ETC 2012

Moderator: swieta_barbara

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Re: ETC 2012

Post autor: swieta_barbara »

Alan Woods-Conway (c) Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster, General, Level 4 , Great Maw, Ironfist, Armour of Destiny, Earthing Rod, The Other tricksters Shard 378
Bruiser, BSB, Heavy Armour, Ironfist, Warrior Bane, Dragonhelm, Crown of Command 188
Firebelly, Level 2, Fire, Additional Hand Weapon, Dispel Scroll, Ruby ring of Ruin 207
9 Ironguts, FCG, Standard of Discipline 432
6 Ogres, Ironfist, Musician 202
4 Mournfang, Musician, Heavy Armour, Ironfist 290
4 Mournfang, Musician, Heavy Armour, Ironfist 290
Sabretusk 21
Sabretusk 21
Sabretusk 21
Gorger 90
Gorger 90
Ironblaster 170
Total: 2400

John Twomey, Orcs & Goblins
Black Orc Warboss: General, Shield, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, 253
Savage Orc Great Shaman: Lvl 4, Da Big Waaagh, Warrior Bane, Lucky Shrunken Head, Obsidian Lodestone, 305
Savage Orc Shaman: Lvl 1, Da Big Waaagh, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 120
Goblin Big Boss on Giant Wolf: Tormentor Sword, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, 64
Savage Orc Big Boss: BSB, GW, Standard of Discipline, 119
36 Savage Orc Big’Uns: FCG, Extra Hand Weapons, 431
20 Night Goblins: Musician, Short Bows, 2 Fanatics, 120
20 Night Goblins: Musician, Short Bows, 2 Fanatics, 120
10 Night Goblin Squig Herd: 1 Squig, 9 Night Goblin Squig Handlers, 35
1 Troll: 35
1 Troll: 35
10 Trolls: 350
1 Goblin Wolf Chariot: 50
1 Goblin Doom Diver: 80
1 Goblin Doom Diver: 80
1 Goblin Rock Lobba: 85
1 Goblin Rock Lobba: 85
1 Mangler Squig: 65
1 Mangler Squig: 65
Total: 2497

Ciaran Dunne, Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: General, Lvl 4 , Plague & Ruin, Fencers blades, Power Scroll, 510
Plague Priest on Furnace: Lvl 1, Plague, Plague censer, iron curse icon, Dispel scroll, 296
Engineer: Lvl 2 Lore Ruin, Condenser, 120
Engineer: Brass Orb, 65
Chieftain: BSB, Great Weapon, Banner of the Under Empire, 99
36 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 327
38 Skaven Slaves: Musician, Shields 97
38 Skaven Slaves Musician, Shields, 97
39 Skaven Slaves: Champion, Musician, 84
6 Giant Rats: 5 Giant Rats, 1 packmaster, 23
6 Giant Rats: 5 Giant Rats, 1 packmaster, 23
27 Plague Monks: FCG, Plague Banner, 244
5 Gutter Runners: poison, slings, 90
1 Abombination: 235
1 Warp-Lightning Cannon: 90
Total: 2400

Malcolm Cooney, High Elves
Archmage: General, Lvl4, Light, Loremaster's Cloak, Annulian Crystal, 340
Noble: Lvl 1, Light, Radiant Gem of Hoeth, BSB, Halberd, Dragon Armour, Shield, 167
Mage: Lvl 2, Light, Seerstaff of Saphery, 165
Mage: Lvl 1, Light, Ring of Corin, 120
21 Spearmen: Musician, Standard, Standard of Discipline, 219
18 Archers: Musician, 203
18 Archers: Musician, 203
27 White Lions: Musician, 423
27 White Lions: Musician, 423
5 Phoenix Guard: Standard, Banner of Sorcery, 137
Great Eagle: 50
Great Eagle: 50
Total: 2500

Martin Kenny, Empire
Wizard Lord: General, Lvl 4, Metal, Talisman of Preservation, Earthing Rod, Ruby Ring, 295
Battle Wizard: Lvl 1, Fire, Dispel scroll, 90
Master Engineer: 65
Captain: BSB, Full Plate, Enchanted Shield, Potion of Toughness, 116
27 Crossbowmen: Full Command, 273
5 Detachment: 5 Archers, 35
5 Detachment: 5 Archers, 35
5 Empire Knights: Standard, Musician, 130
5 Empire Knights: Standard, Musician, 130
5 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 300
5 Pistoliers: Musician, 100
5 Pistoliers: Musician, 100
1 Cannon: 120
1 Cannon: 120
1 Helblaster: 120
1 Steam Tank: 250
1 Luminark of Hysh: 120
Total: 2399

Ken Chambers, Daemons of Chaos
Bloodthirster: General, Armour of Khorne, Collar of Khorne, Firestorm Blade, Immortal Fury, 530
Herald of Tzeentch: Lvl 2, Tzeentch, Spell Breaker, 140
30 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Lvl3, Tzeentch, 360
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: Standard, Musician, 354
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: Standard, Musician, 354
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
6 Flamers of Tzeentch: 210
6 Fiends of Slaanesh: 330
Total: 2398

Chris Mince, Warriors of Chaos

Chaos Lord on Chaos Steed: General, Word of Agony, Shield, Mark of Tzeentch, Axe of Khorne, Talisman of Endurance, Helm of Many Eyes, 394
Chaos Sorceror: Lvl2, Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Enchanted Shield, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, 185
Chaos Sorceror on Chaos Steed: Lvl2, Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Spell Familiar, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Protection, 191
Exalted Hero on Chaos Steed: BSB, Mark of Tzeentch,Stream of Corruption, Halberd, Dragonhelm, Collar of Khorne, 220
24 Chaos Warriors: FCG, Shield, Mark of Tzeentch, Standard of Discipline, 449
5 Marauder Horsemen: Musician, Flails, Throwing Axes, Mark of Slaanesh, 101
5 Marauder Horsemen: Musician, Flails, Throwing Axes, Mark of Slaanesh, 101
9 Chaos Knights: Standard, Musician, Mark of Tzeentch, Blasted Standard, 450
1 Chaos Warshrine: Mark of Tzeentch, 150
1 Chaos Warshrine: Mark of Tzeentch, 150
Total: 2391

James Fitzsimons, Chaos Dwarfs
Sorcerer Prophet on Bale Taurus: General, Lvl 4, Death, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 575
Demonsmith Sorcerer: Lvl 1, Fire, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Dispel Scroll, 140
Bull Centaur Taur'ruk: Shield, Crown of Command, Dragonhelm, 205
Bull Centaur Taur'ruk: Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, Tormentor Sword, 190
28 Infernal Guard: Standard, Musician, Great Weapons, Gleaming Pennant, 445
12 Infernal Guard: Champion, Musician, 166
3 Bull Centaur Renders: Musician, Shields, 140
1 Hellcannon: 205
1 K'daai Destroyer: 325
Total: 2396

Paolo Belluti (c) non-playing
Giuseppe Gaudiano, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: General, lvl 4, Heaven, Focused Rumination, Obsidian Amulet, Earthing Rod, Bane Head, 345
Saurus Oldblood: Great Weapon, Armour of Fortune, Dawn Stone, Crown of Command, 252
Skink Chief: BSB, Shield, Banner of the eternal flame, 92
Skink Priest: lvl 1, Heaven, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Dispel Scroll, 115
Skink Priest: lvl 1, Heaven, Cube of Darkness, 105
24 Skinks: Musician, Champion, 3 kroxigors, 299
24 Skinks: Musician, Champion, 3 kroxigors, 299
12 Skink Skirmishers: Champion, 90
10 Skink Skirmishers: Champion, javelin, Shield, 86
10 Skink Skirmishers: Champion, javelin, Shield, 86
6 Chameleon Skinks: 72
6 Chameleon Skinks: 72
6 Chameleon Skinks: 72
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Salamander Hunting Packs: 2 Skink Handlers, 235
Total Army Cost: 2400

Luigi Rinaldi, Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: General, lvl 4, Great Maw, Great weapon, Crown of Command, Armour of Fortune, Sceptre of Stability, 380
Bruiser: BSB, Look-out Gnoblar, Great weapon, Heavy Armour, Dragonhelm, 160
Firebelly: lvl 1, fire, Dispel Scroll, 145
7 Ironguts: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 346
6 Ironguts: Musician, 268
4 Mournfang Cavalry: Musician, Ironfists, Heavy Armour, 290
4 Mournfang Cavalry: Musician, Ironfists, Heavy Armour, 290
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
5 Maneaters: FCG, Stubborn, Scouts, 1 Maneater: Additional hand weapons, Gleaming Pendant, 287
1 Ironblaster: 170
Total Army Cost: 2399

Marco Sodano, Daemons of Chaos
Lord of Change: General, lvl 2, Tzeentch, Tzeentch's Will, Power Vortex, 550
Herald of Tzeentch: BSB, lvl 2, Tzeentch, Winged Horror, Great Standard of Sundering, 210
Herald of Tzeentch: lvl 2, Tzeentch, Spell Breaker, 140
Herald of Khorne: Firestorm Blade, 125
Herald of Khorne: Armour of Khorne, 115
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
10 Pink horrors of tzeentch: Musician, 126
27 Bloodletters of Khorne: Musician, champion, 342
26 Bloodletters of Khorne: Musician, champion, 330
5 Fiends of Slaanesh: 275
Total Army Cost: 2393

Francesco Di Bonaventura, Vampire counts
Ghoul King: General, lvl 1, Vampires, Ogre blade, The other tricksters shard, Dragonbane gem, Scroll of shielding, Red fury, Flying horror, 415
Master necromancer: lvl 3, Vampires, Sceptre of stability, 180
Vampires: BSB, lvl 2, Vampires, Heavy armor, shield, dispel Scroll, Dragonhelm, Luckstone, 211
30 Crypt Ghoul: Champion, 310
30 Zombies: Musician, 95
30 Skeleton warrior: FGC, Banner of Swiftness, 195
10 Hexwraiths: Champion, 310
10 Hexwraiths: Champion, 310
10 Hexwraiths: Champion, 310
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32
Total Army Cost: 2400

Claudio Magno, High elves
Prince on Star dragon: General, Dragon Armour, Sword of Might, Enchanted Shield, The Other Tricksters Shard, Vambraces of Defence, 624
Noble: BSB, lvl 1, Light, Radiant Gem of Hoeth, 155
Mage: lvl 2, Light, Silver Wand, Loremasters Cloak, 185
Mage: lvl 2, Light, Seerstaff of Saphery, 165
Mage: lvl 1, Light, Dispel Scroll, 120
28 Spear Elves: Musician, Champion, 267
28 Spear Elves: Musician, Champion, 267
10 Spear Elves: Musician, Champion, 105
21 White Lions: FCG, Banner of Sorcery, Champion: Amulet of Light, 410
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
Total Army Cost: 2498

Luca Pistilli, The empire
General of the empire on barded warhorse: General, Full plate armor, Great Weapon, Dragonhelm, 144
Battle wizard lord on warhorse: lvl 3, Death, obsidian lodestone, feedback scroll, 278
Captain of the empire on barded warhorse: BSB, Full plate armor, Great Weapon, Helm of the skavenslayer, 128
Captain of the empire on imperial pegasus: Full plate armor, lance, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, 148
Battle wizard on warhorse: lvl 2, Death, dispel Scroll, 137
13 Knights of the Inner Circle: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 370
5 Knightly orders: Musician, lance, shield, 120
5 Knightly orders: Musician, lance, shield, 120
4 Demigryph Knight: 232
4 Demigryph Knight: 232
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Steam Tank: 250
Total Army Cost: 2499

Renato Finelli, Chaos dwarfs
Sorcerer-Prophet: General, lvl 4, Fire, Blood of Hashut, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, Sceptre of Stability, 420
Infernal Castellan: BSB, Shield, Dragonhelm, DawnStone, Biting blade, 177
Daemonsmith Sorcerer: lvl 1, Fire, Dispel Scroll, Charmed Shield, 125
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf: 52
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf: 52
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf: shield, 54
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf: shield, light armor, Dragonbane Gem, Warrior's Bane, 66
20 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard: Musician, Champion, Great weapon, 322
22 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard: Musician, Champion, 286
Magma Cannon: Hellbound, 170
Deathshrieker Roket Launcher: 100
Hellcannon: 205
Dreadquake Mortar: Slave Ogre, Hellbound, 240
5 Hobgoblin wolf raiders: Musician, 65
5 Hobgoblin wolf raiders: Musician, 65
Total Army Cost: 2399

Massimiliano Bonifazi, Dark Elves
Supreme Sorceress: General, lvl 4, Dark Magic, Sacrificial Dagger, Seal of Ghrond, 315
Supreme Sorceress: lvl 4, Death, Dispel Scroll, 285
Master on dark pegasus: BSB, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Soulrender, Pendant of Khaeleth, 215
Master on dark pegasus: Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Cloak of Hag Graef, DawnStone, 190
30 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Banner of Murder, 220
30 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 205
22 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen: Musician, Champion, 230
Dark Elf Assassin: Additional hand weapons, Manbane, Rending Star, 151
Dark Elf Assassin: Additional hand weapons, Manbane, Rending Star, 151
Dark Elf Assassin: Additional hand weapons, Manbane, Rending Star, 151
5 Harpies: 55
5 Harpies: 55
1 War Hydra: 175
Total Army Cost: 2398

Sergey Vishnyakov (Conjurer) (c), Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: General, Lvl 4, Ruin/Plague, Skalm, Fencer's Blades, Dispel Scroll, Dragonbane Gem, 535
Warlock Engineer: Lvl 1, Ruin, Doom Rocket, Warp-Energy Condenser, 115
Assassin: 2nd Weapon, Throwing Stars, Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength, 170
Assassin: 2nd Weapon, Throwing Stars, Warpforged Blade, 170
Chieftain: BSB, Heavy Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, 120
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, 82
27 Skavenslaves: Musician, 56
20 Clanrats: Standard, Musician, Shields, Ratling Gun, 157
38 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, Poisoned Wind Mortar, 406
5 Giant Rats: 1 Packmaster, 23
5 Giant Rats: 1 Packmaster, 23
5 Giant Rats: 1 Packmaster, 23
5 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Attacks, Sling, 90
5 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Attacks, Sling, 90
1 Hellpit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon: 90
Total: 2400

Alexey Bugzdin (Archaon), The Legion of Azgorh
Sorcerer-Prophet: General, Lvl 4, Death, Darkforged Weapon, Blachshard Armour, Ironcurse Icon, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, 355
Daemonsmith Sorcerer: Lvl 2, Death, Ensorcelled Hand Weapon, Blachshard Armour, Pistol, Dispel Scroll, Charmed Shield, 165
Dark Castellan: BSB, Blachshard Armour, Shield, Luckstone, The Mask of the Furnace, 202
24 Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard: FCG, Champion: Pistol, 322
21 Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard: FCG, Champion: Pistol, 286
1 Magma Cannon: 145
1 Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher: 100
5 Bull Centaurs Renders: Musician, Shields, 230
5 Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders: Musician. 65
1 Hellcannon: 205
1 K'daai Destroyer: 325
Total: 2400

Sergey Slobodskoy (Diakon), Empire
Grand Master on Warhorse: General, Full Plate Armour, Barding, Shield, Runefang, The Other Tricksters Shard, 259
Wizard Lord: Lvl 4, Life, Dispel Scroll, 225
Captain of the Empire on Warhorse: BSB, Lance, Full Plate Armor, Barding, Obsidian Lodestone, Charmed Shield, 164
Battle Wizard: Lvl 2, Fire, 100
Master Engineer: Light Armor, 66
12 Archers: 84
10 Crossbowmen: Musician, 100
10 Knights of the Inner Circle: Standard, Musician, The Steel Standard, 305
5 Knightly Orders: Musician, 120
4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 242
4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 242
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Celestial Hurricanum: 130
1 Helblaster Volley Gun: 120
Total: 2397

Sergey Kovrov (DMCrew), High Elves
Archmage: General, Lvl 4, Death, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Saphery, Folaraith's Robe, 360
Mage: Lvl 2, High Magic, Silver Wand, Loremasters Cloak, 185
Noble: BSB, Great Weapon, Luckstone, Amulet of Light, Armour of Caledor, 163
34 SpearElves: FCG, First Among Equals, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 341
30 SpearElves: FCG, 295
18 White Lions: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 315
24 White Lions: FCG, Banner of Sorcery, 440
5 Dragon Princes: 150
5 Dragon Princes: 150
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
Total: 2499

Krzysztof Fischer (Fisch), Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: General, BSB, Lvl 4, Death, Focused Rumination, Standard of Discipline, Plaque of Tepok, 330
Saurus Oldblood on Cold One: Great Weapon, Venom of Firefly Frog, Talisman of Preservation, Glittering Scales, 267
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Great Weapon, Light Armour, Dragonhelm, Amulet of Itzl, Potion of Foolhardiness, 161
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Light Armour, Sword of Might, Charmed Shield, Dawn Stone, 160
Skink Priest: Lvl 2, Heaven, Cube of Darkness, 140
Skink Priest: Lvl 2, Heaven, Dispel Scroll, 125
24 Skinks: FCG, 3 Kroxigors, 307
30 Skinks: Standard, Musician, 164
24 Skinks: Champion, Musician, 134
5 Chameleon Skinks: Champion, 66
5 Chameleon Skinks: Champion, 66
5 Chameleon Skinks: 60
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
2 Salamander Hunting Packs: 150
Total: 2399

