Several missions had multiple objectives
* Victory Conditions
Interestingly something I picked up from a post was that ‘victory conditions’ have been referred to in the last 3 books, not victory points.
* Terrain
Difficult terrain may be merged with very difficult and encompass more things (presumably more than just affecting movement).
I nigdzie w życiu nie wyjadę
Mnie u siebie horoszo
Na inne kraje lachę kładę
Tam w kieliszkach wyższe dno
Tu chcę umrzeć w kraju cnót
Mnie u siebie horoszo
Na inne kraje lachę kładę
Tam w kieliszkach wyższe dno
Tu chcę umrzeć w kraju cnót
Przynajmniej raz Boar boyzi zatriumfują na ciężka konnicą, teraz save na 3+ to będzie ich atut, no chyba, ze w nowym booku wytrzasną im ciężkie zbroje.
Ogólnie fajne zmiany, choć balansu to nie zrobi, skoro chcą polepszyć gianta, aby był grywalny, polepszą tym samym adominacje i inne LT, które bonusu wcale nie potrzebują.
Ogólnie fajne zmiany, choć balansu to nie zrobi, skoro chcą polepszyć gianta, aby był grywalny, polepszą tym samym adominacje i inne LT, które bonusu wcale nie potrzebują.
Chyba, ze nie masz czym strzelac.Grazbird pisze:nawet jeśli, to co ?
Abomka jest dużym celem. A co widzisz to możesz do tego strzelić. Do czego możesz strzelić to możesz to zabić.
![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
Ogolnie plotki pokazuja, ze bedzie rewolucja. Narazie za wszesnie, by pisac, ze zmiany sa dobre czy zle, bo ocenic to bedzie mzona dopiero jako calosc.
Ciekawe, jak objectivy zajmowac beda Welfy...
![Neutral :|](./images/smilies/icon_neutral.gif)
- General Baga
- Kradziej
- Posty: 905
- Lokalizacja: AjWajHajm/ True Legion
Jak to jak - 8 driad i jazdabless pisze:
Ciekawe, jak objectivy zajmowac beda Welfy...
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
![Laughing :lol2:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
I nigdzie w życiu nie wyjadę
Mnie u siebie horoszo
Na inne kraje lachę kładę
Tam w kieliszkach wyższe dno
Tu chcę umrzeć w kraju cnót
Mnie u siebie horoszo
Na inne kraje lachę kładę
Tam w kieliszkach wyższe dno
Tu chcę umrzeć w kraju cnót
- General Baga
- Kradziej
- Posty: 905
- Lokalizacja: AjWajHajm/ True Legion
A fakt
poleciałem dzisiejszym standardem ![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
No to 5 GR z muzykiem i sztandarem i hop - fakt ze prawie 150pkt w plecy ale jaki KLIMAT.
Ehhh GW ma ciekawe pomysły, to przepakowanie piechoty w boksy po 10 za wyzsza cene to był chyba jakis złowieszczy plan - nie zebym był wielbicielem teori spiskowej ale...
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
![Razz :P](./images/smilies/icon_razz.gif)
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
No to 5 GR z muzykiem i sztandarem i hop - fakt ze prawie 150pkt w plecy ale jaki KLIMAT.
Ehhh GW ma ciekawe pomysły, to przepakowanie piechoty w boksy po 10 za wyzsza cene to był chyba jakis złowieszczy plan - nie zebym był wielbicielem teori spiskowej ale...
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
I nigdzie w życiu nie wyjadę
Mnie u siebie horoszo
Na inne kraje lachę kładę
Tam w kieliszkach wyższe dno
Tu chcę umrzeć w kraju cnót
Mnie u siebie horoszo
Na inne kraje lachę kładę
Tam w kieliszkach wyższe dno
Tu chcę umrzeć w kraju cnót
MagisterMilitum pisze:* Heavy cavalry no longer able to march
- Heavy cavalry, defined as any cavalry with a 2+ or better save, cannot march. They can double their move when charging as normal, but they are not allowed to make a March move.
![Shocked :shock:](./images/smilies/icon_eek.gif)
To breta będzie ostro cisnąć
![Laughing :lol2:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
Oj drugi klocek GG trzeba pomalować
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
będzie liczyło się zajęcie objectivu na koniec bitwy. a co dłużej utrzyma objectiv jak nie klocek 20 longów/ warriorów z bannerem?
objectivy będą pewnie rozmieszczone np po 2 w każdej strefie i jeden na środku, także spoko... ja tam się cieszę- wreszcie ugrywalnią piechotę. i może w imperium zaczniemy widywać oddziały greatswordów?
objectivy będą pewnie rozmieszczone np po 2 w każdej strefie i jeden na środku, także spoko... ja tam się cieszę- wreszcie ugrywalnią piechotę. i może w imperium zaczniemy widywać oddziały greatswordów?
Jakto co? Klocek Hamkow albo Ironow
Generalnie zapowiadane zmiany mi sie podobaja - zobaczymy co z nich okaze sie prawda. Z zajmowaniem celi mam nadzieje jakos rozsadnie to rozwiaza - tu nie kazdy ma Rhinosa![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
A co do osob placzacych na temat tych 10 modeli, radze jeszcze raz przeczytac ten fragment, szczegolnie koncowke:
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
Generalnie zapowiadane zmiany mi sie podobaja - zobaczymy co z nich okaze sie prawda. Z zajmowaniem celi mam nadzieje jakos rozsadnie to rozwiaza - tu nie kazdy ma Rhinosa
![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
A co do osob placzacych na temat tych 10 modeli, radze jeszcze raz przeczytac ten fragment, szczegolnie koncowke:
[/quote]-models in the second rank have enough time to pull their comrades out of the way and step forward to strike. THIS MEANS THAT EVEN THOUGH THE EMPIRE UNIT LOST 5 MODELS THEY STILL GET TO STRIKE BACK WITH 5 MODELS! That second rank DOESN'T get attacks back UNLESS their comrades in front of them fall.
This rule is in there to prevent the first round of combat decimation that happens all too frequently in the current edition. We've all seen it. A big 'Deathstar' unit (Blood Dragons, Black Guard, FleshHounds, etc.) charges in, slays the whole front rank before it gets to strike back and steamrollers the unit thanks to one-sided combat res.
NOW they will at least face some retaliatory strikes thus mitigating their power and not giving such a huge advantage to the charging, high init./low save, always-strike-first unit and restoring balance to the basic rank and file and great weapon units/high strength.
You need at least two ranks (i.e. 10 models) to get this bonus so THAT is where this misunderstanding of 10 model ranks nonsense is originating.
Jak dobrze rozumiem zasadę "Horde" jak masz 10 typa w rankach bijesz z trzech?
Więc głupie ploty na temat bonusu cr z rank 10 osobowych to totalna bzdura.
Ciekawe jakie armie będą się lansowały z zasadą "Horde"?
Edit pisałem przed postem wyżej![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Więc głupie ploty na temat bonusu cr z rank 10 osobowych to totalna bzdura.
Ciekawe jakie armie będą się lansowały z zasadą "Horde"?
Edit pisałem przed postem wyżej
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)