Nowy armybook?!
Moderator: Ziemko
Re: Nowy armybook?!
Dodatkowo sygnaturki z beasta:-P
Kohorty skrewione.
Jesli stykasz sie ze skinkiem mozesz walic po kroxie, na skinki dziala thunderstomp, na kroxy nie - oddzial nie do wystawiania obecnie imho.
Jesli stykasz sie ze skinkiem mozesz walic po kroxie, na skinki dziala thunderstomp, na kroxy nie - oddzial nie do wystawiania obecnie imho.
Olos pisze:A wystawianie 6 kroxów zamiast tej kohorty ?
Wydaje mi sie najsensowniejsze.
Bylo? Nie wydaje mi sie.Kozioł pisze:To z tym że mogłeś walić w kroxa jak stykałeś się ze skinkiem było i w tej edycji do czasu wyjścia faq'a więc tym bym się nie martwił
Sorry, chłopaki, ale muszę to powiedzieć - "w końcu"Ziemko pisze:Kohorty skrewione.
Jesli stykasz sie ze skinkiem mozesz walic po kroxie, na skinki dziala thunderstomp, na kroxy nie - oddzial nie do wystawiania obecnie imho.

Bearded Unclean 'Un pisze:Fuck, będe miał na pieńku z Drobnymi Wałeczkami

Imo musieli zmienić zasady kohort, bo dostałyby zbyt dużego boosta za free, tj. tańsze kroxy o 5 pts each, z większą siła i zasadą predatory fighters oraz skinki ze zwiększonym armor save'm (wraz z opcjonalnymi poison atakami do wykupienia w cc).

Dokladnie jak okon pisze, jakby jej nie skrewili to z tymi boostami, bylaby juz total imba.
Wow, pięknie! Nie wystawię monster trucka, ale i tak jest super!
Co powiecie na kowboja Oldboya: stegadon helm, CO, prezerwatywa i wielka pała?
Albo temple z frenzy?

Co powiecie na kowboja Oldboya: stegadon helm, CO, prezerwatywa i wielka pała?
Albo temple z frenzy?

Ostatnio zmieniony 31 lip 2013, o 15:25 przez Byqu, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Tutaj takie solidne podsumowanie z Warseera,troche tego duzo ale konkretnie 
Slann: Disappointing to not have any kind of cast bonus, but High Magic is a solid lore and he's even a little tougher to kill (although a little more expensive). We got off fairly easy here. We still get some fluffy stuff (3x channel, soul of stone, HM lore attrib, etc) so we don't look too much like weaklings.
Bastiladon: Man, I thought (20% higher cost) was dreaming. That's amazing at (current cost). The solar beam (
) is much better than expected, doing a # of hits rather than a template, as that is much, much better against the stuff we have trouble with (we already have Sallies, ffs.) The snake ark does some decent extra hits and a chance to reinforce Jungle Swarms -- have to play with this to be sure.
Sallies: Lose march and shoot was expected, it was broken. S4 instead of S3 -3 will be a tossup for many, but I consider it much better in 8th, as what I want to do is kill big blocks, and I'd rather have the more reliable wounds. Old version was better against cavalry, but we already don't have too much to fear from cavalry.
Razors: For those wondering, "grapeshot S4" is exactly the present Razordon rules. Reroll on S&S is much better due to the bonehead FAQ. Cheaper is interesting, too.
Trog: Don't get the hate -- it has ranged S5 18" with multiple wounds and a significant combat buff? Decent monster hunter, pretty strong buff to saurus/TG, amazing as fire support for CoC. Deserves some respect, I think. Not blown away, but definitely going to try it out.
Carnie: Same old same old. Will be dangerous in groups of 3. 50/50 on upgrades given cost.
Stegs: Devastating charge? Does that affect the models up top? Otherwise, uh, yay? d3 wounds on impact hits is pretty killer, though, and cost reduction is nice.
Engine: Ugh, that 5+ ward was our only hope against cannon, and it's a 6+ with half range now? Not happy.
CoC: What they did with the points here is weird. (Relatively high cost) for a spear? But with the extra attack on the Cold One and PF on both, they're probably playable at (total cost). Not seeing dropping the spear, no benefit.
Krox: We got our S5 back and cheaper. S7 hits and S5 stomps! Skrox much better as a result. Krox blocks a bit better too with the cost reduction, but I never field that way.
TG: Point reduction here offsets Slann increase, so I'm a fan. I didn't run lone slann or double slann too often, so net effect is nothing, which I like. Auto-pass LoS is huge, IMO, and necessary with loss of Becalming.
Jungle Swarms: I was saying "meh" at (new cost), but the everything in CC poisons is nice. I may actually field some. With the buff from the snake ark, could be amazing.
Skirmishers: Free javs, meh.
Cohorts: I like poison CC, and the drop for Krox will help pay for it in skrox blocks, but you're looking at maybe 6 attacks there, so is it worth (some) points? Hitting harder than wounding. Hordes where it would really shine is really hurt by Ld nerf, but maybe a (cheap) skink chief is an ok investment for a 210pt block of skinks. +6 scaly save for free is boss, though. Skrox definitely much better, cohorts by themselves -- I dunno.
Saurus: They've been solid, and PF is a nice bonus. No real comment. I wish they'd give them GW options, but that's because it would be OP *grin*
Overall: Weird new ways to do multiple wounds, more poison, more fleeing skinks, more attacks, less casting, more monsters, less defense vs. range, I dunno. Have to play some. We are, against all odds, more vulnerable to cannon, but have more dangerous targets, and generally grind better. Not sure -- have to play it out. That probably means the book is well-balanced.