Andrey Idelchik (Luxor), Ogres Kingdom
Slaughtermaster: General, Lvl 4, Heaven, Iron Fist, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, Armour of Destiny, Sword of Might, 388
Butcher: Lvl 1, Great Maw, Dragonbane Gem, Crown of Command, 140
Bruiser: BSB, Iron Fist, Heavy Armour, Rune Maw Banner, 198
7 Ironguts: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 346
8 Ironguts: FCG, 374
5 Mournfang Cavalry: Musician, Iron Fist, Heavy Armour, 360
5 Mournfang Cavalry: Musician, Iron Fist, Heavy Armour, 360
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Ironblaster: 170
Total: 2399

Aleksandr Merzliakov (SanSanych), Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord: General, Lvl 4, Vampires, Red Fury, Quickblood, Beguile, Heavy armour, Shield, Ogre Blade, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Tricksters Shard, 529
Necromancer: Lvl 1, Vampires, Dispel Scroll, 90
Tomb Banshee: 95
Vampire: BSB, Lvl 1, Death, Aura of Dark Majesty, Beguile, Shield, Armour of Destiny, 222
Vampire: Lvl 1, Vampires, Flying Horror, Heavy armour, Shield, Obsidian Amulet, Dragonhelm, Ironcurse Icon, 186
38 Crypt Ghouls: Champion, 390
20 Zombies: Musician, 65
20 Zombies: Musician, 65
5 Dire Wolves: 40
5 Dire Wolves: 40
8 Crypt Horrors: Champion, 314
5 Vargheists: Champion, 240
1 Spirit Hosts: 45
1 Spirit Hosts: 45
2 Fell Bats: 32
Total: 2398

Roman Harchevnkov (WFilin), Dwarfs
Runelord: General, Anvil of Doom, Gromril Armour, Great Weapon, Rune of Stone, Rune of the Furnace, Spelleater Rune, 381
Dragon Slayer: Slayer Axes, 50
Thane: BSB, Gromril Armour, Great Weapon, Master Rune of Gromril, Master Rune of Spite, 164
40 Warriors: FCG, Great Weapon, 425
40 Warriors: FCG, Great Weapon, 425
31 Hammerers: Standard, Musician, Master Rune of Grugni, 440
1 Grudge Thrower: Engeneer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating (x2), 170
1 Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Burning, Rune of Forging, 145
1 Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Forging, 140
5 Miners: Musician, 60
Total: 2400

Mark Attard (c), Chaos Dwarfs
Sorceror Prophet: general, Lvl 4, Hashut, Darkforged Weapon, Blackshard Armour, Enchanted Shield, Talisman Of Preservation, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring Of Ruin, 400
Dark Castellan: BSB, Blackshard Armour, Shield, The Mask Of The Furnace, Luckstone, Ironcurse Icon, 207
Daemonsmith Sorceror: Lvl 2, Metal, Enscrolled Hand Weapon, Blackshard Armour, Charmed Shield, Scroll Of Shielding, 150
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf: Throwing Knife, Light Armour, Tormentor Sword, Dragonhelm, 69
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf: Throwing Knife, Spear, Light Armour, Shield, 60
22 Infernal Guard: FCG, Fireglaives, Naphta Bombs, Lichebone Standard, 426
20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats: Musician, Bows, 104
20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats: Musician, Bows, 104
1 Iron Daemon War Engine: Hellbound, 310
1 Magma Cannon: 145
1 Deathshrieker Rocket Lanucher: 100
1 K'Daai Destroyer: 325
Total: 2400

Antoine Bilocca, Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: general; Lvl 4, Plague & Ruin, D3 Warpstone Tokens, Fencer's Blades, Dragonbane Gem, Sceptre Of Stability, Portent of Verminous Doom, 515
Plague Priest on Plague Furnace: flail, Dispel scroll, Rival Hide Talisman, Potion Of Speed, 299
Warlock Engineer: Doom Rocket, 45
Warlock Engineer: 15
40 Stormvermin: FCG, Shields, Banner Of The Under-Empire, Poisoned Wind Mortar, 435
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Champion, 86
39 Skavenslaves: Musician, 80
6 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Attacks, Sling, 108
6 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Attacks, Sling, 108
27 Plague Monks: Standard, Musician, Plague Banner, 234
1 Hellpit Abomination: 235
1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon: 90
1 Doomwheel: 150
Total: 2400

Brian Xuereb, Bretonnia
Bretonnian Lord on Barded Bretonnian Warhorse: general, Grail Vow, Virtue of Confidence, Heavy Armour, Shield, Morning Star of Fracasse, Gromril Great Helm, Dragonbane Gem, Gauntlet of the Duel, 257
Prophetess Of The Lady on Bretonnian warhorse: Lvl 4, Heavens, The Ruby Goblet, Dispel Scroll, 295
Paladin on Barded Bretonnian Warhorse: BSB, Grail Vow, Heavy Armour, Lance, Golden Sigil Sword, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, 149
Damsel Of The Lady on Bretonnain Warhorse: Lvl 2, Beasts, Icon Of Quenelles, 140
Damsel Of The Lady on Bretonnain warhorse: Lvl 1, Life, Crown Of Command, Scroll Of Shielding, 130
14 Knights Errant: FCG, Errantry Banner, 321
10 Knights Of The Realm: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 279
5 Pegasus Knights: FCG, 305
8 Grail Knights: FCG, Banner of Chalons, 344
1 Field Trebuchet: 90
1 Field Trebuchet: 90
Total: 2400

Chris Gatt, Warriors Of Chaos
Sorceror Lord: general, Level 4, Death, Word Of Agony, Shrieking Blade, Charmed Shield, Talisman Of Preservation, Ironcurse Icon, Infernal Puppet, 410
Exalted Hero: BSB, Stream Of Corruption, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Biting Blade, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Endurance, Favour of the Gods, 220
Chaos Sorceror: Lvl 2, Slaanesh, Mark of Slaanesh, Enchanted Shield, Spell Familiar, Dragonbane Gem, 160
Chaos Sorceror: Lvl 2, Slaanesh, Mark of Slaanesh, Third Eye, Scroll of Shielding, Collar Of Khorne, 190
21 Warriors of Chaos: Standard, Musician, Mark of Nurgle, Halberds, Shield, Banner of Rage, 440
38 Chaos Marauders: Standard, Musician, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Light Armour, 260
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
8 Chaos Trolls: 360
1 Chaos Warshrine: Mark of Tzeentch, 150
1 Chaos Warshrine: Mark of Tzeentch, 150
Total: 2400

Darren Calvagna, Dark Elves
Supreme Sorceress: Lvl 4, Fire, Sacrificial Dagger, Lifetaker, Ironcurse Icon, 320
Death Hag: general, Cauldron Of Blood, 200
Death Hag: BSB, Standard Of Hag Graef, 150
Sorceress: Lvl 1, Fire, Dispel scroll, The Guiding Eye, 150
5 Dark Riders: 85
5 Dark Riders: 85
29 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen: Musician, 295
20 Dark Elf warriors: FCG, 135
5 Harpies: 55
5 Harpies: 55
37 Har Ganeth Executioners: Musician, 450
38 Witch Elves: Standard, Musician, Banner Of Murder, 420
Total: 2400

John Atanasio, Dwarfs
Runelord : general, Anvil Of Doom, Gromril Armour, Spelleater Rune, 365
Thane: BSB, Gromril Armour, Rune of Might, Master Rune Of Gromril, Rune Of Resistance, 165
Master Engineer: Gromril Armour, 70
Thane: Gromril Armour, Shield, Rune Of Cleaving, Rune Of Resistance, Rune Of Stone, Master Rune Of Challenge, 142
39 Warriors: FCG, Great Weapon, 415
14 Quarrelers: Musician, Great weapon, 187
22 Hammerers: FCG, Master Rune Of Grugni, 344
10 Miners: FCG, Steamdrill, 160
1 Grudge Thrower: Rune Of Burning, Rune Of Penetration, Rune Of Accuracy, 135
1 Grudge Thrower: 2 Runes Of Penetration, Rune Of Accuracy, 155
1 Organ Gun: 120
1 Gyrocopter: 140
Total: 2398

Tyrone Bruno, High Elves
Prince on Star Dragon: general, Dragon Armour, Sword Of Might, Enchanted Shield, Vambraces Of Defences, The Other Trickster's Shard, 624
Noble: BSB, Great Weapon, Dragon Armour, Banner Of The World Dragon, 184
Mage: Lvl 2, Heavens, Dispel Scroll, Gem Of Courage, 165
Mage: Lvl 2, Heavens, Ring Of Corin, Ironcurse Icon, 160
24 First Lothern Seaguard: Standard, Musician, Shield, Banner Of The Eternal Flame, 337
30 Spearelves: FCG, 295
25 White Lions: FCG, Standard Of Balance, 450
5 Dragon Princes: Standard, Musician, Gleaming Pennant, 185
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
Total: 2500

Daniel Degiorgio, Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord on Hellsteed: general, Lvl 4, Vampires, Quickblood, Red Fury, Heavy Armour, Shield, Ogre Blade, Dragonhelm, Talisman Of Preservation, Potion Of Foolhardiness, 544
Necromancer: Lvl 1; Vampires, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, 95
7 Direwolves: Champion, 66
7 Direwolves: Champion, 66
6 Direwolves: Champion, 58
40 Crypt Ghouls: Champion, 410
5 Hexwraiths: 150
5 Hexwraiths: 150
8 Crypt Horrors: 304
7 Vargheists: Champion, 332
1 Terrorgheist: 225
Total: 2400

Alex Roos (c), Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: general, lvl 4, Death, Greedyfist, gruts sickle, biting blade, 385
Bruiser: BSB, heavy armour, ironfist, talisman of preservation, ironcurse icon, 188
Butcher: lvl1, Maw, GW, crown of command, scroll of shielding, 159
9 Ironguts: FCG, look out gnoblar,Standard of Discipline, 437
40 Gnoblars: Champion, Musician, 115
10 Gnoblars: 25
10 Gnoblars: 25
6 Leadbelchers: musician, 268
6 Leadbelchers: musician, 268
5 Mournfang Cavalry: ironfist, heavy armour, musician, 360
1 Ironblaster: 170
total: 2400

Richard de Swaaf, Tomb Kings
Liche High Priest: Hierophant, lvl 4, Nehekhara, Sceptre of Stability, Talisman of Preservation, 270
Liche High Priest: General, lvl 4, Death, Dispel Scroll, Opal Amulet, 250
35 Skeleton Archers: musician, 220
10 Skeleton Archers: 60
4 Skeleton Chariots: 220
4 Skeleton Chariots: 220
3 Carrion: 72
3 Carrion: 72
3 Carrion: 72
1 Warsphinx: Fiery Roar, 230
1 Warsphinx: 210
1 Warsphinx: 210
1 Hierotitan: 175
1 Casket of Souls:135
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
Total: 2596

Sander Hodes, Skaven
Grey Seer: General, lvl 4, Power Scroll, Warpstone Token, Talisman of Preservation, 335
Chieftain: BSB, shield, Storm Banner, 122
Assassin: Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength 170
Warlock Engineer: lvl 1, Dispel Scroll, 90
Warlock Engineer: lvl 1, Warp-Energy Condenser, 85
Warlock Engineer: Doom Rocket, 45
40 Stormvermin: FCG, Razor Standard, 350
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Pawleader, 86
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, 82
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, 82
6 Giant Rats: 26
5 Giant Rats: 23
38 Plague Monks: FCG, Plague Banner, 321
6 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Attacks, Sling, 108
1 Hellpit Abomination: 235
1 Doomwheel: 150
1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon: 90
Total: 2400

Alexander Frenzel, Dark Elves
Dreadlord: General, Dark Steed, Sea dragon Cloak, Crimson Death, Blood Armour, Obsidian Lodestone, 249
Supreme Sorceress: lvl 3, Dark Magic, Dark Steed, Black Amulet, Tome of Furion, The Other Tricksters Shard, 343
Master: BSB, Cold One, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Dawnstone, Whip of Agony, 185
Master: Dark Pegasus, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Great Weapon, Pendant of Khaeleth, Dragon Helm, 187
Death Hag: Cauldron of Blood, 200 pts
20 Repeater crossbowmen: Musician, 205
15 Repeater crossbowmen: Musician, 155
35 Warriors: FCG, Banner of Murder 250
5 Harpies: 55
5 Harpies: 55
8 Witch Elves: 80
8 Witch Elves: 80
11 Cold One knights: Standard, Musician, Standard of Hag Graef, 356
Total: 2400 points

Ralph van Calck, Dwarfs
Runelord: general, anvil of doom, shield, rune of stone, rune of the furnace, master rune of balance, 378
Thane: BSB, shield, rune of fire, rune of striking, rune of stone, rune of resistance, master rune of challenge, 162
Master engineer: 70
40 Warriors: great weapons, musician, 405
19 Warriors: great weapons, musician, 195
36 Hammerers: standard, musician, 450
29 Miners: musician, champion, steamdrill, 359
1 Grudgethrower: rune of accuracy, 2x rune of penetrating, 155
1 Grudgethrower: rune of accuracy, rune of burning, rune of penetrating, 135
1 Cannon: 90
Total: 2399

Jacques van der Puijl, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: General, Lvl 4, Light, Focused Rumination, Plaque of Tepok,290
Slann Mage-Priest: BSB, Light, Focus of Mystery, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 310
Skink Priest: lvl 1, Cube of Darkness, 105
Skink Priest: lvl 1, Dispel Scroll, 90
Saurus Scar-Veteran: Cold One, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Dragonhelm, Venom of Firefly Frog, Dawn Stone, 161
39 Skinks: Musician, 201
38 Skinks: Musician, 196
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
9 Chameleon Skinks: 108
9 Chameleon Skinks: 108
9 Chameleon Skinks: 108
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Salamander Hunting Packs:+3 Handlers, 240
Total Army Cost: 2397

Sander Tijssen, Daemons
Lord of Change: General, Lvl 3, Heavens, Master of Sorcery, Tzeentch's Will, 595
Herald of Khorne: Firestorm Blade, 125
Herald of Khorne: BSB, Armour of Khorne, sundering, 190
Herald of Khorne: 100
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: mu, ch 354
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: mu, ch 354
27 Bloodletters of Khorne: mu, ch, 342
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
3 Flamers of Tzeench,: 105
3 Flamers of Tzeench: 105
Total: 2390

Reinier Gouverneur, High Elves
Archmage: General, Lvl 4, High, Silver Wand, Folaraith's Robe, Loremasters Cloak,355
Mage: Lvl 1, Shadow, Annulian Crystal, 140
Mage: Lvl 2, Shadow, Seerstaff of Saphery, 165
Noble: BSB, Great Weapon, Armour of Caledor, Dawn Stone, 168
19 First Archers: Standard, Musician, Banner of the Eternal Flame,234
11 Archers: Musician, 126
11 Archers: Musician, 126
15 SpearElves: Musician, 140
27 White Lions: FCG, Amulet of Light, 450
25 White Lions: Standard, Musician, Banner of Sorcery, 443
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
Total Army Cost: 2497

Mark Skilton (coach), Non Playing
Dave Grant (c), Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: General, Level 4, Lore of Maw, Tricksters Helm, Talisman of Preservation (4+), Ironcurse Icon, Great Weapon. 395
Bruiser: BSB, Look out Gnoblar, Crown of Command, Great Weapon. 181
Firebelly: Level 1, Lore of Fire, Dispel Scroll, Warrior Bane. 150
8 Ironguts: FCG, Standard of Discipline. 389
6 Ogres: Ironfist, Standard, Muscician. 212
7 Maneaters: FCG, Stubborn, Immune to Psych, 1 x Great Weapon (on standard), 2 x Extra Hand Weapon (on champ and musician), Look out Gnoblar, Dragonhide Banner. 450
3 Mournfang Cavalry: Heavy armour, Ironfist, Standard, Musican, Burning Banner. 240
2 Mournfang Cavalry: Heavy armour, Ironfist, Musician. 150
3x1 Sabretusk: 21x3
1 Ironblaster: 170
Total: 2400

Mal Patel, Lizardmen
Slann: General, BSB, Lvl 4, Lore of Metal, Focused Rumination, Soul Stone, Plaque of Protection, Dispel Scroll, Standard of Discipline, Aura of Quetzl. 460
Scar Veteran on Cold-One: Great Weapon, Light Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield. 166
Scar Veteran on Cold-One: Great Weapon, Light Armour, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, Venom of the Firefly. 161
Skink Priest: Lvl 1, Lore of Heavens, Cube of Darkness, Iron curse Icon. 110
Skink Priest: Lvl 1, Lore of Heavens, Curse Charm of Tepok, Dragonbane Gem. 90
21 Skinks: Musician. 111
21 Skinks: Musician. 111
21 Skinks: Musician. 111
12 Skink Skirmishers: Javelins, Shields. 96
12 Skink Skirmishers: Javelins, Shields. 96
12 Skink Skirmishers: Javelins, Shields. 96
3x3 Terradon Rider: 90x3
3x6 Chameleon Skinks: 72x3
2x1 Razordon: 75x2
2 Salamanders: 150
Total: 2394

Daniel Butler, Skaven
Grey Seer: General, Level 4, Lore of Plague/Ruin, Warpstone Tokens, Earthing Rod, Dragonbane Gem, Skalm. 300
Chieftain: BSB, Halberd, Shield, Standard of Discipline, 89
Warlock Engineer: Level 1, Lore of Ruin, Dispel Scroll. 90
Warlock Engineer: Doomrocket. 45
Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb. 65
30 Clanrats: FCG, Shields. 155
20 Clanrats: FCG, Shields. 110
20 Clanrats: FCG, Shields. 110
40 Skavenslaves: Musician. 82
35 Skavenslaves: Musician. 72
35 Skavenslaves: Musician. 72
3x6 Giant Rats: Packmaster. 23x3
2x9 Warplock Jezzails: 180x2
9 Gutter Runners: Poison, Slings. 162
7 Gutter Runners: Poison, Slings. 126
1 Doomwheel: 150
1 Warplightning Cannon: 90
1 Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes. 250
Total: 2397

