Macie tu aktualne zasady i troche sie zmienily ... Chaos Dwarfy, Skaveny, Imperium, Vampiry, Daemony ...
Zwroccie uwage na beastmeny i wood elfy, moim zdaniem tez bardzo udane.
Poza tym gra sie na dowolny system line of sight - do wyboru kategori simple line of sight i kategorie, podobnie jak stare ETC.
![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
C.O.M.B.A.T. 8.0
- 2500 points per army
- no more than 12 powerdice/dispel dice may be generated per magic phase
- no more than 2 additional (everything other than winds of magic) powerdice/dispel dice may be generated per magic phase (including channeling)
- no more than 4 power dice may be used per spell (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- if a model knows all the spells of a magic lore or selects its spells non-randomly, the army may not contain other models using the same magic lore; the only exceptions to this rule are pink horrors and bound spells
- no more than 80 shooting models, non-repeating bolt throwers count as 5, all other war machines count as 10
- no more than 3 models that use a template (including cannons)
- no more than 45 models per unit
- models worth 9-11 points: no more than 40 models per unit
- models worth 12-14 points: no more than 35 models per unit
- models worth 15-18 points: no more than 30 models per unit
- models worth 19-29 points: no more than 20 models per unit
- models worth 30-39 points: no more than 12 models per unit
- models worth 40+ points: no more than 9 models per unit
- no unit may be chosen more than 3 times
- no Powerscroll, no Crown of Command, no Folding Fortress
- no special or named models (characters, champions, ...)
- against the following spells characters gain “Look out Sir!”: Dwellers from Below, Final Transmutation, the Infernal Gateways`s special effect for S11+, the Dreaded 13th Spell
Rules by Race
no restrictions
Chaos Dwarfs
no more than 4 from: Iron Demon, first template weapon with S5, second and every additional template with S5 costs double, Bull Centaur Taur'ruk, K'daai Destroyer (counts as 2), Bale Taurus; Hellcannon, Dreadquake Mortar, Magma Cannon count as 15 shoohing models, Hobgoblings with throwing weapons count as 0,25, Chaos Dwarfs with Blunderbuss cost 1,5; no Challice of Blood and Darkness; no more than one: Iron Demon, K'daai Destroyer, Hellcanon
daemons can chose from a pool of 3, following choices cost pool points:
2 points: Great Unclean One, Bloodthrister, Lord of Change, Master of Sorcery for lores of shadows or light (exception Daemon Prince), a unit of 26+ Bloodletters
1,5 points: a unit of 26+ Plaguebearers, Keeper of Secrets
1 point: Master of Sorcery with a different lore than Shadows or Light, Master of Sorcery for a Daemon Prince, a unit of 21-25 Bloodletters/Plaguebearers, 26+ Daemonettes or 7+ Fiends of Slaanesh
0,5 points: a unit of 21-25 Daemonettes
no more than 30 models per unit, no more than 2 units of furies; no more than 5 flamers; the bsb may chose either a magic icon or daemonic gifts; each daemonic gift may only be chosen once; no Great Icon of Despair, Banner of Chaos Glory, Spirit Swallower, Balesword, Immortal Fury (except for a Daeon Prince), Tzeentch's Will or Siren Song; Greater Daemons cannot be healed by the Lore of Life
if the White Dwart Update is used, the following rules apply:
1 Soulgrinder costs 0,5 pool points, 2 Soulgrinders cost 2 pool points; every flying unit (not counting single models as characters) from the 4th on costs one pool point; no more than 2 units of Flamers; no more than one Soulgrinder with a flamethrower
Dark Elves
no more than 2 of the following choices: supreme sorceress, dragon, war hydra (no more than 1), cauldron of blood, every character riding a pegasus after the first one; Pendant of Khaelet always fails on 4+, repeater crossbowmen count as 1,5 shooting models, shades as 2,5, assassins with Rending Stars and Lifetaker count as 5; no more than 10 shades per unit; no more than 2 flying units
no more than one choice from: each Slann, Standard of Discipline
