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1600 Pts Slaanesh
1 The Masque of Slaanesh @ 140.0 Pts
1 Herald of Slaanesh @ 150.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Slaanesh; Battle Standard
1 Herald of Slaanesh @ 125.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Slaanesh
1 Herald of Slaanesh @ 150.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Lore of Slaanesh
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0.0] Pts
34 Daemonettes of Slaanesh @ 409.0 Pts
Standard; Musician
Standard of Discipline [15.0]
3 Fiends of Slaanesh @ 195.0 Pts
6 Chaos Furies of Slaanesh @ 84.0 Pts
Daemon of Slaanesh
6 Chaos Furies of Slaanesh @ 84.0 Pts
Daemon of Slaanesh
1 Soul Grinder of Slaanesh @ 260.0 Pts
Daemonbane Claw; Daemon of Slaanesh