Thomas van Roekel, Dwarfs
Dwarf Lord on Shield Bearers: General, Great Weapon, Rune of Stone, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Preservation, Master Rune of Challenge. 246
Rune Lord: Shield, Rune of Stone, Spelleater Rune, Rune of Spell Breaking. 223
Thane: BSB, Great Weapon, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation. 134
Master Engineer: Rune of Stone. 75
Dragon Slayer: 50
Dragon Slayer: 50
22 Quarrellers: Great Weapon, Standard, Musician. 301
22 Quarrellers: Great Weapon, Standard, Musician. 301
25 Hammerers: FCG. 330
5 Miners: 55
5 Miners: 55
1 Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetration, Rune of Penetration. 170
1 Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetration, Rune of Burning. 150
1 Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Forging. 140
1 Organ Gun: 120
Total: 2400

Chris Willcox, Wood Elves
Highborn: General, Bow of Loren, Arcane Bodkins, Charmed Shield. 210
Spellweaver: Lvl 4, Lore of Life, Moonstone of the Hidden Ways. 285
Noble: BSB, Light Armour, Asyendis Bane, Hail of Doom Arrow. 132
Spellsinger: Lvl 1, Lore of Athel Loren, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring. 140
Branchwraith: Cluster of Radiants, Pageant of Shrikes. 115
3x8 Dryads: 96x3
3x10 Glade Guard: Musician. 126x3
15 Glade Guard: Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Eternal Flame. 208
5 Glade Riders: 120
5 Glade Riders: 120
8 Wardancer Troupe: 144
9 Waywatchers: 216
6 Waywatchers: 144
1 Eagle: 50
1 Eagle: 50
Total: 2600

Rowan Keating, Empire
Grand Master on Bared Warhorse: General, Full Plate Armour, Runefang, Shield, Potion of Foolhardiness. 247
Battle Wizard Lord on Warhorse: Level 4, Lore of Heavens, Talisman of Preservation, Dispel Scroll. 288
Captain of the Empire on Barded Steed: BSB, Full Plate Armour, Great Weapon, Dawnstone, Other Trickster’s Shard. 153
Warrior Priest on Barded Steed: Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, Crown of Command. 123
Master Engineer: 65
Master Engineer: 65
12 Inner Circle Knightly Orders: FCG, Barded Warhorse, Lance, Full Plate Armour, Shield, Steel Standard. 365
5 Knightly Orders: Musician. 120
5 Knightly Orders: Musician. 120
4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, Lance, Full Plate Armour, Shield, Barding. 242
1 Cannon: 120
1 Cannon: 120
1 Helblaster: 120
1 Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2398

David Meachen, Dark Elves
Supreme Sorceress: General, Lvl4, Lore of Death, Sacrificial Dagger, Lifetaker, Dragonbane Gem. 320
Master on Dark Pegasus: BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield, Lance, Cloak of Hag Graef, Dawnstone. 215
Master on Dark Pegasus: Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Great Weapon, Pendant of Khaeleth, Dragonhelm, Potion of Foolhardiness. 192
Master on Dark Pegasus: Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Lance, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation. 192
10 Warriors: Musician. 63
10 Warriors: Musician. 63
18 Warriors: FCG, Gleaming Pennant. 128
3x5 Dark Riders: Musician, Repeater Crossbows. 117x3
2x5 Harpies: 55x2
3x6 Shades: 96x3
3x1 Cold One Chariot: 100x3
1 War Hydra: 175
Total: 2397

John Matthews, Daemons of Chaos
Great Unclean One: General, Lvl 2, Lore of Nurgle, Balesword, Pestilent mucus. 585
Herald of Tzeentch: Lvl 2, Lore of Shadow, BSB, Master of Sorcery, Spell Breaker. 190
30 Bloodletters: Musician, Standard Bearer, Icon of Endless War. 403
30 Bloodletters: Musician. 366
25 Bloodletters: Musician. 306
10 Pink Horrors: Musician. 126
3 Tzeentch Flamers: 105
3 Tzeentch Flamers: 105
1 Slaneesh Fiend: 55
1 Slaneesh Fiend: 55
1 Beast of Nurgle: 100
Total: 2396

Non-Playing Coach Dermot Maguire
Barry Lynch (c) Warriors of Chaos.
Sorcerer Lord: General, Lvl4, Nurgle, Barded Chaos Steed, Mark of Nurgle
Biting Blade, Dragon-helm, Dispel Scroll, Dawn-stone, Crown of Command, 414
Exalted Hero: bsb, barded chaos steed, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Sword of Swift Slaying, The Bronze Armour of Zhrakk, Pidgeon Plucker Pendant, 211
Chaos Sorcerer: Lvl2, Tzeetch, Mark of Tzeentch, Third Eye of Tzeentch, Charmed Shield, Spell Familiar, Collar of Khorne, Ironcurse Icon, 215
5 Marauder Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh, Musician, Flail 91
5 Marauder Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh, Musician, Flail 91
21 Chaos Warriors: Mark of Tzeentch, FCG, Halberd, Shield, Standard of Discipline, 422
8 Chaos Knights of Tzeentch: Mark of Tzeentch, FCG, Blasted Standard, 430
Chaos Warshrine: 130
Chaos Warshrine: 130
Giant: Mark of Slaanesh, 265
Total: 2399

Kevin Rothwell, Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: General, Lvl4, Beasts, , Fencers Blades, Talisman of Preservation ,365
Bruiser: BSB, Light Armour, Rune Maw, 190
Butcher: Lvl 1, Maw, Crown of Command, 135
Firebelly: Lvl 1, Fire, Additional Hand Weapon, Dispel Scroll, 147
9 Ironguts: FCG, Look out Gnoblar, Banner of Discipline, 437
6 Ogres: Mus, Ironfists, 202
4 Mournfang Cavalry: Musician, Standard, Heavy Armour, Ironfists, Dragonhide Banner , 350
1 Sabretusk , 21
1 Sabretusk , 21
1 Sabretusk , 21
5 Maneaters:Poison, Scout, Musician, Standard, 5 Brace of Pistols, Banner of Eternal Flame, 340
Ironblaster 170
Total 2399

Ivan Magowan Tomb Kings
Liche High Priest: General, Light, Lvl4, Dispel scroll 235
Liche High Priest: Hierophant, Nehekhara, Obsidian Lodestone, Lvl4 255
Liche Priest: Light, 70
Liche Priest: Light, 70
Liche Priest: Light, 70
Liche Priest: Light, 70
20 Skeleton Archers: Musican 130
20 Skeleton Archers: Musican 130
3 Skeleton Chariots: Standard Bearer, Banner of Eternal Flame 185pts
5 Skeleton Horsemen: Champion 70
5 Skeleton Horsemen: Champion 70
16 Skeleton Warriors: Champion, Musician 84
5 Necropolis Knights: Musican 335
5 Necropolis Knights: Musican 325
Casket of Souls: 135
Hierotitan: 175
Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
Total 2599

Matt Hamill Daemons of Chaos
Bloodthirster:General, Spell eater, Immortal Fury, Armour of Khorne, Collar of Khorne. 530
Herald of khorne: 100
Herald of Tzeentch: bsb, Disc of Tzeentch, Banner of Sundering, 210
Herald of Tzeentch: Master of Sorcery Beasts, Winged Horror, 160
25 Bloodletters: Champion, musician, 318
27 Bloodletters: FCG, Icon of endless war, 379.
10 Horrors: Musician, 126
5 Furies: 60
Fiend: 55
4 Fiends: 220
3 Flamers: pryocaster, 120
3 Flamers: pryocaster, 120.
Total: 2398

Dave Wade Empire
Grandmaster: General, barded steed, Runefang, Charmed Shield, Potion of Speed, DragonBane Gem 255
Battle Wizard Lord: Lvl4, Metal, Dispel Scroll 225
Captain of the Empire: bsb, Fullplate, Enchanted Shield, Ogre Blade 136
Warrior Priest: Heavy armor, shield, helm of the skaven-slayer, Gold sigil sword 99
Master Engineer: light armor 66
40 Halberdiers: FCG 270 Detachments 10 crossbowmen, 90 .10 hand-gunners 90
20 Swordsmen: champion 150
19 Greatswords: FCG Standard of Discipline 254
9 Reiksguard Knights: FCG 273
Great Cannon: 120
Hellblaster Volley Gun: 120
Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2398

Shane Baxter - Beastmen
Great Bray-Shaman : General, Lvl 4, Beasts, Dispel Scroll, Chalice of Dark Rain - 300
Doombull :Gnarled Hide, Heavy Armour, Shield, Arabyan Carpet, Ram Horn Helm, Dragonbane Gem, Warrior Bane - 343
Wargor : Tuskgor Chariot, BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield, Brass Cleaver, Dragon Helm - 236
Tuskgor Chariot : 80
Tuskgor Chariot : 80
Tuskgor Chariot : 80
Tuskgor Chariot : 80
20 Ungor Herd : Champion, Musician - 109
10 Ungor Herd :Champion, Musician - 59
10 Ungor Herd : Champion, Musician - 59
5 Ungor Raiders : 30
5 Ungor Raiders : 30
5 Ungor Raiders : 30
5 Ungor Raiders : 30
5 Harpies : Scout . 70
5 Harpies : Scout , 70
5 Harpies : Scout , 70
Razorgor Chariot : 145
Razorgor Chariot : 145
Gorgon : 275
Gorgon : 275
Total : 2596

Ross McCarroll Orcs and Goblins
Orc warboss: General, wyvern, crown of command, Talisman of endurance, enchanted shield - 345
Orc warboss: wyvern, charmed shield – 280
Night goblin shaman:Little Waaaagh!, 50
Night goblin shaman:lvl 2 Little Waaaagh!dispel scroll, - 110
Night goblin shaman: lvl 2,Little Waaaagh!, obsidian lodestone - 130
Black orc: bsb,shield, talisman of preservation, warrior bane – 167
Savage orc shaman:lvl1, Big Waaagh!, lucky shrunken head 120
28 night goblins: musician, standard, 3 fanatics - 179
39 savage orc: big uns,standard, musician, extra handweapons, - 449
6 Trolls : 210
Rock lobber: 85
Rock lobber: 85
Doom diver: 80
Doom diver: 80
Mangler squig:65
Mangler squig: 65
Total: 2500

Richard Morrison, High Elves
Prince on Star Dragon: General, Dragon Armour, Enchanted Shield, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Vambraces of Defense, 624
Noble on Great Eagle: BSB, Dragon Armour, Spear, Shield, Helm of Fortune, Guardian Phoenix, 220
Mage: Level 2, Light, Silver Wand, 145
Mage: Level 1, Light, Sigil of Asuryan, 140
Mage: Level 1, Light, Dispel Scroll, 120
20 Archers: Standard, Musician, Banner of Eternal Flame, 245
12 Archers: Musician, 137
12 Archers: Musician, 137
13 Spearmen: Musician, 122
21 White Lions of Chrace, FCG, Banner of Sorcery, Champion,Amulet of Light, 410
Great Eagle, 50
Great Eagle, 50
Repeater Bolt Thrower, 100
Total: 2500

Aleksander Thon Aasen, ©, Lizardmen
Slann: General, lvl 4, Light, Focused Rumination, Dispel Scroll, 300
Slann: BSB, lvl 4, Light, Focus of Mystery, 300
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Great Weapon, Light Armour, Dragonhelm, Amulet of Itzl, Venom of the Firefly Frog, 166
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Light Armour, Charmed Shield, Sword of Might, Dawn Stone, 160
Skink Priest: lvl 1, Heavens, Cube of Darkness, 105
10 Skink Skirmishers: Blowpipes, 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: Blowpipes, 70
24 Skinks: FCG, 3 Kroxigors, 307
20 Saurus Warriors, FCG, 250
7 Chameleon Skinks: 84
7 Chameleon Skinks: 84
7 Chameleon Skinks: 84
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
2 Salamander Hunting Packs 150
Total: 2400

Asbjørn Willersrud, High elves
Archmage: lvl 4, light, annulian crystal, loremaster cloak, 340
Mage: lvl 2, light, seer staff, 165
Noble: bsb, lvl 1, light, dragon armour, great weapon, radient gem of hoeth, 169
16 Spearmen: standard, musician, banner of discipline, 174
27 Archers: musician, 302
14 Archers: musician, 159
27 White lions: fcg, banner of swiftness, 450
24 White lions: fcg, banner of sorcery, 440
Great eagle: 50
Great eagle: 50
Repeater bolt thrower: 100
Repeater bolt thrower: 100
Total: 2499

Torger Klætte, Dark Elves
Supreme Sorceress: Generel, Lvl4, Dark, Lifetaker, Focus Familiar, Seal of Ghrond 345
Master on Dark Pegasus: BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield, Lance, Cloak of Hag Graef, Dawnstone 215
Master on Dark Pegasus: Heavy Armour, Shield, Sea Dragon Cloak, Pendant of Khaeleth, Soulrender 190
Master on Dark Pegasus: Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Potion of Foolhardnyness, Whip of Agony, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem 178
16 Spearmen: FCG, Standard of Discipline 126
15 Spearmen: Muscian 93
15 Spearmen: Musican 93
16 Crossbowmen: Musican 165
12 Crossbowmen: Musican 125
5 Harpies 55
5 Harpies 55
5 Cold one Knights: Musican 143
5 Cold one Knights: Musican 143
1 Cold one Chariot 100
1 Cold one Chariot 100
6 Shades 96
1 War Hydra 175

Øystein Berg, The Legion of Azgorh
Sorcerer-Prophet: General, Magic Level 4, Lore of Death, Enchanted Shield, Dawn Stone, Crown of Command, Earthing Rod, 390
Dark Castellan: BSB, Shield, Dragonhelm, Sword of Might, Talisman of Preservation, 207
Daemonsmith Sorcerer: Magic Level 1, Lore of Metal, Dispel Scroll, Charmed Shield, 125
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf, 52
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf, 52
23 Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard: FCG, Shield, 308
22 Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard: FCG, Shield, 296
1 Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher: 100
1 Iron Daemon War Engine: Hellbound; Skullcracker, 340
1 K'daai Destroyer: 325
1 Hellcannon: 205
Total: 2400

Hallvard Haugen, Empire
Battle Wizard Lord: General, Lvl4, Light, Obsidian Lodestone, Power Stone, 270
Battle Wizard Lord: Lvl 4, Heaven, Dispel Scroll, 220
Captain of the Empire: BSB, Standard of Dicipline, Full Plate Armor, Shield, 108
40 Spearmen: Musician, 210
40 Halberdiers: Musician, 250
17 Archers: 5 Spearmen, 144
Great Cannon: 120
Great Cannon: 120
3 Demigryph Knights: 174
4 Demigryph Knights: 232
5 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 300
Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2398

Stian Engebretsen, Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Lord on Disc of Tzeentch: General, Mark of Tzeentch, Crown of Command, Biting Blade, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 330
Sorceror: lvl 2, Death, Enchanted Shield, Infernal Puppet, Third Eye of Tzeentch, 160
Exalted Hero on Disc of Tzeentch: BSB, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Warrior Bane, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Endurance, 215
Exalted Hero on Barded Chaos Steed: Mark of Khorne, Shield, Sword of Might, Dawn Stone, Favour of the Gods, 196
18 Chaos Warriors: FCG, Mark of Khorne, Shield, Halberd, Standard of Discipline, 381
20 Chaos Marauders: FCG, Mark of Khorne, Flail, 150
10 Chaos Marauders: Mark of Khorne, Flail, 80
5 Chaos Knights: Standard Bearer, Musician, Mark of Khorne, Gleaming Pendant, 265
5 Chaos Knights: Standard Bearer, Musician, Mark of Khorne, 260
8 Chaos Trolls: 360
Total: 2397

Stian Madshus, Dwarfs
Runelord: Gromril armour, Shield, Anvil of Doom, Spelleater Rune, Rune of Stone, Rune of the Furnace, Rune of Striking, 388
Master Engineer:General, Gromril armour, Shield, Rune of Stone, Rune of Speed, Rune of the Furnace, 87
Thane: BSB, Gromril armour, Master Rune of Gromril, Master Rune of Challenge, Rune of Brotherhood, Rune of Fire, 165
23 Quarrellers: FCG, Rangers, Light armour, Crossbow, Great Weapon, 347
20 Handgunners: FCG, Dwarf Handgun, Shield, Light armour, 325
1 Cannon: Light armour, Rune of Forging, Engineer, Brace of Pistols, 145
1 Grudge Thrower: Light armour, Rune of Accuracy, 2x Rune of Penetrating, 170
1 Grudge Thrower: Light armour, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Burning, 150
21 Miners: FCG, Steam Drill, Heavy armour, Great weapon, 281
24 Hammerers: FCG, Heavy armour, Shield, 342
Total: 2400

Joakim Johnsen, Vampire Counts
Vampre Lord: general, lvl 4, the lore of the vampires, red fury, quickblood, ogre blade, heavy armour, shield, talisman of preservation, the other tricksters shard: 514
Necromancer: the lore of the vampires, lv 1, dispel scroll, ironcurse icon: 95
38 Ghouls: champion: 390
20 Zombies: standard, musician: 70
20 Zombies: standard, musician: 70
20 Zombies: standard, musician: 70
28 Grave guards: great weapons, full command, banner of the barrows: 416
8 Crypt horrors: 304
8 Crypt horrors: 304
1 Spirit host: 45
1 Spirit host: 45
1 Spirit host: 45
2 Fell bats: 32
Total: 2400