no Bane Head if used with Feedback Scroll or lore of death, no more than 8 terradons, no Cupped Hands of the Old Ones,
Becalming Cogitation counts as 2 additional dispel dice, Cube of Darkness as 1 additional dispel dice, models with blow pipes count as 1,5 shooting models, razordons count as 5, salamanders count as 10; stegadons count as 1; units of 20+ skinks, 2+ kroxigors and full command do not count as shooting models
High Elves
no Book of Hoeth, Annulian Crystal and the Banner of the World Dragon both count as 1 dispel dice, magic bows count as 5 shooting models each; no more than 40 White Lions; High Elves only need to use 20% of the army for core choices
the Empire has a pool of 4 points which can be used as follows:
2 points: if there are 5+ Demigryphs in the army;
1 point: for Grand Wizard and a Steam Tank, a second Great Cannon and exactly 4 Demigryphs, an Engineer and a Hellbalster Volley Gun;
0,5 points: Hurricanum, Luminarium, war Altar, exactly 3 Demigryphs, second choice of Engineer plus and a Hellblaster Volley Gun;
no more than 1 Steam Tank; the Tank counts as 10 shotting modesl, Engineer counts as 5 shooting models; Hellblaster Volley Gun as 15; no more than 8 Demigryphs, no more than 6 per unit; no more than 2 out of Steam Tank and Great Cannon (=1 Tank/Tank+Cannon/2Cannons); no more than 4 detachments of less than 1o models
houserule: when determining spells the War Altar counts as having chosen the spell Banishment
Tomb Kings
2600 points, no Neferra's scrolls, no more than 3 of warsphinx and necrosphinx, hierotitan counts as 1 additional power dice, breath weapons count as 0,5 template weapons, the casket of souls is not counted against the limit for shooting
Warriors of Chaos (old AB)
no more than 2 out of: Banner of the Gods, Character with Mark of Tzeetnch and Armour of Destiny/Talisman of Preservation (counts as 2 choices if used for a Lord); no more than 1 Hellcannon; no Infernal Puppet; no more than 12 Chaos Knights per unit
short bows do not count towards the shooting limit; the doom diver counts as a template; every dice after the second that is generated by magic mushrooms counts as a power dice, magic mushrooms count towards the limit of 12 dice per magic phase and 4 dice per spell; stealing a dispel dice by the lore attribute of the little Waaagh counts as 2 power dice (if this would exceed the limit of power dice, the attribute is canceled completely); no more than 6 fanatics
Ogre Kingdoms
no more than 8 Mournfangs, no more than 6 Mournfangs and Meneaters per unit; no Hellheart; Ironblaster count as 15 shooting models each, Thundertusk count as 10, Scraplauncher count as 8, Leadbelcher count as 4, Maneaters with pistol(s) as 3, Gnoblars as 0,25; no more than 3 choices from: Ironblaster (no more than 1), Mournfangs, Dragon-something-banner, Maneaters; the sum of characters and the largest unit of monstrous Infantry may not exceed 12
houserule: the Greedy Fist does not work during the magic phase
use a pool with 5 points available as follows:
2 points: Hellpit Abomination
1 point: Grey Seer (no more than 1); Doomwheel; Warp Lightning Cannon (no more than 1); Doomrocket (if Brass Orb is played as well)
0,5 points: Brass Orb, Screaming Bell, Doomrocket (if no Brass Orb in the army); assassin
Jezzails and Gutter Runners with slings and poison count as two shooting models, Ratling Guns, Death Globes and the Brass Orb as 5, Doomwheels, the Doom Rocket, Warpflamers und Poisoned Wind Mortars as 10; the Plague Furnace does not count as a template, Poisoned Wind Mortars, Death Globes, the Doom Rocket and the Brass Orb count as half a template each, no more than 12 Gutter Runners with slings and poison
2700 points, core choices may be taken 4 times, Tuskgor Chariots may be taken 5 times, Jabberstlythe, Ghorgon, Cygor cost 200 points; Beastmen may generate 3 additional power-/dispell dice; victory points for units which are fleeing/destroyed/below25% is reduced by 10%
Vampire Counts
no more than 3 etheral units (no more than 2 characters), no more than 10 models per etheral unit;
