Giżycko,16.03.2014 ,2400 euro, DROGA BEZ ODWROTU
- rudobrody79
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1344
- Lokalizacja: GIŻYCKO
Giżycko,16.03.2014 ,2400 euro, DROGA BEZ ODWROTU
Chciałbym serdecznie zaprosić na organizowany przez MKGB PÓŁNOCNE RUBIEŻE turniej
Miejsce: Klub Garnizonowy w Giżycku, ul. Mazurska 4 ... 0814/5-1/l
Termin: 16.03.2014
Format: EURO 2014 (czekamy na nowy DRAFT)
Bitwy: 3x battleline
Wjazd: 10 zł
Catering: postaramy się o smaczny poczęstunek jak ostatnio
Nagrody: będą
sędzia: będzie
Stoły:72x48, tereny po obrysie
Zgłoszenia : zgłoszenie zawierające imię, nazwisko, ligowe ID oraz rozpiskę w formacie html (TYLKO !)
proszę przesyłać na adres
Za nie przesłanie POPRAWNEJ ! rozpiski w terminie do 12.03.2014 do g.23.59 – 5p karnych
8.00-8.45 zapisy
8.45-11.45 - 1 bitwa battleline
12.15-15.15 - 2 bitwa battleline
15.15-18.15 - 3 bitwa battleline
18.25 - ogłoszenie wyników i sprzątanie
V. Simple Line of Sight
All units and terrain pieces are divided into the following three categories.
- Blocking: Hills, Buildings and impassable terrain.
These block Line of Sight, even to other blocking terrain (You can't see through it).
- Non-Blocking: Rivers, marches and swarms.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).
- Interfering: All other terrain and units.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).
- If you shoot through interfering units or terrain there is a -2 to hit penalty, only -1 for woods (never
- If shooting at a large target, units in buildings or on hills there are no to hit modifiers for interfering
or non-blocking terrain or units, unless it is an interfering wood.
- When such a unit is doing the shooting there are no to hit penalties for interfering or non-blocking
units or terrain, other than interfering woods.
Gramy na jawne rozpiski, każdy gracz przed bitwa musi udostępnić rozpiskę do wglądu przeciwnikowi.
- Sędzia ma zawsze racje
- Proxy w granicach przyzwoitości, każdy prox musi być wielkości odpowiadającej figurce którą zastępuję
- turniej zaliczany jest do Rankingu Ligi Ogólnopolskiej
- gramy oczywiście na 8 ED , oraz wszystkie aktualne podręczniki armijne
- Gramy na najnowsze uściślenia sędziowskie, erraty i faq.
- Generał oraz BSB 100 pkt
- Za inne sztandary 25 pkt
- Za zabicie czempionem bohatera w pojedynku 50 pkt
Pozostałe zasady:
#1 W przypadku nieparzystej liczby graczy, pierwszą grę pauzuje organizator, następnie osoba o najmniejszym dorobku punktowym.
Za pauzę gracz otrzymuje 13 DP i odpowiednia wartość MP. nikt nie może pauzować więcej niż raz.
#2 Nie ma wymogu grania pomalowaną armią, za to jest wymóg posiadania machin na podstawkach.
Podczas turnieju odbędzie sie jednak ocena hobbystyczna pod następującymi kryteriami:
Jakość pomalowania oceniane jednostki bez proxów ( jeśli posiadasz proxy dostajesz maksymalnie 1p )
1 - 50 % modeli pomalowanych poprzez poprawnie nałożone 3/4 kolory
2 - 100% modeli pomalowanych poprzez poprawnie nałożone 3/4 kolory
Podstawki modeli i oddziałów
1 - 50 % modeli posiada modelowane podstawki
2 - 100% modeli posiada modelowane podstawki
Podstawki oddziałów
1 - 50 % oddziałów posiada modelowane traye
2 - 100% oddziałów posiada modelowane traye
Spójność armii
0 - zbieranina modeli z różnych armii, brak spójności, PROXY
1 - ponad 50 % spójna armia, PROXY na mniej niż 25 % oddziałów
2 - spójna armia, bez PROXÓW
1-2 machiny wojenne bez podstawek - 1p karny
3 i więcej machin wojennych bez podstawek - 2p karne
Przygotowanie do gry
0 - brak więcej niż jednego z następujących przyborów:
kości ( min. 10 szt.)/miarki/podręcznik armijny ( ksero ) /wzorniki używane przez armię/rozpiska
1 - brak jednego z wyżej wymienionych elementów
2 - pełne przygotowanie do gry
#3 EURO 2014 DRAFT (czekamy na dane odnośnie nowego podręcznika krasnoludów)
#4 Uściślenia sędziowskie, które warto przeczytać
ostatnia aktualizacja: 19.10.2013
Miejsce: Klub Garnizonowy w Giżycku, ul. Mazurska 4 ... 0814/5-1/l
Termin: 16.03.2014
Format: EURO 2014 (czekamy na nowy DRAFT)
Bitwy: 3x battleline
Wjazd: 10 zł
Catering: postaramy się o smaczny poczęstunek jak ostatnio
Nagrody: będą
sędzia: będzie
Stoły:72x48, tereny po obrysie
Zgłoszenia : zgłoszenie zawierające imię, nazwisko, ligowe ID oraz rozpiskę w formacie html (TYLKO !)