Karol 'The Young' Pietrowicz (c) - Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell ; General; Power Scroll; Skalm; Dragonbane Gem;2xWarpstone Token 540
Warlock Engineer ; Magic Level 2, Dispel Scroll 125
Warlock Engineer ; Brass Orb 65
Warlock Engineer ; Magic Level 2; Warp-Energy Condenser 120
Assassin; Weeping Blade; Potion of Strength 170
Chieftain ; Heavy Armour; Shield; BSB ; Banner of Eternal Flame 82
1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon 90
1 Hellpit Abomination , Spikes, 250
6 Gutter Runners; Poisoned Attacks; Sling; 108
6 Gutter Runners; Poisoned Attacks; Sling; 108
29 Stormvermin; FCG; Storm Banner 278
30 Clanrats ; Shields; FCG 155
30 Clanrats ; Shields; FCG 155
36 Skavenslaves; Musician,Champ 78
35 Skavenslaves; Musician,Champ 76

Andrzej "Maryś" Rodziewicz - Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster; General; Lore of Great Maw; Magic Level 4; Crown of Command; Armour of Destiny; Dragonbane Gem; Warrior Bane 380.0
Bruiser; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Battle Standard; Talisman of Preservation; Rock Eye 195.0
Butcher; Lore of Beasts; Magic Level 2; Hellheart 185.0
9 Ironguts; Look-Out Gnoblar; Standard; Musician; Gutlord; Standard of Discipline 437.0
5 Ogres; Iron Fist; Musician 170.0
1 Sabretusk Pack 21.0
1 Sabretusk Pack 21.0
1 Sabretusk Pack 21.0
5 Mournfang Cavalry; Heavy Armour; Iron Fist; Standard; Musician; Crusher; Dragonhide Banner 430.0
5 Mournfang Cavalry; Heavy Armour; Iron Fist; Musician; Crusher 370.0
1 Ironblaster 170.0
Total Army Cost: 2400.0

Piotr 'Dębek' Dębkowski - Bretonnia
Bretonnian Lord on Royal Pegasus: General; Shield; Sword of Swift Slaying; Gromril Great Helm; Dragonbane Gem; Virtue of Heroism; 263.0
Prophetess of the Lady on Warhorse: Magic Level 4; Lore of Heaven; Falcon Horn of Fredemund; Dispel Scroll; 310
Paladin Battle Standard Bearer on Barded Warhorse; Great Weapon; Morning Star; Shield; Questing Vow; Dragonhelm; Dawnstone; Gauntlet of the Duel 135
11 Knights of the Realm; Standard; Musician; Standard of Discipline 303
11 Knights of the Realm; Standard; Musician; War Banner 313
3 Pegasus Knights; Musician; 175
4 Pegasus Knights; Standard; Musician; 250
4 Pegasus Knights; Standard; Musician; 250
1 Field Trebuchet 90.0
1 Field Trebuchet 90.0
5 Grail Knights; Standard; Banner of Eternal Flame 220
Total: 2400

Stanisław 'Crusader' Scheiner- Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: General, Lore of Heaven, Battle Standard, 3 Discipline, Soul of Stone, Focused Rumination, Focus of Mystery, Divine Plaque of Protection, Itxi Grubs, Standard of Discipline, 470.0
Skink Priest: Magic Level 1, Lore of Heaven, Cube of Darkness, 105.0
Skink Priest: Magic Level 1, Lore of Heaven, Dispel Scroll, 90.0
Saurus Scar-Veteran: Light Armour, Cold One, Dawnstone, Sword of Might, Charmed Shield, 160.0
Saurus Scar-Veteran: Great Weapon, Light Armour, Cold One, Amulet of Itzl, Dragonhelm, Venom of Firefly Frog, 166.0
21 Skinks: Musician: Skink Brave: 119.0
27 Skinks: FCG, 3 Kroxigors: 322.0
11 Skink Skirmishers: Skink Brave, 83.0
10 Skink Skirmishers: Skink Brave, 76.0
9 Chameleon Skinks: 108.0
9 Chameleon Skinks: 108.0
8 Chameleon Skinks: 96.0
3 Terradon Riders: 90.0
3 Terradon Riders: 90.0
3 Terradon Riders: 90.0
3 Salamander Hunting Packs: 225.0
Total: 2398

Paweł 'Gąsior' Gąsiewski - Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord; General; Lore of Vampires; Level 4 Wizard; Summon Creatures of the Night; Charmed Shield; Dragonbane Gem; Quickblood; Giant Blade; Red Fury; The Other Trickster's Shard 500.0
Vampire; Battle Standard Bearer; Magic Level 1; Lore of Shadow; Shield; Obsidian Amulet; Scroll of Shielding 177.0
Necromancer; Magic Level 2; Lore of Vampires; Dispel Scrol 125.0
10 Crypt Horrors 380.0
1 Spirit Hosts 45.0
2 Fell Bats 32.0
20 Zombies; Standard; Musician 70.0
20 Zombies; Standard; Musician 70.0
40 Crypt Ghouls; Ghast 410.0
5 Dire Wolves; Doom Wolf 50.0
5 Vargheists 230.0
2 Bat Swarm 70.0
1 Mortis Engine; Blaspemous Tome 240.0
Total: 2399

Adam "Duke" Lewaoski - Warriors of Chaos Army
Sorcerer Lord No Mark; General; Magic Level 4;Lore of Shadow; Black Tongue; Conjoined Homunculus; Blood of Tzeentch; Charmed Shield 375.0
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch Shield; Battle Standard; Biting Blade; Talisman of Preservation 200.0
Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle; Magic Level 2; Infernal Puppet; Third Eye of Tzeentch 200.0
Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle; Magic Level 2; Spell Familiar; Favour of the Gods; Shrieking Blade; Necrotic Phylactery 180.0
18 Chosen of Slaanesh; Mark of Slaanesh; Halberd;; Shield; Standard; Musician; Standard of Discipline 415.0
20 Chaos Warriors No Mark; Halberd; Shield; Standard; Musician; Banner of Rage 393.0
37 Chaos Marauders of Tzeentch; Great Weapon; Standard; Musician 217.0
16 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh; Musician; Champion 90.0
5 Chaos Warhounds 30.0
1 Chaos Warshrine of Tzeentch 150.0
1 Chaos Warshrine of Tzeentch 150.0
Total Army Cost: 2400.0

Marcin "Cauliflower" Szlasa-Rokicki - Dawi Zharr Army
Sorcerer-Prophet; General; Lore of Death; Magic Level 4; Enchanted Shield; Talisman of Preservation; Earthing Rod 375.0
Dark Castellan; Shield; Battle Standard; Dragonhelm 142.0
Daemonsmith Sorcerer; Lore of Fire; Magic Level 1; Dispel Scroll 120.0
Bull Centaur Taur'ruk; Blackshard Armour; Sword of Might; Charmed Shield; Dawnstone 220.0
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf 52.0
29 Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard; Standard; Musician; Overseer 380.0
17 Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard; Musician; Overseer 226.0
3 Bull Centaurs Renders; Great Weapons; Musician 155.0
1 Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher 100.0
1 Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher 100.0
1 Hellcannon 205.0
1 K'daai Destroyer 325.0
Total Army Cost: 2400.0

Aleksander "Rince" Jaworowski - Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Black Dragon; General; Soulrender; Armour Of Darkness; Talisman of Preservation; The Other Trickster Shard 560
Master on Dark Pegasus; Battle Standard Bearer; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Dragonhelm; Pendant of Khaeleth 212
Master on Dark Pegasus; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Cloak of Hag Graef; Dawstone 190
Sorceress; Magic Level 1; Lore of Metal; The Guiding Eye; Dispel Scroll 150
25 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen; Light Armour; Musician; Guardmaster 260
10 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen; Light Armour; Musician; Guardmaster 110
10 Dark Elf Warriors; Musician 63
5 Dark Riders; Light Armour 85
5 Dark Riders; Light Armour 85
1 Cold One Chariot 100
1 Cold One Chariot 100
1 War Hydra 175
1 Reaper Bolt Thrower 100
1 Reaper Bolt Thrower 100
5 Harpies 55
5 Harpies 55

Aleksey Petrov (c) non-playing
Aleksandr Varyvoda, Orcs & Goblins
Orc Warboss: General: Shield, Armour of Destiny, Crown of Command, Sword of Striking, 218
Savage Orc Great Shaman: Lvl 4, Fencer's Blades, Lucky Shrunken Head, 290
Black Orc Big Boss: BSB, Heavy Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, 165
Night Goblin Shaman: Lvl 1, Ironcurse Icon, Dispel Scroll, 75
Goblin Big Boss on Wolf: Spear, Light Armour, Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Potion of Foolhardiness, 63
Goblin Big Boss on Wolf: Spear, Light Armour, Shield, Dragonhelm, Potion of Speed, 68
35 Night Goblins: Musician, Boss, Netters, Shield, Fanatic, 195
37 Savage Big 'Uns: Musician, Boss, Second Choppa, Warpaint, 432
28 Black Orcs: Musician, Boss, Heavy Armour, Shield, 389
Doom Diver, 80
Doom Diver, 80
Rock Lobber, 85
Rock Lobber, 85
6 River Trolls, 270
Total: 2500

Aleksandr Patutkin, Empire
Arch Lector on War Altar: general, heavy armor, Warriors Bane, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 309
Wizard Lord: lvl 4, beasts, Fencer Blades, White Cloak of Ulric, Ironcurse Icon, 290
Battle Wizard: lvl 1, beasts, Dispel Scroll, 90
Captain of the Empire on Barded Warhorse: BSB, full plate armor, great weapon, Dragonhelm, Crown of Command, Luckstone, 163
11 Knights of the Inner Circle: FCG, lance, shield, 305
39 Halberdiers*: FCG, 264
*Detachment: 5 Archer, 35
Great Cannon: 120
Great Cannon: 120
27 Flagellants: Prophet of Doom, 334
Luminark of Hysh: 120
Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2399

Evgeny Shturba, Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: general, Fencer Blades, Skalm, Power Scroll, 540
Assassin: Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength, 170
Chieftain: BSB, halberd, heavy armor, shield, Standart of Discipline, 89
Warlock Engineer: lvl 1, Dispel scroll, Ironcurse Icon, 130
Warlock Engineer: lvl 2, Warp-Energy Condenser, Dragonbane Gem, 125
Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb, 65
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, 82
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, 82
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, 82
40 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 355
5+1 Giant Rats: 23
5+1 Giant Rats: 23
5+1 Giant Rats: 23
Warp-lightning Warp Cannon: 90
Hellpit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
9 Gutter Runners: poison, sling, 162
6 Gutter Runners: poison, sling, 108
Total: 2399

Evgeny Kovrov, Dwarfs
Dwarf Lord on Shieldbearers: General, Great Weapon, Gromril Armor,Rune of Preservation, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Stone, 221
Runelord: Gromril Armor, Anvil of Doom, Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Spellbreaking , 365
Thane: BSB, Great Weapon, Gromril Armor, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Resistance, 144
Dragon Slayer: Rune of Fire, 55
Dragon Slayer: Rune of Speed, 55
30 Longbeards: FCG, Great Weapon, Heavy Armor, Ancestor Rune, Rune of Determination, 445
10 Thunderers: Musician, Shield, 155
30 Hammerers: FCG, Master Rune of Grungni, 440
Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating , Rune of Penetrating, 170
Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Burning, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, 150
Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Forging, 140
5 Miners: Musician, 60
Total: 2400

Andrey Romanov, Daemons of Chaos
Great Unclean One: General, Lvl 2, Balesword, 560
Herald of Khorne: BSB, Armour of Khorne, Great Standard of Sundering, 190
Herald of Khorne: Firestorm Blade, 125
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: FCG, Icon of Endless War, 391
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: Champion, Musician, 354
5 Chaos Furies, 60
5 Chaos Furies, 60
5 Chaos Furies, 60
6 Fiends of Slaanesh, 330
1 Fiends of Slaanesh, 55
3 Flamers of Tzeench, 105
3 Flamers of Tzeench, 105
Total: 2395

Anton Golubev, Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord: General, Lvl 4, Vampires, Red Fury, Quickblood, Talisman of Preservation, Ogre Blade, The Other Tricksters Shard, 505
Vampire: bsb, Lvl 1, Shadow, Dispel Scroll, Charmed Shield, Warrior Bane, Dragonbane Gem, 170
Necromancer: Lvl 2, Death, Book of Arkhan, 125
35 Crypt Ghouls: Ghast, 360
21 Zombies: Musician, 68
20 Zombies: Musician, 65
6 Dire Wolves: Champion, 58
6 Dire Wolves: Champion, 58
9 Crypt Horrors: Champion, 352
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32
Varghulf: 175
Varghulf: 175
Terrorgheist: 225
Total: 2400

Sergey Novikov, Warriors of Chaos
Sorcerer Lord: General, lvl 4, heaven, Charmed shield, necrotic phylactery, power familiar, ironcourse icon, chaos runesword, diabolic splendor, 400
Chaos sorcerer: lvl 2, Mark of tzeentch, dispel scroll, collar of khorne, third eye of tzeentch, 215
Exalted hero: BSB, Mark of tzeentch, shield, doom totem,225
38 chaos marauders: musician, mark of khorne, great weapon, 224
19 chaos warriors: FCG, mark of nurgle, halberds, shields, rapturous standard, 403
17 chosen of chaos: FCG, mark of slaanesh, halberds, Wailing banner, Favor of gods, 438
5 warhounds: 30
chaos warshrine: 130
chaos warshrine: 130
Hellcannon: 205
Total: 2400

Nickolay Zubkov, Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Black Dragon: General, Heavy armour, shield, whip of agony, cloak of hag graef, talisman of preservation, ironcurse icon, 569
Master on Dark Pegassus: BSB, Great weapon, Heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, dragonhelm, pendant of khaeleth, potion of foolhardiness, 217
Master on Dark Pegassus: heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, biting blade, charmed shield, dragonbane gem, black gragon egg, 183
Sorceress: lvl 2, metal, dispel scroll, guiding eye, 185
34 dark elf repeater crossbowmen: musician, guardmaster, shields, 384
5 harpies: 55
5 harpies: 55
5 dark riders: musician, 92
5 dark riders: musician, 92
5 dark riders: musician, 92
cold one chariot: 100
cold one chariot: 100
cold one chariot: 100
warhydra: 175
Total: 2399

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Posty: 14642
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

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Tim Gronneberg (c) - Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Black Dragon: General, heavy armour, Sea Dragon Cloak,
Shield, Black Dragon Egg, Whip of Agony, Armour of Eternal Servitude,
Dragonbane Gem, 564
Master on Dark Pegasus: Battle Standard, heavy armour, sea dragon
cloak, shield, Pendant of Khaeleth, Sword of Might, 215
Master on Dark Pegasus: heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, Dawnstone,
Dragonhelm, Soul Render, 188
Sorceress: level 2, Fire, Ruby Ring of Ruin, dispel Scroll, 185
25 Spearmen: shields, FCG, Gleaming Pennant, 195
6 Dark Riders: crossbows, musician, 139
6 Dark Riders: crossbows, musician, 139
6 Dark Riders: crossbows, musician, 139
5 Harpies: 55
6 Shades: additional hand weapons, 102
6 Shades: additional hand weapons, 102
1 Cold One Chariot: 100
1 Cold One Chariot: 100
1 War Hydra: 175
Total: 2398

Rob Ritchie - Dwarfs
Dwarf Lord on Shield Bearers: General, Gromril Armour, Great Weapon,
RoStone, RoPreservation, MRoSteel, RoSpite, RoFurnace, 296
Runelord: Gromril Armour, Shield, RoStone, RoPreservation,
RoResistance, RoSpelleater, RoSpellbreaker, RoChallenge, 288
Thane: BSB, Gromril Armour, Shield, MRoGromril, RoResistance,
RoPreservation, RoFurnace, 160
Master Engineer: Gromril Armour, Brace of Pistols, 80
22 Quarrellers: Musician, Std, GW, 301
22 Quarrellers: Musician, Std, GW, 301
33 Hammerers: FCG, 426
1 Grudge Thrower, RoAccuracy,2x RoPenetration, Engineer, 170
1 Grudge Thrower, RoAccuracy, RoPenetration, RoBurning, 135
1 Organ Gun: 120
1 Organ Gun: 120
Total: 2,397

James Esland - Empire
General of the Empire on Griffon: General, Full Plate Armour, Lance,
Charmed Shield, The White Cloak, 336
Sorceror Lord: level 4, Heavens, Dispel Scroll, 225
Witch-hunter: Brace of Pistols, Potion of Speed, 60
Captain of the Empire on Barded Steed: BSB, Full Plate Armour, Great
Weapon, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, 148
Captain of the Empire on Pegasus, Full Plate Armour, Lance, Enchanted
Shield, Dragonbane Gem, 143
15 Knights of the Inner Circle: FCG, Great Weapons, Steel Standard, 440
10 Archers: Musician, Marksman, 90
Detachment: 5 Archers, 35
Detachment: 5 Archers, 35
3 Demigryphs: Musician, Standard, 194
3 Demigryphs: Musician, Standard, 194
1 Luminark of Hysh: 120
1 Celestial Hurricanum: 130
1 Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2400

