głosowanie na TWF na temat kierunku draftu

Moderator: swieta_barbara

Chuck Norris
Posty: 477

Re: głosowanie na TWF na temat kierunku draftu

Post autor: Spawn »

Z tego co pacze to wynik głosowania jest taki jak na razie, raczej się nie zmieni za bardzo:
Q1: Y
Q2: Y
Q3: Y
Q4: N
Q5: N
Q6: Y
Q7: Y
Q8: Y
Q9: N
Q10: N
Q11: N

Q12: Y
Q13: Y

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Posty: 14649
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: swieta_barbara »

ubertechie pisze:Purpose of this is to detail the results of the recent AR.com vote and its impact on AR.com

Firstly - magnificent turnout (highest ever?) on the vote of 33 out of 34 countries or 97% - which provides us with a meaningful representation of all attending and eligible to vote countries.

Results do not included magical terrain and building elements as they do not relate to AR and will be dealt with separately by Furion .

Binding Results
Q1 - Scenarios
Yes - 23
No - 10
Scenarios will be included by a 70% positive vote

Q2 - 50% Lord and 50% Hero allowance
Yes - 22
No - 11
50% Lord and 50% Hero allowance will be included by a 67% positive vote

Q3 - Army book special characters
Yes - 26
No - 7
Army book special characters will be included by a 79% positive vote

Q4 - End Times books special characters
Yes - 1
No - 32
End Times books special characters will not be included by a 97% negative vote

Q5 - End Times army lists (Undead Legion etc)
Yes - 2
No - 31
End Times army lists will not be included by a 94% negative vote

Q6 - End Times units (Morghasts and Blight Kings)
Yes - 26
No - 7
End Times units will be included by a 79% positive vote

Q7 - Lore of Undeath
Yes - 18
No - 15
Lore of Undeath will be included by a 55% positive vote

Q8 - White Dwarf units (e.g. Exalted Flamers)
Yes - 24
No - 9
White Dwarf units will be included by a 73% positive vote

Q9 - Battlescrolls (e.g. Belakor)
Yes - 5
No - 28
Battlescrolls will not be included by a 85% negative vote

Q10 - End Times:Khaine magic rules
Yes - 0
No - 33
End Times:Khaine magic rules will not be included by a 100% negative vote

Q11 - End Times:Khaine magic spells
Yes - 0
No - 33
End Times:Khaine magic spells will not be included by a 100% negative vote

To summarise - these results will have no impact on draft 1 apart from the removal of Belakor (who is a battlescroll)

Non-Binding Results


50% Lord and 50% Hero allowance
Harder - 24
Draft 1 - 8
Softer - 0
We will look at introducing harder comp in this area (75% request to do so) - we already have been discussing some ideas that fit within the existing pool system

Special Characters
Harder - 16
Draft 1 - 14
Softer - 0
We will not look at making any changes in this area at the moment(with the exception of a few omissions from draft 1 e.g. Karl Franz) as we would like to test the impact of our ideas around 50% lord and 50% hero allowance increased comp on special characters first

End Times units
Harder - 13
Draft 1 - 17
Softer - 0
We will not look at making any changes in this area at the moment

Lore of Undeath
Harder - 3
Draft 1 - 26
Softer - 1
We will not look at making any changes in this area at the moment as despite the binding element being close to a draw there was a 87% positive vote for the way it is currently comped.

White Dwarf Units
Harder - 4
Draft 1 - 24
Softer - 0
We will not look at making any changes in this area at the moment

Overall Comp Level
Harder - 9
Draft 1 - 21
Softer - 0
We will not look at making any changes in this area at the moment - given a 70% positive indication of the current comp level

To summarise - these results will impact draft 1 in terms of a change to the implementation of scenarios and increased comp on 50% lords and 50% heroes allowance.

If anyone feels that this does not accurately or fairly represent the results of the vote then please let us know.

We have a long call planned for the 4th January to discuss this and move towards creating draft 2.
No i wypas :)

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Posty: 5090
Lokalizacja: Wrocław

Post autor: JarekK »

miodzio :D
Stone pisze: 16 gru 2019, o 13:36Żeby dobrze rosły, o warzywa trzeba dbać.

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3672
Lokalizacja: Wrocław

Post autor: JaceK »

Jak zwykle - krzykacze są głośni, ale nieliczni.
Nie zmienia to faktu, że draft jest pełen błędów i sporo przy nim pracy jeszcze.
Mimo wszystko - powodzenia!
Bearded Unclean 'Un pisze:Fuck, będe miał na pieńku z Drobnymi Wałeczkami :)

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Posty: 2064
Lokalizacja: Nordin Warszawa

Post autor: Janus »

Czy to znaczy że limit na bordowe i herosów będzie wspólny? 50%
Wind Sower pisze:Nawet w średniowieczu papież nerfił strzelanie.
"Jak ja nie cierpię Vampirów"

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3672
Lokalizacja: Wrocław

Post autor: JaceK »

Nie bardzo wiem skąd to wziąłeś?
Bearded Unclean 'Un pisze:Fuck, będe miał na pieńku z Drobnymi Wałeczkami :)

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Posty: 2064
Lokalizacja: Nordin Warszawa

Post autor: Janus »

Za daleko w przyszłość wybiegam;)
50% Lord and 50% Hero allowance
Harder - 24
Draft 1 - 8
Softer - 0
We will look at introducing harder comp in this area (75% request to do so) - we already have been discussing some ideas that fit within the existing pool system
Wind Sower pisze:Nawet w średniowieczu papież nerfił strzelanie.
"Jak ja nie cierpię Vampirów"