[2400 ETC] Daemons (poprawiony)
[2400 ETC] Daemons (poprawiony)
Unnamed2400 Pts - Daemons of Chaos Army
1 Great Unclean One @ 530.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Nurgle
Greater Gift [50.0]
1 Herald of Nurgle @ 170.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Death; Greater Locus of Fecundity
30 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 448.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
Banner of Swiftness [15.0]
1 Plagueridden @ [10.0] Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
4 Beasts of Nurgle @ 240.0 Pts
9 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Tzeentch; Standard; Musician
1 Iridescent Horror @ [10.0] Pts
9 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Tzeentch; Standard; Musician
1 Iridescent Horror @ [10.0] Pts
1 Burning Chariot of Tzeentch @ 150.0 Pts
Burning Chariot crew
1 Exalted Flamer @ [0.0] Pts
2 Screamer @ [0.0] Pts
4 Screamers of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
5 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 70.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
5 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 70.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
Models in Army: 75
Total Army Cost: 2398.0
1 Great Unclean One @ 530.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Nurgle
Greater Gift [50.0]
1 Herald of Nurgle @ 170.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Death; Greater Locus of Fecundity
30 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 448.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
Banner of Swiftness [15.0]
1 Plagueridden @ [10.0] Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
4 Beasts of Nurgle @ 240.0 Pts
9 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Tzeentch; Standard; Musician
1 Iridescent Horror @ [10.0] Pts
9 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Tzeentch; Standard; Musician
1 Iridescent Horror @ [10.0] Pts
1 Burning Chariot of Tzeentch @ 150.0 Pts
Burning Chariot crew
1 Exalted Flamer @ [0.0] Pts
2 Screamer @ [0.0] Pts
4 Screamers of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
5 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 70.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
5 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 70.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
Models in Army: 75
Total Army Cost: 2398.0
Ostatnio zmieniony 6 gru 2013, o 13:20 przez Tirit, łącznie zmieniany 2 razy.
Co ma nielegalne? on nie ma tam bsbeka tylko randoma z regena 
Ciekawe ale wole drony

Ciekawe ale wole drony
"W mojej ocenie byliśmy lepsi skillowo ale przeciwnicy byli lepiej ograni, przygotowani pod nas, mieli lepszy rozpiski, większy głód zwycięstwa i mieliśmy trochę peszka."
"T9A to gra o wykorzystywaniu maksymalnym potencjału obrysów figur składających się z kwadratów"
"T9A to gra o wykorzystywaniu maksymalnym potencjału obrysów figur składających się z kwadratów"
Unnamed2400 Pts - Daemons of Chaos Army
1 Keeper of Secrets @ 530.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Slaanesh
Greater Gift [50.0]
1 Herald of Nurgle @ 170.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Death; Greater Locus of Fecundity
30 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 448.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
Banner of Swiftness [15.0]
1 Plagueridden @ [10.0] Pts
1 Herald of Tzeentch @ 185.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; Lore of Tzeentch; Battle Standard; Greater Locus of Change
9 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Tzeentch; Standard; Musician
1 Iridescent Horror @ [10.0] Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
4 Beasts of Nurgle @ 240.0 Pts
1 Burning Chariot of Tzeentch @ 150.0 Pts
Burning Chariot crew
1 Exalted Flamer @ [0.0] Pts
2 Screamer @ [0.0] Pts
5 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 70.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
5 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 70.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
1 Skull Cannon of Khorne @ 135.0 Pts
2 Bloodletter Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Models in Army: 62
Total Army Cost: 2398.0
Unnamed2400 Pts - Daemons of Chaos Army
1 Keeper of Secrets @ 530.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Slaanesh
Greater Gift [50.0]
1 Herald of Nurgle @ 170.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Death; Greater Locus of Fecundity
30 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 448.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
Banner of Swiftness [15.0]
1 Plagueridden @ [10.0] Pts
1 Herald of Tzeentch @ 185.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; Lore of Tzeentch; Battle Standard; Greater Locus of Change
9 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Tzeentch; Standard; Musician
1 Iridescent Horror @ [10.0] Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
4 Beasts of Nurgle @ 240.0 Pts
1 Burning Chariot of Tzeentch @ 150.0 Pts
Burning Chariot crew
1 Exalted Flamer @ [0.0] Pts
2 Screamer @ [0.0] Pts
5 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 70.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
5 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 70.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
1 Skull Cannon of Khorne @ 135.0 Pts
2 Bloodletter Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Models in Army: 62
Total Army Cost: 2398.0
- Bearded Unclean 'Un
- Kretozord
- Posty: 1506
Bo to ETC2014, i Kolega chce mieć maga lv4 z dobrą domeną.
"Każdy może, prawda, krytykować, a mam wrażenie, że dopuszczanie do krytyki, panie, to nikomu tak nie podoba się. Wiec dlatego z punktu, mając na uwadze, że ewentualna krytyka może być, tak musimy zrobić, zeby tej krytyki nie było, tylko aplauz i zaakceptowanie tych naszych, prawda punktów, które stworzymy."

