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Podsumowanie plotek:
Nehekharan Undead
-May NEVER march.
-The only charge reaction Tomb Kings may ever choose is; "Hold".
Nehekharan lore:
The restless dead is the lore attribute. D3 + 1 wounds if augment spell is successfully caste on friendly Nehekharan undead target unit.
Entombed Beneath The Sands
Wykopywaczek nie można już wystawić normalnie w swojej strefie rozstawienia, muszą być zakopane. Jeśli nie wyjdą do końca gry traktujemy je jak straty. W każdej turze (a więc w pierwszej też) wychodzą na 3+, marker jest deklarowany w momencie wychodzenia, a nie wcześniej.
Informacja jakoby tabelka misfire dla wykopywaczek nie uległa zmianie jest błędna! Tabelka została złagodzona. Efekt 1-2 to autodestrukcja tak jak było wcześniej. Efekt 3-4 to wyjście jednostki z losowo wybranej krawędzi stołu (a nie tak jak wcześniej niepojawienie się jej w ogóle na stole). Efekt 5-6 to po prostu zmarnowana tura i jednostkę możemy wykopywać normalnie w następnej
Khsar's incantation of the desert wind (signature spell); Augment Cast on 8+. all unengaged friendly nehekharan undead units within 12" may make a single move as if in the remaining moves sub-phase (cannot charge). all non engaged friendlies can be instead targeted within 24" for a casting value of 16+. Any unit can only be effected by the desert wind once per turn.(undead construct units can only recover 1 wound per turn)
1. DJaf's Incantation of Cursed Blades; 7+. Augment, range 12". Until the start of your next magic phase close combat attacks gain killing blow special rule. If the unit already has killing blow or herioc killing blow special abilty, it will work on a 'To wound' roll of 5 or 6+ while this spell is in play. can increase range to 24" instead on a casting value of 10+
2. Neru's Incantation of Protection; 9+. Augment range 12", until start of caster's next magic phase.
5+ ward save on a single friendly target unit. all friendly units within 12" can be targeted instead for 18+
3. Ptra's Incantation of righteous smiting; 9+. Augment range 12" until start of caster's next magic phase. Target unit gains 1 attack (mounts, riders, models crewing chariots, monsters and war machines). If armed with a bow or great bow then get multiple shot (2) special rule. All friendly Nehekharan undead units can be targeted instead within 24" for 18+.
4. Usirian's Incantation of Vengeance; hex range 18" 10+. Until start of caster's next magic phase target unit has its movement reduced by D3 to min of 1 & all terrain is treated as dangerous terrain if unit moves. range can be extended to 36" for a casting value of 13+. Until start of next magic phase.
5. Usekhp's Incantation of Desiccation; 11+ hex range 24". target unit suffers -1 strength, -1 toughness (to min of 1) Until start of caster's next magic phase. Can instead choose to reduce by D3 (min of 1) for a casting value of 22+
6. Sakmet's Incantaion of the Skullstorm; Remains in play. magical vortex 15+. small template is placed on the board and a direction is nominated. artillery dice is rolled and the number is multiplied by wizard level = amount template is moved in stated direction. Every model passed over or under the template suffers a single strength 4 hit. misfire = place template over caster and scatter by wizards level in random direction. use large round template for a casting value 25+. on subsequent turns, vortex moves randomly equal to role of artillery dice. if misfire, vortex dissipates instantly.
Magic Items
Destroyer of Entities - +2S, heroic killing blow, sweep attack auto-hits all models in BTB (only 1 hit) 80pks
Blade of Antarhak - each wound caused regains a wound in unit or him; if full, he gains regeneration
Cloak of Dunes - Gives user fly, if character flies over enemy unit they suffer 2D6 S2 hits, can be used repeatedly, and hit every unit flown over each turn. -40 pts
Golden Death Mask - causes terror; enemy unit within 6" cannot use General's Ld
Scrolls of Mighty Incantation - One use; gain dice to use on this spell equal to caster level; these are not power dice.
