End Of Times - czyli na bieżąco co tam w świecie Warhammera

Wszystko to, co nie pasuje nigdzie indziej.

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Posty: 278

Post autor: Vesemirus »

Kerdej - I don't like it...
Nagash is coming...

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 607
Lokalizacja: Stolica, Wola - "Gamonie"

Post autor: Dzoooma »

Biorę to Kerdej ;)!
Zapytaj mnie co sądzę o GW...

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Posty: 315

Post autor: Milutki »

Robert.P pisze:Według Przepowiedni podobno Archaon nie zginie z rąk śmiertelnika.Także myśle że nie zginie od byle kogo.
Znając perfidię takich przepowiedni najpewniej dostanie z kopa i się przekręci ;)

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3749
Lokalizacja: Puławy/Wrocław

Post autor: Matis »

Albo się potknie, i sam zabije się o własny miecz :roll:
M&M Factory - Up. 14.01.2017 Ostatnia trójka pegazów

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Posty: 317
Lokalizacja: Katowice

Post autor: Fubuki »

Teclis rzuci zaklęcie, miscast, zamieni się w chaos spawna i zabije Archaona z macki, bo nie z ręki śmiertelnika ma zginąć.

A tak nawiasem mówiąc to teoretycznie każdy z wiatrem magii w sobie jest nieśmiertelny, więc lista potencjalnych zabójców się wydłużyła
Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim


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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3749
Lokalizacja: Puławy/Wrocław

Post autor: Matis »

Gilles też nie jest śmiertelnikiem, w Bretonni się to zaczęło, to i Bretończyk to zakończy.
M&M Factory - Up. 14.01.2017 Ostatnia trójka pegazów

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Pan Spamu
Posty: 8707
Lokalizacja: krk czyli Ulthuan

Post autor: Kosa »

"Człowiek jest czemś, co pokonanem być winno"

Moja Galeria Pomalowanych Ludków

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Posty: 1618
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Post autor: Galharen »

Kosa pisze:Tyrion.
Jak wroci z martwych to scenariusz pasuje jak ulał 8)
Zapraszam do obejrzenia mojej galerii:

Galharen's painting blog

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Posty: 2683
Lokalizacja: Szczecin

Post autor: Byqu »

Na pewno nie Kroq-Gar. GW od dawna lekceważy fluffowo lizardów, spychając ich do walk "zwierzę vs zwierzę" vide skaveny.

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Slayer Zabójców
Posty: 2332
Lokalizacja: Oleśnica

Post autor: Slayer Zabójców »

A ja mam takie pytanko, co sądzicie o Stormfiendach? Głównie chodzi mi o opcję z ratling gunami... wiecie, że oni mają 3d6 strzałow S5 AP? I brak kar za ruch, zasięg, multiple? I reroll to wound w strzelaniu? I 4 woundy 4 tafa -1 w nich przy strzelaniu? I jeden kosztuje 85 punktów?

Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9484
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: QQrydza »

No troche słabe jak na ten koszt punktowy ale stestowac mozna. Jak ETC nie potnie to nawet wystawię raz czy dwa :)
"W mojej ocenie byliśmy lepsi skillowo ale przeciwnicy byli lepiej ograni, przygotowani pod nas, mieli lepszy rozpiski, większy głód zwycięstwa i mieliśmy trochę peszka."
"T9A to gra o wykorzystywaniu maksymalnym potencjału obrysów figur składających się z kwadratów"

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Slayer Zabójców
Posty: 2332
Lokalizacja: Oleśnica

Post autor: Slayer Zabójców »

Weapon teamy lepsze :P?

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3749
Lokalizacja: Puławy/Wrocław

Post autor: Matis »

Wiadomo coś o tym, co szykuje GW po książce z Archaonem? Jakieś ploty?
M&M Factory - Up. 14.01.2017 Ostatnia trójka pegazów

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Posty: 278

Post autor: Vesemirus »

Mam już okładkę, sorry za spoiler

Nagash is coming...

Posty: 1869

Post autor: Relosu »

znaczy sie lizardmans, fajnie xD
Gniewko pisze:
Zarost zarostem, ale kolory inne - u mnie kudły jednolicie czarne, u Jagala ciemny łeb, a zarost (tu cytując Kubę) "z jakimiś idiotycznymi rudawymi akcentami", co w połączeniu z niebieskimi oczami jest bzdurne i podniecające zarazem.

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3248
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Post autor: Azgaroth »

Obczaił ktoś już ten adres ? :) http://www.vermintide.com/

Copyright by GW, ciekawe co to za dziwo :)

Posty: 1686

Post autor: ślivek »

Hans Richter z warseera pisze:A quick check of the domain name registration shows it was registered by Northplay Studios AB on 13th October 2014. So definitely an app/game of some sort.
Anon z /tg/ pisze:Since the site is registered with Northplay Studios AB, a swedish game developer, and that the skaven in the background is clearly some sort of 3d rendered model I'd say it's for a videogame.

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Powergamer Rozpiskowy
Posty: 37

Post autor: Piwek »

A może tak czas do wyjścia Mordeheima Na pecety?

Posty: 1018
Lokalizacja: Lublin- Moria

Post autor: Kamil.Sz »

Chyba najlepsze dostępne w sieci zestawienie sytuacji przed EoT: Archaon, jakie znalazłem.