proszę przesyłać na adres
Za nie przesłanie POPRAWNEJ ! rozpiski w terminie do 12.03.2014 do g.23.59 – 5p karnych
8.00-8.45 zapisy
8.45-11.45 - 1 bitwa battleline
12.15-15.15 - 2 bitwa battleline
15.15-18.15 - 3 bitwa battleline
18.25 - ogłoszenie wyników i sprzątanie
V. Simple Line of Sight
All units and terrain pieces are divided into the following three categories.
- Blocking: Hills, Buildings and impassable terrain.
These block Line of Sight, even to other blocking terrain (You can't see through it).
- Non-Blocking: Rivers, marches and swarms.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).
- Interfering: All other terrain and units.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).
- If you shoot through interfering units or terrain there is a -2 to hit penalty, only -1 for woods (never
- If shooting at a large target, units in buildings or on hills there are no to hit modifiers for interfering
or non-blocking terrain or units, unless it is an interfering wood.
- When such a unit is doing the shooting there are no to hit penalties for interfering or non-blocking
units or terrain, other than interfering woods.
Gramy na jawne rozpiski, każdy gracz przed bitwa musi udostępnić rozpiskę do wglądu przeciwnikowi.
- Sędzia ma zawsze racje
- Proxy w granicach przyzwoitości, każdy prox musi być wielkości odpowiadającej figurce którą zastępuję
- turniej zaliczany jest do Rankingu Ligi Ogólnopolskiej
- gramy oczywiście na 8 ED , oraz wszystkie aktualne podręczniki armijne
- Gramy na najnowsze uściślenia sędziowskie, erraty i faq.
- Generał oraz BSB 100 pkt
- Za inne sztandary 25 pkt
- Za zabicie czempionem bohatera w pojedynku 50 pkt
Pozostałe zasady:
#1 W przypadku nieparzystej liczby graczy, pierwszą grę pauzuje organizator, następnie osoba o najmniejszym dorobku punktowym.
Za pauzę gracz otrzymuje 13 DP i odpowiednia wartość MP. nikt nie może pauzować więcej niż raz.
#2 Nie ma wymogu grania pomalowaną armią, za to jest wymóg posiadania machin na podstawkach.
Podczas turnieju odbędzie sie jednak ocena hobbystyczna pod następującymi kryteriami:
Jakość pomalowania oceniane jednostki bez proxów ( jeśli posiadasz proxy dostajesz maksymalnie 1p )
1 - 50 % modeli pomalowanych poprzez poprawnie nałożone 3/4 kolory
2 - 100% modeli pomalowanych poprzez poprawnie nałożone 3/4 kolory
Podstawki modeli i oddziałów
1 - 50 % modeli posiada modelowane podstawki
2 - 100% modeli posiada modelowane podstawki
Podstawki oddziałów
1 - 50 % oddziałów posiada modelowane traye
2 - 100% oddziałów posiada modelowane traye
Spójność armii
0 - zbieranina modeli z różnych armii, brak spójności, PROXY
1 - ponad 50 % spójna armia, PROXY na mniej niż 25 % oddziałów
2 - spójna armia, bez PROXÓW
1-2 machiny wojenne bez podstawek - 1p karny
3 i więcej machin wojennych bez podstawek - 2p karne
Przygotowanie do gry
0 - brak więcej niż jednego z następujących przyborów:
kości ( min. 10 szt.)/miarki/podręcznik armijny ( ksero ) /wzorniki używane przez armię/rozpiska
1 - brak jednego z wyżej wymienionych elementów
2 - pełne przygotowanie do gry
#3 EURO 2014 DRAFT (czekamy na dane odnośnie nowego podręcznika krasnoludów)
#4 Uściślenia sędziowskie, które warto przeczytać
ostatnia aktualizacja: 19.10.2013
- rudobrody79
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1344
- Lokalizacja: GIŻYCKO
mamy nadzieję, że wszystko się uda i dojedzie pięciu od Was
wrzucam aktualniejszy link do uściśleń
wrzucam aktualniejszy link do uściśleń
- rudobrody79
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1344
- Lokalizacja: GIŻYCKO
wklejam draft na który będziemy grali
1. Rule changes
• Up to 2 Characters per unit can get "look out sir" against the following spells: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation and Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for Look Out, Sir! apply.
• BSBs can take all the equipment their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs. Wood Elf BSB can take kindreds and do not lose their longbow.
2. Magic Restrictions
• An army may use up to maximum 12 power dice during each magic phase
• A player can never use more than 5 power dice to cast a spell, no matter the source. For the Lore of Death and the Okkam's Mindrazor spell, this is lowered to 4 power dice.
• Apart from Winds of Magic, an army may only generate up to 2 additional Power or Dispel Dice per magic phase (including channelling). Any extra dice above this is discarded and lost.
