60x100 - czyli mamy model o gabarytach Dzwonu Gryzoni....fap,fap,fap....There will be a new Dual kit which will make a Throne carried by 4 Dwarves, in which Thorgrim Grudgebearer or a normal Dwarf Lord can be mounted. The kit will also make the Anvil of Doom, which is swapped out with the seat of the throne and carried by 4 Dwarves, and counts as a mount for a Runelord. The model will be on a 60x100 base and is pictured in a unit.
I to coś ma być "Mobilne".........
There is a new infantry plastic kit which can make Hammerers and Iron Breakers. The Hammerers are armed with great weapons (Hammers) and the Iron Breakers have hand weapon and shield (axes). The bodies are the same for both with head and weapon swaps.
The other infantry kit is a Troll Slayer unit that can also make a new unit of Berserkers. The kit also makes a giant slayer.
The new single plastic figure is a Thane holding a hammer.
Ironbreakers - T5,2A,Unbreakable,MR1