Trev Moffat - High Elves
Prince on Star Dragon: Dragon Armour, Sword of Might, Vambraces of
Defence, Other Tricksters Shard, Enchanted Shield, 624
Noble on Great Eagle: Great Weapon, Dragon Armour, Shield, Battle
Standard, Helm of Fortune, Guardian Phoenix, 226
Mage: Level 2 Wizard, High Magic, Silver Wand, Ring of Fury, 185
Mage: Level 1 Wizard, Lore of Fire, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 145
26 Spearmen: FCG, 259
12 Archers: Musician, 137
10 Archers: Musician, 115
10 Archers: Musician, 115
19 White Lions of Chrace: FCG, Banner of Sorcery, 365
14 Sword Masters of Hoeth: Bladelord, Musician, 228
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
Total: 2499

Will Esland - Lizardmen
Slann: General, Metal, Focused Rumination, 275
Slann: BSB, Light, Focus of Mystery, Dispel Scroll, 325
Scar Veteran on Cold One: Light Armour, Great Weapon, Venom of the
Firefly Frog, Dragon Helm, Dawnstone, 161
Scar Veteran on Cold One: Light Armour, Sword of Might, Charmed
Shield, Dragonbane Gem, 140
Skink Priest: Cube of Darkness, 105
18 Saurus: Musician, Champion, 216
24 Skinks: 3 Kroxigor, Musician, 291
24 Skinks: 3 Kroxigor, Musician, 291
10 Skink Skirmishers: Javelins, 80
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
3 Terradons: 90
3 Terradons: 90
5 Chameleons: 60
5 Chameleons: 60
1 Salamander: 75
Total: 2399

Jon Pugh - Ogre Kingdoms
Tyrant: General, Great Weapon, Glittering Scales, Talisman of
Preservation, Other Trickster Shard, 307
Bruiser: BSB, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Dragonhelm, Crown of Comand, 190
Firebelly: level 2, Fire, Great Weapon, Scroll of Shielding, Ruby Ring, 204
Firebelly: level 2, Fire, Extra Hand Weapon, Dispell Scroll, Obsidian
Trinket, Potion of Speed, 202
8 Ironguts: FCG, Banner of Swiftness, Look Out Gnoblar, 394
8 Ogres: FCG, Look out Gnoblar, Ironfist, 291
3x1 Sabretusk: 21x3
4 Mournfang Cavalry: Musician, Heavy Armour, Ironfist, 290
2 Mournfang Cavalry: Musician, Heavy Armour, Ironfist, 150
3 Leadbelchers: Musician, 139
1 Ironblaster, 170
Total: 2400

Rob Ing - Skaven
GreySeer: General, (Lores of Ruin & Plague), Screaming Bell, Earthing
Rod, Skalm, Dragonbane Gem 495
Chieftain: Battle Standard, Shield 72
Plague Priest: Level 2, Plague, Flail, Scroll of Shielding, 154
Warlock Engineer: Level 2, ruin, Dispel Scroll, 125
Warlock Engineer: Doomrocket, 45
40 Stormvermin: Full Command, Storm Banner, 355
3x 39 Slaves: FCG, 84x3
5 Giant Rats: Packmaster, 23
5 Giant Rats: Packmaster, 23
5 Giant Rats: Packmaster, 23
10 Gutter Runners: Poison, Slings, 180
9 Gutter Runners: Poison, Slings, 162
1 Warp Lightning Cannon: 90
1 Doomwheel: 150
1 Hellpit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
Total: 2399

Andy Potter - Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Lord on Disc of Tzeentch: general, lvl 1, death, mark of
tzeentch, stream of corruption, third eye of tzeentch, great weapon,
shield, chaos armour, dragonhelm, talisman of preservation, book of
secrets, scroll of shielding, 402
Exalted Champion: bsb, mark of tzeentch, chaos armour, sword of might,
enchanted shield, dragonbane gem, favour of the gods, 190
Chaos Sorcerer: lvl 2, fire, chaos armour, charmed shield, infernal puppet, 160
18 Chaos Marauders: champion, musician, mark of slaanesh, great weapons, 112
18 Chaos Marauders: champion, musician, mark of slaanesh, great weapons, 112
18 Chaos Warriors: FCG, mark of nurgle, banner of rage, shields,
halberds, great weapons, 437
1 Chaos Chariot: 120
1 Chaos Chariot: 120
6 Chaos Knights: musician, mark of khorne, 280
1 Chaos Warshrine: 130
1 Chaos Warshrine: 130
1 Hellcannon: 205
Total: 2398

Dragomir Dopuđa © Bretonnia
Duke on warhorse, General, grail vow, Virtue of heroism, shield, lance, Mantle of damsel elena, gromril great helm 258 pts
Prophetess of the lady on warhorse: lvl 4, heavens, dispell scroll, talisman of preservation, ruby ring of ruin, 335 pts
Paladin on warhorse: grail vow, lance, shield, sword of anti heroes, dragonhelm, 141 pts
Paladin on warhorse: grail vow, lance, enchanted shield, dawnstone, 134 pts
Paladin on warhorse: BSB, grail vow, charmed shield, obsidian lodestone, 145 pts
15 Peasant Bownmen: musician, braziers, 100 pts
15 Peasant Bownmen: musician, braziers, 100 pts
13 Peasant Bownmen: musician, braziers, 88 pts
11 knights of the realm: FCG, Gleaming pennant 293, pts
5 knights errant: musician, 107 pts
3 Pegasus knights: musician, 175 pts
8 Grail knights: FCG, banner of chalons 344 pts
Field trebuchet; 90 pts
Field trebuchet; 90 pts
Total: 2400 pts

Nebojša Jovanovid, Dark Elf
Dreadlord on black dragon: General,sea dragon cloak, shield, lance, armor of destiny, dawn stone, the other trickters shard, 565 pts
Death Hag: couldron of blood, 200 pts
Death Hag: BSB, Standard of hag Graef, 150 pts
Sorseress: Lvl 2, shadow, seal of ghrond, ironcurse icon 170 pts
29 Black Ark corsairs: FCG, Sea serpent standard, 340 pts
12 dark elf repeater crossbowmen: musician, shield, 137 pts
12 dark elf repeater crossbowmen: musician, shield, 137 pts
7 Harpies: 77 pts
7 Harpies: 77 pts
27 Har Ganeth Executionrs: FCG, banner of swiftness, 369 pts
War Hydra: 175 pts
Total: 2397 pts

Bogi Obradovic, Wood Elves
Spellwiever: [general], Lvl 4, Life, longbow, Wand of Wych Elm, Moonstone of the Hidden Ways, 340
Spellwiever: Lvl 4, Beasts, longbow, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, 280
Noble on Great Eagle: BSB, Great Weapon, Shield, Light Armour, Amarathine Brooch, Dragonhelm, Potion of Foolhardiness, 198
Noble on Great Eagle: Eternal Kindred, Great Weapon, Shield, Light Armour, Stone of Rebirth, Potion of Strenght, 188
Noble on Great Eagle: Eternal Kindred, Great Weapon, Shield, Light Armour, Annoyance of Netlings, Dragonbane Gem, The Other Tricksters Shard, 183
15 Glade guard: FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame, 214
10 Glade guard: musician, champion, 132
10 Glade guard: musician, 126
10 Glade guard: musician, 126
8 Dryads: 96
8 Dryads: 96
1 Treeman: 285
1 Treeman: 285
1 Great Eagle: 50
Total: 2599 pts

Andrija Šerfeze,Warriors of Chaos
Sorcerer Lord On Disk of Tzeentch : general, lvl 4, tzeentch ,Mark of Tzeentch, Talisman of Preservation, Infernal Puppet, Charmed Shield, Conjoined Homunculus, 415
Exalted Hero On Barded Chaos Steed: BSB, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Bronze Armour of Zhrakk, Favour of the Gods, Talisman of Endurance, 216
Chaos Sorcerer On Disk of Tzeentch: lvl 2, tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Golden Eye of Tzeentch, Power Familiar, Third Eye of Tzeentch, 235
23 Chaos Warriors: Standard, Musician, Mark of Slaanesh, Halberd, Shield, Rapturous Standard, 439
40 Chaos Marauders: Standard, Musician, Mark of Khorne, Great Weapon, 242
5 Marauder Horsemen : Musician, Mark of Slaanesh, Spear, 86
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Chaos Knights: Musician, 210
1 Chaos Warshrine: 130
1 Chaos Warshrine: 130
1 Hellcannon: 205
Total: 2398 pts

Marijan Floigl, skaven
Gray seer: general, lvl 4, the foul pendant, iron curse icon, power scroll, 310pts
Chiftan: BSB, great weapon, heavy armor, shield, storm banner, 126pts
Plague priest on plague funace: lvl 2, plague, talisman of preservation, 30 plague monks: FCG, plague banner, 599 pts
Warlock engineer: doom rocket, 45 pts
40 Clanrats: FCG, Shield, wpn team: ratling gun, 255 pts
40 Clanrats: FCG, Shield, wpn team: poison wind mortar, 265 pts
5 Giant rats: packmaster, 23 pts
5 Giant rats: packmaster, 23 pts
40 skaven slaves: musician, 82 pts
40 skaven slaves: musician, 82 pts
6 Gutter runners: poison attacks, sling, 108 pts
Hellpit Abomination: 235 pts
Doomwheel: 150 pts
Warp-lightning cannon: 90 pts
Total: 2393 pts

Mladen Jovid, High Elves
Archmage: general, LVL 4, light, starwood staff, loremasters cloak, 340 pts
Noble: BSB, lvl 1, light, great weapon, radiant gem of hoeth, 163 pts
Mage: lvl 2, light, seerstaff of saphery, 165 pts
Mage lvl 1, light, ring of corin, 120 pts
25 First archers: FCG, gleaming pendant, 305 pts
10 archers: musician, 115 pts
10 archers: musician, 115 pts
10 spearelves: musician, 95 pts
25 white lions: standard, musician, standard of balance, 438 pts
25 white lions: standard, musician, banner of sorcery, 443 pts
Great eagle 50pts
Great eagle 50pts
Great eagle 50pts
Great eagle 50pts
Total:2499 pts

Darko Stojanovic kgkid, Dwarf
Dwarf Lord on Shieldbearers: general, GW, Runic Talisman: MRo Spite, Runic Armor: MRo Steel + Ro Stone + Ro Resistance, 301pts
Thane: BSB, GW, Crossbow, Runic Talisman: Ro Furnace, Runic Armor: MRo Gromril + Ro Resistance + Ro Preservation, 169pts
Runesmith: Shield, Runic Talisman: Spelleater rune + MRo Challenge, 147pts
Runesmith: Shield, Runic Talisman: Spelleater rune, 122pts
Master Engineer: GW, Pistol, Runic Armor: Ro Stone, 84pts
20 Quarreler Rangers: Standard, Musician 295pts
24 Logbeards: FCG, GW, Runic Banner: Ro Courage, 367pts
24 Hammerers: FCG, Runic Banner: MRo Grungni, 368pts
Canon: Ro Forging + Ro Burning, 130pts
Grudge Thrower: Ro Accuracy + 2x Ro Penetrating, 155pts
Grudge Thrower: Ro Accuracy + Ro Penetrating + Ro Reloading, 140pts
Organ Gun: 120 pts
Total: 2398

Maksim Karanovic, Daemons of Chaos
Herald of Tzeentch: general, lvl 2, lore of light, Master of Sorcery, Winged Horror, 160
Herald of Tzeentch: lvl 2, lore of light, Master of Sorcery, Spell Breaker, 165
Herald of Khorne: BSB, Great Icon of Despair, 200
30 Bloodletters of Khorne: standard, musician, Icon of Endless War, 403
30 Bloodletters of Khorne: standard, musician, 378
29 Bloodletters of Khorne: standard, musician, 366
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
6 Fiends of Slaanesh: 330
3 Flamers of Tzeentch: 105
3 Flamers of Tzeentch: 105
Total: 2392

Team Singapore
Joshua Leong (c) non-playing
Justin Phua, Skaven
Grey Seer: General, Lvl 4, Plague/Ruin, D3 Warpstone Tokens, Power Scroll, Foul Pendant, 305
Warlord: Heavy Armour, Shield, The Fellblade, 193
Chieftain: BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield, Obsidian Lodestone, 117
Plague Priest on Plague Furnace: Lvl 1, Plague, Flail, Dispel Scroll, 279
Warlock Engineer: Doomrocket, 45
5 Giant Rats and 1 Packmaster: 23
5 Giant Rats and 1 Packmaster: 23
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Champion, 86
40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Champion, 86
39 Skavenslaves: Musician, 80
29 Stormvermin : FCG, Storm Banner, Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team, 348
20 Plague Monks: Musician, 145
5 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poisoned Attacks, 90
5 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poisoned Attacks, 90
1 Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
1 Doomwheel: 150
1 Warp Lightning Cannon: 90
Total: 2400

David Wong, Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord: General, Lvl 1, Vampires, Red Fury, Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword of Anti-heroes, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation, 364
Master Necromancer: Lvl 4, Vampires, Book of Arkhan, Ironcurse Icon, 230
Vampire: Lvl 1, Death, Flying Horror, Heavy Armour, Charmed Shield, Dispel Scroll, Dragonbane Gem, Potion of Foolhardiness, 179
Wight King: Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Obsidian Lodestone, 135
Cairn Wraith: Great Weapon, 60
Cairn Wraith: Great Weapon, 60
Cairn Wraith: Great Weapon, 60
28 Ghouls: Champion, 290
3x20 Zombies: Musician, 65x3
3x5 Dire Wolves: 40x3
8 Crypt Horrors: 304
8 Crypt Horrors: 304
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32
2 Fell Bats: 32
Total: 2397

Jared Law, Chaos Dwarfs
Sorcerer-Prophet: General, Lvl 4, Death, The Blood of Hashut, Blackshard Armour, Darkforged Weapon, Enchanted Shield, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Preservation, Ironcurse Icon, 400
Infernal Castellan: BSB, Blackshard Armour, Shield, The Mask of the Furnace, Luckstone, 202
Daemonsmith Sorcerer: Lvl 1, Fire, Ensorcelled Hand Weapon, Blackshard Armour, Charmed Shield, 100
Hobgoblin Khan on Giant Wolf: Throwing Knives, Light Armour, Shield, Warrior Bane, Dragonbane Gem, 66
40 Hobgoblins Cutthroats: Musician, Shields, 184
40 Hobgoblins Cutthroats: Musician, Shields, 184
25 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard: Standard, Musician, Banner of Eternal Flame, 330
3 Bull Centaur Renders: Musician, Great Weapon, 155
Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher: 100
Magma Cannon: 145
Hellcannon: 205
K’daai Destroyer: 325
Total: 2396

Eric Cheong, Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: General, Lvl 4, Death, Ironfist, Greedy Fist, Armour of Destiny, Tormentor Sword, Ironcurse Icon, 388
Bruiser: BSB, Ironfist, Heavy Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Warrior Bane, 188
Butcher: Lvl 2, Great Maw, Ironfist, Crown of Command, Dragonbane Gem, 178
40 Gnoblars: Musician, 110
40 Gnoblars: Musician, 110
8 Ironguts: Standard, Musician, Look-out Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline, 384
4 Mournfang Cavalry: Standard, Musician, Ironfist, Heavy Armour, Dragonhide Banner, 350
4 Maneaters: Standard, Musician, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poisoned Attacks, Sniper, Banner of Eternal Flame, 278
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Sabretusk Pack: 21
1 Gorger: 90
1 Gorger: 90
1 Ironblaster: 170
Total: 2399

Lam Choon Voon, Orcs & Goblins
Black Orc Warboss: General, Heavy Armour, Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, Dragonhelm, 253
Savage Orc Great Shaman: Lvl 4, Big Waaagh!, Fencer's Blades, Lucky Shrunken Head, Obsidian Trinket, 305
Savage Orc Big Boss: BSB, Great Weapon, Armour of Silvered Steel, Dragonbane Gem, 154
Orc Shaman: Lvl 1, Big Waaagh!, Ironcurse Icon, Dispel Scroll, 95
Savage Orc Big Boss: Sword of Anti-Heroes, Potion of Speed, 110
36 Savage Orcs: Standard, Musician, Big ’Uns, Additional Hand Weapons, Big Stabbas, 436
40 Night Goblins: Musician, Short Bows, 130
20 Night Goblins: Musician, Short Bows, 70
18 Black Orcs: Standard, Musician, Banner of Eternal Flame, 246
1 Goblin Spear Chukka: 35
1 Goblin Spear Chukka: 35
3x1 Goblin Wolf Chariot: 50x3
3x1 Trolls: 35x3
1 Mangler Squigs: 65
1 Mangler Squigs: 65
1 Doom Diver Catapult: 80
1 Doom Diver Catapult: 80
1 Goblin Rock Lobber: 85
Total: 2499

Jon Wang, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: General, BSB, Lvl 4, Life, Becalming Cogitation, Focused Rumination, Plaque of Tepok, Crown of Command, Dragonbane Gem, Fencer's Blades, Banner of Eternal Flame, 450
34 Saurus Warriors: FCG, 404
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
11 Skink Skirmishers: 77
11 Skink Skirmishers: 77
5 Chameleon Skinks: 60
5 Chameleon Skinks: 60
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
1 Stegadon: 235
1 Stegadon: 235
1 Ancient Stegadon: 275
1 Ancient Stegadon: 275
Total: 2398

Andrew Yap, Daemons of Chaos
Great Unclean One: General, Lvl 2, Nurgle, Balesword, Noxious Vapours, 585
Herald of Nurgle: BSB, Standard of Chaos Glory, 265
Herald of Tzeentch: Lvl 2, Shadow, Spell Breaker, Master of Sorcery, 165
Herald of Khorne: Armour of Khorne, Firestorm Blade, 140
27 Bloodletters of Khorne: Standard, Musician, Icon of Endless War, 367
27 Plaguebearers of Nurgle: FCG, Standard of Seeping Decay, 379
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Chaos Furies: 60
2 Fiends of Slaanesh: 110
1 Fiend of Slaanesh: 55
3 Flamers of Tzeench: 105
3 Flamers of Tzeench: 105
Total: 2396

