Vampire Lord @ 529.0 Pts
General; Lore of Vampires; Level 4 Wizard; Heavy Armour; Shield; Talisman of Preservation; Ogre Blade; Dragonhelm;
Quickblood; Aura of Dark Majesty; Fear Incarnate; Beguile;Summon Creatures of the Night
Necromancer @ 150.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; Lore of Vampires; Master of the Dead
Obsidian Amulet
Necromancer @ 90.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Vampires
Dispel Scroll
Tomb Banshee @ 95.0 Pts
30 Skeleton Warriors @ 205.0 Pts
Light Armour; Shield; FCG; The Screaming Banner
31 Zombies @ 93.0 Pts
30 Zombies @ 90.0 Pts
30 Zombies @ 90.0 Pts
5 Dire Wolves @ 50.0 Pts
Doom Wolf
5 Dire Wolves @ 50.0 Pts
Doom Wolf
5 Dire Wolves @ 50.0 Pts
Doom Wolf
2 Bat Swarm @ 70.0 Pts
2 Bat Swarm @ 70.0 Pts
6 Crypt Horrors @ 228.0 Pts
5 Hexwraiths @ 150.0 Pts
5 Hexwraiths @ 150.0 Pts
Mortis Engine @ 240.0 Pts
Blaspemous Tome
Models in Army: 161
Total Army Cost: 2400.0
Jako, że na wampirach się nie znam, prosiłbym o porady