New rules just for the two kav units:
Khorneriders 60p/modell
Unitsize 3+
can get lances
mag banner up to 50P
have the same weapons as normal chaos knights
WS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A2 Ld8
WS5 S5 T5 W1 I2 A2 Ld7
will of Chaos
monstr kav
Mag res 1
Mark of Khorne
Hunters 19P
WS4 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 Ld7
shields spears
light kav
can get all strike first for each first close combat phase for a 1P upgrade (exchange for the spears)
unit type kav
Mark of Slaanesh
will of Chaos
Poison (Horses)
foe each Unit destroyed
1+ devastating charge
2+ stubborn
3+ wardsave 4+
za 60 pkt moloch z rycerzem jest syty jak dla mnie