units may never exceed the unitsize limit of 45 by magic;
no more than 3 out of: Master Necromancer with Lore of Death, Terrorgheist (counts as 2), Lord with Red Fury (counts as 2 if Lord hast Hatred, as 3 if Lord as 1st Strike), 7+ Vargheists in the Army, 9+ Crypt Horrors, Mortis Engine, for each Vampire ability that is chosen more than once; no more than 2 models with shooting attacks;
no more than: 12 Vargheists, 20 models of monstrous infantry total, 15 Black Knights/mounted characters, 1 Mortis Engine, 2 units of Fell Bats; no more than 8 Crypt Horrors/Vargheists per unit
Wood Elves
2600 points, Hail of Doom and Treemen (including ancient) count as 5. shooting models, characters (except Treeman Ancient) and Falcon Riders don not count as shooting models, Glade Riders count as half a shooting model; core units may be chosen up to 4 times; spell singer and Erinnyen (nie wiem jak one maya po angielsku) may use Lore of Beasts and Lore of Life
Dwarves may generate up to 4 dispel dice per magic phase, every Rune of Spellbreaking after the third one counts as a generated dispel dice in every magic phase, Masterrune of Balance counts as 2 dispel dice, the Spelleater Rune counts as 2 dispell dice and is a 0-1 choice; no more than 2 Grudge Throwers with Rune of Penetrating (Grudge Throwers with 2 such runes count as 2), no more than 1 Organ Gun (counts as 15 shooting models), every Rune of Penetration, -Accuracy or -Forging counts as 5 shooting models
House Rules
- fleeing units at the end of the battle are worth full victory points
- the scenarios in the rulebook are not used
units with less than 25% of its original strength at the end of battle are worth half victory points
- cannons may not shoot at models they don't see
- mounted monsters/chariots/uniques and their riders, each are worth seperate victory points
- even during deployment there has to be 1 inch between units
- battle standard bearers of Bretonnia, Wood Elves and Dwarves
may use all non-magical equipment of their troop type in addition to the battle standard
- units with 3+ models must have at least 2 models in their front rank at the end of every phase
- there are two systems of line of sight which may be used by the tournament organisers or the players
1. Simple Line of Sight
- units can see through everything except hills, buildings and impassable terrain (these block all lines of sight)
- units that can only be seen through other units can claim hard cover
- war machines which do not need to roll to hit cannot claim cover for being shielded by friendly units; this also includes the Hellcannon, Steam Tank, Ironblaster, Scraplauncher
- when facing a target and its front/flank/rear (depending from the position of the shooting unit) is covered 50+% by other units, hills, buildings, obstacles, the target will get hard cover
- if shooting from a hill or at a unit on a hill, the target will never get any cover, except if there is another unit on a hill between the shooting unit and its target
- a large target will never get any cover from infantry, war beasts, swarms
2. Categoric LoS-System
- every unit and terrain get a category
- units can see eachother, if a category of on of the units is greater than the categories of units or terrain between them
- units on hills use the hills categoriuc values unless their own value is greater
- if a unit is placed in terrain, the terrain is not block the los towards/from that unit as it would if the unit would be placed behind it
- war machines that shoot without a regular roll to hit never receive cover from friendly units; this also applies for Hellcannon, Iron Blaster, Scrapp Launcher, Steam Tank
Swarms: 0
Infantry, Beasts, War Machines: 1
Cavalry, Monstrous Beasts/Cavalry/Infantry: 2
Monsters: 3
Great Target: 4
Forrest/Wood/Marshland/"dangerous Terrain"/Obstacles: 0
Fields: 1
Hills/unpassable Rocks: 4
Buildings: 2 per level
Victory Points and Tournament Points
0-180 10:10
181-360 11:9
361-540 12:8
541-720 13:7
721-900 14:6
901-1080 15:5
1081-1260 16:4
1261- 1440 17:3
1441-1620 18:2
1621-1800 19:1
1800+ 20:0