Która lepsza:
Unnamed2800 Pts - Wood Elves Army
1 * Alter Highborn @ 292.0 Pts
Alter; Great Weapon; Longbow; Light Armour; Shield
Bow of Loren [35.0]
Arcane Bodkins [25.0]
Dragonhelm [10.0]
Glamourweave [30.0]
1 Spellweaver @ 305.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Longbow
Wand of Wych Elm [55.0]
1 Alter Noble @ 158.0 Pts
Alter; Great Weapon; Longbow; Light Armour; Shield
Helm of the Hunt [20.0]
Dragonbane Gem [5.0]
Resplendence of Luminescents [25.0]
1 Noble @ 132.0 Pts
Light Armour; Battle Standard
Hail of Doom Arrow [30.0]
Asyendi's Bane [10.0]\
10 Glade Guard @ 148.0 Pts
Longbow; Standard; Musician
Banner of Eternal Flame [10.0]
10 Glade Guard @ 126.0 Pts
Longbow; Musician
10 Glade Guard @ 126.0 Pts
Longbow; Musician
10 Glade Guard @ 126.0 Pts
Longbow; Musician
8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts
8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts
8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts
6 Wardancers @ 147.0 Pts
1 Bladesinger @ [14.0] Pts
4 Warhawk Riders @ 160.0 Pts
Spear; Longbow
4 Warhawk @ [0.0] Pts
5 Wild Riders @ 217.0 Pts
Spear; Light Armour; Standard; Musician
War Banner [25.0]
1 Wild Hunter @ [18.0] Pts
6 Elf Steed @ [0.0] Pts
1 Treeman @ 285.0 Pts
5 Waywatchers @ 120.0 Pts
2ndWeapon; Longbow
5 Waywatchers @ 120.0 Pts
2ndWeapon; Longbow
1 Great Eagle @ 50.0 Pts
Models in Army: 89
Total Army Cost: 2800.0
2800 Pts - Wood Elves Army
1 Wardancer Highborn @ 295.0 Pts
General; Wardancer
Blades of Loec [35.0]
Annoyance of Netlings [25.0]
Crown of Command [35.0]
Dragonbane Gem [5.0]
1 Spellweaver @ 305.0 Pts
Magic Level 4; Longbow
Wand of Wych Elm [55.0]
1 Noble @ 132.0 Pts
Light Armour; Battle Standard
Hail of Doom Arrow [30.0]
Asyendi's Bane [10.0]
1 Spellsinger @ 175.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; Lore of Athel Loren; Longbow
Power Stone [25.0]
Ruby Ring of Ruin [25.0]
10 Glade Guard @ 148.0 Pts
Longbow; Standard; Musician
Banner of Eternal Flame [10.0]
10 Glade Guard @ 126.0 Pts
Longbow; Musician
10 Glade Guard @ 120.0 Pts
10 Glade Guard @ 120.0 Pts
8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts
8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts
8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts
9 Wardancers @ 201.0 Pts
1 Bladesinger @ [14.0] Pts
3 Warhawk Riders @ 120.0 Pts
Spear; Longbow
3 Warhawk @ [0.0] Pts
4 Wild Riders @ 191.0 Pts
Spear; Light Armour; Standard; Musician
War Banner [25.0]
1 Wild Hunter @ [18.0] Pts
5 Elf Steed @ [0.0] Pts
1 Treeman @ 285.0 Pts
5 Waywatchers @ 120.0 Pts
2ndWeapon; Longbow
5 Waywatchers @ 120.0 Pts
2ndWeapon; Longbow
1 Great Eagle @ 50.0 Pts
Models in Army: 90
Total Army Cost: 2796.0
WE 2800 Silesian
WE 2800 Silesian
Ostatnio zmieniony 16 wrz 2012, o 23:07 przez Dydu, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Nielegalny.Dydu pisze:1 Noble @ 128.0 Pts
Great Weapon; Longbow; Light Armour; Shield; Battle Standard
Hail of Doom Arrow [30.0]
Nie ma czym wystrzelić hody i nie może mieć dwuraka i tarczy, to nie ojro.
Lore arcy...?
Skoro masz małego maga to dlaczemu nie nosi scrolla zamiast power stone'a...?
Lord tancerz bardzo szybciutko zginie w combacie... nie ma nic... do osłony... poza 6+ wardem z bazy.
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...
Imo 1sza lepsza. Tylko za drodzy wild riderzy, warhawków nie lubię, za mało baletnic i przydało by się obrobić rozpiskę...
Do mnie zadna z tych opcji nie przemawia, a pisać to IMo jest lepsze nei zamierzam, bo pół rozpiski bym musial zmienić. Pograj troche, wrzuć plus minus rewelacje, sam dojdziesz do tego co jest względnie oplacalne
Podpowiem - zacznij od lora, Bo AL na dużym magu to nic innego jak marnotrawstwo .
Podpowiem - zacznij od lora, Bo AL na dużym magu to nic innego jak marnotrawstwo .
To, że Ty nie planujesz to jeszcze nic nie oznacza...Dydu pisze:WD jest trafiany na 6, a nie planuje wbijac sie nim w rzeczy, których nie przemiela.
Pamiętaj też iż na 6 jest on trafiany tylko w czelendzach... a tych można odmówić
The wood hold peace for thos who desire it, but those who seek battle will find me...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...
The forest has as many eyes as leaves...
Far over, the misty mountain Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old.
The pines were roaring, oooooon the hight...