3. Army Building Restrictions
• All the Army building restrictions are applied only during the creation of the roster, and may be ignored during the game (for example, by joining characters to units or creating new units)
• The army lists allowed are those from any of the currently published GW Army Books, and The Legion of Azgorh from Tamurkhan. No other unit or army list may be used on the event.
• Special or Named Characters are not allowed
• Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress may not be taken.
• Units cannot be more than 60 models nor 450 points. This does not apply to characters.
• All army sizes are 2400 pt, except when specifically stated in brackets.
Beastmen (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Victory points achieved against Beastmen are decreased by 10%
• Gor and Minotaur units may carry magic standards
• Units with Beastmen Ambush may alternatively deploy as if they had the Ambushers special rule (Note that this doesn’t require an equal or bigger unit not ambushing). Beastlords and Wargors may be allocated to join such units, and will enter the game with the corresponding unit.
Chaos Dwarfs (The Legion of Azgorh)
• K'daai Destroyer/War Machine/Hellcannon (max 1)/Chalice of Blood and Darkness/Sorceror-Prophet with Lore of Death, max 4
• Chalice of Blood and Darkness (counts as 2)/Death magic in the army/Dispel Scroll, max 2
• Ashstorm and Flames of Azgorh can’t be cast with more than 4 Power Dice
Daemons of Chaos
• Beast of Nurgle, max 8 models in total and 4 models per unit
• Ignore the Reign of Chaos table
• 4 or more Beast of Nurgle models in the army/Skull Cannon (max 1)/Nurgle BSB/Great Unclean One with Lore of Death, max 2
Dark Elves
• Reaper Bolt Thrower/Each 5 (or fraction) shade models/Dark Rider with Repeater Crossbow units/Darkshard units, max 7
• Dark Rider units, Characters on Dark Steed, max 3 each
• Dark Rider models after 15/Doomfire Warlock models/Character on Cold One or Pegasus/Character on Dark Steed (counts as 2), max 15
• More than 5 Doomfire Warlock models/Supreme Sorceress with Lore of Death or Dark Magic/Sacrificial Dagger, max 2
• Cannon/Grudge Thrower/Organ Gun/Flame Thrower/Each 2 (or fraction) Gyrocopter after 3, max 4
• Steam Tank (counts as 2 if 3 Great Cannons in the army)/Duplicated war machines in the army/Each 4 (or fraction) Demigryph models/War Altar and 2 or more Light Wizards in the army, max 3
• Great Cannon/Steam Tank (max 1)/Hellblaster Volleygun (only if engineers in the army)/Each Light Wizard after the first in an army with War Altar, max 4
High Elves
• Book of Hoeth/Banner of the World Dragon/Unmounted Frostheart Phoenix, max 2
• Book of Hoeth on Archmage/Banner of the World Dragon/Dispel Scroll, max 2
• Frostheart Phoenix/Star Dragon/Moon Dragon, max 2
• Ellyrian Reaver units, max 3
• Skink Skirmisher units (max 4)/Skink Cohort unit/Flying, non-Frenzied, units or characters/Salamander models, max 14
Ogre Kingdoms
• Gnoblar units, max 3
• Crown of Command (counts as 2)/Runemaw/4 or more Characters/6 or more Mournfang models, max 3
• 2nd Ironblaster (counts as 2)/Lords present in the army/4 or more Mournfang models, max 2
• Hellheart/Dispel Scroll, max 1
Orcs and Goblins (2500)
• Rat Swarm units, Giant Rat units, Warlock Engineers, max 3 each
• Skaven Slave models, max 120
• 2nd Warp Lightning Cannon (counts as 2)/Screaming Bell/Hellpit Abomination (max 1), max 2
• Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Power Scroll/Screaming Bell, max 2
Tomb Kings (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Victory points achieved against Tomb Kings are decreased by 10%
• Models within 12” of the Hierophant may march
• Skeleton Archer models, max 80
• Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations can't be taken by model with Lore of Death
Vampire Counts
• Zombies, max 3 units and 120 models
• Ethereal Characters (max 2)/Ethereal units, max 3
• 2nd Crypt Horror unit/More than 10 Hexwraith models (max 20)/More than 2 Death spells in the army, max 1
• Terrorgheist (max 1)/More than 8 Crypt Horror models (max 16)/Banhsees in the army/Red Fury (count as 2 if Quickblood on the same model), max 2
Warriors of Chaos
• Exalted Hero on Daemonic Mount/Daemon Prince/Core Chaos Chariots present in the army (max 3)/Skullcrusher unit, max 4
• Daemon Prince/Chimera, max 2
• 2nd Hellcannon/Lore of Death and/or Tzeentch in the army, max 1
• Third Eye of Tzeentch/Talisman of Preservation/Armour of Destiny, max 1 on the same model
• Chaos Armour/Soul Feeder/Dragonhelm/Dragonbane Gem/3 or more Wizard levels/Daemon of Nurgle/Flying/Lore of Death or Nurgle, max 3 on the same Daemon Prince
Wood Elves (2600)
• Glade Guard models (excluding scouts), max 50
• All elves in the army have ASF (Wild Riders are Elves. This does not affect mounts)
• All wizards may choose spells from any of the 8 Common Lores
• Forest Spirit's Ward Save is not negated by Magical Attacks
6.Dzielny Bizon
8. Rudobrody79
9. Cichy
10. Akadera
11. Khanrad
12. Siweusz
1. Rule changes
• Up to 2 Characters per unit can get "look out sir" against the following spells: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation and Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for Look Out, Sir! apply.
