Bandy Grabierzy czyli Rozpiski Bestii


Moderator: Dibo

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 471

Re: Bandy Grabierzy czyli Rozpiski Bestii

Post autor: Bombaj »

pillagera nie zmieszczę, a mimo to dwie świnie bez vanguarda lepsze niż 2x5 psiaków? hmmm, coś w tym jest.

Z drugiej strony guttersi nie zrobią za friko breakthrough, a 10 gorów ze sztandarem zrobi.... kurcze, wąskie te punkty ;)

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Posty: 2825
Lokalizacja: Legion Kraków

Post autor: Dibo »

Jak obiecałem tak zrobiłem i powstała pierwsza rozpiska po przemyśleniach Bazyliszkowych.
Cel - nie mieć Ghorgon (bo ma je każdy, więc ja nie!), i spróbować powalczyc na piechotkę :)

1 Beast Chieftain @ 312.0 Pts
General; Beast Axe; Heavy Armour; Shield; Greater Totem Bearer
Crown of Autocracy [70.0]

1 Beast Chieftain @ 372.0 Pts
Beast Axe; Heavy Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Greater Totem Bearer
The Impaler [80.0]

1 Centaur Chieftain @ 301.0 Pts
Looted Booze; Beast Axe; Throwing Weapons; Heavy Armour; Shield

1 Centaur Chieftain @ 301.0 Pts
Looted Booze; Beast Axe; Throwing Weapons; Heavy Armour; Shield

40 Wildhorn Herd @ 670.0 Pts
Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; FCG
Banner of the Wild Herd [50.0]

33 Longhorn Herd @ 782.0 Pts
Halberds; FCG

33 Longhorn Herd @ 782.0 Pts
Halberds; FCG

4 Minotaurs @ 360.0 Pts
Paired Weapons; Musician

4 Minotaurs @ 360.0 Pts
Paired Weapons; Musician

10 Wildhorn Herd @ 140.0 Pts
Throwing Weapons; Ambush

12 Mongrel Raiders @ 120.0 Pts

Models in Army: 137
Total Army Cost: 4500.0

Minusy .. brak odginaczek :(
Czcij Koze !!

Twoja Stara gra w Age of Sigmar !

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5906
Lokalizacja: Cobra Kai

Post autor: Manfred »

Warto brać herosa/lorda minotaura ? Jeśli tak, to jaka obstawa to minimum ?

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Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9574
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Kołata »

Najlepiej żadna :)

A poza tym doombulla tak przycieli, że jest średnim wyborem niestety :(

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5906
Lokalizacja: Cobra Kai

Post autor: Manfred »

Gdybym się uparł na doombulla ? To brać minosy do niego?

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Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9574
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Kołata »

Nie powiedziałem, że doombull jest zły. W tym booku nie ma słabych wyborów.

Ja bym nie brał minosow. Ale mozna. Taki deathstar rozejdzie praktycznie wszystko, tylko ciężko go dopchac do pożądanego kombatu, bo ma frenzy i kosztuje zylion pts, więc masz mniej pts na inne jednostki do kontroli stołu.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5906
Lokalizacja: Cobra Kai

Post autor: Manfred »

Wolałbym nawet bez minosów, to gdzie wtedy taki pan jeździ ? Sam ? w klocku ?

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Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9574
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Kołata »

Sam. Ewentualnie dołącza do czegokolwiek jeśli trzeba się chować przed jakąś twardą kontrą. To już zależy jak go złożysz, z sejwem czy bez, z regena czy wardem itd.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5906
Lokalizacja: Cobra Kai

Post autor: Manfred »

Unnamed4500 Pts - Beast Herds Army

1 Minotaur Warlord @ 690.0 Pts
Frenzy; Shield; Heavy Armour
Blessed Sword [50.0]
Dragon Mantle [50.0]
Talisman of Supreme Shielding [100.0]

1 Soothsayer Master @ 525.0 Pts
General; The Shamanism; 3 Learned Spells
Crown of Autocracy [70.0]
Book of Arcane Power [100.0]

