General; Heavy Armour; Ironfist
Talisman of preservation [45.0]
Dragonhelm [10.0]
Ogre Blade [40.0]
Ironcurse Icon [5.0]
1 Brusier @ 196.0 Pts
BSB; Great Weapon; Look out Gnoblar
Armour of Destiny [50.0]
1 Firebelly @ 207.0 Pts
lvl 2 Lore of Fire; Additional hand Weapon
Dispel Scrol [25.0]
Ruby Ring of Ruin [25.0]
9 x Ironguts @ 417.0 Pts
Heavy Armour; Great Weapon; Musician; Standard; Gutlord
3 x Ogres @ 93.0 Pts
Light ArmouR; Additoinal hand weapon
3 x Ogres @ 90.0 Pts
Light Armour
6 x Maneaters @ 436.0 Pts
Sniper; Poison; Musican; Captain; Standard; Brace of Ogre pistols; Heavy Armour
Banner of Eternal Flame [10.0]
6 x Leadbelchers @ 268.0 Pts
3 x Leadbelchers @ 139.0 Pts
Ironblaster @ 170.0 Pts
1 Subertusk @ 21.0 Pts
1 Subertusk @ 21.0 Pts
1 Subertusk @ 21.0 Pts
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