Skaven 7ed AB - czyli co wyszło z kanałów...


Moderator: Hoax

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Posty: 10347
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Re: Skaven 7ed AB - czyli co wyszło z kanałów...

Post autor: Dębek »

Rainhold pisze:Najpierw malujesz potem sklejasz :D
Tak czy siak have fun.

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Posty: 1878

Post autor: Druchii »

Lepsze foty... ... 03&page=24
posklejane stormy i koło ... 03&page=26
sorry ale nie chciało mi się wklejać fotek bezpośrednio.

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Posty: 2167
Lokalizacja: NEMEZIS Warszawa

Post autor: Aron_Banalny »

moim zdaniem stormvermini są w przeciwieństwie do Greatswordów jednostką, której plastik nie zaszkodził

a co do klanbraci, to są spoko. wreszcie wyglądają jak małe wredne chujki a nie jak postacie z bajek

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Posty: 1250

Post autor: Wilqu »

Znacie te brykę? Generał Grievous z gwiezdnych wojen i jego doomwheel..nic w przyrodzie nie powstaje od tak nawet pomysły chłopców z GW =D>
kupcie sobie to--->


Posty: 2026

Post autor: Waldi »

Podobieństwo uderzające... ale mi ten pojazd się najpierw skojarzył z takim kółkiem, w którym biegają chomiki w klatce ;P

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Posty: 260
Lokalizacja: z Mrocznej Wieży na Froncie Wschodnim

Post autor: Lordzik »

Prawie jak TO

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Lex Luthor
Posty: 16595
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Ziemko »

Z tego co pamietam model doomwheela wyszedl w V edycji czyli cos ok 1998-2000 , a ostatnia czesc gwiezdnych wojen duzo pozniej.

Chuck Norris
Posty: 362

Post autor: kanister »

Ale Doomwheel z V edycji nie przypominał też tego pojazdu. Za to nowy wygląda podobnie.
kanister pisze:Fajnie jest cytować siebie.
jawora pisze:Ja tam w lidze online nie startuję, bo za daleko od mojego miasta.

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Wielki Śląski Ninja
Posty: 3850
Lokalizacja: Pilchowice, Klub "Schwarze Pferd"

Post autor: KrzysiekW »

Chwilowo-w-zawieszeniu szczurzy Lord Wojny mówi: doomwheel był już w IV edycji, mam go w swojej księdze armii z '93, i w tym roku też był wypuszczony na świat ;), jak też potwierdzają wszechwiedzące woluminy "s-o-legends" (w linku kulać na dół):

Podoba mi się ten nowy doomwheel, choć malowanie go rzeczywiście może być nieco ..hmm.. pracochłonne. I rzeczywiście przypomina pojazd Grievousa. ;)

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Posty: 2096
Lokalizacja: kraków

Post autor: vocal »

e marudzicie, to naturalna ewolucja tego typu pojazdu, pewnie za często w starym modelu z 5 ed. zabijano obsługanta bo był na wierzchu to go schowali:P

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"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 164
Lokalizacja: Obecnie plątam się po Wrocku

Post autor: Stefczyk »

Schowali, nie schowali... Mi osobiście figurka się podoba. Coś co będzie przejeżdżać (dosłownie) po wrogich siłach :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
- Hej móżdżku, co będziemy robić dziś wieczorem?
-To co zwykle Pinky, to co zwykle. Spróbujemy opanować świat.
Z cyklu na turnieju:
Master Assassin z Fellbladem wpada w 1 turze w Maga Chaosowego na smoku, wypłaca ataki i wypada: 4x1 pada głośnie K*** i cała sala zaczyna klaskać...
A mój Bóg w dłoniach ma błyskawice,
miotając gromy, odbiera życie...

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Posty: 2586

Post autor: Kefas »

małe co nie co z gs
Again, enemies go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness...
(note that I had to translate all of the items myself... so you may see some different names in the book.)

complete list of Skaven magic items =)

Common Magic items

Quick blade - 30 pts (+1 hit)

Blade of Carnage - 25 pts (+1 A)

Sword of Might (+1 S) - 20

Ripping Blade (-1 AS) - 5pts

enchanted shield (+2 as) - 10 pts

Magic Ward (6+ WardSave) - 15 pts

Dispel scroll - 25 points

energystone (+2 power dice) - 20 pts

staff of sorcery (+1 dispel) - 35

Warbanner (+1 combat resolution) - 25

Magic weapons

Blade of Grudges (Grimmklinge) xxx points.

S10, every succesfull Ward Save has to be rerolled. Not-saved wounds cause loss of D6 Lifepoints.
At the end of each players turn roll D6, at 1 or 2 bearer suffers loss of one lifepoint with no armour saves allowed.

Warpblade xx pts
no armour saves allowed

warlocktinkered weapon xx pts
+1 S and +1 A

Plagueblade xx pts
+1 S. not saved wounds cause loss of 2 Lifepoints. If bearer rolls 2 or more 1s to hit, he suffers the loss of 2 lifepoints. AS allowed.