1 Beast Chieftain @ 261.0 Pts
Beast Axe; Heavy Armour; Battle Standard
Hardened Shield [10.0]
Flaming Standard [45.0]

10 Wildhorn Herd @ 180.0 Pts
Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Musician; Ambush

10 Wildhorn Herd @ 180.0 Pts
Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Musician; Ambush

34 Wildhorn Herd @ 550.0 Pts
Paired Weapons; Veteran Magic Standard; Musician
Banner of the Wild Herd [50.0]

1 Wildhorn Champion @ [40.0] Pts
Totem Bearer
#Blooded Horn Totem [0.0]

5 Centaurs @ 190.0 Pts
Lance; Light Armour; Shield

5 Centaurs @ 190.0 Pts
Lance; Light Armour; Shield

1 Razortusk Herd @ 100.0 Pts

1 Razortusk Herd @ 100.0 Pts

29 Longhorn Herd @ 730.0 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician

1 Longhorn Champion @ [40.0] Pts
Totem Bearer
#Blooded Horn Totem [0.0]

1 Jabberwock @ 370.0 Pts
Breath Weapon

1 Gortach @ 430.0 Pts

Models in Army: 98

Total Army Cost: 4496.0

Jakieś sugestie ? Magia jeszcze nie wybrana

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Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9574
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Kołata »

Cieżko coś zasugerować. Taki mix wszystkiego, ale specjalnie kombosów nie widać.
Torchę dziwne są duże bestigory bez beastlorda.

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Posty: 2978

Post autor: Jasif »

Offtop z dedykacją dla Diba :
paulinka17 pisze:Mówiłem, jabaniutki nawet oczka zmrużył z rozkoszy.
Dziedzic pisze:JH i UD razem, piekło zamarzło i serce Szaitisa pękło.

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Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9574
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Kołata »

Wklejam rozpy BH z ETC 2017. Chyba nie ma żadnej niewykorzystanej jednostki z booka :D Z itemami gorzej, ale gdzieś połowa użyta. Dużo centaurów i sporo ciekawych patentów :)

EDIT: Jednak nikt nie wziął piesków.

Soothsayer, general, Lore Evocation , 4 Spell, Wizard Master, Raiding Chariot mount,PairedWeapons,Dispel Scroll, Eye of Dominance,Crown of Horns - 589
Beast Chieftain, BSB, Raiding Chariot mount, Greater Totem Bearer, Heavy Armour, Beast Axe, ThrowingWeapons,Lucky Shield,Dusk Stone, War Standard - 480
10x Wildhorn, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons - 160
3x Raiding Chariot - 370
3x Raiding Chariot - 370
5x Gargoyles - 140
5x Centaurs, Paired Weapons - 160
5x Centaurs, Paired Weapons - 160
6x Minotaurs, Paired Weapons, FCG, Gleaming Icon - 580
6x Minotaurs, Paired Weapons,FCG, Stalker's Standard - 630
Gortach - 430
Gortach - 430
Total: 4499


Craig JohnsonBeastherds
Centaur Chieftain: General; Throwing Weapons; Paired Weapons; Greater Totem Bearer; Crown ofAutocracy 402
Centaur Chieftain: Paired Weapons; Battle Standard; Greater Totem Bearer 376
Centaur Chieftain: Throwing Weapons; Paired Weapons; Potion of Strength 312
Centaur Chieftain: Throwing Weapons; Paired Weapons; Aaghor's Flayed Hide 352
Soothsayer: 4 Learned Spells; Sceptre of Power; Druidism 355
10 Wildhorn Herd: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Ambush 160
10 Wildhorn Herd: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Ambush 160
10 Wildhorn Herd: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Ambush 160
10 Wildhorn Herd: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Ambush 160
10 Mongrel Raiders 100
14 Mongrel Raiders: Scout & Ambush 160
14 Centaurs: Standard (Banner of Discipline); Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons 523
13 Centaurs: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons 436
6 Centaurs: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons 212
17 Centaurs: Great Weapons; Throwing Weapons 632
4,500 points


Beast Chieftain [466pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Beast Axe, Raiding Chariot mount, Shield, Upgrade toTotem Bearer. Magic Items: Armour of Fortune, Gourd of Beetles
Beast Lord [410pts]: Army General, Great Weapon, Hunting Call. Magic Items: Aaghor's Flayed Hide, Crown of Horns
Soothsayer [550pts]: 3x May add up to 3 learned spells, May become Wizard Master, Shamanism. Magic Items: Dark Rain, Skull Splitter
+ Core +
Mongrel Herd [300pts]: Champion, 35x Mongrel, Standard Bearer
Mongrel Raiders [100pts]: 10x Mongrel Raider

