Nie wiem czy demon to dobry pomysł tylko

Unnamed1500 Pts - Chaos Army
1 Exalted Chaos Champion @ 225 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; General; Chaos Armour
Sword of Striking [30]
Enchanted Shield [10]
Daemonic Mount @ [50] Pts
1 Exalted Daemon @ 310 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy
Spell Breaker [25]
Armour of Khorne [25]
6 Chaos Furies @ 90 Pts
5 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 220 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Musician
5 Chosen Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 280 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Chosen Unit; Shield; Musician
5 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 220 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Musician
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen @ 93 Pts
Flail; Musician Chieftain - zostało mi 14pkt za mało na furie

Casting Pool: 2
Dispel Pool: 7
Models in Army: 39
Total Army Cost: 1498