

mają przyjemność zaprosić chętnych graczy do udziału w turnieju
Czas i miejsce:
14.07.2013 roku (Niedziela)
w Paradox Cafe przy ul ANIELEWICZA 2
Wpisowe: 15zł od armii
Limit miejsc: 26
2400 euro
Pełne zgłoszenia wraz z rozpiskami wysłane do północy 12.07 będą premiowane 3 dużymi punktami do klasyfikacji generalnej
Ogólne zasady turnieju
W czasie turnieju obowiązują zasady 8ed WFB zapisane w:
- rulebooku 8ed i army bookach
- aktualnych erratach i faq'ach publikowanych na stronach Games Workshop
- aktualnych uściśleniach sędziowskich http://forum.wfb-pol.org/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=35294
- gramy 3 bitwy (6 tur lub 2:50h): 3x Battleline
- gramy na stołach 72"x48"
- w trakcie turnieju jest zakaz spożywania własnego alkoholu, napojów, jedzenia oraz środków odurzających powszechnie zdelegalizowanych , osoby nie stosujące się do powyższego będą wypraszane z Paradox Cafe
Harmonogram czasowy
09:00-9:30 - zapisy
09:40-12:30 - I bitwa
12:40-15:30 - II bitwa
15:40-18:30 - III bitwa
18:40 - zakończenie turnieju
DodatkoweSimple Line of Sight
All units and terrain pieces are divided into the following three categories.
- Blocking: Hills, Buildings and impassable terrain.
These block Line of Sight, even to other blocking terrain (You can't see through it).
- Non-Blocking: Rivers, marches and swarms.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).
- Interfering: All other terrain and units.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).
- If you shoot through interfering units or terrain there is a -2 to hit penalty, only -1 for woods (never
- If shooting at a large target, units in buildings or on hills there are no to hit modifiers for interfering
or non-blocking terrain or units, unless it is an interfering wood.
-When such a unit is doing the shooting there are no to hit penalties for interfering or non-blocking
terrain or units, other than interfering woods.
+3 duże punkty do klasyfikacji generalnej za nadesłanie poprawnego zgłoszenia do dnia 12.07 do godziny 23:59 na adres paradox.klub@wp.pl
Zgłoszenie jest poprawne jeśli:
-zawiera w tytule nazwę turnieju
-zawiera w treści imię, nick, nazwisko, ligowe ID, reprezentowane miasto.
-zawiera w załączniku (format .txt, lub .doc) poprawną i czytelną rozpiskę.
- jako, że istnieje limit miejsc na liście zgłoszonych będą znajdować się tylko osoby po nadesłaniu pełnego i poprawnego zgłoszenia; nie ma możliwości bukowania miejsc
Punkty zarówno za malowanie jak i nadesłane zgłoszenie będą dodane po zakończeniu pierwszej rundy rundy.
na każdym stole będą objectivy, każdy wart 1DP do ogólnej klasyfikacji (dodawany do punktów i mający wpływ na losowanie paringów); zasady jak ostatnio, jednostka musi stać na miejscu objectivu wraz z zakończeniem bitwy, aby go zajmować
Turniej zgłoszony zostanie do ligi ogólnopolskiej WFB.
Za niesportowe zachowanie; celowe przedłużanie, notoryczne wykłócanie się, obrażanie innych uczestników, nadużywanie wulgaryzmów, awantury i skrajne pijaństwo Organizatorzy mają prawo przyznać dowolną ilość karniaków a w skrajnych przypadkach nawet wykluczyć uczestnika z dalszej części imprezy.
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Rules changes:
• Two characters per unit (owner's choice) will get "look out sir" versus the following spells that automatically kill models or automatically remove an entire regiment: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for lookout sir apply.
• All BSBs can take all the equipment, their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs.
General Restrictions:
• No Special or Named Characters.
• Army used can be any of the currently published GW Army books. Forge World based army lists & units may not be used on the event, except for Chaos Dwarves.
• An army may have up to 4 war machines and/or shooting template weapons. War machines that use a template count as a single choice in this regard. All template weapons (from magic items, abilities, etc.) count, except for spells. Bolt throwers count as ½ a war machine(round up).
• Any item that auto-dispels a spell counts as generating 1 dispel dice each magic phase.
• Folding Fortress is not allowed.