+ Special +
Centaurs [180pts]: 5x Centaur, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons
Centaurs [180pts]: 5x Centaur, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons
Longhorn Herd [592pts]: 23x Longhorn. Champion. . Upgrade to Totem Bearer: Black Wing Totem. Musician. Standard Bearer: Icon of the Relentless Company
Minotaurs [530pts]: 6x Minotaur, Musician, Paired Weapons
Raiding Chariots [130pts]: Raiding Chariot
Razortusk Herd [100pts]: Razortusk

Terrors of the Wild
Gortach [430pts]

+ Ambushing Core +
Ambushing Wildhorn Herd [308pts]: Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, 17x Wildhorn. Musician. Standard Bearer. . Veteran Standard: Gleaming Icon
Ambushing Wildhorn Herd [222pts]: Musician, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, 13x Wildhorn
++ Total: [4498pts] ++


Tom Uden - Beast Herds
Beast Lord, General; Razortusk Chariot, Shield, Beast Axe, Crown of Horns, Bluffers Helm, Talisman ofSupreme Shielding - 650
Beast Chieftain; Totem Bearer, BSB, Raiding Chariot, Beast Axe, Sprout of Rebirth, Hardened Shield - 450
Centaur Chieftain; Lance, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Totem bearer, Dark rain - 430
Centaur Chieftain; Flaming Lance, Potion of Swiftness, Shield, Throwing Weapons - 270
10 Wildhorn herd; Ambush, [M] - 140
10 Wildhorn herd; Ambush, [M] - 140
10 Wildhorn herd; Ambush, [M] - 140
10 Wildhorn herd; Ambush - 120
3 Raiding chariots - 370
Razortusk chariot - 250
Razortusk chariot - 250
5 Centaur; Paired Weapons - 160
5 Centaur; Paired Weapons - 160
5 Centaur; Paired Weapons - 160
15 Centaur; Paired Weapons, [M,S,C], Blackwing Totem, Gleaming Pennant - 530
5 Gargoyles - 140
5 Gargoyles - 140
4500 points


Troels Cederholm [C] – Beastherds
650 - Beast Lord: Razor tusk Chariot, Beast Axe, Shield, Bluffer's Helm, Talisman of Supreme ShieldingCrown of Horns
351 - Beast Chieftain: BSB, Greater Totem, Great Weapon, Bronze Breastplate, Gourd of Beetles
405 – Soothsayer: 4 spells, Druidism, Scepter of Power, Ring of Fire
120 - 10 Wildhorn Herd: Ambush
650 - 45 Wildhorn Herd: FC, Paired Weapons, Banner of the Wild Herd
130 - 11 Mongrel Raiders: Scout & Ambush
734 - 31 Longhorn Herd: FC, Great Weapons
720 - 20 Centaurs: FC, Great Weapons
160 - 3 x 5 Centaurs: Paired Weapons
255 - 3 Minotaurs: Paired Weapons
Total Roster Cost: 4495


Mathias Eriksson – Beast Herds
Beast Lord, General, Razortusk Chariot, Shield, Beast Axe, Bluffer's Helm, Crown of Horns, Talisman ofSupreme Shielding - 650
Beast Chieftain, BSB, Raiding Chariot, Shield, Beast Axe, Greater Totem Bearer, Armour of Fortune - 416
Centaur Chieftain, Paired Weapons, Aaghor's Flayed Hide - 346
Soothsayer, 4 spells, Ring of fire, Druidism - 385
15x Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M, S, Banner of Discipline - 305
3x10 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons - 160
13x Mongrel Raiders - 130
19x Centaurs, Blooded Horn Totem, Great Weapons, M, S, C, Flaming standard - 753
2x6 Centaurs, Paired Weapons - 188
2x1 Raiding Chariot - 1305x Gargoyles -
140Razortusk Chariot - 250
Total: 4491


Jeremy "bubafett" Gottschalk - beast herds
beast lord , General , razortusk chariot, beast axe, shield, bluffers helm, talisman of supreme shielding ,crown of horns- 650
soothsayer , 4 Spells, wizard master , raiding chariot, , soothsayer staff, dragonfire gem, seed of darkforest, sceptre of power, druidism. -550
beast chieftain, BSB, raiding chariot , beast axe totems, Shield, armor of fortune, gourd of beetles 466
10x wildhorn herd, ambush, throwing weapons, paired weapons, -160
10x wildhorn herd, ambush, throwing weapons, paired weapons -160
10x wildhorn herd,ambush, throwing weapons, paired weapons, M- 180
15x wildhorn herd, ambush, throwing weapons, paired weapons, S, M, banner discipline-305
10x mongrel raiders, scout/ambush -120
Razortusk chariot-250
Razortusk chariot-250
5x gargoyles -140
5x gargoyles-140
6x centaur ambush, throwing weapons, paired weapons, M- 268
12x centaurs, throwing weapons, paired weapons, M,S, banner of speed- 494
10x centaurs, throwing weapon, paired weapons, M- 360
Total 4493