Neo Chee Kiong, Dwarfs
Runelord on Anvil of Doom: General, Gromril Armour, Shield, Runic Talisman: Spelleater Rune, Rune of Luck, Runic Armour: Rune of Stone, Runic Weapon: Rune of Striking, 398
Thane: BSB, Gromril Armour, Shield, Runic Armour: Rune of Stone, Runic Talisman: Master Rune of Spite, Runic Weapon: Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Fire 167
15 Quarrellers: Musician, Great Weapons, 200
15 Quarrellers: Musician, Great Weapons, 200
15 Quarrellers: Musician, Great Weapons, 200
30 Hammerers: Musician, 366
15 Miners: Champion, Musician, Steam Drill, 205
15 Miners: Champion, Musician, Steam Drill, 205
1 Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Forging, 140
1 Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning, 145
1 Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Penetrating, 170
Total: 2396

Daniel Camargo - Orcs and Goblins
WarBoss Black Orc General: Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command 245
Savage Orc Great Shaman: level 4, Big whaag, Earthing Rod 230
Big Boss Savage Orc : BSB, Morks War Banner 200
Savage Orc Shaman: level 1, Big Whaag, Lucky Shrunken Head 120
Night Goblin Shaman level 2, Small Whaag, dispel scroll, 110
Night Goblin Shaman level , Small Whaag, 50
Goblin Big boss, wolf, spear, shield, light armor, 53
Goblin Big boss, wolf, spear, shield, light armor, 53
37 Bigguns Savage Orcs, FCG, extra choppa, 442
35 Night goblins, musician, bows, 1 fanatic, 140
35 Night goblins, musician, bows, 1 fanatic, 140
3x1 Troll, 35x3
3x1 Wolf Charriot, 50x3
2x1 mangler squig, 65x2
2x1 doom diver, 80x2
2x1 Rock lobber, 85x2
Total: 2498

Manuel Eduardo Dato Torres - Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: general, seadragon cloak, heavy armor, soulrender, black dragon egg, talisman of preservation, enchanted shield- 297
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: seadragon cloak, shield, Hydra Blade, Potion of Strentgh, Armour of eternal Servitude, dragonbane's gem- 294
Noble on Dark Pegasus: BSB, Dragon Sea Cloak, Heavy Armor, Shield, Dragon Helm, Pendant of Khaeleth, Biting Blade, 211
Sorceress: Magic Level 2, Death, Dagger of Sacrifice, 160
Sorceress: Magic Level 2, Death, Dispel Scroll 160
5 Dark Riders: Crossbows, 110
5 Dark Riders: Crossbows, 110
5 Dark Riders: Crossbows, 110
10 crossbowmen: Musician 105
28 Warriors: FCG, Gleaming Pendant 188
5 harpies 55
5 harpies 55
1 cold one charriot 100
1 cold one charriot 100
5 chades, 2 hand weapons, 85
5 chades, 2 hand weapons, 85
1 War Hydra 175
Total: 2400

Ángel López-Naranjo Jareño , The Empire
General of the Empire on Imperial Pegasus: General, Iron-Hard Hooves, Full plate armour, The White Cloak of Ulric, Crown of Comand, Enchanted Shield, Bitting Blade, 254
Battle Wizard Lord on Warhorse: lvl 4, lore of Life, Dispell Scroll, Obsidian lodestone,288
Captain of the Empire on Imperial Pegasus: BSB, Full plate armour, shield, lance, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, Ironcurse icon, 185
Master Engineer on Warhorse: light armour, 78
2x10 Archers: 70x2
2x10 Spearmen: 50x2
5 Knightly orders: musician, 120
5 Knightly orders: musician, 120
5 Knightly orders: musician, 120
6 Demigryph Knights: standard, musician, Standard of Discipline, 383
2x1 Great Cannon: 120x2
1 Helblaster Volley Gun: 120
1 Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2398

Alvaro Jesus Lopez Romero Daemons of chaos
Bloodthirster of Khorne: General, Axe of Khorne, Inmortal Fury, Obsidian Armour , 550
Herald of khorne on juggernaut: Armour of Khorne , 165
Herald of khorne: Firestorm Blade , 125
Herald of tzeentch: bsb, lvl2, Tzeentch, Winged horror , Spell Breaker , Great Standard of Sundering , 235
28 Bloodletters of Khorne: Musician, champion , 354
29 Bloodletters of Khorne: FCG, Icon of Endless War , 403
5 Chaos Furies , 60
5 Chaos Furies , 60
5 Chaos Furies , 60
6 Fiends of slaanesh , 330
1 Fiend of slaanesh , 55

Pedro Daniel Ortega- Skaven
Warlord: General, Great weapon, Obsidian Loathstone, Armour of Fortune , 176
Grey Seer: lvl4, Lore of Ruin & Plague, Power Scroll, Foul Pendant , 305
Chieftain: Bsb, Heavy armour, Halberd, Talisman of Endurance , 102
Warlock Engineer: lvl2, Lore of Ruin, Dispel scroll , 125
Warlock Engineer: Doom Rocket , 45
Warlock Engineer: , 15
3x 5 Giants rats: , 23x3
3x40 Skavenslaves: Musician, Champion , 86x3
20 Clanrats: FCG, Ligth armour , 100
20 Clanrats: FCG, Ligth armour , 100
2 Rat Swarms , 50
2 Rat Swarms , 50
20 Storm Vermin: Standard, Musician, Halberd, Heavy Armour, Storm Banner , 205
10 Gutter Runners: 2ndWeapon, Poisoned Attacks, Sling, Throwing Stars , 180
10 Gutter Runners: 2ndWeapon, Poisoned Attacks, Sling, Throwing Stars , 180
Warp-lightning Cannon , 90
Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes , 250
5 Poisoned wind globadiers , 50
5 Poisoned wind globadiers , 50
Total: 2400

Samuel Cazorla Millan Warrior Of Chaos
Sorcerer Lord: General, lvl 4, Lore of Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Infernal Puppet, Necrotic Phylactery, DragonHelm, Shrieking Blade, Ironcurse Icon. - 360
Exalted Hero: Bsb, Mark of Tzeentch, Banner Of The Gods. - 275
Chaos Sorcerer: Lvl2, Lore of Tzeetnch,l Mark Of Tzeetnch, Obsidian Lodestone, Enchanted shield, 3rd Eye Of Tzeetnch. -215
22 Chaos Warrior: Standard, Musican, Mark Of Slaanesh, Halberd, Shield, Standard Of Discipline. - 417
22 Chaos Warrior: Musican, Mark Of Slaanesh, Halberd, Shield. – 390
17 Chaos Chosen: FCG, Mark Of Slaanesh, Halberd, Wailing Banner, Champion (Favour Of The Gods). -438
1 Chaos Warshrine: Mark Of Tzeentch. - 150
1 Chaos Warshrine: Mark Of Tzeentch. - 150
Total: 2395

Brettonia Lord,General, Royal Pegasus, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm, shield, Sword of swift slaying, Virtue of heroism- 263
Prophetess of the lady, lvl 4, lore of heavens, silver mirror - 265
Damsel of the lady, lvl 2, lore of life, warhorse, dispel scroll - 140
Paladin, Battle standard, barded warhorse, crown of command, warrior bane, enchanted shield - 124
Paladin, Shield, Mantle of damsel Elena, Gromril greathelm -126
Paladin, Royal Pegasus, the wyrmlance, dragonbane gem, Charmed shield -140
10 Peasent Bowmen, Skirmish, Villein - 75
10 Peasent Bowmen, Musician, Vilein - 70
10 Peasent bowmen, Musician, Vilein - 70
8 Knights of the real: Fullcomand, Gleaming pendant - 221
8 Knights of the real: Fullcomand, Standard of discipline - 231
3x3 Pegasus knights - 165x3
2xTrebuchet - 90x2

Javier Bujanda Bravo (c) Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord: general, lvl 1, lore of vampires, quickblood, red fury, additional hand weapon, talisman of preservation, potion of strength, glittering scales, 394
Master necromancer, lvl 4, lore of vampires, 200
Necromancer, lvl 1, lore of death, dispel scroll, the other trickster shard, 105
Necromancer, lvl 2, lore of death, book of archan, 125
Wight King, battle standard bearer, nightshroud, luckstone, warrior bane, 164
Wight King, obsidan Loathstone, enchanted shield, 135
Wraith, 60
38 Ghouls, champion, 390
37 Zombies, standard, musician, 121
20 Zombies, musician, 65
20 Zombies, musician, 65
Spirit host, 45
Spirit Host, 45
2 bats, 32
2 bats, 32
2 bats, 32
10 Crypt Horrors, champion, 390
Total: 2400

Arnaud Abt (C), Dark Elves
Supreme Sorceress: General, lvl 4, Shadow, Lifetaker, Seal of Ghrond, Dispel Scroll, 345
Master on Dark Pegasus: Lance, Heavy Armor, Shield, Cloak of Hag Graef, Dawn Stone, 190
Death Hag: BSB, Cauldron of Blood, 225
17 Crossbowmen: Shields, Musician, 192
27 Spearmen: Shields, FCG, 204
27 Spearmen: Shields, FCG, 204
2x5 Harpies: 55x2
8 Shades: 128
9 Shades: 144
17 Black Guards of Naggarond:
Musician, Standard, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 252
19 Witches of Kaine: Musician, Standard, Banner of Murderer, 230
War Hydra : 175
Total: 2399

François Zay, Empire
Archlector on barded warhorse: general, heavy armour, Enchanted
shield, Crown of Command, Warrior Bane, Talisman of Preservation: 218
Battle wizard: lvl 4, Shadow, Dispell Scroll,
Ring of Ruby: 250
Captain on barded warhorse: bsb, full plate armour, shield, cavalry lance, Dawn Stone: 141
2x1 Master Engineer: 65x2
11 Archers: 77
5 spearmen (det): 25
5 Free companies (det): 30
10 Archers: 70
5 spearmen (det): 25
10 Archers: 70
5 spearmen (det): 25
10 Inner circle knights, FCG, Banner of the Eternal Flame: 290
2xGreat canon: 120x2
2x4 DemiGryphons knights: musician: 242x2
2x Hellblaster volley Gun: 120x2
Total: 2400

Victor Rossier, Wood Elves
Highborn: General,
wardancer kindred, annoyance of netling, blades of Loec, crown of command, 290
Spellweaver: lvl 4, Beast, Rhymer's
Harp, Ranu's Heartstone, 345
Noble: bsb, light armour, shield, dragon’s helm, Screaming Blade, Hail of doom arrow, 144
Noble: wardancer kindred, obsidian lodestone, 150
Spellsinger: lvl 1, Athel Loren, Dispel scroll, ruby ring of ruin, 140
15 Glade guards: Standard, Musician, Banner of eternal flame, 208
2x 15 Glade guards: Musician, 186x2
2x 8 dryads, champion, 108x2
2x8 dryads, 96x2
14 wardancers: musician,
champion, 273
2x1Great eagle, 50x2
7 waywatchers, 168
Total: 2598

Baptiste Zay, Warriors of Chaos
Sorcerer lord on Disc of Tzeentch: general, lvl4, Tzeentch, mark of Tzeentch, Golden eye of Tzeentch, Blood of Tzeentch, diabolical splendor, charmed shield, 405
Sorcerer: mark of Tzeentch, Infernal Puppet, 140
Exalted Champion: bsb, mark of Tzeentch, Halberd, doom totem, 224
19 Warriors of Chaos: FCG, Mark of Khorne,
Halberds, Shields, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 393
18 Marauders: flails, musician, 124
18 Marauders: flails,
musician, 124
17 Marauders: flails, musician, 119
3x 5 Hounds: 30x3
16 Chosen: FCG, Mark of
Tzeentch, Halberds, Shields, Favour of Gods, Banner of Terror, 445
Hell cannon: 205
Warshrine of Chaos: 130
Total: 2399

Stefan Wanger, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: General, BSB, lvl 4, Heaven, Focus of Mystery, Earthing Rod, 325
Slann Mage-Priest: lvl 4, Light, The Focused Rumination, 275
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, 161
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Light Armour, Burning Blade of Chotek, Dawnstone, Charmed Shield, 160
Skink Priest: lvl 1, Heaven, Cube of Darkness, 105
23 Saurus Warriors: FCG, 283
20 Skinks: FCG, 122
3x 10 Skink Skirmishers: 70x3
8 Chameleon Skinks: 96
9 Chameleon Skinks: 108
2x 3 Teradon Riders: 90x2
3 Salamander Hunting Packs: 225
2x 1 Razordon Hunting Pack: 75x2
Total: 2400

Paul Berclaz Dwarves
Runelord on Anvil of doom : General, Shield , spelleater rune, rune of stone, rune of preservation, rune of Resistance, 413
Master engineer : Great weapon, Rune of stone , rifle, 89
Thane: bsb, Great weapon , crossbow, Master rune of gromril , Master rune of challenge , Rune of brotherhood , Rune of furnace, 174
22 Quarrellers : Great weapons, Musician , Standard, 301
23 Rangers "Quarrellers": Great weapon, FCG, 347
20 minors : FCG , Steamdrill, 270
20 minors : Musician, Standard, 235
5 Troll killers : Musician, 3*Giant killer, 106
Canon : Engineer, Rune of Burning, Rune of forging, 145
Grudge Thrower : Engineer , Rune of accuracy, Rune of
penetrating, Rune of Burning, 150
Grudge Thrower : Engineer, Rune of accuracy, 2*Rune of penetrating, 170
Total: 2400

Tiziano Prestini, Skavens
Grey Seer : General, 1 warpstone token, talisman of preservation, earthing rod, 325
engineer : level 2, dispel scroll, 1 warpstone token, 140
Warlock engineer : doom rocket, 45
Warlock engineer : brass orb, 65
Chieftain : bsb, heavy armor, shield, iron curse icon, 77
40 clan rats : shield, FCG, poisoned wind globadiers, 265
40 clan rats : shield, FCG, 200
40 slaves : musician, champion, 86
40 slaves : musician, champion, 86
40 slaves : musician, champion, 86
1 giant rats pack : 23
1 giant rats pack : 23
1 giant rats pack : 23
2 rat swarms : 50
2 rat swarms : 50
10 gutter runers : sling, poisoned attacks, 180
10 gutter runers : sling, poisoned attacks, 180
1 warp lightning cannon : 90
1 hel pit abomination : warpstone spikes, 250
1 doomwheel : 150
Total : 2394

Raphaël Jenelten,
Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord : general, lvl 4, vampires, Red Fury, Flying Horror, Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword of Swift
Slaying, Dragonhelm, Potion of Strength, Talisman of Preservation, 519
Necromancer : lvl 1, death, scroll of
shielding, 80
Necromancer : lvl 1, death, dispel scroll, 90
3x1 Cairn wraith : 60x3
3x5 Dire Wolves : 40x3
24 zombies: musician, standard, 82
36 Crypt Ghouls: champion, 370
30 Skeleton Warriors: FCG, Banner of Eternal Flamme, 190
8 Vargheists: 368
8 Vargheists: 368
2 Fell bats: 32
Total: 2399

Sergii "korgan80" Polonets (c) - Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: General; Sea Dragon Cloak; Shield; Soulrender; Dragonbane Gem; Black Dragon Egg; Armour of Destiny;, 299
Supreme Sorceress: lvl 4; Shadow; Sacrificial Dagger, 285
Sorceress: lvl 2; Fire; Dispel Scroll, 160
Death Hag: BSB; Cauldron of Blood, 225
Master on Dark Pegasus: Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Dragonhelm; Pendant of Khaeleth; Potion of Foolhardiness, 192
10 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen: Shield; Musician, 115
24 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG; Shield, 183
29 Black Ark Corsairs: FCG; 2ndWeapon; Sea Serpent Standard, 340
5 Harpies:, 55
5 Harpies:, 55
20 Black Guard: FCG; Banner of Murder, 320
5 Shades: 2ndWeapon, 85
5 Shades: 2ndWeapon, 85
Models in Army: 108
Total Army Cost: 2399

Sergii "Tur79" Leshchenko - Skaven
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: General; lvl4; Power Scroll; Skalm; (Screaming Bell pushers: 37 Stormvermin: FCG; Storm Banner; Poisoned Wind Mortar), 904
Plague Priest on Plague Furnace: lvl 1; Censer; Opal Amulet (Plague Furnace pushers: 37 Plague Monks: FCG; Plague Banner), 595
Warlock Engineer: lvl1; Dispel Scroll, 90
Warlock Engineer: Doom Rocket, 45
39 Skavenslaves: Shields; Slave Musician; Pawleader, 103.5
40 Skavenslaves: Shields; Slave Musician, 102
Hellpit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250
Warp-lightning Warp Cannon:, 90
Doomwheel:, 150
5 Giant Rats + 1 Packmaster:, 23
5 Giant Rats + 1 Packmaster:, 23
5 Giant Rats + 1 Packmaster:, 23
Models in Army: 180
Total Army Cost: 2398.5

