Na zagraniczne wyjazdy.

Regulaminy, relacje, scenariusze, kampanie, pokazy etc.

Moderatorzy: Laik, Dymitr

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Posty: 77

Re: Na zagraniczne wyjazdy.

Post autor: CrazyChris »

3. Hauptstadt Legionäre`s Turnier - Informacje i Zasady ... p?tid=7862

15.10.11 - 16.10.11
JC Heckerdamm
Heckerdamm 210
13627 Berlin

- 2500 pkt
- rozpiski niejawne
- system balancingowy COMBAT 8.0
- wszystkie aktualne AB
- nowe unity VC z WD
- aktualne erraty

- zgloszenie wylocznie przez platforme t3
- zgloszenie przez t3 i wyslanie rozpiski pod adres do 09.10.2011 bedzie premiowane dodatkowymi 4 punktami

- 10 Euro


C.O.M.B.A.T. 8.0

- 2500 points per army
- no more than 12 powerdice/dispel dice may be generated per magic phase
- no more than 2 additional (everything other than winds of magic) powerdice/dispel dice may be generated per magic phase (including channeling)
- no more than 4 power dice may be used per spell (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- if a model knows all the spells of a magic lore or selects its spells non-randomly, the army may not contain other models using the same magic lore; the only exceptions to this rule are pink horrors, ogre gut magic, necromancers and bound spells
- no more than 80 shooting models, non-repeating bolt throwers count as 5, all other war machines count as 10
- no more than 3 models that use a template (including cannons)
- no more than 45 models per unit
- models worth 10-18 points: no more than 30 models per unit
- models worth 19-30 points: no more than 20 models per unit
- models worth 31+ points: no more than 12 models per unit
- no unit may be chosen more than 3 times
- no Powerscroll, no Crown of Command, no Folding Fortress
- no special or named models (characters, champions, ...)
- against the following spells characters gain “Look out Sir!”: Dwellers from Below, Final Transmutation, the Infernal Gateways`s special effect for S11+, the Dreaded 13th Spell
- the lore of life cannot be used to heal dragons, greater daemons, steam tanks or stegadons
- when casting a spell from the lores of shadow, metal, heaven or life, any casting bonuses added to the casting roll will never be more than 4
- no more than one dispel scroll or similar magic item which dispels a spell automatically, Dwarfs may take up to 3 runes of such kind (Berlin house rule!)

Rules by Race

no more than 1 Trebuchet

no more than 2 units of furies; no more than 5 flamers; no more than 2 of the following choices: greater daemon, master of sorcery (mos with lore of light or shadow counts as 2 choices), every core unit of more than 20 models (units of bloodletters and plaguebearers with more than 25 models count twice); the bsb may chose either a magic icon or daemonic gifts; no daemonic gift may be taken more than once; no Great Icon of Despair, Banner of Chaos Glory, Spirit Swallower, Balesword, Immortal Fury, Tzeentch's Will or Siren Song

Dark Elves
no more than 2 of the following choices: supreme sorceress, dragon, war hydra (no more than 1), cauldron of blood; Pendant of Khaelet always fails on 4+, repeater crossbowmen count as 1,5 shooting models, shades as 2,5, assassins with Rending Stars and Lifetaker count as 5; no more than 10 shades per unit; no more than 2 flying units

no more than 5 of the following choices: slann (counts as 2), slann as bsb, stegadons, Saurus characters (each one after the 2nd counts as 1 choice), Bane Head if used with Feedback Scroll or lore of death; no more than 3 stegadons, no more than 8 terradons, no Standard of Discipline, no Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, Becalming Cogitation counts as 2 additional dispel dice, Cube of Darkness as 1 additional dispel dice, models with blow pipes count as 1,5 shooting models, razordons count as 5, slann and salamanders count as 10; units of 20+ skinks, 2+ kroxigors and full command do not count as shooting models

High Elves
no Book of Hoeth, Annulian Crystal counts as 2 and the Banner of the World Dragon as 1 dispel dice, magic bows count as 5 shooting models each; no more than 40 White Lions

no more than 4 of the following choices: steam tank (no more than 1, counts as 2 choices), great cannon (no more than 2), mortar (not more than 2), Hellstorm rocket battery (no more than 1), master engineer; outriders count as 4 shooting models, steam tank counts as 20 shooting models, master engineer as 5, no more than 1 Hellblaster volley gun, war alter or wizard lord; Seal of Destruction or steam tank, the war altar may not be combined with more than 1 wizard with lore of light

Tomb Kings
no Neferra's scrolls, no more than 2 of warsphinx and necrosphinx, hierotitan counts as 1 additional power dice, no more than 12 chariots

Warriors of Chaos
the mark of Tzeentch doesn't improve ward saves from the rule book to 3+, no more than two units of chaos marauders with great weapons with 30+ models, no Favour of the Gods for Chosen champions, no more than 1 war shrine, no more than 1 hellcannon, no Infernal Puppet

short bows count as 0,25 shooting models, the doom diver counts as a template; every dice after the second that is generated by magic mushrooms counts as a power dice, magic mushrooms count towards the limit of 12 dice per magic phase and 4 dice per spell; stealing a dispel dice by the lore attribute of the little Waaagh counts as 2 power dice (if this would exceed the limit of power dice, the attribute is canceled completely); no more than 6 chariots; no more than 6 fanatics