Vivion Grisewood - Beastherds
Beast Lord : Army General, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Razortusk Chariot Mount, Shield, Bluffer's HelmCrown of Horns, Talisman of Supreme Shielding 664
Beast Chieftain : Battle Standard Bearer, Beast Axe, Raiding Chariot mount, Shield, Totem BearerArmour of Fortune, Ring of Fire, Throwing Weapons. 470
Soothsayer, 3 extra spells, wizard master, Raiding Chariot Mount, Book of Arcane Power, Gourd ofBeetles,Talisman of Greater Shielding. Shamanism 635
2 x 1 Raiding Chariots 130
1 x 17 Wildhorns Musician, Standard, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Banner of Discipline, Ambush333
3 x 13 Wildhorns Ambush, Throwing Weapons, paired weapons 202
2 x 5 Centaurs: Paired Weapons 160
2 x 5 Gargoyles 140
2 x 4 Minotaur Paired Weapons 340
Razortusk Chariot 250


Marcin "Kali" Szlasa-Rokicki
630 - Beast Lord on Razortusk Chariot, General, Beast Axe, Light Armour, Shield, Bluffer's Helm, Talismanof Supreme Shielding
476 - Beast Chieftain on the Chariot, Beast Axe, Heavy Armour, Battle Standard, Greater Totem Bearer,Lucky Shield, Dusk Stone, War Standard
355 - Soothsayer Apprentice, The Druidism, 4 Learned Spells, Sceptre of Power
160 - 2x10 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, M
361 - 19x Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M, S, Banner of Discipline, Ambush
100 - 10x Mongrel Raiders, Normal Bow
120 - 10x Mongrel Raiders, Normal Bow, Ambush, Scout
430 - 2x1 Gortach
370 - 1x Jabberwock, Breath Weapon
160 - 2x5 Centaurs, Paired Weapons, Light Armour, Shield
588 - 22x Longhorn Herd,Great Weapons, Heavy Armour, M, S, C, Banner of Speed, Totem Bearer #BlackWing Totem


