Sformułowanie ze SiN w którym występuje zwrot "leadership-based" jest nieaktualne i nadpisane przez erratę, która to sformułowanie zamieniła na leadership test, więc ten argument jest nijaki.Bartoslavski pisze:Moim zdaniem to wszystko, a zwłaszcza zapisek z leadership-based, a także w dużej mierze cytat z faq potwierdzają jakoby SiN powinno być brane pod uwagę.
Na warseerze czytałem temat o unmodified leadershipie i spirit leechu i w pewnym momencie ktoś zadał pytanie o spirit leech vs. Strenght in Numbers. RAW-owo wychodzi na to, że nie można korzystać ze SiN. Poniżej zacytuję odpowiedzi kilku osób, które się tam pojawiły na zadane pytanie:
1) It is not a Ld-test so the Strength in Numbers doesn't apply.
From the Skaven FAQ
Page 33 – Strength in Numbers
Change the second sentence of the first paragraph to “Units
with the Strength in Numbers special rule add their current
rank bonus to their Leadership value for any Leadership test.”
It only works for Ld tests and as Spirit Leach is not an Ld test you do it on their unmodified Ld without SiN.
2) A Leadership test is a well defined test, see beginning of the BRB. The Spirit leach test is per definition neither Leadership nor a Characteristic test. It is essentially just a roll of 1d6 each and adding the Leadership as a modifier and does some wounds depending on the difference. It is not a Leadership test.
3) A leadership test is where you try to roll equal to (or less than) your leadership on 2d6.
Spirit leech is the difference between two dicerolls using leadership as a modifier.
4) Skaven add their ranks if it's a leadership test. Unfortunately, Spirit leech isn't a leadership test.
5) Therefore, I think that for purposes of Spirit Leech that you can use a higher Ld than is your own (like other characters or from Standard of Discipline).
I am not saying that Spirit Leech is a Leadership test though, so Skaven are still out of luck on that score, because SiN only gives a bonus to Leadership tests, which Spirit Leech is not.