Andrii 'Grizvald' Baranovskyi - The Empire
Grand Master on Barded Warhorse: General; Full Plate Armor; Warhorse; Sword of Might; Crown of Command; Talisman of Preservation, 259
Captain of the Empire on Barded Warhorse: BSB; Great Weapon; Full Plate Armor; Warhorse; Dragonhelm; Luckstone;, 128
Warrior Priest on Barded Warhorse: Prayers of Sigmar; Heavy Armour; Enchanted Shield, 88
Wizard Lord of the Light Order: lvl 4; Light; Earthing Rod, 225 Ptz
Battle Wizard of the Light Order: lvl 1; Light, 65
Battle Wizard of the Light Order: lvl 1; Light; Dispel Scroll, 90
Celestial Hurricanum:, 130
Steam Tank:, 250
5 Demigryph Knights: FCG; Lance; Shield
1 Great Cannon:, 120
1 Great Cannon:, 120
14 Knights of the Inner Circle: FCG; Lance; Shield; Standard of Discipline
30 Halberdiers: FCG, 210
Models in Army: 62
Total Army Cost: 2400

Andrii "Muzykant" Fesiuk - High Elves
Archmage: General; lvl 4; Light; Loremasters Cloak; Ring of Corin, 320
Noble: BSB; lvl 1; Light; Great Weapon; Dragon Armour; Radiant Gem of Hoeth; Charmed Shield, 174
Mage: lvl 1; Light; Annulian Crystal; Ironcurse Icon, 145
Mage: lvl 2; Light; Seerstaff of Saphery, 165
12 Archers: Musician, 137
18 First Archers: Standard Bearer; Musician; Standard of Discipline, 228
30 SpearElves: FCG, 295
26 White Lions: FCG; Banner of the Eternal Flame; The Other Tricksters Shard, 445
23 White Lions: FCG; Banner of Sorcery; Amulet of Light, 440
1 Great Eagle:, 50
1 Great Eagle:, 50
1 Great Eagle:, 50
Models in Army: 116
Total Army Cost: 2499

Ievgen "littlecow" Zapolskyi - Orcs & Goblins
Orc Great Shaman: General; lvl4; Big Waagh; Choppa; Earthing Rod; Talisman of Preservation, 270
Night Goblin Great Shaman: lvl4; Little Waagh; Dispel Scroll, 200
Goblin Big Boss on Wolf: Light Armour; Enchanted Shield; Warrior Bane; Dragonbane Gem, 64
Night Goblin Big Boss: BSB; Light Armour; Shield; Obsidian amulet, 89;
30 Savage Big 'Uns: Second Choppa; Standard; Musician, 350
38 Night Goblins: Shortbow; Standard; Musician; 2 Fanatics, 184
20 Night Goblins: Shortbow; 2 Fanatics, 110
5 Goblin Wolf Riders: Spear; Shield, 60
18 Black Orcs: Standard; Musician; Standard of Discipline, 251;
8 Trolls:, 280
1 Wolf Chariot:, 50
1 Wolf Chariot:, 50
1 Pump Wagon: Spiky Roller, 60
1 Mangler Squig:, 65
1 Mangler Squig:, 65
1 Rock Lobber: Bully, 95;
1 Rock Lobber: Bully, 95;
1 Doom Diver:, 80
1 Doom Diver:, 80
Models in Army: 148
Total Army Cost: 2498

Igor "Salamander" Malamuzh - Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Lord of Tzeentch on Disc of Tzeentch: General; Mark of Tzeentch; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Shield; Crown of Command; Talisman of Preservation; Dragonhelm, 372
Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch: lvl2; Mark of Tzeentch; Infernal Puppet; Charmed Shield; Third Eye of Tzeentch, 205
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch: BSB; Mark of Tzeentch; Enchanted Shield; Favour of the Gods; Glaive of Putrefaction, 190
19 Chosen of Slaanesh: Mark of Slaanesh; Halberd; Shield; Musician; Champion; The Terrifying Mask of EEE, 445
Chaos Warshrine of Tzeentch: Mark of Tzeentch, 150
Chaos Warshrine of Tzeentch: Mark of Tzeentch, 150
1 Hellcannon:, 205
38 Chaos Marauders of Khorne: Mark of Khorne; Great Weapon; Standard; Musician, 232
19 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle: FCG; Mark of Nurgle; Halberd; Shield; Rapturous Standard, 391
5 Chaos Warhounds:, 30
5 Chaos Warhounds:, 30
Models in Army: 93
Total Army Cost: 2400

Vladyslav "Noblesse Oblige" Pavlov - Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord: General; lvl 4; Vampires; Heavy armour; Shield; Red Fury; Quickblood; The Other Tricksters Shard; Talisman of Preservation; Ogre Blade; Beguile, 529
Necromancer: lvl 2; Vampires; Book of Arkhan, 125
Vampire : BSB; lvl 2; Vampires; Charmed Shield; Dispel Scroll, 195
40 Crypt Ghouls: 1 Ghast, 410
3x5 Dire Wolves:, 40x3
20 Zombies: Standard; Musician, 70
10 Crypt Horrors: 1 Crypt Haunter, 390
Mortis Engine: Blasphemous Tome, 240
Terrorgheist:, 225
2 Fell Bats:, 32
2 Fell Bats:, 32
2 Fell Bats:, 32
Models in Army: 96
Total Army Cost: 2400

Pavlo "PASHA-RUSSIA" Iukhno - Tomb Kings
Tomb King on Chariot: General; Sword of Might; Charmed Shield; Golden Death Mask of Kharnut, 290
Liche High Priest: lvl4; Nehekhara; Hierophant; Dispel Scroll, 235
8 Skeleton Chariots:, 440
10 Skeleton Archers:, 60
25 Skeleton Archers:, 60
8 Ushabti: Great Bow, 400
Warsphinx: Fiery Roar, 230
Warsphinx:, 210
Necrosphinx:, 225
Casket of Souls:, 135
Casket of Souls:, 135
Screaming Skull Catapult:, 90
Total Army Cost: 2600

Keith Bonneau, non-playing coach
Brian Moyer (c), Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: General, Lvl 4, Maw, Ironfist, Biting Blade, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, 388
Bruiser: BSB, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Rune Maw, 205
Firebelly: Lvl 2, Fire, Extra Hand Weapon, Siverjir's Hex Scroll, 207
Firebelly: Lvl 2, Fire, Extra Hand Weapon, Dispel Scroll, Dragonbane Gem, 187
6 Ironguts: FCG, Lookout Gnoblar, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Standard of Discipline, 308
6 Ironguts: FCG, Lookout Gnoblar, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, 293
4 Ogre Mournfang Cavalry: standard, musician, Ironfist, Heavy Armour, Dragonhide Banner, 350
1 Sabretusks: 21
1 Sabretusks: 21
1 Ironblaster: 170
1 Thundertusk: 250
Total: 2400

Travis Weyforth, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: BSB, Lvl 4, Metal, Higher State of Consciousness, Dispel Scroll, 300
Slann Mage-Priest: General, Lvl 4, Death, The Focused Rumination, 300
Saurus Scar-Veteran: Light Armour, Shield, Dragonhelm, Luckstone, Crown of Command, 143
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One: Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec, Amulet of Itzl, 163
Skink Priest: Lvl 1, Heavens, Cube of Darkness, 105
24 Saurus Warriors: FCG, 294
24 Saurus Warriors: FCG, 294
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: 70
1 Jungle Swarm: 45
1 Jungle Swarm: 45
1 Jungle Swarm: 45
9 Chameleon Skinks: 108
9 Chameleon Skinks, 108
3 Terradon Rider: 90
2 Salamander Hunting Pack: 150
Total: 2400

Paul Gates, Empire Roster
General of the Empire on barded warhorse: General, Full Plate Armor, Sword of Anti Heroes, Charmed Shield, The White Cloak of Ulric, The Other Trickster's Shard, 228
Battle Wizard Lord on horse: Lvl 4, Beasts, Tormentor Sword, Dispel Scroll, Opal Amulet, Van Horstman's Speculum, 306
Warrior Priest on warhorse: Barding, Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, Obsidian Lodestone, 133
Captain of the Empire on barded Warhorse: BSB, Full Plate Armor, Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Crown of Command, 149
13 Knights of the Inner Circle: FC, Lance, Standard of Discipline, 370
5 Knightly Orders: Musician, Lance, 120
5 Knightly Orders: Musician, Lance, 120
4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 242
4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, 242
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Great Cannon: 120
1 Steam Tank: 250
Total: 2397

Jordan Braun, Vampire Counts
Vampire Lord: General, Lvl 3, Vampires, Beguile, RedFury, Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword of Swiftslaying, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation, Potion of Strength, 464
Banshee : 95
Banshee : 95
Necro: Lvl 2, Death, Power Stone, 125
Necro: Lvl 2, Death, Dispel Scroll, 120
8 Direwolves: Champion, 74
5 Direwolves: 40
5 Direwolves: 40
25 Zombies: Musician, 80
36 Crypt Ghouls: Champion, 370
7 Vargheists: 322
1 Varghulf :175
1 Varghulf :175
1 Terrorgheist: 225

Mike Norton, Dwarfs
Runelord on Anvil of Doom: General, Shield, Gromril Armor, Rune of Stone, Rune of SpellBreaking, 348
Thane: BSB, Great Weapon, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Resistance, Master Rune of Gromril, 159
Thane: Great weapon, Gromril Armor, Rune of stone, Master Rune of Challenge, Rune of Brotherhood, Rune of the furnace, 124
35 Warriors: Standard, Musician, Great weapons, 365
30 Warriors: Standard, Musician, Great weapons, Rangers, Throwing Axes, 375
35 Hammerers: FCG, 450
5 Miners: Musician, 60
5 Miners: Musician, 60
1 Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Forging, 140
1 Cannon: Engineer, Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning, 145
1 Grudge Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Penetrating, 170
Total: 2396

Jason Clark, Chaos Dwarves
Sorcerer-Prophet: General, Lvl 4, Hashut, Enchanted Shield, Siverjir's Hex Scroll, Talisman of Endurance, 385
Infernal Castellan: BSB, Great Weapon, Armor of Bazherak the Cruel, 185
Daemonsmith Sorcerer: Lvl 2, Death, Dispel Scroll, 155
Daemonsmith Sorcerer: Lvl 1, Fire, Scroll of Shielding, 110
Hobgoblin Khan on Wolf: Light Armor,Shield, 56
Hobgoblin Khan on Wolf: Light Armor,Shield, 56
20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats: Musician, 84
20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats: Musician, 84
27 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard: FCG, Great Weapons, Banner of Eternal Flame, 447
1 Deathshrieker Rocket: 100
1 Deathshrieker Rocket: 100
1 Iron Daemon War Engine: Hellbound, 310
1 K'Daai Destroyer: 325
Total: 2397

Alex Schmid,Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Black Dragon: General, Armour of Darkness, Soulrender, The Other Trickster's Shard, Talisman of Preservation, 560
Master on Pegasus: BSB, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Sea dragon Cloak, Pendant of Khaeleth, Dragonhelm, 212
Sorceress: lvl 2, Death, Lifetaker, Tome of Furion, 180
Sorceress: lvl 2, Fire, Dispel Scroll, 160
35 Spears: FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame, 235
24 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen: FCG, 260
10 Dark Elf Repeater Crossbowmen: Musician, 105
5 Harpies: 55
5 Harpies: 55
1 Chariot: 100
1 Chariot: 100
1 Hydra: 175
1 Reaper Bolt Thrower: 100
1 Reaper Bolt Thrower: 100
Total: 2397

Matt Cassidy, Daemons of Chaos
Great Unclean One: General, Lvl 4, Nurgle, pestilent mucus, 595
Herald of Khorne: BSB, Armor of Khorne, Firestorm Blade, Great Standard of Sundering, 215
Herald of Tzeentch on Chariot: Lvl 2, Heavens, spell breaker, master of sorcery, 225
Herald of Khorne: 100
5 furies: 60
5 furies: 60
5 furies: 60
29 bloodletters, FCG, icon of endless war, 403
29 bloodletters, FCG, 378
1 fiend of Slaanesh : 55
1 fiend of Slaanesh : 55
5 Flamers: Champion, 190
Total: 2396

Matt Yeo (c), Ogre Kingdoms
Slaughtermaster: general, lvl 4, Great Maw, ironfist, Armour of Destiny, Tormentor Sword, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 368
Bruiser: Bsb, heavy armour, Dragonbane Gem, Enchanted Shield, Crown of Command, Warrior Bane, 184
Firebelly: lvl 2, Fire, additional hand weapon, Hellheart, 207
9 Ironguts: FCG, lookout gnoblar, Standard of Discipline, 437
6 Ogres: musician, standard, ironfists, 212
4 Mournfang: musician, standard, ironfists, heavy armour, Dragonhide Banner, 350
2 Mournfang: ironfists, heavy armour, 140
6 Leadbelchers: musician, 268
1 Sabretusk: 21
1 Sabretusk: 21
1 Sabretusk: 21
1 Ironblaster: 170
Total: 2399

Andrew Lewis, Daemons of Chaos
Bloodthirster of Khorne: General, Armour of Khorne, Axe of Khorne, Immortal Fury, 515
Herald of Khorne: Firestorm Blade, 125
Herald of Tzeentch: lvl 2, Metal, BSB, Great Standard of Sundering, Master of Sorcery, Spellbreaker, 240
27 Bloodletters: FCG, Icon of Endless War, 379
28 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: FCG, 366
5 Chaos Furies: 60
5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne: 175
6 Flamers of Tzeentch: 210
5 Fiends of Slaanesh: 275
1 Fiend of Slaanesh: 55
Total: 2400

Craig Jones, Warriors of Chaos
Sorcerer Lord on Disc of Tzeentch: lvl 4, Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Bloodcurdling Roar, Stream of Corruption, Talisman of Preservation, Dragonhelm, Infernal Puppet, Tormentor Sword, Potion of Foolhardiness, 450
Chaos Sorcerer on Barded Chaos Steed: General, lvl 2, Nurgle, Mark of Nurgle, Third Eye of Tzeentch, Necrotic Phylactery, Power Familiar, Charmed Shield, Ironcurse Icon, 226
Exalted Hero on Barded Chaos Steed: Bsb, Shield, Mark of Tzeentch, The Bronze Armour of Zhrakk, Dawnstone, Favour of the Gods, Biting blade, 216
18 Chaos Warriors: Musician, Standard, Mark of Tzeentch, Shields, Rapturous Standard, 346
18 Chaos Warriors: Musician, Standard, Mark of Nurgle, Halberds, Razor Banner, 381
9 Chaos Knights: Musician, Standard, Mark of Tzeentch, Standard of Discipline, 425
1 Chaos Warshrine: Mark of Tzeentch, 150
1 Hellcannon: 205
Total: 2399

Gareth Stoneham, High elves
Prince on Star Dragon: general, great weapon, armour of caledor, vambraces of defense, 612
Noble: Bsb, dragon armour, great weapon, banner of sorcery, 174
Mage: lvl 2, light, seerstaff, 165
Mage: lvl 2, light, silver wand, 145
Mage: lvl 1, light, annulian crystal, 140
14 archers: muscian, 159
14 archers: muscian, 159
32 spearmen: FCG, 313
24 swordmasters: FCG, gleaming pennant 395
1 Tiranoc chariot: 85
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
1 Great Eagle: 50
Total: 2497

Joel Smith, Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Black Dragon: General, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, The Other Tricksters Shard, Armour of Destiny, Whip of Agony, Dragonbane Gem, 564
Master on Dark Pegasus: Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Heavy Armour, Biting Blade, Pendant of Khaleth, Dragonhelm, 190
Sorceress: lvl 1, Fire, Dispel Scroll, 125
Master on Cold One: BSB, Shield, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Lance, Hydra Banner, 214
15 Black Arc Corsairs: Standard, Musician, Repeater Handbows, Banner of Eternal Flame, 175
15 Dark Elf Crossbowmen: Musician, 155
10 Dark Elf Crossbowmen: 100
5 Dark Riders: 85
5 Dark Riders: 85
5 Harpies: 55
10 Shades: 160
8 Cold One Knights: FCG, Ring of Hotek, Banner of Haeg Graef, 316
1 War Hydra: 175
Total: 2399

Michael Pritchard, Bretonnians
Duke on royal pegasus; general, shield, Dragonhelm, Virtue of Heroism, Dawnstone, Biting Blade, 248
Prophetes on warhorse: lvl 4, life, Dispel Scroll, Crown of Command, 300
Paladin on barded warhorse; Bsb, shield, Gromril Great Helm, 106
Damsel on warhorse: lvl 1, beasts, Silver Mirror, 120
11 knights of the realm: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 303
10 knights errant: FCG, 221
11 peasant bowmen: musician, burning braziers, 76
3 pegasus knights: champion, 165
3 pegasus knights: champion, 165
3 pegasus knights: champion, 165
1 trebuchet: 90
1 trebuchet: 90
8 grail knights: FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame, 344
Total: 2397

Patrick O’Sullivan, Empire
Arch Lector on War Altar: General, Heavy armour, Shield, Sword of battle, dragon helm, talisman of preservation, 333
Battle wizard lord: lvl 4, Light, Earthing rod, 225
Battle wizard: lvl 1, Light, Dispel scroll, 90
Battle wizard, lvl 1, Light, 65
Battle wizard, lvl 1, Light, 65
Captain of the empire on Imperial Pegasus: BSB, Full plate armour, Charmed shield, Dawnstone, Sword of might, 186
30 Swordsmen: FCG; 240
5 Knights: musician, 120
5 Knights: musician, 120
5 Knights: musician, 120
1 Great cannon: 120
1 Great cannon: 120
5 Demigryph Knights: musician, standard, steel standard, 345
1 Steam tank: 250
Total: 2399