Beast Herds Roster - Piccone
Pack Leaders (2#, 690 pts)1 ~[(^One or more selected options present a potential usage conflict]×~[(#]Beast Lord, 690 pts (General;Hunting Call; Beast Axe; Shield; Inspiring Presence; Pack Tactics; Primal Instinct; Strider (Forest))1 Glittering Cuirass1 Talisman of Supreme Shielding1 Divine Icon1 Razortusk Chariot (Hunting Horn; Cannot March; Impact Hits (D6+1); Light Troops; Mount's Protection(5+))1 Wildhorn Crew (Light Lance; Light Armour; Primal Instinct; Strider (Forest))1 Razortusk (Swiftstride; Thunderous Charge)
Pack Leaders (2#, 396 pts)1 ~[(^One or more selected options present a potential usage conflict]×~[(#]Beast Chieftain, 396 pts (BattleStandard Bearer; Beast Axe; Heavy Armour; Hold Your Ground; Pack Tactics; Primal Instinct; Strider(Forest))1 Greater Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide Totem; Blooded Horn Totem; Clouded Eye Totem; Black WingTotem)1 Lucky Shield1 Lucky Charm1 Raiding Chariot (Cannot March; Impact Hits (D6); Light Troops; Mount's Protection (5+); Strider (Forest))1 Wildhorn Crew (Light Lance; Light Armour; Primal Instinct; Strider (Forest))2 War Hog (Swiftstride)
Soothsayer (2#, 549 pts)1 Soothsayer, 549 pts (Wizard Master; Learned Spells x4; Paired Weapons; Blood Offering; Channel; PackTactics; Primal Instinct; Strider (Forest))1 Shielding Scroll1 Dark Rain1 Path of Druidism1 Raiding Chariot (Cannot March; Impact Hits (D6); Light Troops; Mount's Protection (5+); Strider (Forest))1 Wildhorn Crew (Light Lance; Light Armour; Primal Instinct; Strider (Forest))2 War Hog (Swiftstride)
Wildhorn Herd (10#, 180 pts)10 Wildhorn Herd, 180 pts (Musician; Ambush; Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Pack Tactics; PrimalInstinct; Scoring; Strider (Forest))
Wildhorn Herd (10#, 180 pts)10 Wildhorn Herd, 180 pts (Musician; Ambush; Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Pack Tactics; PrimalInstinct; Scoring; Strider (Forest))
Wildhorn Herd (10#, 180 pts)10 Wildhorn Herd, 180 pts (Musician; Ambush; Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Pack Tactics; PrimalInstinct; Scoring; Strider (Forest))
Raiding Chariot (3#, 370 pts)3 Raiding Chariot, 370 pts (Cannot March; Impact Hits (D6); Light Troops; Mount's Protection (5+); Strider(Forest))3 Wildhorn Crew (Light Lance; Light Armour; Primal Instinct; Strider (Forest))3 Longhorn Crew (Great Weapon; Light Armour; Primal Instinct; Strider (Forest)) 6 War Hog (Swiftstride)
Razortusk Herd (1#, 100 pts) 1 Razortusk Herd, 100 pts (Stomp (1); Strider (Forest); Swiftstride; Thunderous Charge)
Razortusk Herd (1#, 100 pts)861 Razortusk Herd, 100 pts (Stomp (1); Strider (Forest); Swiftstride; Thunderous Charge)
Centaurs (6#, 278 pts)5 Centaurs, 278 pts (Musician; Standard Bearer; Paired Weapons; Light Armour; Shield; Drunkard; HalfHorse; Primal Instinct; Scoring; Strider (Forest); Swiftstride)1 Champion (Paired Weapons; Light Armour; Shield)1 Totem Bearer (Blooded Horn Totem)1 Gleaming Icon
Briar Beast (1#, 120 pts)1 Briar Beast, 120 pts (Fear; Random Attacks (1D6+1); Stomp (1); Strider (Forest); Swiftstride;Unbreakable)
Briar Beast (1#, 120 pts)1 Briar Beast, 120 pts (Fear; Random Attacks (1D6+1); Stomp (1); Strider (Forest); Swiftstride;Unbreakable)
Jabberwock (1#, 370 pts)1 Jabberwock, 370 pts (Breath Weapon (Strength 3, Armour Piercing (2)); Aura of Madness; Fly (8);Immune to Psychology; Innate Defence (4+); Poisoned Attacks; Stomp (D6); Strider (Forest); Terror;Towering Presence)
Gortach (1#, 430 pts)1 Gortach, 430 pts (Extra Attack; Frenzy; Immune to Psychology; Impact Hits (D3); Lethal Strike; PrimalInstinct; Stomp (D6); Strength From Flesh; Strider (Forest); Stubborn; Terror; Towering Presence)
Gortach (1#, 430 pts)1 Gortach, 430 pts (Extra Attack; Frenzy; Immune to Psychology; Impact Hits (D3); Lethal Strike; PrimalInstinct; Stomp (D6); Strength From Flesh; Strider (Forest); Stubborn; Terror; Towering Presence)


634 Beast Lord on razortusk chariot : General, Heavy Armour, Shield, Jacks Pickaxe, Dragonscale helm,Talisman of Sumpreme Shielding CHARACTERS
362 Beast Chieftain: BSB, Greater Totem Bearer, heavy armour, shield, ring of fire, obsidian rockCHARACTERS
485 Soothsayer: Wizard Master, 4 Spells, Druidism, sceptre of power, seed of the dark forestCHARACTERS
120 10 Mongrel Raiders: Scout and ambush CORE AMBUSH PREDATORS
160 2x10 Wildhorn Herd: Musician, Throwing Weapons, Ambush CORE AMBUSH PREDATORS
463 47 Mongrel herd: spear, FCG CORE
766 29 Longhorn Herd: FCG, Champion Totem Bearer Black Wing Totem, Stalkers Standard SPECIAL
140 2x5 Gargoyles SPECIAL
360 2x1 Cyclops: TERRORS OF THE WILD
Total 4500