Slann: Disappointing to not have any kind of cast bonus, but High Magic is a solid lore and he's even a little tougher to kill (although a little more expensive). We got off fairly easy here. We still get some fluffy stuff (3x channel, soul of stone, HM lore attrib, etc) so we don't look too much like weaklings.
Bastiladon: Man, I thought (20% higher cost) was dreaming. That's amazing at (current cost). The solar beam (

Sallies: Lose march and shoot was expected, it was broken. S4 instead of S3 -3 will be a tossup for many, but I consider it much better in 8th, as what I want to do is kill big blocks, and I'd rather have the more reliable wounds. Old version was better against cavalry, but we already don't have too much to fear from cavalry.
Razors: For those wondering, "grapeshot S4" is exactly the present Razordon rules. Reroll on S&S is much better due to the bonehead FAQ. Cheaper is interesting, too.
Trog: Don't get the hate -- it has ranged S5 18" with multiple wounds and a significant combat buff? Decent monster hunter, pretty strong buff to saurus/TG, amazing as fire support for CoC. Deserves some respect, I think. Not blown away, but definitely going to try it out.
Carnie: Same old same old. Will be dangerous in groups of 3. 50/50 on upgrades given cost.
Stegs: Devastating charge? Does that affect the models up top? Otherwise, uh, yay? d3 wounds on impact hits is pretty killer, though, and cost reduction is nice.
Engine: Ugh, that 5+ ward was our only hope against cannon, and it's a 6+ with half range now? Not happy.
CoC: What they did with the points here is weird. (Relatively high cost) for a spear? But with the extra attack on the Cold One and PF on both, they're probably playable at (total cost). Not seeing dropping the spear, no benefit.
Krox: We got our S5 back and cheaper. S7 hits and S5 stomps! Skrox much better as a result. Krox blocks a bit better too with the cost reduction, but I never field that way.
TG: Point reduction here offsets Slann increase, so I'm a fan. I didn't run lone slann or double slann too often, so net effect is nothing, which I like. Auto-pass LoS is huge, IMO, and necessary with loss of Becalming.
Jungle Swarms: I was saying "meh" at (new cost), but the everything in CC poisons is nice. I may actually field some. With the buff from the snake ark, could be amazing.
Skirmishers: Free javs, meh.
Cohorts: I like poison CC, and the drop for Krox will help pay for it in skrox blocks, but you're looking at maybe 6 attacks there, so is it worth (some) points? Hitting harder than wounding. Hordes where it would really shine is really hurt by Ld nerf, but maybe a (cheap) skink chief is an ok investment for a 210pt block of skinks. +6 scaly save for free is boss, though. Skrox definitely much better, cohorts by themselves -- I dunno.
Saurus: They've been solid, and PF is a nice bonus. No real comment. I wish they'd give them GW options, but that's because it would be OP *grin*
Overall: Weird new ways to do multiple wounds, more poison, more fleeing skinks, more attacks, less casting, more monsters, less defense vs. range, I dunno. Have to play some. We are, against all odds, more vulnerable to cannon, but have more dangerous targets, and generally grind better. Not sure -- have to play it out. That probably means the book is well-balanced.
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- Posty: 65
- Lokalizacja: Radom
Bazowo mają oszczepy teraz. Prawdopodobnie za dmuchawki trzeba będzie dopłacać, o ile jest taka opcja. Ewentualnie chodzi o to że wykupienie oszczepów jest darmowe.
Skirmish ma wymianę dmuchawek za darmo na javeliny, z tarczami mam nadzieję.
Fajno, naprawdę ciekawe te ploty
Fajno, naprawdę ciekawe te ploty - druki 3D i turnieje.
W Krakowie w Vanaheim jest już book, można przeglądać, ja już miałem w swoich łapkach 

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a w Warszawie?
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"nie dyskutuj z głupcem, sprowadzi Cię do swojego poziomu, a potem pokona doświadczeniem"
posłuchaj tego islamofilu.....
"nie dyskutuj z głupcem, sprowadzi Cię do swojego poziomu, a potem pokona doświadczeniem"