Thomas Loyn, Tomb Kings
Liche High Priest: hierophant, lvl 4, nehekara, 210
Liche High Priest: general, lvl 4,light, earthing rod, 235
Liche Priest: lvl 1, light, dispel scroll, 95
Liche Priest: lvl 1, light, 70
Liche Priest: lvl 1, light, 70
Liche Priest: lvl 1, light, 70
25 Skeleton Warriors: musician, 110
20 Skeleton Archers: musician, 130
20 Skeleton Archers: musician, 130
4 Skeleton Chariots: standard, musician, banner of eternal flame, 250
5 Skeleton Horse Archers: 70
5 Necropolis Knights: musician, 335
5 Necropolis Knights: musician, 335
1 Casket of Souls: 135
1 Hierotitan: 175
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
Total: 2600

Hampus Berg (c) non-playing
Anders Gustavsson, Lizardmen
Slann Mage-Priest: general, bsb, Lvl 4, heavens, Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, Unfathomable Presence, Soul of Stone, Standard of Discipline, Crown of Command, Cube of Darkness, 540
Skink Priest: lvl 2, heavens, Dispel Scroll, 125
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold one: great weapon, light armour, Amulet of Itzl, Dragonhelm, Venom of the Firefly Frog, 166
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold one: light armour, Charmed Shield, Dawn Stone, Sword of Might, 160
31 Saurus Warriors: FCG, 371
11 Skink Skirmishers: 77
11 Skink Skirmishers: 77
11 Skink Skirmishers: 77
9 Chameleon Skinks: 108
9 Chameleon Skinks: 108
8 Chameleon Skinks: 96
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Terradon Riders: 90
3 Salamander Hunting Packs: 225
Total: 2400

Christian Wennberg, Warriors of Chaos
Sorcerer Lord on Disc of Tzeentch: General, Lvl4, Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Third eye of Tzeentch, Armour of Destiny, Necrotic Phylactery, Infernal Puppet, 430
Exalted Hero on Disc of Tzeentch: BSB, Mark of Tzeentch, Stream of Corruption, Halberd, Chaos armour, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, 239
Exalted Hero on Disc of Tzeentch: Mark of Tzeentch, Bloodcurdling Roar, Shield, Chaos armour, Biting blade, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Endurance, Potion of Foolhardiness, 215
20 Chaos Warriors: Mark of Slaanesh, Halberd, Shield, Standard; musician, Banner of eternal flame, 378
20 Chaos Warriors: Mark of Slaanesh, Halberd, Shield, Standard; musician, Rapturous standard, 388
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Marauder Horsemen: 65
1 Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh, 130
1 Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh, 130
1 Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh, 130
1 Hellcannon: 205
Total: 2400

Daniel Jidefur, High Elves
Archmage: General, Lvl 4, Life, Dragonbane Gem, Ironcurse Icon, Seerstaff of saphery, 300
Archmage: Lvl 4, Death, Annulian crystal, Skeinsliver, 325
Noble: Bsb, Dragon armour, Great weapon, Charmed shield, Loremasters cloak, 169
33 Spearelves: FCG, standard of discipline, 337
24 Archers: FCG, 289
25 White Lions, Standard, Musician, Banner of sorcery, 443
26 White Lions, FCG, Amulet of light, 435
4x1 Great Eagle, 50x4
Total: 2498

Kaj Gyllinger, Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: General, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Whip of Agony, Armour of Eternal Servitude, Dragonbane Gem, The Other Tricksters Shard, 279
Supreme Sorceress: Lvl 4, Death, Sacrificial Dagger, Seal of Ghrond, 315
Sorceress: Lvl 2, Shadow, Lifetaker, Tome of Furion, 180
Master on Dark Pegasus: BSB, Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Dragonhelm, Pendant of Khaeleth, Potion of Foolhardiness, 217
Master on Dark Pegasus: Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Cloak of Hag Graef, Dawn Stone, 190
21 Dark Elf Warriors: FCG, Gleaming Pendant, 146
10 Black Ark Corsairs: Repeater Handbows, Musician, 105
5 Harpies: 55
5 Harpies: 55
5 Dark Riders: Repeater Crossbows, Musician, 117
5 Dark Riders: Repeater Crossbows, Musician, 117
5 Dark Riders: Repeater Crossbows, Musician, 117
10 Shades: Additional Handweapon, 170
10 Shades: 160
1 War Hydra: 175
Total: 2398

Johan Lagmo, Orcs and Goblins
Black Orc Warboss General; Heavy Armour, Shield,Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, Dragon helm, 253
Savage Orc Great Shaman Magic Level 4; Big Waagh, Lucky Shrunken Head, Fencer's Blades, 290
Savage Orc Big Boss; BSB, Obsidian Lodestone, Charmed Shield, 150
Savage Orc Shaman, Level 1, Big Waagh, Dispell Scroll, 95
Goblin Big Boss on giant wolf: Light Armour, Dragonbane gem, Enchanted shield, Tormentor Sword, 64
Goblin Big Boss on giant wolf: Spear, Light Armour, Shield , 53
60 Night Goblins, Standard, Musician, Shields, Netters 245
20 Night Goblins, Musician, Shields, 2 Fanatics 120
35 Savage Big 'Uns, Second Choppa, FCG, 420
1 Trolls, 35
1 Trolls, 35
8 Trolls, 280
1 Rock Lobber, 85
1 Rock Lobber, 85
1 Doom Diver, 80
1 Doom Diver, 80
1 Mangler Squig, 65
1 Mangler Squig, 65
Total: 2500p

Erik Aronson, The Empire
Arch lector on barded warhorse: general, heavy armour, enchanted shield, dawn stone, crown of command, 193
Battle wizard lord on warhorse: Lvl 4, light, dispel scroll, 243
Captain on barded warhorse: BSB, full plate armour, charmed shield, luck stone, warrior bane, 122
Caiptain on pegasus: full plate armour, shield, tormentor sword, dragonhelm, 128
16 Inner circle knights: FCG, standard of dicipline, 445
7 Empire knights , musician: 164
5 Demigryph knights: musician, standard bearer, gleaming pennant, 315
5 Demigryph knights: musician, 300
1 Great cannon: 120
1 Great cannon: 120
1 Steam tank: 250
Total: 2400

Rikard Åslund Tröger, Dwarfs
Rune Lord; General, Anvil of Doom , Shield, Gromril Armour, Spelleater Rune, 368
Thane; Battle standard Bearer,Gromril Armour, Great Weapon, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Master Rune of Challenge, 159
Master Engineer; Gromril Armour, Rune of Stone, 75
30 Warriors; Great Weapon, FCG, 325
20 Quarrellers; Great Weapon, Standard, Musician, 275
30 Hammerers; FCG, 390
22 Miners; FCG, Steam Drill, 292
5 Miners; Musician, 60
Cannon; Engineer, Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning, 145
Cannon; Engineer, Rune of Forging, 140
Grudge Thrower; Engineer, 2*Rune of Penetration, Rune of Accuracy, 170
Total: 2399p

Robert Johansson, Ogre kingdoms
Slaughtermatser: General, Lvl 4, Heaven, Crown of Command, Charmed Shield, Fencers Blades, Earthing Rod, 385
Butcher: Lvl 1, Great Maw, Ironfist, Hellheart, 153
Bruiser: Bsb, Heavy armour, Great weapon, Look Out Gnoblar, Banner of Eternal Flame, 160
9 Ironguts: FCG, Look Out Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline, 437
8 Ogres: FCG, Ironfists, Look Out Gnoblar 291
10 Gnoblars, 25
10 Gnoblars, 25
10 Gnoblars, 25
7 Leadbelchers, Muscian, 311
8 Leadbelchers, Muscian, 354
1 Sabretusk, 21
1 Sabretusk, 21
1 Sabretusk, 21
Ironblaser, 170
Total: 2399

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1823
Lokalizacja: SNOT - filia w Pogórzu

Post autor: Macias »

Czy na euro loremaster też blokuje generowanie zaklęć? Bo lizak z Białorusi ma 2 slannów z lightem i jeden ma loremaster, a drugi nie. W tym wypadku ten drugi zna tylko sygnaturkę?
Azgaroth pisze:30 savage orków z wardem na 5+ i dodatkową bronią + lord na dziku i szaman walczą z 40 halabardnikami imperium (I tura - działa choppas). Dzikusy wbijają jedną ranę ( :shock: ), lord na dziku zapomina jak się walczy i nie wbija nic, szaman nie trafia. Halabardnicy wbijają 10 ran, test LD na stubborna dwukrotnie oblewam, na dystans ucieczki rzucam dwie jedynki :)
Imperialna moc!

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Ace of Spades
Posty: 11531
Lokalizacja: The Gamblers

Post autor: Dymitr »

ale śmieszne te woc rozpiski - tak bez głowy i ładu... podoba mi się jedynie build Szweda
Christian Wennberg, Warriors of Chaos
Sorcerer Lord on Disc of Tzeentch: General, Lvl4, Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Third eye of Tzeentch, Armour of Destiny, Necrotic Phylactery, Infernal Puppet, 430
Exalted Hero on Disc of Tzeentch: BSB, Mark of Tzeentch, Stream of Corruption, Halberd, Chaos armour, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, 239
Exalted Hero on Disc of Tzeentch: Mark of Tzeentch, Bloodcurdling Roar, Shield, Chaos armour, Biting blade, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Endurance, Potion of Foolhardiness, 215
20 Chaos Warriors: Mark of Slaanesh, Halberd, Shield, Standard; musician, Banner of eternal flame, 378
20 Chaos Warriors: Mark of Slaanesh, Halberd, Shield, Standard; musician, Rapturous standard, 388
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Chaos Warhounds: 30
5 Marauder Horsemen: 65
1 Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh, 130
1 Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh, 130
1 Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh, 130
1 Hellcannon: 205
Total: 2400
bardzo ciekawy
Lohost pisze: Nie myslalem ze to kiedys powiem, ale za Dymitra byl ordnung i az mi tego brakuje.

Posty: 922

Post autor: wokrze »

To jest zabawny-fluffowy build:
Shane Baxter - Beastmen
Great Bray-Shaman : General, Lvl 4, Beasts, Dispel Scroll, Chalice of Dark Rain - 300
Doombull :Gnarled Hide, Heavy Armour, Shield, Arabyan Carpet, Ram Horn Helm, Dragonbane Gem, Warrior Bane - 343
Wargor : Tuskgor Chariot, BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield, Brass Cleaver, Dragon Helm - 236
Tuskgor Chariot : 80
Tuskgor Chariot : 80
Tuskgor Chariot : 80
Tuskgor Chariot : 80
20 Ungor Herd : Champion, Musician - 109
10 Ungor Herd :Champion, Musician - 59
10 Ungor Herd : Champion, Musician - 59
5 Ungor Raiders : 30
5 Ungor Raiders : 30
5 Ungor Raiders : 30
5 Ungor Raiders : 30
5 Harpies : Scout . 70
5 Harpies : Scout , 70
5 Harpies : Scout , 70
Razorgor Chariot : 145
Razorgor Chariot : 145
Gorgon : 275
Gorgon : 275
Total : 2596
Gra się chyba tym ciężko, ale może przyp...rzyć.
Ostatnio zmieniony 20 lip 2012, o 13:23 przez wokrze, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 2064
Lokalizacja: Nordin Warszawa

Post autor: Janus »

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: +1do fluffu. Wszyscy gracze skavenscy maja assassynów... moze i ja musze jakiegos wcisnąc do rozpy?
Wind Sower pisze:Nawet w średniowieczu papież nerfił strzelanie.
"Jak ja nie cierpię Vampirów"

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 2645
Lokalizacja: wrocław

Post autor: loko »

a w singapoore jeszcze spearczuk uzywają.. =D> =D> :lol2:
ed jedna rozpa WE bardzo mi się spodobała na 2 drzewach i masie WW.
kupię bretke,orki, leśne elfy i wampiry.

Awatar użytkownika
Sol Invictus
Posty: 8228
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: Jankiel »

Francuskie DE mi się bardzo podobają. Jest moc
Warhammer Pro-Tip #2: If Purple Sun isn't winning the game for you, consider using it more.

Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9484
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: QQrydza »

besti są tam z cztery poszukaj dobrze wokrze ; )
"W mojej ocenie byliśmy lepsi skillowo ale przeciwnicy byli lepiej ograni, przygotowani pod nas, mieli lepszy rozpiski, większy głód zwycięstwa i mieliśmy trochę peszka."
"T9A to gra o wykorzystywaniu maksymalnym potencjału obrysów figur składających się z kwadratów"

Awatar użytkownika
Sol Invictus
Posty: 8228
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: Jankiel »


Manuel Eduardo Dato Torres - Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: general, seadragon cloak, heavy armor, soulrender, black dragon egg, talisman of preservation, enchanted shield- 297
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: seadragon cloak, shield, Hydra Blade, Potion of Strentgh, Armour of eternal Servitude, dragonbane's gem- 294

Dwóch nielegalnych lordów. Obaj mają po 105 pts w magic itemach
Warhammer Pro-Tip #2: If Purple Sun isn't winning the game for you, consider using it more.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1823
Lokalizacja: SNOT - filia w Pogórzu

Post autor: Macias »

Macias pisze:Czy na euro loremaster też blokuje generowanie zaklęć? Bo lizak z Białorusi ma 2 slannów z lightem i jeden ma loremaster, a drugi nie. W tym wypadku ten drugi zna tylko sygnaturkę?
Ktoś wie?
Jankiel pisze:Hiszpania

Manuel Eduardo Dato Torres - Dark Elves
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: general, seadragon cloak, heavy armor, soulrender, black dragon egg, talisman of preservation, enchanted shield- 297
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: seadragon cloak, shield, Hydra Blade, Potion of Strentgh, Armour of eternal Servitude, dragonbane's gem- 294

Dwóch nielegalnych lordów. Obaj mają po 105 pts w magic itemach
Ten drugi jest chyba dobry. Ten potion wziął z commonów za 20 pkt.
Azgaroth pisze:30 savage orków z wardem na 5+ i dodatkową bronią + lord na dziku i szaman walczą z 40 halabardnikami imperium (I tura - działa choppas). Dzikusy wbijają jedną ranę ( :shock: ), lord na dziku zapomina jak się walczy i nie wbija nic, szaman nie trafia. Halabardnicy wbijają 10 ran, test LD na stubborna dwukrotnie oblewam, na dystans ucieczki rzucam dwie jedynki :)
Imperialna moc!

Posty: 1062

Post autor: Klops »

Podobnie jak enchanted shielda za 5

Asger Sams Granerud, High Elves
Prince: general, great weapon, Null Stone, 262
Niezła kmina
Ostatnio zmieniony 19 lip 2012, o 20:49 przez Klops, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

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Sol Invictus
Posty: 8228
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: Jankiel »

No i co z tego, skoro to niezgodne z zasadami?
Warhammer Pro-Tip #2: If Purple Sun isn't winning the game for you, consider using it more.

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Posty: 1823
Lokalizacja: SNOT - filia w Pogórzu

Post autor: Macias »

Enchanted shielda nie możesz brać z commonów (tzn. musisz stosować koszt z AB). Natomiast przy potionie chyba można zastosować koszt z RB.
Azgaroth pisze:30 savage orków z wardem na 5+ i dodatkową bronią + lord na dziku i szaman walczą z 40 halabardnikami imperium (I tura - działa choppas). Dzikusy wbijają jedną ranę ( :shock: ), lord na dziku zapomina jak się walczy i nie wbija nic, szaman nie trafia. Halabardnicy wbijają 10 ran, test LD na stubborna dwukrotnie oblewam, na dystans ucieczki rzucam dwie jedynki :)
Imperialna moc!

Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9484
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: QQrydza »

było to rozstrzygane ze mus brać koszt z AB
"W mojej ocenie byliśmy lepsi skillowo ale przeciwnicy byli lepiej ograni, przygotowani pod nas, mieli lepszy rozpiski, większy głód zwycięstwa i mieliśmy trochę peszka."
"T9A to gra o wykorzystywaniu maksymalnym potencjału obrysów figur składających się z kwadratów"

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Nerd Forumowy
Posty: 13986
Lokalizacja: Ordin Warszawa

Post autor: Shino »

Macias pisze:Natomiast przy potionie chyba można zastosować koszt z RB.
chyba nie.
Czy na euro loremaster też blokuje generowanie zaklęć?
nie blokuje. Tak samo seerstaff powoduje, ze mozesz miec czar dwukrotnie.

Chuck Norris
Posty: 479

Post autor: Dargor »

Janus pisze::lol2: :lol2: :lol2: +1do fluffu. Wszyscy gracze skavenscy maja assassynów... moze i ja musze jakiegos wcisnąc do rozpy?
Białoruski gracz Demonów ma prawie mono Khornową Armię, gdyby nie miał 2 Fiendów, to miałby chyba +10 do Fluffu:)

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5056
Lokalizacja: Front Wschodni - Białystok

Post autor: Karli »

Jak zwykle: fajne dużo fajnych rozp a dzieki 8ed. wiele z nich może nieźle działać w odpowiednich rękach :)

Co do francuskich DE to super klimatyczna rozpa, a na warunki turnieju drużynowego może być nawet i grywalna :)

A ocb z duńskimi 16 uszatkami z łukami za 800pkt? Ktoś mi może podpowiedzieć, bo ja w tym jeszcze nie widzę powera...
Byłoby afrontem nie napić się z Frontem!

Niszczyciel Światów
Posty: 4424
Lokalizacja: Murzynowo Kościelne

Post autor: Robson »

ale zobaczysz ;]
Ziemko pisze:Ja Robert Mrozek kajam się przed Wami wszystkimi, zrobiłem błąd, chcemy bardzo wygrać, ale nie zrobiliśmy tego umyślnie, padamy na kolana - WYBACZCIE

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Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9570
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Kołata »

Walisz czar multiple-shot obszarowy z nehekhary i wypłacasz średnio 12 hitów z s6 na bodaj 36 cali :D