Johannes Rimpiläinen, Beast Herds
Beast Lord: General, Beast Axe, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Razortusk Chariot , Dark Rain, Armour ofFortune, Lucky Charm, 596
Minotaur Warlord: Heavy Armour, Beast axe. Hardened shield, Wizards hood, Sprout of Rebirth, 715
Centaur chieftain: Battle Standard Bearer, Additional Hand Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Greater TotemBearer, Aaghors flayed hide, 482
3 Raiding Chariots: 370
10 Wildhorn Herd: Ambush, Throwing Weapons, 140
10 Wildhorn Herd: Ambush, Throwing Weapons, 140
10 Wildhorn Herd: Ambush, Throwing Weapons, 140
10 Wildhorn Herd: Ambush, Throwing Weapons, 140
15 Centaurs: Musician, Standard Bearer, Throwing Weapons, Additional Hand Weapons, Banner of Speed,590
5 Centaurs: Additional Hand Weapon, 160
5 Centaurs: Additional Hand Weapon, 160
Gortach: 430
Gortach: 430
Total: 4493


Team TurkeyDevin Erelcin Beast Herds
Beast Lord on Razortusk Chariot (General, Beast Axe, Hardened Shield, Talisman of Supreme Shielding,Crown of Autocracy) 620
Beast Chieftain on Raiding Chariot (BSB, Great Totem Bearer, Beast Axe, Shield, Armor of Fortune) 416
Beast Chieftain on Raiding Chariot (Great Totem Bearer, Beast Axe, Shield, Heavy Armor, Talisman ofGreater Shielding) 382
Soothsayer (Level 3, Master, Druidism, Scepter of Power) 375
42 Wildhorn Herd (Paired Weapon, M,C,S (FC) Banner of Wild Herd) 614
10 Wildhorn Herd (Musician, Throwing Weapon, Ambush) 160
10 Wildhorn Herd (Musician, Throwing Weapon, Ambush) 160
5 Centaur (Musician, Paired Weapons) 180
5 Centaur (Musician, Paired Weapons) 180
5 Centaur (Musician, Paired Weapons) 180
Gortarch 430
Gortarch 430
Jabberwock (Breath Weapon) 370


Frederick "Frederick" Humcke - Beast Herds
Beast Chieftain, Totem Bearer, BSB, Banner of Discipline, Seed of the Dark Forest -345
Beast Chieftain, HA, Raiding Chariot, The Impaler, Hardened Shield, Lucky Charm -326
Beast Chieftain, Beast Axe, HA, Raiding Chariot, Dark Rain, Dragonfire Gem, Shield -347
Soothsayer, General, Evocation, 4 Spells, Master, PW, Crown of Autocracy, Scepter of Power -499
36 Wildhorn Herd, FCG, PW, Banner of the Wild Herd -542
10 Wildhorn Herd, M -120
2x 10 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush -120
3x Briar Beast -120
3x Cyclops -360
2x Jabberwock -320
Total: 4499


Alan "2dipicche" Roncoroni - Beast Herds
690 - Beastlord on Razortusk Chariot, General, Hunting Call, Shield, Beast Axe, Talisman of SupremeShielding, Bluffer’s Helm, Crown of Horns
356 - Beast Chieftain, BSB, Greater Totem Bearer, Heavy Armour, Beast Axe, Seed of the Dark Forest,Hardened Shield
555 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, 4 Spells, Druidism, Dispel Scroll, Ring of Fire
485 - 25 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Throwing Weapons, Paired Weapons, FC, Blooded Horn Totem, Bannerof Discipline
184 - 2x 12 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Throwing Weapons, M
100 - 10 Mongrel Raiders
862 - 33 Longhorn Herd, Great Weapons, M,S,C, Stalker's Standard, Black Wing Totem
200 - 4x 5 Centaurs, Throwing Weapons, Paired Weapons, M
140 - 2x 5 Gargoyles


Felix Newman - Beast Herds
Beast Lord, General, Razortusk Chariot, HA, GW, Crown of Horns,Bluffer's Helm, Talisman of Supreme Shielding- 654
Beast Chieftain, BSB, Beast Axe, HA, Hardened Shield, Ring of Fire, Totems - 346
Soothsayer, Master, 4 Spells, Shamanism, Fencer's Swords, Seedof the Dark Forest, Scroll of Shielding- 540
37 Wildhorn Herd, PW, FCG, Banner of the Wild Herd, Blooded Horn Totem - 574
3 x 10 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush - 360
35 Longhorn Herd, GW, FCG,s Stalker's Standard, Black Wing Totem - 910
2 x 6 Centaurs, PW - 376
2 x 5 Centaurs, PW - 320
3 x 5 Gargoyles - 420
Total 4500 points