Ogre Kingdoms
no more than 12 Ogres per Unit; no Hellheart; Ironblaster count as 15 shooting models each, Thundertusk count as 10, Scraplauncher count as 8, Leadbelcher count as 4, Maneaters with one or more Ogre Pistols as 3, Gnoblars as 0,25

no more than 5 of the following: Grey Seer (no more than 1), Hellpit Abomination (counts as two, no more than 1), Doom Wheel, Warp Lightning Cannon (no more than 1), Doom Rocket; Jezzails and Gutter Runners with slings and poison count as two shooting models, Ratlingguns, Death Globes and the Brass Orb as 5, Doomwheels, the Doom Rocket, Warpflamers und Poisoned Wind Mortars as 10; the Plague Furnace does not count as a template, Poisoned Wind Mortars, Death Globes, the Doom Rocket and the Brass Orb count as half a template each, no more than 12 Gutter Runners with slings and poison

no more than 5 chariots; tuskgor chariots and gor/ungor herds (not raiders) may be taken up to 5 times

Vampire Counts
no more than 6 cairn wraiths/tomb banshees (max. 2 from the heroes section); Helm of Commandment or Drakenhofbanner; Vanhels Dance cannot be cast more than once per magic phase by any model (including Book of Arkhan); no more than 1 forbidden lore, no more than 7 Blood Knights, no more than 1 Terrorgheist

Wood Elves
no more than 2 large targets, Hail of Doom counts as 10 shooting models, Treemen (including ancient) as 5. characters (except Treeman Ancient) and Falcon Riders don't count as shooting models, Glade Riders count as half a shooting model each; may field up to 4 units of Glade Guard

Dwarves my generate up to 4 dispel dice per magic phase, every Rune of Spellbreaking after the second one counts as a generated dispel dice in every magic phase, the Masterrune of Balance counts as 2 dispel dice, no more than 1 Grudge Thrower with S5 or 2 with S4, no more than 1 Organ Gun (counts as 15 shooting models), every Rune of Penetration, -Accuracy or -Forging counts as 5 shooting models

House Rules
- units that flee in their last turn are worth full victory points
- the scenarios in the rulebook are not used
- cannons may not shoot at models they don't see
- mounted monsters/chariots/uniques and their riders, each are worth seperate victory points
- even during deployment there has to be 1 inch between units
- battle standard bearers of The Empire, Ogre Kingdoms, Bretonnians, Wood Elves and Dwarves
may use all non-magical equipment of their troop type in addition to the battle standard
- the following system for line of sight is used:

True Line of Sight

- units can see through everything except hills, buildings and impassable terrain (these block all lines of sight)
- units that can only be seen through other units can claim hard cover
- war machines cannot claim cover for being shielded by friendly units

Victory Points and Tournament Points

0-180 10:10
181-360 11:9
361-540 12:8
541-720 13:7
721-900 14:6
901-1080 15:5
1081-1260 16:4
1261- 1440 17:3
1441-1620 18:2
1621-1800 19:1
1800+ 20:0

- every unit with the unit type war machine counts as a war machine against the limit of shooting models (even cauldrons, anvils and caskets)
- units that are two-for-one choices (like Dark Elves Repeater Bolt Throwers) still count as 2 units for the no-unit-more-than-3-times- rule
- every model that is able to deal damage during the shooting phase is treated as a shooting model

Dodatkowe informacje
- beda tez punkty za pomalownie armi, ale jeszcze nie ma dalszych informaci
- akurat proboje znalesc darmowe spanie, niestety nocowanie na sali nie bedzie mozliwe
- tani hostel (10 Euro za noc) w okolicy -
- jezeli beda jakies pytania/cocolwiek, dajcie znac :wink:
Ostatnio zmieniony 6 paź 2011, o 09:37 przez CrazyChris, łącznie zmieniany 3 razy.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5712
Lokalizacja: Gorzów Wlkp. "Rogaty Szczur"

Post autor: Furion »

D'oh! Bardzo chętnie bym przyjechał, ale w tym czasie jest duży turniej we Wrocławiu. Zobaczymy jeszcze, ale ten termin ;/

Posty: 202

Post autor: Tyrant »

no ja jade na niego na 100% !! juz sie zapisalem...

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The Miz
Chuck Norris
Posty: 507
Lokalizacja: WWE

Post autor: The Miz »

Ja mam wielką ochotę wpaść, mam nadzieje że parę osób ze Szczecina ze mną przyjedzie
Because I'M The Miz and I'M AWESOME!!!! ... ure=fvwrel

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Posty: 77

Post autor: CrazyChris »

super, ze sie pare graczy wybierze do Berlina !!!
akurat zedytowalem zasady troszke - bo club z Berlina zdecydowal sie uzyc zaktualizowna wersje Combatu 8.0

Zmiany w zasadach:
- zmiany w kolorze zielonym: magia, lizardmen, ogre kindoms, vampire counts
- skreslone zasady w kolorze czerwonym: dispel scrolls etc.