• BSBs can take all the equipment their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs. Wood Elf BSB can take kindreds and do not lose their longbow.
2. Magic Restrictions
• An army may use up to maximum 12 power dice during each magic phase
• A player can never use more than 5 power dice to cast a spell, no matter the source. For the Lore of Death and the Okkam's Mindrazor spell, this is lowered to 4 power dice.
• Apart from Winds of Magic, an army may only generate up to 2 additional Power or Dispel Dice per magic phase (including channelling). Any extra dice above this is discarded and lost.
3. Army Building Restrictions
• All the Army building restrictions are applied only during the creation of the roster, and may be ignored during the game (for example, by joining characters to units or creating new units)
• The army lists allowed are those from any of the currently published GW Army Books, and The Legion of Azgorh from Tamurkhan. No other unit or army list may be used on the event.
• Special or Named Characters are not allowed
• Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress may not be taken.
• Units cannot be more than 60 models nor 450 points. This does not apply to characters.
• All army sizes are 2400 pt, except when specifically stated in brackets.
Beastmen (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Victory points achieved against Beastmen are decreased by 10%
• Gor and Minotaur units may carry magic standards
• Units with Beastmen Ambush may alternatively deploy as if they had the Ambushers special rule (Note that this doesn’t require an equal or bigger unit not ambushing). Beastlords and Wargors may be allocated to join such units, and will enter the game with the corresponding unit.
Chaos Dwarfs (The Legion of Azgorh)
• K'daai Destroyer/War Machine/Hellcannon (max 1)/Chalice of Blood and Darkness/Sorceror-Prophet with Lore of Death, max 4
• Chalice of Blood and Darkness (counts as 2)/Death magic in the army/Dispel Scroll, max 2
• Ashstorm and Flames of Azgorh can’t be cast with more than 4 Power Dice
Daemons of Chaos
• Beast of Nurgle, max 8 models in total and 4 models per unit
• Ignore the Reign of Chaos table
• 4 or more Beast of Nurgle models in the army/Skull Cannon (max 1)/Nurgle BSB/Great Unclean One with Lore of Death, max 2
Dark Elves
• Reaper Bolt Thrower/Each 5 (or fraction) shade models/Dark Rider with Repeater Crossbow units/Darkshard units, max 7
• Dark Rider units, Characters on Dark Steed, max 3 each
• Dark Rider models after 15/Doomfire Warlock models/Character on Cold One or Pegasus/Character on Dark Steed (counts as 2), max 15
• More than 5 Doomfire Warlock models/Supreme Sorceress with Lore of Death or Dark Magic/Sacrificial Dagger, max 2
• Cannon/Grudge Thrower/Organ Gun/Flame Thrower/Each 2 (or fraction) Gyrocopter after 3, max 4
• Steam Tank (counts as 2 if 3 Great Cannons in the army)/Duplicated war machines in the army/Each 4 (or fraction) Demigryph models/War Altar and 2 or more Light Wizards in the army, max 3
• Great Cannon/Steam Tank (max 1)/Hellblaster Volleygun (only if engineers in the army)/Each Light Wizard after the first in an army with War Altar, max 4
High Elves
• Book of Hoeth/Banner of the World Dragon/Unmounted Frostheart Phoenix, max 2
• Book of Hoeth on Archmage/Banner of the World Dragon/Dispel Scroll, max 2
• Frostheart Phoenix/Star Dragon/Moon Dragon, max 2
• Ellyrian Reaver units, max 3
• Skink Skirmisher units (max 4)/Skink Cohort unit/Flying, non-Frenzied, units or characters/Salamander models, max 14
Ogre Kingdoms
• Gnoblar units, max 3
• Crown of Command (counts as 2)/Runemaw/4 or more Characters/6 or more Mournfang models, max 3
• 2nd Ironblaster (counts as 2)/Lords present in the army/4 or more Mournfang models, max 2
• Hellheart/Dispel Scroll, max 1
Orcs and Goblins (2500)
• Rat Swarm units, Giant Rat units, Warlock Engineers, max 3 each
• Skaven Slave models, max 120
• 2nd Warp Lightning Cannon (counts as 2)/Screaming Bell/Hellpit Abomination (max 1), max 2
• Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Power Scroll/Screaming Bell, max 2
Tomb Kings (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Victory points achieved against Tomb Kings are decreased by 10%
• Models within 12” of the Hierophant may march
• Skeleton Archer models, max 80
• Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations can't be taken by model with Lore of Death
Vampire Counts
• Zombies, max 3 units and 120 models
• Ethereal Characters (max 2)/Ethereal units, max 3
• 2nd Crypt Horror unit/More than 10 Hexwraith models (max 20)/More than 2 Death spells in the army, max 1
