Najpierw kilka cytatów :
The Prayer Icon can be revealed at any time. The bearer and the unit is immediately granted the blessing of the lady following all the rules on page 45. This can allow a unit that has lost blessing to regain it.
The blessing affects all units and characters that have Knight's Vow, Questing Vow and the Grail Vow. In addition duże sucze & małe sucze are also affected.
FAQ 1.4
Q. If a Damsel is bearing the Prayer Icon of Quenelles, can she use it to grant the blessing to a unit with the Peasant’s Duty? (p63)
A. Yes.
A teraz pytanie :
Czy mogę dać blessing oddziałowi sojusznika? Idąc tropem, ze moge dać chłopkom blessa tzn nie spełniają wymogów ze strony 45 - mogę również dać to sojusznikowi.