• Units cannot be more than 40 models nor 450 points (including all command, upgrades, magic items/banners). This restriction applies during the creation of the roster - unit size/cost may be increased during the game (for example - by joining characters to the unit). This restriction does not apply to characters.
Magic Restrictions:
• No duplicate non-signature spells (not including bound spells) and max 2 Spirit Leech (Signature spells are spells you can swap other spells to).
• An army may use up to maximum 12 power dice during each phase.
• Player can use maximum 5 power dice to cast a spell. For spells from Lore of Death/Lore of Shadow/Lore of Hashut, this max is lowered to 4 power dice.
• Apart from Winds of magic, an army may only use 2 power/dispel dice per magic phase. After an army generates the limit all the other extra dice are discarded. This includes channeled power dice/dispel dice.
• You may have units/abilities that actually would generate more than 2 extra dice, but any excess dice are lost.
• Some magic items/abilities count as generating dice toward this limit. “Count as” items/abilities may never exceed a cumulative 2 power dice/dispel dice per phase. This means that a player who already spent his limit power dice limit, can't take more items which “count as adding power dice” or add power dice from channeling during game (same for dispel dice).
• All modifiers are applied from the army list and will not change during the game.
Detailed description
Apart from Winds of magic, an army may only use 2 power dice/dispel dice per magic phase (unless army restrictions specify otherwise). After an army generates the limit all the other extra dice are discarded. This includes channeled power dice/dispel dice.
If a dice is stolen from the opponent’s pool, but your army has already generated two extra dice, the dice is removed from the opponent’s pool and then discarded.
Some special items and abilities DECREASE the limit of power or dispel dice you can add to the pool. We refer to those as “count as” items. What this means is that, if your roster includes one “counts as 1 Power Dice (PD)” item, your army can only add 1 power dice (instead of the usual 2 dice) to the pool in each of your own magic phases of the entire game (regardless of whether the item is destroyed or used up).
Please note that you cannot have a combination of items that would decrease the limit of extra power or dispel dice to below zero.
Race specific army composition:
Army sizes, additional power dice/dispel dice and VP reduction are represented as follows:
Army (Point size, additional power dice/dispel dice, VP reduction, if any (excluding bonus points for banners, general, etc.))
Some choices are limited to a maximum number. If there is a “,” between the unit names it means you can have a maximum of each of these units corresponding to the number. If there is a “/” it means that you can have a maximum of these units combined(or choice for a single model), corresponding to the number. Sometimes there will be an 0-1 listed after a unit's name, that means that this unit can only be picked once.
For example a Beastmen army can have 4 units of Tuskgor Chariots and 4 units of Ungor Raiders. While an Ogre army can have a maximum of 2 out of these 4, Slaugther master/Iron blaster 0-1/Standard of Discipline/Crown of Command. So you could have 2 Slaugther masters, but no of the other picks, or a Slaugther master and either an Iron blaster, the Standard of Discipline or the Crown of Command. The 0-1 after the Iron blaster, means it can only be pick once, so you are not allowed 2 Iron blasters.
Bretonnia (2400pts)
• No Restrictions.
Beastmen (2700pts, +1 Power Dice, -10%)
• Tuskgor Chariots, Ungor Raiders, max 4 each.
• A unit cap of 50 models per unit and point cap on units 550 pts. instead of 450 pts.
Chaos Dwarfs (2400pts)
• Chalice of darkness(counts as 2 PD)/Sorcerer Prophet, max 1 in total.
• Iron daemon count as a war machines, K'daii destroyer count as 2 war machines.
• Magma Cannon/Hellcannon 0-1/Dreadquake Mortar, max 3 in total
Dark Elves (2400pts)
• Repeater Crossbows (excluding chariots & characters) in the army, max 35.
• Harpies, Flying characters, Rending stars, max 2 of each.
• Dark rider units, max 3.
• Shades models, max 20.
• Pendant cannot be worn by a Dreadlord or models with Crown of command.
• Pendant of Khaeleth/Crown of command/Cauldron of Blood/Hydra, max 2 in total.
• Sacrificial dagger/mage lord, max 2 in total.
Daemons of Chaos (2400pts, +1 Dispel Dice)
• Skull Cannon, max 1.
• Beast of Nurgle models, max 8.