• Terrorgheist (max 1)/More than 8 Crypt Horror models (max 16)/Banhsees in the army/Red Fury (count as 2 if Quickblood on the same model), max 2
Warriors of Chaos
• Exalted Hero on Daemonic Mount/Daemon Prince/Core Chaos Chariots present in the army (max 3)/Skullcrusher unit, max 4
• Daemon Prince/Chimera, max 2
• 2nd Hellcannon/Lore of Death and/or Tzeentch in the army, max 1
• Third Eye of Tzeentch/Talisman of Preservation/Armour of Destiny, max 1 on the same model
• Chaos Armour/Soul Feeder/Dragonhelm/Dragonbane Gem/3 or more Wizard levels/Daemon of Nurgle/Flying/Lore of Death or Nurgle, max 3 on the same Daemon Prince
Wood Elves (2600)
• Glade Guard models (excluding scouts), max 50
• All elves in the army have ASF (Wild Riders are Elves. This does not affect mounts)
• All wizards may choose spells from any of the 8 Common Lores
• Forest Spirit's Ward Save is not negated by Magical Attacks
6.Dzielny Bizon
8. Rudobrody79
9. Cichy
10. Akadera
11. Khanrad
12. Siweusz
- rudobrody79
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1344
- Lokalizacja: GIŻYCKO
kolejne zgłoszenia :
Ostatnio zmieniony 6 mar 2014, o 20:02 przez rudobrody79, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
tak jak rozmawialiśmy, na 2 dni nie mogę pojechać do Poznania 
ja chętnie przyjadę na jakiś lokal np tu, ale potrzebuję jeszcze 3 chętnych do samochodu
jak ktoś z Warszawy nie jedzie do Poznania na master i miałby chęć przejechać się do Giżycka na lokal 1 dniowy to dawać znać na pm
przy średnim spalaniu powinno zejść ok 48l benzyny więc 48x 5,4 pewnie 65 pln / osobe by było
anyone?

ja chętnie przyjadę na jakiś lokal np tu, ale potrzebuję jeszcze 3 chętnych do samochodu
jak ktoś z Warszawy nie jedzie do Poznania na master i miałby chęć przejechać się do Giżycka na lokal 1 dniowy to dawać znać na pm
przy średnim spalaniu powinno zejść ok 48l benzyny więc 48x 5,4 pewnie 65 pln / osobe by było

Klub Adeptus Mechanicus Warszawa, Okęcie, Al Krakowska
Sklep FGB Figurkowe Gry Bitewne Warszawa, Zelazna 69A
Sklep FGB Figurkowe Gry Bitewne Warszawa, Zelazna 69A
powinienem być
"Jedynym dowodem na to, że istnieje jakaś pozaziemska inteligencja, jest to, że się z nami nie kontaktują" A.E.
"Jedynym dowodem na to, że istnieje jakaś pozaziemska inteligencja, jest to, że się z nami nie kontaktują" A.E.
- rudobrody79
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1344
- Lokalizacja: GIŻYCKO
dla porównania wrzucę tutaj zasady,ponieważ się nieznacznie zmieniły. na pewno każdy chciałby grać na obowiązujący.
1. Rule changes
Up to 2 Characters per unit can get "look out sir" against the following spells: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation and Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for Look Out, Sir! apply.
BSBs can take all the equipment their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs. Wood Elf BSB can take kindreds and do not lose their longbow.
2. Magic Restrictions
An army may use up to maximum 12 power dice during each magic phase
A player can never use more than 5 power dice to cast a spell, no matter the source. For the Lore of Death and the Okkam's Mindrazor spell, this is lowered to 4 power dice.
Apart from Winds of Magic, an army may only generate up to 2 additional Power or Dispel Dice per magic phase (including channelling). Any extra dice above this is discarded and lost.
3. Team restrictions
A team consists of 8 players, each of which with an army from a different army list
A team may not contain more than 2 armies with 3 or more Lore of Death magic spells. Beastmen and Tomb Kings do not count towards this limit.
4. Army Building Restrictions
All the Army building restrictions are applied only during the creation of the roster, and may be ignored during the game (for example, by joining characters to units or creating new units)
The army lists allowed are those from any of the currently published GW Army Books, and The Legion of Azgorh from Tamurkhan. No other unit or army list may be used on the event.
Special or Named Characters are not allowed
Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress may not be taken.
Units cannot be more than 60 models nor 450 points. This does not apply to characters.
All army sizes are 2400 pt, except when specifically stated in brackets.
Beastmen (2700)
Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
Victory points achieved against Beastmen are decreased by 10%
Gor and Minotaur units may carry magic standards (no points limit)
Units with Beastmen Ambush may alternatively deploy as if they had the Ambushers special rule (Note that this doesn’t require an equal or bigger unit not ambushing). Beastlords and Wargors may be allocated to join such units, and will enter the game with the corresponding unit.