Blade of Tears xx pts
Armourpiercing. each wound not saved causes loss of D3 Lifepoints.

Dwarfbane xx points
+1 S. If fighting a dwarf, bearer gets armourpiercing and may reroll to wound rolls in close combat

Blade of Nurglitch xx pts
non-saved wounds suffer a penalty of 1 to Toughness. If the model is reduced to 0 he's removed from play.

Magical Armour

Warpstone Armour xx points
grants 4+ AS. Each succesful save causes one hit S4 to the model that caused the wound. Wounds caused by this effect add to combat resolution.
May be given to Warlocks.

World's Edge Armour xx points
grants 4+ Armoursave. The first hit which ignores the bearers armour is ignored completly, but the armour is destroyed.

Shield of confusion - xx pts.
All Models in base contact with the bearer (friend or foe) suffer -1 A, to a minimum of 1.


Aweful Charm xx pts
grants 5+ Ward Save

Shadowmagnet xx pts
-1 to hit in ranged combat against bearer or unit he's attached to. additional to any other occuring penalty (like long range, mutliple shots etc)

Charm from rival's skins xx pts
1 use only - A Skaven model with this charm may force a enemy model in base contact to reroll all to-hit rolls.

Arcane Artifacts

Warpstormscroll xx pts
Bound Spell (PL 5) - 1 use only. If you use this scroll, all flying units within 24 inches suffer D6 hits S6, resolved like shooting.

Warpenergy-focus xx pts
Grey Seers and Warlocks with this item generate a aditional power dice at a roll of 5+ in their own magic phase. If the bearer casts Warp lightning, he deals D6 +2 hits (does not apply if he rolls a 1)

Crystall Orb xx points
1 use only. grants a 3+ Ward Save against the first wound he suffers. However, if the save is succesfull, the bearer awaits further instructions from the orb, and therefore is stupid for the rest of the game.

Warptone Tokens xx pts
All Grey Seer and Warlocks may have as many Warpstone tokens as their point limit allows it. They may have further Arcane Artifacts.

Before casting a spell, you may declare to take as many warpstone tokens as you wish.
Add 1 power dice for every 1 token you took. You may pass the normal limit of power dice that you may roll depending on your power level.

For every warpstone dice that shows a 1, the wizard suffers the loss of 1 lifepoint, with no Armour saves allowed.

Warpstone tokens may cause irresistable force or miscasts. You should use differently coloured dice for warpstone tokens... (green at best)

Enchanted items

Skavenbrew xx points
1 use only. The bearer of Skavenbrew may foce one (1) unit of Clan rats or storm vermin in direct contakt to drink the brew. Champions take it, attached characters not.

Roll a d6 to see what happens.

1: the unit suffers D6 S 3 hits, no armour save allowed.
2-3: unit hates everyone
4-5: unit gains frenzy
6: Death Frenzy: unit gains +2 attacks, suffering the loss of D6 life points at the end of each own movement phase.

Skalm xx points
1 use only. The bearer regenerates all lost Life points. Only he may use the Skalm. Bearer may not Use skalm if he already lost all of his lifepoints.

Spotfur's Pipe xx points
If a enemy unit wants to attack a Character (or the unit he's attached to) bearing Spotfur's pipe, the unit has to do a morale check. If It fails, it is treated as if it failed to charge.

Omen of Doom xx points
Enemy units in direct contact with a unit that includes the Omen of doom suffer 1 -1 penalty to their morale characteristics, as long as they remain in direct contact.

Clan Eshin's Assasin tools

Warpstone-shuriken (magical weapon) xx points
Multiple shots (3), S5, shuriken, cause loss of D3 Lifepoints.

Hellbomb (enchanted item) xx points

As long as he does not charge, the assassin may place a bomb on any spot he crosses with his movement. He may march.

Mark the spot with a coin or something apropriate. The model that placed the bomb has to move away from it. The bomb may be detonated remotly at any moment in the game, excluding the turn it was set or as long as the bearer (or his unit) touch the bomb.

Place the 5 inches template above the marker used for the bomb. The model under the hole suffers a hit S10, which causes the loss of D3 lifepoints. All models touched by the template suffer a S3 hit.

Smokebombs (enchanted items) xx points

1 use only. If a model with smoke bombes is forced to flee, it may drop the smoke bombs. Declare the use of smoke bombs befor you roll the distance to flee or to persuit (or any other dice). All persuing units roll 1 dice less than usual.

Skryre Wargear

Bronze sphere (enchanted item) xx points

1 use only. The bearer may throw the Sphere at his own shooting phase. Place the 3 inches template anywhere within 8 inches of the bearer. apply a scatter roll, just as with a stone thrower.

All models touced by the template must pass a initiative test or will be removed from play (yes, removed from play).

If you roll a malfunction, the template is placed above the bearer.

