mają przyjemność zaprosić na Ordinowa druzynowke.
Warszawa, Gimnazjum nr 2 przy ulicy Narbutta 65/71
3x etc 2400.
Sobota, 11.05
Za ile?
15zł od osoby
Zgłoszenia zawierające imiona, nazwiska, id ligowe, rozpiski dosłane do dnia 9 maja otrzymają dodatkowe 10 punktów do klasyfikacji końcowej turnieju. Zgłoszenia proszę wysyłać do mnie na PM lub na adres tylko w formatach html lub txt.
Na turnieju obowiązują polskie uściślenia sędziowskie.
W jednej druzynie nie mozna powtarzac armii.
Będziemy używać ograniczeń z ETC.Sa to te ograniczenia armii:
Plan Dnia:Bretonnia (2400p)
No Restrictions
Beastmen (2700p, +1 Power Dice, -10%)
Tuskgor Chariots, Ungor Raiders 0-4 each
A unit cap of 50 models per unit and point cap on units 550 instead of 450 pts.
Chaos Dwarfs (2400p)
Chalice or Sorcerer Prophet. Chalice of darkness counts as 2 PD.
Iron daemon count as a war machines, K'daii destroyer count as 2 war machines.
Magma Cannon/Hellcannon 0-1/Dreadquake Mortar, max 3 in total
Dark Elves (2400p)
Max. 35 repeater Crossbows (excluding chariots & characters) in the army
Harpies, Flying characters, Rending stars max 2 of each
Dark riders 0-3
Shades max 20 models
Pendant cannot be worn by a Dreadlord or models with Crown of command
Pendant of Khaeleth/Crown of command/Cauldron of Blood/Hydra max 2 in total
Sacrificial dagger/mage lord, max 2 in total
Daemons of Chaos (2400p,+1 Dispel Dice)WIP
Skull cannon 0-1
Beast of Nurgle models max 8 in total.
Flying units (not including Hovers) max 4 in total
The Rock of Inevitability cannot be taken
Dwarfs (2400, +2 Dispel Dice)WIP
Max 45 Quarrelers/Thunderers in total
Grudge Throwers are a 0-2 choice
Gyrocopter doesn't count towards the war machine/template max
Can have 4 war wachines
Empire (2400p)
Max 45 str=4 shooters in total
Knightly orders 0-3
Demigryphs max 8 models
Cannon/Steam tank max 3 in total
Cannon/Steam tank/Demigryph unit, max 4 in total
Crown of Command/Steamtank, max 1 in total
High Elves (2400p)
Book of Hoeth counts as 1 power dice and 1 dispel dice
Banner of the World Dragon counts as +1 dispel dice
Lizardmen (2400p)
Salamanders units, max 1.
Mounted Scar-Veterans, max 2
Cupped hands of the Old Ones +2 power dice
Cogitations/Dispel Scroll/Cube of darkness, max 1 in total
Bane head can not be taken by a model with feedback scroll and/or the Lore of Death.
Crown of Comand/Standard of Discipline/Focused Rumination/Higher State of Consciusness/Second Slann, max 2 in total
Non character units consisting of less than 20 models and costing 130pts or under, max 6
Ogre Kingdoms (2400p]
Gnoblars < 20 0-3
Dispell scroll/Hell heart, max 1 in total
Slaugther master/Iron blaster 0-1/Standard of Discipline/Crown of Command, max 2 in total
Max 8 Mournfang models
Orcs&Goblins (2600p)
Night Goblin Shamans mushroom dice do not count as power dice in regard to the power dice limit
Maximum model cap is 60 models per unit
Fanatics/Manglers max 9
Skaven (2400p)
Slaves, Rat Swarms, Engineers are 0-3 each
Giant Rats <20 models, max 2
Gutter runners are limited to 2 units & max 20 models in total
Screaming Bell/Second Grey Seer/Power scroll, max 1 in total.
Hellpit Abomination 0-1/Screaming Bell/2nd Assassin/Doomwheel 0-1/Warp-lightning Cannon 0-1, max 3 in total
Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Storm Banner max 2 in total
Tomb Kings (2600p, +1 Power Dice, -10%)
Max 80 models with Bow or Giant Bow.
Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations counts as 2 power dice and 2 dispel dice
Hierotitan is worth 1 power dice so long as it's alive
Skeleton Horsemen, Skeleton Horse archers, Chariots units are 0-3 each
Warsphinx/Necrosphinx max 3 in total
Vampire Counts (2400p)
Zombies, Dire Wolfs units are 0-3 each
Flying units 0-4 (not including Hovers)
Vargheists max 8 models
Ethereal units 0-3, and max 2 of same kind/characters
Terrorgheist 0-1
Howls/shrieks max 2 in total
Red Fury/Quick Blood/Terrorgheist/Each Lord Choice, max 3 in total
Max 15 mounted characters and black knights combined
Blasphemous Tome upgrade counts as 1pd
Warriors of Chaos (2400p)
Core Chaos chariots, Marauder Horsemen, Warhounds are max 3 each, Hell Cannon is max 1
Model with 3+ ward save can’t have Third eye of Tzeentch.
5 or more chariots/Daemon Prince/Skullcrushers/hero choices on daemonic mount, max 3
Chimera/Daemon Prince, max 2
Daemon Prince can have max (3 - ½ his levels) of Soul feeder/armour save of 2+ or better/Mark of Nurgle/Fly
Wood Elves (2700p, -10%)
Max 70 glade guard
Glade Riders, Scouts units are 0-3 each
8.30-9.00 zapisy
9.00-12.00 pierwsza bitwa
12.00-15.00 druga bitwa
15.00-18.00 trzecia bitwa
Widełki punktowe to 40 pktow. Punkty dobyte powyzej tej liczby beda doliczane tylko w przypadku uzyskania remisu w punktach meczowych.
Parowanie etc czyli:
1) Obydwa teamy wystawiaja gracza
2) do gracza wystawionego jest dostawianych 2 przeciwnikow
3) gracz wystawiony wybiera przeciwnika
4) niewybrani gracze graja ze soba.
5) Wszystkie stoly sa losowane.
1) Ordin
2) Paradox
3) Jh Maska 10-10
4) 8-Bila
5) JH D.F.G.
6) Crane, Kozioł, Kędzior
7) NEMEZIS - Czas na wpierdul
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
9) Drobne Wałeczki
10) Nemezis Kalafiorowy
osoby szukajace teamu:
1) As1
2) Oczko
3) Loremaster
4) Szwentas