Enkhil's kanopi - bound level 3; dispel all Remains in Play spells on a 2+ each; gain D3 power dice for each successfully removed
Standard of the Undying Legion - bound level 5 - augment that regens D6 +2 skellies (so also regens D3+1 due to lore) 50pts
Banner of The Hidden Dead - pick one unit under 150 points; it gains entombed beneath the sands, if the marker is placed within 12" of the banner, may reroll scatter and artillery dice. -90pts
Tomb King :170 gw +6 fl,sp(ch) +3 ch +60 100mi 210 to mount a war-sphinx
- same stats
Tomb Prince :100 gw +4 fl,sp(ch) +2 ch +60 50mi 210 to mount a war-sphinx
- same stats
The Curse: Killer of Tomb King suffers D6 S5 wounds, Tomb Prince is D6 S4. All units involved in his death suffer.
"My Will Be Done:" King/Prince gives his unmodified WS to a unit he has joined, whether on foot, mounted, etc. The bonus is lost if the King/Prince leaves the unit. This doesn't affect mounts.
-And the tomb kings rode to war- If the Tomb King's/Prince's chariot is destroyed they can remain in the unit, but if they leave they cannot rejoin.
-Can not take a skeleton horse as a mount, but can take a chariot.
Heirophant/Liche Priest-Highest level Liche Priest is the Heirophant.
High Liche priest :175 Lvl 3 + Lvl 4 35 ss +15 100mi
Liche Priests :70 Lvl 1 + Lvl 2 35 ss +15 50mi
-Army must include at least 1 priest.
-Heirophant must take the Nehekharan lore
-Any other wziards can take either the Light, Death or Nek lores.
-Heirophant gives unit he's in 6+ Regen
-Can take a skeletal steed. (No chariot) 15
- statystyki bez zmian (oprócz HLP 4T?)
Necrotect (Hero) 60
-Gives unit he's in hatred.
-Flammable - has LA and 2HW base
-Gives constructs within 12" Regen.(6+)
- statystyki Tomb Heralda
S4 T4 WS4, 2+1A, 2W
Tomb Herald (Hero) 60 przedmioty do 50
-May carry a Battle Standard. 25 (Can be a Magic Standard) do 100pts
-All heralds are oathed to a single king/prince; When the Prince/King takes a wound, on a 2+ the Herald suffers the wound instead (only once per round of combat). This does not work in challenges.
- takie same statystki, oprócz +1A, można mieć więcej niż jednego tomb heralda
Skeleton Warriors 4pts
-Come w/ HW and Shield
-May take LA, Spears, and FC. (c,m,s 10, LA, Spr 1)
- takie same statystki, oprócz LD 5
Skeleton Archers 6pts
-Can take a FC and LA. (c,m,s 10, LA 1)
- arrows of the asp
- takie same statystyki, oprócz LD 5
Skeleton Horsemen 12 pts
-Can take a FC and LA. (c,m,s 10, LA 1)
-Have the Vanguard Spec. Rule.
-takie same statystyki
Skeleton Horse Archers 14 pts
-Fast Cav, Vanguard, Scout
-Can take a FC, no LA. (c,m,s 10 LA 2)
- aota
- takie same statystyki
Skeleton Chariots 55 pts
-Can take a FC. (c,m,s 10)
-15pts more expensive, more impact hits, no longer fast cav.
-Chariot Legions; 3 to a rank, Inflicft D6 Str4 impact hits per Chariot in the front rank that is in base contact at the start of combat on the turn they charge. For each additional full rank of chariots +1 Str to Impact hits (For eg; Base Str4, so 2 full ranks would Str5)
additional full rank adds +1Str to the impact hits. Crew in second rank may make support attacks, but horses cannot.
-One unit can take a magic banner up to 25pts.
- załoganci po 2 ataki, dwa łuki, aota
Ushabti 50pts
- Can take a FC, (c,m,s 10) AHW, GW or Great Bows (Str6, may Volley fire)
- construct, stomp
- statystyki bez zmian, oprócz S4
Tomb Scorpions 85pts
- takie same statsy, oprócz 3W i niższy LD
- poison, kb, stomp, ebts
Tomb Swarms 40pts
-Take in unit from 2+ - Max 10 Swarms
- ebts, poison
- takie same statystki
Tomb Guard 11 pts
-Come with HW/Shield
-No magical attacks anymore, they gained killing blow instead.