Bretonnia (2500)
Chaos Dwarfs (The Legion of Azgorh)
K'daai Destroyer/War Machine/Hellcannon (max 1)/Chalice of Blood and Darkness/Sorceror-Prophet with Lore of Death, max 4
Chalice of Blood and Darkness (counts as 2)/Death magic in the army/Dispel Scroll, max 2
Ashstorm and Flames of Azgorh can’t be cast with more than 4 Power Dice
Daemons of Chaos
Ignore the Reign of Chaos table
Beast of Nurgle, max 8 models in total and 4 models per unit
4 or more Beast of Nurgle models in the army/Skull Cannon (max 1)/Nurgle BSB/Great Unclean One with Lore of Death, max 2
Dark Elves
Reaper Bolt Thrower/Each 5 (or fraction) shade models/Dark Rider with Repeater Crossbow units/Darkshard units, max 7
Dark Rider units, Characters on Dark Steed, max 3 each
Dark Rider models after 15/Doomfire Warlock models/Character on Cold One or Pegasus/Character on Dark Steed (counts as 2), max 15
More than 5 Doomfire Warlock models/Supreme Sorceress with Lore of Death or Dark Magic/Sacrificial Dagger, max 1
Cannon/Grudge Thrower/Organ Gun/Flame Cannon/Each 2 (or fraction) Gyrocopter after 3, max 4
Steam Tank (counts as 2 if 3 or more War Machines in the army)/Duplicated war machines in the army/Each 5 (or fraction) Demigryph models/War Altar and 2 or more Light Wizards in the army, max 3
Great Cannon (max 2 if Steam Tank in the army)/Steam Tank (max 1)/Hellblaster Volleygun (only if engineers in the army)/Each Light Wizard after the first in an army with War Altar, max 4
High Elves
Book of Hoeth/Banner of the World Dragon/Unmounted Frostheart Phoenix, max 2
Book of Hoeth on Archmage/Banner of the World Dragon/Dispel Scroll, max 2
Frostheart Phoenix/Star Dragon/Moon Dragon, max 2
Ellyrian Reaver units, max 3
Skink Skirmisher units (max 4)/Skink Cohort unit/Flying, non-Frenzied, units or characters/Salamander models, max 14
Ogre Kingdoms
Gnoblar units, max 3
Crown of Command (counts as 2)/Runemaw/4 or more Characters/6 or more Mournfang models, max 3
2nd Ironblaster (counts as 2)/Lords present in the army/4 or more Mournfang models, max 2
Hellheart/Dispel Scroll, max 1
Orcs and Goblins (2500)
Rat Swarm units, Giant Rat units, Warlock Engineers, max 3 each
Skaven Slave models, max 120
2nd Warp Lightning Cannon (counts as 2)/Screaming Bell/Hellpit Abomination (max 1), max 2
Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Power Scroll/Screaming Bell, max 2
Tomb Kings (2700)
Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
Victory points achieved against Tomb Kings are decreased by 10%
May generate up to 3 Power Dice
Skeleton Archer models, max 80
Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations can't be taken by model with Lore of Death
Vampire Counts
Zombies, max 3 units and 120 models
Ethereal Characters (max 2)/Ethereal units, max 3
2nd Crypt Horror unit/More than 10 Hexwraith models (max 20)/More than 2 Death spells in the army, max 1
Terrorgheist (max 1)/More than 8 Crypt Horror models (max 16)/Banhsees in the army/Red Fury (count as 2 if Quickblood on the same model), max 2
Warriors of Chaos
Exalted Hero on Daemonic Mount/Daemon Prince/Core Chaos Chariots present in the army (max 3)/Skullcrusher unit, max 4
Daemon Prince/Chimera, max 2
2nd Hellcannon/Lore of Death and/or Tzeentch in the army, max 1
Third Eye of Tzeentch/Talisman of Preservation/Armour of Destiny, max 1 on the same model
Chaos Armour/Soul Feeder/Dragonhelm/Dragonbane Gem/3 or more Wizard levels/Daemon of Nurgle/Flying/Lore of Death or Nurgle, max 3 on the same Daemon Prince
Wood Elves (2600)
Glade Guard models (excluding scouts), max 50
All elves in the army have ASF (Wild Riders are Elves. This does not affect mounts)
All wizards may choose spells from any of the 8 Common Lores
Forest Spirit's Ward Save is not negated by Magical Attacks
1. Rule changes
Up to 2 Characters per unit can get "look out sir" against the following spells: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation and Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for Look Out, Sir! apply.
BSBs can take all the equipment their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs. Wood Elf BSB can take kindreds and do not lose their longbow.
2. Magic Restrictions
An army may use up to maximum 12 power dice during each magic phase
A player can never use more than 5 power dice to cast a spell, no matter the source. For the Lore of Death and the Okkam's Mindrazor spell, this is lowered to 4 power dice.
Apart from Winds of Magic, an army may only generate up to 2 additional Power or Dispel Dice per magic phase (including channelling). Any extra dice above this is discarded and lost.
