mortale na 1350 na parówke
mortale na 1350 na parówke
oto rozpa na parowke do teamu z bretonia:
Unnamed1350 Pts - Chaos Army
I. opcja
1 * Aspiring Chaos Champion @ 135 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; General; Flail; Chaos Armour; Shield; Barding
1 * Aspiring Chaos Champion @ 135 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Flail; Chaos Armour; Shield; Barding
4 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 207 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
4 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 207 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
4 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 260 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
3 Minotaurs of Khorne @ 183 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Great Weapon
7 Chaos Furies @ 105 Pts
5 Beast Herd (Gors) @ 55 Pts
5 Ungors @ [20] Pts
Casting Pool: 2
Dispel Pool: 8
Models in Army: 45
Total Army Cost: 1347
II. opcja.
1 Exalted Daemon @ 310 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; General
Master of Mortals [5]
Soul Hunger [25]
Might of Khorne [20]
4 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 275 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard
War Banner [25]
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
6 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 273 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
5 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 240 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
7 Chaos Furies @ 105 Pts
5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne @ 80 Pts
6 Chaos Warhounds @ 36 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
Casting Pool: 2
Dispel Pool: 6
Models in Army: 40
Total Army Cost: 1349
Poki co sklaniam sie ku pierwszej wersji ale sam nie wiem...
Unnamed1350 Pts - Chaos Army
I. opcja
1 * Aspiring Chaos Champion @ 135 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; General; Flail; Chaos Armour; Shield; Barding
1 * Aspiring Chaos Champion @ 135 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Flail; Chaos Armour; Shield; Barding
4 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 207 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
4 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 207 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
4 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 260 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
3 Minotaurs of Khorne @ 183 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Great Weapon
7 Chaos Furies @ 105 Pts
5 Beast Herd (Gors) @ 55 Pts
5 Ungors @ [20] Pts
Casting Pool: 2
Dispel Pool: 8
Models in Army: 45
Total Army Cost: 1347
II. opcja.
1 Exalted Daemon @ 310 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; General
Master of Mortals [5]
Soul Hunger [25]
Might of Khorne [20]
4 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 275 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard
War Banner [25]
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
6 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 273 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
5 Chaos Knights of Khorne @ 240 Pts
Mark of Khorne; Frenzy; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
7 Chaos Furies @ 105 Pts
5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne @ 80 Pts
6 Chaos Warhounds @ 36 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
Casting Pool: 2
Dispel Pool: 6
Models in Army: 40
Total Army Cost: 1349
Poki co sklaniam sie ku pierwszej wersji ale sam nie wiem...
flesh houndy do trzymania demona, jest look out i MR, potem on wylatuje i juz pozamiatane.
aspringowie bo maja 4at z 7s w pierwszej turze walki i daja kosc dispela za 135pts to prawie jak za darmo jesli chodzi o chaos. to tego daja powera najtow za co moge kupic minotaury.
aspringowie bo maja 4at z 7s w pierwszej turze walki i daja kosc dispela za 135pts to prawie jak za darmo jesli chodzi o chaos. to tego daja powera najtow za co moge kupic minotaury.
furie to nie screen, sa zbyt istotne w tej rozpisce, to primoksuM pisze:
A screeny są 4: 2 X psy, furie i herd.
secundo, masz herd - kryje minoski, masz 2x psy, kryja po 1 oddzial rycerzy, co kryje 3ci oddzial rycerzy?
tercio, ba... wypadaloby zeby screenow bylo = ilosci oddzialow do screenowania + 1 lub 2.. tutaj tego nie ma
mowiac krotko na singlu ta armia latalay po stole w kazdej bitwie ze srednio dobrym graczem...
na parowce, tymbardziej z bretka IMO sie powinno sprawdzic
ile jest tych pegazow?
potwór to potwór, mogą miec podstawki 40x40 (np orzeł) i 50x50 (np gigant). monster może być large targetem (gigant) albo i nie (orzeł). posiadanie podstawki 50x50 nie oznacza bycia large targetem (np deamonic mount). natomiast kroxy, minosy, ogry itp to nie potwory, lecz piechota...
do oddziałow mozna dołączac zwykłych herosów lataczy (np strigoi czy exalted deamon), nie mozna dołączac herosów na latających mountach. to różnica.
do oddziałow mozna dołączac zwykłych herosów lataczy (np strigoi czy exalted deamon), nie mozna dołączac herosów na latających mountach. to różnica.