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Ekipa od nowego Warzone przygotowuje kolejną grę planszowo-bitewną
Tak się fajnie składa że dwóch "naszych" z Prodos Games to ziomki z mojego miasta (znamy się dość długo), więc będzie info z pierwszej ręki
Alien vs Predator The Miniatures Game
To dlaczego nie widzę nigdzie wpisów o ważonym wskrzeszeniu?? ;> Panie kochany bardzo jestem zainteresowany modelami (jak wyglądają, jakość etc) Imperiali
O obcych:
"To be more specific we WILL have at leas one model from following sources:
Alien from Alien - Infant Warrior
Alien from Aliens - Warrior
Alien from Aliens 3- Stalker (in fact ,concept based on Alien vs Predator Arcade Game 1994)
More concept taken from:
Alien vs Predator: Requiem
Aliens: Colonial Marines ;]
Alien vs Predator 1 and 2 Video Game 1999 and 2001
Predators Movie !!!!
Alien vs Predator Arcade Game"
I troche info:
"The game will be story driven. It is set between Alien and Aliens and takes inspiration primarily from the Alien and Predator films as opposed to the crossovers.
The initial release will be with a boxset ala Space Hulk. The initial boxset release will be before the end of 2013 with an initial expansion wave of up to a dozen new models planned for early 2014.
Prodos will be drawing in elements from the expanded universe so there will be plenty of different Alien/Predator/Colonial Marines/Civilian variants. Look out of an Alien from the old AvP Arcade Game!
The gameplay will be based off the Prodos Games engine used in their other game, Warzone Resurrection.
The game will support solo and multiplayer games. The initial boxset will come with a board for more contained focused play but there is also potential for further open combat.
There will be unique “hero” units.
The license does not include Prometheus.
Prodos will be showing off the game at various game conventions as well as a potential inaugural event to celebrate the release."
Jakby ktoś nie widział
W piątek ma być jakieś nowe info
"To be more specific we WILL have at leas one model from following sources:
Alien from Alien - Infant Warrior
Alien from Aliens - Warrior
Alien from Aliens 3- Stalker (in fact ,concept based on Alien vs Predator Arcade Game 1994)
More concept taken from:
Alien vs Predator: Requiem
Aliens: Colonial Marines ;]
Alien vs Predator 1 and 2 Video Game 1999 and 2001
Predators Movie !!!!
Alien vs Predator Arcade Game"
I troche info:
"The game will be story driven. It is set between Alien and Aliens and takes inspiration primarily from the Alien and Predator films as opposed to the crossovers.
The initial release will be with a boxset ala Space Hulk. The initial boxset release will be before the end of 2013 with an initial expansion wave of up to a dozen new models planned for early 2014.
Prodos will be drawing in elements from the expanded universe so there will be plenty of different Alien/Predator/Colonial Marines/Civilian variants. Look out of an Alien from the old AvP Arcade Game!
The gameplay will be based off the Prodos Games engine used in their other game, Warzone Resurrection.
The game will support solo and multiplayer games. The initial boxset will come with a board for more contained focused play but there is also potential for further open combat.
There will be unique “hero” units.
The license does not include Prometheus.
Prodos will be showing off the game at various game conventions as well as a potential inaugural event to celebrate the release."
Jakby ktoś nie widział
W piątek ma być jakieś nowe info
Kickstarter powoli dobiega końca, zostało się mniej niż 20k do królowej obcych. Mam nadzieję że się uda A potem oby do maja (i będą wypasione urodzinki ).
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1257
- Lokalizacja: Biała Podlaska
Alien Vs Predator: Boardgame [AJ's TableTime!]
Na jego Twitchu jest filmik 5 godzinny i bardzo szybko się ogląda
Na jego Twitchu jest filmik 5 godzinny i bardzo szybko się ogląda
AvP: The Hunt Begins includes:
- 10 Infant Aliens
- 5 Stalker Aliens
- 3 Predators
- 5 Colonial Marines
Dice: 3 D20 Dice
- 2 Alien Stat Cards
- 3 Predator Stat Cards
- 5 Colonial Marine Stat Card
- 20 Environmental Cards
- 20 Mission Cards
- 60 Strategy Cards (20 for each Faction)
Board game Tiles:
- 32 Straight Corridors
- 8 Crossroads
- 8 T-Shape
- 8 L-Shape
- 10 Dead-end
- 8 Air Vent Tiles
- 7 Rooms (Lab, Escape Capsule, Armoury, Bridge, Hibernation Room, Engine Room and Predator Pod)
Other Peripherals:
- 1 Flame/Acid Spit Template
- 151 Wound, Ping!, Activated, Sentry, Hide and Objective Tokens
- 20 Door Pieces
... a lot, 4,3kg of goodies!
£ 75.00
Remember, having fun and keeping to the spirit of the game is more important than winning at any cost.
Przyznam, że zasad nie przeczytałem, ale patrząc na zawartość boxa, to będzie to odpowiednik Space Hulka?