Jan "Naz-ghul" Puš - Beast Herds
590 - Beast Lord, General, Razortusk Chariot, Hunting Call, Beast Axe, Hardened Shield, Talisman ofSupreme Shielding
392 - Beast Chieftain, BSB, Raiding Charriot, Beast Axe, Heavy Armour, Shield, War Standart, Dusk Stone
390 - Minotaur Chieftain, Great Weapon, Aaghor’s Flayed Hide
405 - Soothsayer, 4 Spells, Wizard Master, Path of Druidism
120 - 12x Mongrel Riders160 - 4x10 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Throwing Weapons, M
140 - 10x Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, M
160 - 2x5 Centaurs, Paired Weapons
430 - 2x1 Gortach
320 - 2x1 Jabberwock


Sergey Polonetz (KOrgan) - Beast Herds
590 - Beast Lord, General, Razortusk Chariot, Hunting Call, Beast Axe, Light Armour, Hardened Shield,Talisman of Supreme Shielding
476 - Beast Chieftain, BSB, Greater Totem Bearer, Raiding Chariot, Beast Axe, Heavy Armour, LuckyShield, Dusk Stone, War Standard
505 - Soothsayer Master, 4 Spells, Druidism, Dispel Scroll
200 - 2x 10 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, S, M
409 - 21 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, FCG, Banner of Discipline
100 - 10 Mongrel Raiders, Normal Bow
160 - 2x 5 Centaurs, Paired Weapons, Light Armour, Shield
100 - Razortusk Herd
430 - 2x Gortach
370 - 2x Jabberwock, Breath Weapon

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Posty: 2298
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Bobson »

Jakie wrażenia po ETC?

Armia wydaje się być jedną z mocniejszych :D:D

Powergamer Rozpiskowy
Posty: 40

Post autor: Bochen »

Witajcie, po długiej przerwie w graniu w wfb postanowiłem wrócić do tematu (a właściwie spróbować sił w The 9th Age). Oto moja propozycja armii beastmenów na 4500 pts. Proszę o ocenę i wytknięcie słabych punktów.

Beastlord (Bluffer’s Helm, Sprout of Rebirth, Divine Icon, Great Weapon) – 450 pts
Beast Chieftain (BSB, Greater Totem Bearer, Aagor’s Flayed Hide, great weapon) – 366 pts

41 Wildhorn (Shield, CMS, Totem Bearer) 570 pts
10 Mongrel Riders (scout) – 120 pts
10 Mongrel Riders (scout) – 120 pts
6 x Minotaurs (shields, CMS, War Standard) – 588 pts
6 x Minotaurs (shields, CMS, Stalker’s Standard) – 618 pts
3 x Raiding Chariot – 370 pts
2 x Raiding Chariot – 250 pts
2 Razortusk Herd – 175 pts
Gortach – 430 pts
10 Centaurs (CMS, Totem Bearer, lance) – 440 pts

Razem: 4497 pts

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Posty: 2298
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Bobson »

Bochen pisze:Witajcie, po długiej przerwie w graniu w wfb postanowiłem wrócić do tematu (a właściwie spróbować sił w The 9th Age). Oto moja propozycja armii beastmenów na 4500 pts. Proszę o ocenę i wytknięcie słabych punktów.

Beastlord (Bluffer’s Helm, Sprout of Rebirth, Divine Icon, Great Weapon) – 450 pts
Beast Chieftain (BSB, Greater Totem Bearer, Aagor’s Flayed Hide, great weapon) – 366 pts

41 Wildhorn (Shield, CMS, Totem Bearer) 570 pts
10 Mongrel Riders (scout) – 120 pts
10 Mongrel Riders (scout) – 120 pts
6 x Minotaurs (shields, CMS, War Standard) – 588 pts
6 x Minotaurs (shields, CMS, Stalker’s Standard) – 618 pts
3 x Raiding Chariot – 370 pts
2 x Raiding Chariot – 250 pts
2 Razortusk Herd – 175 pts
Gortach – 430 pts
10 Centaurs (CMS, Totem Bearer, lance) – 440 pts

Razem: 4497 pts
No to tak.

Masz nieruchomy kloc piechoty z bohaterami bez save'a za 1386 pkt. Czemu nie dodatkowa broń zamiast tarczy?Daj im może banner +1S na jedną turę i cośtam będą nawet w stanie zabić :)
Bohaterowie z dwurakami bez armour save'a to raczej zginą zanim uderzą. Nawet mimo T6 na BSB i Regeny na Lordzie.
Przekroczyłeś min core cap o 280 pkt. Nie jestem pewny czy warto, bo są lepsze unity
Poza totemami, to w magii też nie bardzo podziałasz. Nie masz też antymagii, więc będzie ciężko coś zdispellować.