3. Team restrictions
A team consists of 8 players, each of which with an army from a different army list
A team may not contain more than 2 armies with 3 or more Lore of Death magic spells. Beastmen and Tomb Kings do not count towards this limit.
4. Army Building Restrictions
All the Army building restrictions are applied only during the creation of the roster, and may be ignored during the game (for example, by joining characters to units or creating new units)
The army lists allowed are those from any of the currently published GW Army Books, and The Legion of Azgorh from Tamurkhan. No other unit or army list may be used on the event.
Special or Named Characters are not allowed
Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress may not be taken.
Units cannot be more than 60 models nor 450 points. This does not apply to characters.
All army sizes are 2400 pt, except when specifically stated in brackets.
Beastmen (2700)
Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
Victory points achieved against Beastmen are decreased by 10%
Gor and Minotaur units may carry magic standards (no points limit)
Units with Beastmen Ambush may alternatively deploy as if they had the Ambushers special rule (Note that this doesn’t require an equal or bigger unit not ambushing). Beastlords and Wargors may be allocated to join such units, and will enter the game with the corresponding unit.
Bretonnia (2500)
Chaos Dwarfs (The Legion of Azgorh)
K'daai Destroyer/War Machine/Hellcannon (max 1)/Chalice of Blood and Darkness/Sorceror-Prophet with Lore of Death, max 4
Chalice of Blood and Darkness (counts as 2)/Death magic in the army/Dispel Scroll, max 2
Ashstorm and Flames of Azgorh can’t be cast with more than 4 Power Dice
Daemons of Chaos
Ignore the Reign of Chaos table
Beast of Nurgle, max 8 models in total and 4 models per unit
4 or more Beast of Nurgle models in the army/Skull Cannon (max 1)/Nurgle BSB/Great Unclean One with Lore of Death, max 2
Dark Elves
Reaper Bolt Thrower/Each 5 (or fraction) shade models/Dark Rider with Repeater Crossbow units/Darkshard units, max 7
Dark Rider units, Characters on Dark Steed, max 3 each
Dark Rider models after 15/Doomfire Warlock models/Character on Cold One or Pegasus/Character on Dark Steed (counts as 2), max 15
More than 5 Doomfire Warlock models/Supreme Sorceress with Lore of Death or Dark Magic/Sacrificial Dagger, max 1
Cannon/Grudge Thrower/Organ Gun/Flame Cannon/Each 2 (or fraction) Gyrocopter after 3, max 4
Steam Tank (counts as 2 if 3 or more War Machines in the army)/Duplicated war machines in the army/Each 5 (or fraction) Demigryph models/War Altar and 2 or more Light Wizards in the army, max 3
Great Cannon (max 2 if Steam Tank in the army)/Steam Tank (max 1)/Hellblaster Volleygun (only if engineers in the army)/Each Light Wizard after the first in an army with War Altar, max 4
High Elves
Book of Hoeth/Banner of the World Dragon/Unmounted Frostheart Phoenix, max 2
Book of Hoeth on Archmage/Banner of the World Dragon/Dispel Scroll, max 2
Frostheart Phoenix/Star Dragon/Moon Dragon, max 2
Ellyrian Reaver units, max 3
Skink Skirmisher units (max 4)/Skink Cohort unit/Flying, non-Frenzied, units or characters/Salamander models, max 14
Ogre Kingdoms
Gnoblar units, max 3
Crown of Command (counts as 2)/Runemaw/4 or more Characters/6 or more Mournfang models, max 3
2nd Ironblaster (counts as 2)/Lords present in the army/4 or more Mournfang models, max 2
Hellheart/Dispel Scroll, max 1
Orcs and Goblins (2500)
Rat Swarm units, Giant Rat units, Warlock Engineers, max 3 each
Skaven Slave models, max 120
2nd Warp Lightning Cannon (counts as 2)/Screaming Bell/Hellpit Abomination (max 1), max 2
Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Power Scroll/Screaming Bell, max 2
Tomb Kings (2700)
Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
Victory points achieved against Tomb Kings are decreased by 10%
May generate up to 3 Power Dice
Skeleton Archer models, max 80
Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations can't be taken by model with Lore of Death
Vampire Counts
Zombies, max 3 units and 120 models
Ethereal Characters (max 2)/Ethereal units, max 3
2nd Crypt Horror unit/More than 10 Hexwraith models (max 20)/More than 2 Death spells in the army, max 1
Terrorgheist (max 1)/More than 8 Crypt Horror models (max 16)/Banhsees in the army/Red Fury (count as 2 if Quickblood on the same model), max 2
Warriors of Chaos
Exalted Hero on Daemonic Mount/Daemon Prince/Core Chaos Chariots present in the army (max 3)/Skullcrusher unit, max 4
Daemon Prince/Chimera, max 2
2nd Hellcannon/Lore of Death and/or Tzeentch in the army, max 1
Third Eye of Tzeentch/Talisman of Preservation/Armour of Destiny, max 1 on the same model
Chaos Armour/Soul Feeder/Dragonhelm/Dragonbane Gem/3 or more Wizard levels/Daemon of Nurgle/Flying/Lore of Death or Nurgle, max 3 on the same Daemon Prince
Wood Elves (2600)
Glade Guard models (excluding scouts), max 50
All elves in the army have ASF (Wild Riders are Elves. This does not affect mounts)
All wizards may choose spells from any of the 8 Common Lores
Forest Spirit's Ward Save is not negated by Magical Attacks
- rudobrody79
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1344
- Lokalizacja: GIŻYCKO
rozpiski poprawne nadesłali:
- rudobrody79
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1344
- Lokalizacja: GIŻYCKO
następnym razem będzie na pewno, teraz grać będzie na masterze
Dzięki za turniej panowie, jak zwykle wzorowa organizacja, wzorowy poczęstunek i wzorowe pucharki dla topu.