Punkty za pomalowanie armi:
- amria nie pomalowana - 0 punktow
- armia 50% pomalowana +1 punkt
- armia calkowicie pomalowana +2 punkty
+1 punkt za podobne podstawki calej armi
+1 punkt zu jednakowy schemat armi
+1 punkt za kowersje w armi

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Posty: 77

Post autor: CrazyChris »

Hej Polska,

za jakies dwa tygodnie bedzie nastepny turniej legionerski w Berlinie.
Zazady mniej wiecej te samy jak ostatnim razem, przetlumacze moze jutro. ... p?tid=8215

Pozdrawiamy i Zapraszamy
Hauptstadtlegionaere & CrazyChris ;)

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Posty: 1006
Lokalizacja: Katowice

Post autor: Quaki »

Ma ktoś może znajomych graczy Holendrów, albo zna adres jakiegoś ogarniętego holenderskiego forum WFB? Grałem tam parę razy w sklepie, ale pomęczyłbym jakiś turniej, a na necie ciężko mi cokolwiek znaleźć.

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Posty: 1822
Lokalizacja: GW - Rogaty Szczur

Post autor: Aro »

Nie wiem czy dobry temat ale zapytam:

Kto wybiera się na tegoroczny Games Day ??

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5104
Lokalizacja: Gorzów Wlkp. "Rogaty Szczur"

Post autor: Szmajson »

Spokój to kłamstwo, jest tylko pasja. Dzięki pasji, osiągam siłę. Dzięki sile, osiągam potęgę. Dzięki potędze, osiągam zwycięstwo.


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Posty: 51
Lokalizacja: Ad Astra Zielona Góra /Hauptstadt Legionäre Berlin

Post autor: cHudy »

Szmajson pisze:ktoś chętny na wycieczkę?: ... p?tid=9012
damit! akurat mam wtedy wakacje..

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Posty: 7714
Lokalizacja: Syberia

Post autor: bigpasiak »

Cris... zajmiesz się tłumaczeniem...? ;)
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...

Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5104
Lokalizacja: Gorzów Wlkp. "Rogaty Szczur"

Post autor: Szmajson »

bigpasiak pisze:Cris... zajmiesz się tłumaczeniem...? ;)

Zapisywać się na T3! Jak będzie 4-5 osób to robimy punkt spotkania w GWlkp. i ciśniemy fura.
Spokój to kłamstwo, jest tylko pasja. Dzięki pasji, osiągam siłę. Dzięki sile, osiągam potęgę. Dzięki potędze, osiągam zwycięstwo.


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Posty: 8

Post autor: Kisiellus »

Zapisany! :D
War, War Never Changes...

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5104
Lokalizacja: Gorzów Wlkp. "Rogaty Szczur"

Post autor: Szmajson »

ok 3 osoby z PL... jeszcze 1-2 i mozemy cisnać samochodem.
Spokój to kłamstwo, jest tylko pasja. Dzięki pasji, osiągam siłę. Dzięki sile, osiągam potęgę. Dzięki potędze, osiągam zwycięstwo.


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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5712
Lokalizacja: Gorzów Wlkp. "Rogaty Szczur"

Post autor: Furion »

ja bym pojechał, ale nie wiem jak mi się sprawy z uczelnią ułożą. Będę wiedział dopiero w czwartek-piątek przed turniejem.

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Posty: 2467
Lokalizacja: Wars i Sawa

Post autor: Daw »

Gdyby nie to, że wtedy jest Silesian to bym się wybrał.
Wolę robić frekwencję na polskich turniejach. Zabawa przednia (jak nie lepsza), a lepszy format i koszty mniejsze.
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła / Isten, áldd meg a magyart

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5712
Lokalizacja: Gorzów Wlkp. "Rogaty Szczur"

Post autor: Furion »

No właśnie z tym formatem to jednemu pasuje, drugiemu nie ;) a z Gorzowa to nam w sumie ryba czy do Niemiec czy do Munster ;)

Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3552

Post autor: kudłaty »

Poważnie nad tym myślę. chyba nie rozkminili ogrów.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5104
Lokalizacja: Gorzów Wlkp. "Rogaty Szczur"

Post autor: Szmajson »

Szmajson pisze:ok 3 osoby z PL... jeszcze 1-2 i mozemy cisnać samochodem.

w chwili obecnej:

1) Szmajson
2) Wyrwena
3) Kisiel

4) Furion
5) Kudłaty

Jakby było więcej chętnych to 2 furę można załatwić.

Chris obiecał że przetłumaczy zasady "COMBATU" (tzn. sprawdzi co się zmieniło i zapoda).
Spokój to kłamstwo, jest tylko pasja. Dzięki pasji, osiągam siłę. Dzięki sile, osiągam potęgę. Dzięki potędze, osiągam zwycięstwo.


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Posty: 7714
Lokalizacja: Syberia

Post autor: bigpasiak »

No to niech tłumaczy.
Kto wie, może... :-k
Sporo czynników musi się na to złożyć, ale nie mówię nie...
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...

Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...