• Flying units(excluding chariots and units with the Hover special rule), max 4.
• The Rock of Inevitability cannot be chosen.
Dwarfs (2400pts, +2 Dispel Dice)
• Quarrelers/Thunderers, max 45 models in total.
• Grudge Throwers, max 2.
• Gyrocopter doesn't count towards the war machine/template max.
• Anvil counts as 1 war machine.
Empire (2400pts)
• Models with strength 4 shooting weapons, max 45.
• Units of Knightly Orders, max 3.
• Demigryphs models, max 8.
• Cannon/Steam tank, max 3 in total.
• Cannon/Steam tank/Demigryph unit, max 4 in total.
• Crown of Command/Steam tank, max 1 in total.
High Elves (2400pts)
• Flying units (excluding chariots), max 4.
• Frostheart Phoenixes, max 1.
• Book of Hoeth counts as 2 power dice and 1 dispel dice.
• Banner of World Dragon counts as 1 dispel dice.
• Ellyrian Reavers, max 3.
• Models armed with shooting weapons(Bolt Throwers count as 5 each), max 70.
Lizardmen (2400pts)
• Salamanders units, max 1.
• Mounted Scar-Veterans, max 2.
• Cupped hands of the Old Ones counts as 2 power dice.
• Becalming Cogitations/Dispel Scroll/Cube of darkness, max 1 in total.
• A model with feedback scroll and/or the Lore of Death cannot take Bane Head.
• (Crown of Command or Higher State of Consciusness)/Standard of Discipline/Focused Rumination/Second Slann, max 2 in total.
• Non character units consisting of less than 20 models and costing 130pts or under, max 6.
Ogre Kingdoms (2400pts)
• Gnoblars units with less than 20 models, max 3.
• Dispell Scroll/Hell Heart (count as 1 dispel dice), max 1 in total.
• Slaugther Master/Iron Blaster 0-1/Standard of Discipline/Crown of Command, max 2 in total.
• Mournfang models, Max 8.
Orcs&Goblins (2600pts)
• Night Goblin Shamans mushroom dice do not count as power dice in regard to the power dice limit.
• Maximum model cap is 60 models per unit
• Fanatics/Manglers, max 9 in total.
Skaven (2400pts)
• Clan Slave units, Rat Swarms, Engineers, max 3 each.
• Giant Rats units with less than 20 models, max 2.
• Gutter runners are limited to 2 units and max 20 models in total.
• Screaming Bell/Second Grey Seer/Power scroll, max 1 in total.
• Hellpit Abomination 0-1/Screaming Bell/2nd Assassin/Doomwheel 0-1/Warp-lightning Cannon 0-1, max 3 in total.
• Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Storm Banner, max 2 in total.
Tomb Kings (2600pts, +1 Power Dice, -10%)
• Models with Bow or Giant Bow, max 80.
• Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations counts as 2 power dice and 2 dispel dice.
• Hierotitan is worth 1 power dice so long as it's alive.
• Skeleton Horsemen, Skeleton Horse archers, Chariots units, max 3 each.
• Warsphinx/Necrosphinx, max 3 in total.
Vampire Counts (2400pts)
• Zombies, Dire Wolfs units, max 3 each.
• Flying units (excluding Hovers), max 4.
• Vargheists models, max 8.
• Ethereal units, max 3 in total, of these max 2 can be of the same type or characters.
• Howls/shrieks, max 2 in total
• Red Fury/Quick Blood/Terrorgheist 0-1/Each Lord Choice, max 3 in total.
• Mounted characters and black knights combined, max 15.
• Blasphemous Tome upgrade count as 1 power dice.
Warriors of Chaos (2400pts)
• Core Chaos chariots, Marauder Horsemen, Warhounds, max 3 each; Hell Cannon, max 1.
• Model with 3+ ward save can’t have Third eye of Tzeentch.
• Chimera/Daemon Prince, max 2 in total.
• Daemon Prince can have max (3 - ½ his levels) of Soul feeder/armour save of 2+ or better/Mark of Nurgle/Fly
• 5 or more chariots/Deamon Prince/Unit of Skullcrushers/Exalted Heroes on daemonic mount, max 3 in total
Wood Elves (2700pts, -10%)
• Glade guard models, max 70.
• Glade Riders, Scouts units, max 3 each.