Rudobrody nie wiem jak Ty to ogarniasz przy małym dziecku. Gratz.
Zagrałem trzy super fajne bitewki za co dziękuję przeciwnikom.
Cieszę się, że znów mogłem u Was być.
PS. wstępnie w samochodzie wszyscy się zgodziliśmy, że jesteśmy u Was w maju.
Rudobrody nie wiem jak Ty to ogarniasz przy małym dziecku. Gratz.

Zagrałem trzy super fajne bitewki za co dziękuję przeciwnikom.
Cieszę się, że znów mogłem u Was być.
PS. wstępnie w samochodzie wszyscy się zgodziliśmy, że jesteśmy u Was w maju.
GrimgorIronhide pisze:Tą logiką Kudłaty jest wzorem uczciwości i nieprzekupnościZiemko pisze:Cholera jak od lapowek sie lysieje to gdzie moje miliony![]()
- rudobrody79
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1344
- Lokalizacja: GIŻYCKO
dzięki za miłe słowa, cieszymy się że się podobałoSiweusz pisze:Dzięki za turniej panowie, jak zwykle wzorowa organizacja, wzorowy poczęstunek i wzorowe pucharki dla topu.
Rudobrody nie wiem jak Ty to ogarniasz przy małym dziecku. Gratz.![]()
nie wiem czy wiesz ale moja najmłodsza kózka ma 8 miesięcy a dwie starsze są w wieku szkolnym



wrzuć wyniki 

Klub Adeptus Mechanicus Warszawa, Okęcie, Al Krakowska
Sklep FGB Figurkowe Gry Bitewne Warszawa, Zelazna 69A
Sklep FGB Figurkowe Gry Bitewne Warszawa, Zelazna 69A
rudobrody79 pisze:
nie wiem czy wiesz ale moja najmłodsza kózka ma 8 miesięcy a dwie starsze są w wieku szkolnym![]()

Twoja żona musi być spoko dziewczyną. Pozdrów ją od wszystkich pięciu frontowców, którzy Was odwiedzili. Jesteśmy jej wdzięczni, że pozwala Ci robić turnieje, na których świetnie się bawimy.

Ostatnio zmieniony 17 mar 2014, o 20:09 przez Siweusz, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
GrimgorIronhide pisze:Tą logiką Kudłaty jest wzorem uczciwości i nieprzekupnościZiemko pisze:Cholera jak od lapowek sie lysieje to gdzie moje miliony![]()
- rudobrody79
- Falubaz
- Posty: 1344
- Lokalizacja: GIŻYCKO
po pierwsze nie rudego a rudobrodego
jest wielką różnicą
co prawda mam króciutkie włosy
ale widać kolor. no chyba,że dał się wszystkim we znaki duch puszczy
po drugie podaję wyniki:
1. Druchii DE - pkt 68
2. Karlee EMP - 57
3. Akadera OK - 49
4. Cichy DE - 47
5. Kanrad WoCh - 47
6. Radek TK - 46
7. Kondzio TK - 46
8. Roger WoCh - 45
9. Fario DE - 43
10. Siweusz HE - 41
11. Miras O&G - 39
12. Siena EMP - 38
13. Rob EMP - 35
14. Oskar WoCh - 32
15. Prezes VC - 29
16. Rudobrody BoCh - 29
17. ted O&G - 26
18. Thorek DF - 23
19. Lenczek OK - 19
20. Lahire OK - 7


ale widać kolor. no chyba,że dał się wszystkim we znaki duch puszczy

po drugie podaję wyniki:
1. Druchii DE - pkt 68
2. Karlee EMP - 57
3. Akadera OK - 49
4. Cichy DE - 47
5. Kanrad WoCh - 47
6. Radek TK - 46
7. Kondzio TK - 46
8. Roger WoCh - 45
9. Fario DE - 43
10. Siweusz HE - 41
11. Miras O&G - 39
12. Siena EMP - 38
13. Rob EMP - 35
14. Oskar WoCh - 32
15. Prezes VC - 29
16. Rudobrody BoCh - 29
17. ted O&G - 26
18. Thorek DF - 23
19. Lenczek OK - 19
20. Lahire OK - 7