-May be upgraded to have a FC and Halberds. (+2)
-Can have a Magic Banner of up to 25 (50?)pts.
Sephurcal Stalkers 55pts
-Transmogrifying gaze; The unit can target any model/unit within 8". -The model suffers 1 artillery dice worth for each stalker in the unit, S1, roll vs Initiative not toughness(always iniative), no armor save.
-Come with halberds.
-ebts, stomp, construct
- T4, 3W, S4, 2A
Carrion 24pts
- Same as now, but +1 Attack and +1Str, fly
Necropolis Knights 65pts
-Snakes have poisioned attacks.
-3+ Save overall.
-Riders Have Killing Blow
-Can be upgraded to have Entombed Beneath The Sands (5ps)
-Can have a FC group. (c,m,s 10pts)
- stomp, construct
T4, 3W, 3A S5 poison, 2A S4 KB, I3, M7?
Warsphinx - 210pts
-Can replace normal attacks for one special Thundercrush attack thundercrush works against infantry, warbeasts, and swarms.; S3
-Thundercrush Place a small blast template over unit resolve hits like a stonethrower. Roll to hit using WS. Could kill up to 21 models, hordes beware!
-Can be a mount for a Tomb King/Prince
-Ridden by 4 Tomb Guard w/Spears KB
-Can have a flaming S4 breath weapon 20
-Can have poisioned attacks 15
- thunderstomp, construct
WS4, S5, T8, M5, I1, 4A
Casket of Souls 135pts
-T10, 3 wounds, 6+ AS
-"Light of Death"-Bound spell- level 5, 48", unit takes Ld test on 3D6, suffers wounds equal to the difference, no armor save; on a 3+ bounces to next unit within 6". This continues, until either you roll a 1-2 or there are no other units in range. Units can only be hit once per turn.
-Gives +D3 Power Dice each turn
-No longer has a attached Liche Priest "crewing" it.
- When the Casket dies, all friends and enemies within 12" suffer D6 S6 hits na 4+?
Cascet of Souls nie posiada żadnej ustawowo przyznanej podstawki, a jego "forward arc" na potrzeby Light of Death (zaklęcia Direct Damage, które przecież musi być rzucane w strefie przedniej modelu) mierzymy od bliżej nieokreślonych "krańców kupy kości". Powstaje pytanie co z tym zrobić i jak wyznaczyć forward arc modelu, który nie ma podstawki.
Tak poza tym, to nie ma żadnej notki, która mówiłaby o tym, że cascet nie może się poruszać, co oznacza, że może. We wszystkich pozostałych kwestiach traktowany jest jak War Machine. Jeśli zostanie zniszczony, to wszystkie jednostki (sojusznicze też) w promieniu 12 cali na 4+ dostają k6 hitów z S:6. Ma załogę składającą się z trzech Tomb Guardów
Necrolith Colossus (Bone Giant) 170 pts
-Still has unstoppable assault. (tylko dla ran po sejwach)
-Unstoppable assault: for every wound that goes unsaved, gets an extra attack; these extra attacks can produce yet more extra attacks, etc.
-Can take a Great Bow, AHW or GW. (20,5,10)
-6T, 6S, 6M, 5A, AS5+, 5W i niższy LD
- thunderstomp, construct
Hierotitan - (Bone giant Liche priest) 175 pts
-Can cast has Shem's Burning Gaze (light) and Spirit Leech (death) as bound spells. - Power level 5.
-Gives +D3 to score to any friendly wizard trying to cast within 12".
- 6T, 6S, 6M, 3A, AS5+, 5W i niższy LD?
- thunderstomp, construct
Screaming Skull Catapult 90+30
-Magical flaming attacks, causes panic if it causes a single wound.
-2x Shot spell does not work on the catapult.
Necrosphinx 230 +15
-May substitute one of it's attacks for one single S10 Heroic Killing Blow attack. (Like the Archranok Spider's venom surge)
-Can take Poisioned attacks 15
- fly, thunderstomp, construct
- S5, 5A, I1, T8, 5W, 5+ save, KB, 1 attack gets S10 HKB
Podsumowanie plotek:
Moderator: Shino
Podsumowanie plotek:
Ostatnio zmieniony 28 kwie 2011, o 12:06 przez Kalesoner, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.