Missile of Doom (magical weapon) xx points

1 use only. Declare a direction t oshoot the missile, and any numer of dice between 4 and 10. Roll the dice, thats the distance the missile flies. Place the 5 Inces template at the point it strikes. all models touched by the missile suffer a S5 hit.
If you roll 3 or more 1's for the distance, apply the following malfunction-result:
1: The templatte is placed above the model fireing it.
2-5: missile goes to a random direction
6: the model at the direct spot of impact suffers a S5 hit. Roll a D6 at the beginnig of each skaven shooting phase - on a roll of 4 the missile detonates as usual.

Warlock-goggles xx points
+1 BS. Bearer does not suffer a penalty if shooting at targets within cover.

Reliquary of Clan Pestilence

Warpscroll (arcane artifact) xx points

1 use only, PL 5 Pick one (1) unit within 24 inches and within line of sight. every model in the unit suffers a S2 hit, with no armour saves allowed.

Plague banner (magical banner) xx points

1 Use only. For one Close combat phase, all Plague monks within the unit may reroll To-hit and to wound rolls.

Clan Moulders Toys ( I was running out of nouns for gear, equipment etc, so I randomized a fitting term here... -.-")

Shockstaff (magical weapon) xx points
Must be wealded with two hands. This weapon ignores armour saves

electric whip (magical weapon) xx points
Follows the rules of whips (bearer may strike from behind 1 rank of Rat ogres or 3 ranks of Giant Rats, grant +1 attack), bearer gains +D3 attacks instead of one for the whip.

Magical Standards

Sacred Standard of the Horned Rat xx points

All enemy units within 12 inches of the bearer suffer a -1 penalty to their morale characteristics

Stormbanner xx points

1 use only. May be activated at the beginning of any Players turn. No unit on the field may use the flying rule, and all shooting suffers a additional -1 penalty. All non-magical shooting attacks not using the BS characteristics (like Cannons, Stone throwers, Breath weapons) may only be used at a roll of 4+.

At the beginnig of each following players turn roll a D6 - the standards effect ends at a roll of 4+.

Great Standard of Clan supremacy xx points
At each close combat, if the unit with the banner has more ranks than the enemy unit(s) it's fighting, it gains not the regular +1 to combat resolution for standards, but D3.

Shroud of Dripping Death xx points

All enemy models in contact with the bearer suffer a S3 hit with no armour saves allowed at the beginning of each close combat phase.
If the unit with this banner flees from combat, all persuing units suffer D6+2 S3 hits with no armour saves allowed.

Banner of the Realm of the depths xx points
At the beginnig of all close combat phases, enemy units in contact with the unit bearing this banner suffer 2D6 S2 Hits. Resolute them like Shooting attacks.

Dwarfhide Banner xx points
The unit hates all dwarves, and all dwarves hate them.

Banner of the crawling horde xx points
once per game (except the first turn) the unit bearing this banner may march at triple it's movement. It suffers 2D6 S3 hits with nor Armour Saves allowed.

Again, I removed all point costs, and I will neither tell what they are in any case, nor will I comment on if something got cheaper or more expensive (as the warpstonetokens did)

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Posty: 886
Lokalizacja: Zabrze

Post autor: Cosmo »

Pod koniec tygodnia mozecie do mnie pisac na PM kto chce czesc kodeksu (nie wszystko mam w pdf niestety). Tylko panowie - jedna prosba i badzcie powazni.. Zadnego wrzucania na siec bo zapierdole. Wysle to wam na prywatny uzytek tylko. Poczytajcie sobie i zacznijcie robic rozpiski/figurki, ale bez zadnego kablowania na Underempire albo War Seerze. Wiekszosc z was znam, wiec jak sie dowiem ze ktorys dal dupy to sie pogniewamy.

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Posty: 1172
Lokalizacja: 4 piramida od lewej

Post autor: MUKER »

Co za bieda te itemy #-o

Jedyny jaki dotąd był fajny to ten RatGuard, ale tu się nie pojawia.
And the ground did tremble as the king marched to war...
Dziecko jest idealnym przykładem rządów mniejszości!

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5208
Lokalizacja: Radom

Post autor: Rakso_The_Slayer »

Zależy jeszcze jakie beda koszty bo niektóre sa całkiem fajne jeśli nie beda za drogie.

Posty: 2428
Lokalizacja: Szczawnica/Kraków

Post autor: Gremlin »

Dokładnie jak powiedział Rakso

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 398
Lokalizacja: Gdynia

Post autor: rychu022 »

I tak oto powstala ulepszona wersja feelbade'a ale za to nie ma kto jej nosci :( (dlaczego nie ma eshinu i master assasina :cry: :cry: :cry: ?)

Chuck Norris
Posty: 362

Post autor: kanister »

Warlord na rat ogrze.
kanister pisze:Fajnie jest cytować siebie.
jawora pisze:Ja tam w lidze online nie startuję, bo za daleko od mojego miasta.

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 398
Lokalizacja: Gdynia

Post autor: rychu022 »

kanister pisze:Warlord na rat ogrze.
tiaaa, tyle ze to warlord musialby zaszarzowac a 6M to :roll:

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 607
Lokalizacja: Battleground - Chodzież

Post autor: Wisnia »

Nadal jest czar, którym można gościa teleportować...
A Verminlord? Może nosić takie przedmioty?