Minotaury, to raczej bym brał z dodatkową bronią niż z tarczami. Save 5+ i parry nic tu nie zmienia. Lepiej jest mieć +1I +1A. Co do FCG też nie wiem czy sam muzyk nie lepszy. Oszczędzasz 80 pkt na tej zmiani. Magiczne bannery moim zdanie są zbędne. No i sam unit jest dość problematyczny, bo frenzy raczej przeszkadza niż pomaga.
Dwa razortuski bym rozdzielił, podobnie jak niecore'owe charioty. Centaury mimo wszystko chyba też bym rozbił na 2x5 albo wywalił FCG i może zmieścił 2x6 z AHW.

Gortat jak zawsze spoko :)

Pograj i popróbuj. Piona

Powergamer Rozpiskowy
Posty: 40

Post autor: Bochen »

Dzięki za konstruktywną krytykę! Sporo tego ale myślę, że w większości przypadków masz rację i trzeba armię przemodelować. W założeniu nie chciałem powielać pomysłów przedstawionych na forum i robić zabójczej armii według powszechnego schematu :D Na pewno muszę trochę pograć aby opracować własną listę. Jeszcze raz dzięki!

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 471

Post autor: Bombaj »

Panowie, kminię nad rozpiską na wersję 2.0 i choćbym nie wiem, jak się ściskał, to jak zwykle nie mieści mi się, to co bym chciał :)

Jeżeli dobrze kminię przedmioty, to chyba nie ma już możliwości sklepania lorda na rydwanie, który by jednocześnie miał przerzut woundowania przez przeciwników z regeną lub wardem 4+.

W corach po wepchnięciu dwóch ambuszy i paczki mongreli jako wózka dla maga nie bardzo widzę możliwość "kombinatoryki".

Podzielicie się swoimi kminami? Jakieś "wściekłe knify" na Zielonki?

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Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9574
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Kołata »

No niestety czasy herosów puszek minęły :( Na lordach to da się przeżyć, o ile mają po 5 ran. Ale na gościach 3-woundowych jest lipa bez sejwa z beastaxa.

Nasze cory zeszły do poziomu pozostałych armii. Ale nadal widzę różne opcje złożenia. Oprócz 2x15 gorów w ambushu można iść w spam raidersów, można walnąć oddział rydwanów, można wystawić solidny kloc do walki albo jakiś mix tych oddziałów.

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Posty: 2058
Lokalizacja: Włocławek - Klub Fantasy "FENIX", teraz już Gdańsk

Post autor: Jacek_Azael »

Kołata pisze:England:

Craig JohnsonBeastherds
Centaur Chieftain: General; Throwing Weapons; Paired Weapons; Greater Totem Bearer; Crown ofAutocracy 402
Centaur Chieftain: Paired Weapons; Battle Standard; Greater Totem Bearer 376
Centaur Chieftain: Throwing Weapons; Paired Weapons; Potion of Strength 312
Centaur Chieftain: Throwing Weapons; Paired Weapons; Aaghor's Flayed Hide 352
Soothsayer: 4 Learned Spells; Sceptre of Power; Druidism 355
10 Wildhorn Herd: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Ambush 160
10 Wildhorn Herd: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Ambush 160
10 Wildhorn Herd: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Ambush 160
10 Wildhorn Herd: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons; Ambush 160
10 Mongrel Raiders 100
14 Mongrel Raiders: Scout & Ambush 160
14 Centaurs: Standard (Banner of Discipline); Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons 523
13 Centaurs: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons 436
6 Centaurs: Paired Weapons; Throwing Weapons 212
17 Centaurs: Great Weapons; Throwing Weapons 632
Te mi się najbardziej podobają. A mam zamiar sobie pograć w wfb po latach ;-)
P.S. Ungory są grywalne? Pytam bo mam 20szt. 6 edycyjnych z dzidami i nie wiem opier...ć czy zostawić?
-"Im dalej w las, tym więcej drzew"
-"To mały krok dla człowieka, ale dla karła, normalny...;-)"
P.S.WE rare 8ed. ;-p

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5208

Post autor: Stan »

ungory dają radę w dużych oddziałach, bo są tanie i z dzidą coś tam zabijają
ale obecnie są na mniejszych podstawkach niż te stare