Unnamed2400 Pts - Daemons of Chaos Army
1 Great Unclean One @ 580.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Nurgle
Exalted Gift [75.0]
Lesser Gift [25.0]
1 Herald of Nurgle @ 170.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Death; Greater Locus of Fecundity
30 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 448.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
Banner of Swiftness [15.0]
1 Plagueridden @ [10.0] Pts
9 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Tzeentch; Standard; Musician
1 Iridescent Horror @ [10.0] Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
4 Beasts of Nurgle @ 240.0 Pts
6 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 84.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
6 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 84.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
6 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 84.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
1 Skull Cannon of Khorne @ 135.0 Pts
Bloodletter crew
2 Bloodletter Crew @ [0.0] Pts
1 Burning Chariot of Tzeentch @ 170.0 Pts
Burning Chariot crew; Blue Horror Crew
1 Exalted Flamer @ [0.0] Pts
2 Screamer @ [0.0] Pts
Models in Army: 69
Total Army Cost: 2395.0
1 Great Unclean One @ 580.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Nurgle
Exalted Gift [75.0]
Lesser Gift [25.0]
1 Herald of Nurgle @ 170.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Death; Greater Locus of Fecundity
30 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 448.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
Banner of Swiftness [15.0]
1 Plagueridden @ [10.0] Pts
9 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch @ 160.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Tzeentch; Standard; Musician
1 Iridescent Horror @ [10.0] Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
2 Beasts of Nurgle @ 120.0 Pts
4 Beasts of Nurgle @ 240.0 Pts
6 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 84.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
6 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 84.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
6 Chaos Furies of Nurgle @ 84.0 Pts
Daemon of Nurgle
1 Skull Cannon of Khorne @ 135.0 Pts
Bloodletter crew
2 Bloodletter Crew @ [0.0] Pts
1 Burning Chariot of Tzeentch @ 170.0 Pts
Burning Chariot crew; Blue Horror Crew
1 Exalted Flamer @ [0.0] Pts
2 Screamer @ [0.0] Pts
Models in Army: 69
Total Army Cost: 2395.0
Pomysl na to jest taki by prowadzic typowa sciane nurgla a za nimi charioty i furie, gdy juz dojdzie do zwarcia pierwszego szeregu to szarze z 2 rzedu plus trzymanie od przodu bestiami, plagsami. Szczerze bylem zaskoczony ostatnio furiami jak pogonily cygora (pozdro Kumak
). Taktyka nie sprawdzona, ale niedlugo moze bede mial okazje. Najwazniejsze to AOE z lore nurgla z regenka. Przy scislej formacji bestie robia sie save na 3+ 
Nie wiem czy to zadziala, ale napewno sprobuje, zawsze furie moga odleciec i cos odginac, ale chce je sprawdzic w walce.

Nie wiem czy to zadziala, ale napewno sprobuje, zawsze furie moga odleciec i cos odginac, ale chce je sprawdzic w walce.