Armyless Factions[edit]
- Kislev has mostly been destroyed by Archaon (since apparently that's how all events start) and only one city remains. Refugees have flooded the Empire. No word on the Tzarina's fate, though it is believed that she is leading what is left of her forces in a final last stand alongside the Vampires to buy the Empire some time.
- Tilea has been destroyed by Skaven, refugees are flooding the Empire.
- Estalia shares the same fate as Tilea and is in even worse shape as the skaven conquer the entire country.
- Gotrek & Felix are at an end. The next arc (featuring Be'lakor) finishes the series, and needless to say it's likely the suicidal Squat won't make it, though his Mighty Whitey rememberer might.
- No word regarding the Amazons of Lustria/Pygmies in the Southlands, though unless the Slann or Skinks rescued them offscreen both have been completely destroyed.
- Half of the Border Princes lands are overrun by Skaven, though some princes join Mannfred and become Vampires to save their kingdoms
- Cathay is also being invaded by Chaos and Hobgoblins with a civil war to boot (maybe those Tzeentch cultists have decided to show their true colors), with their Dragon-Emperor MIA. Nothing is said about the fate of the country, though its probably in a similar situation as the Empire. Nippon isn't mentioned, but it can be assumed that they are getting their shit wrecked. A new map on GW website seems to show the skaven invasion routes. If it did, the entire east is entirely overrun with Skaven.
- The Kingdoms of Ind are mentioned in End Times: Thanquol. They too have been invaded by Skaven, and the way its worded suggests that the Skaven have wiped out all of the remaining human factions, with only the Empire left.
- After Estalia and Tilea fell, Araby was on the Skaven's list. They were initially doing better than their white neighbors and actually holding out, but just barely. They shuthad their entire populations up in high-walled cities, but took on the fleeing desert nomads and few living people in Nehekhara as refugees. They are then completely wiped out when the Warpstone meteors destroy the continent.
- Halflings in The Moot continue to be useless foodies.

End Times Characters Complete Death Toll (In Memoriam)

Bretonnia Deaths:
-Louen Leoncour- Beheaded by Festus after killing Ku'gath plaguefather
-Fay Enchantress- Sacrificed by Arkhan in the ritual to resurrect Nagash after being turned into a vampire by Mannfred.

Beastmen Deaths:
-Taurox the Brass Bull- Shot in his vulnerable throat by Markus the Huntsmarshal.
-The Harbinger - Roasted by the Imperial Dragon.
-Khazrak One-Eye - Beaten down and stabbed through the face by Boris Todbringer in a final, fatal duel.
-Malagor the Dark Omen - Slain by a spell cast by the Ulric-empowered Gregor Martak.

Chaos Warriors Deaths:
- Crom the Conqueror- Killed by Valten smashing his head in with Ghal Maraz.

Daemons Deaths:
-Festus- Staked by Vlad after initially killing Vlad with sorcery; his own perverse life-giving aura means the wooden stake grows into a huge tree, ripping him apart from the inside out.
-Ku'gath Plaguefather- Killed by Leoncour's holy blood
-Epidimeus- Takes a cannonball to the chest during the battle of Altdorf
-Skarbrand- Defeated by Malekith, who stabs him in the eye with his sword.

Dwarves Deaths:
- Thorek Ironbrow- Blows up his Anvil of Doom after it cracks and he gets stabbed by Neferata
- King Kazador- Killed by Krell
- King Belega- r- Killed by Queek Headtaker in a final, fatal duel.
- Thorgrim Grudgebearer- Assassinated by Deathmaster Snikch after the Skaven battle for Everpeak is lost.

Elves Deaths:
- Adranna* - killed by Morathi's sorcery.
- Aislinn - killed by Tyrion, but not before he reveals himself as Mathlann and creates a massive sea storm that shreds the Aestyrion fleet and severely reduces their number before the final battle.
- Aliathra - sacrificed by Arkhan as part of the ritual to summon Nagash.
- Anaran & Anarelle* - killed by Kouran and Malekith respectively.
- Eltharion - Killed by Arkhan the Black, who ages him to dust
- Finubar the Seafarer - killed either by Malekith or a bloodletter, it is unclear which is true as the fluff tells of both
- Korhil - Executed with his own axe after stealing the Widowmaker.
- Tyrion/Khaine - Killed by Alith Anar, who shoots him through the rent in his armor
- Drane Blackblood* - Executed at Malekith's order for raiding High Elves after Malekith's ascension to Phoenix King.
- Kouran Darkhand - defeated and killed by Alith Anar.
- Malus Darkblade - Killed when Tz'arkan completely took over his body. Tz'arkan was then killed by Tyrion just to make sure.
- Tullaris Dreadbringer - Killed by Tyrion.
- Daith/Vaul - Killed by a Sister of Slaughter. (Who was pretending to be dead after he killed the rest of her unit, so it's not as much of a jobbing death as it seems.)
- Orion/Kurnous - Killed by Tyrion. He was already dying and had no way to rebirth himself, but looked to fulfill his destiny
- Araloth - Effectively dead; escaped the Warhammer world to a new one beyond Chaos's current reach at Lileath's behest.

Empire Deaths:
- Kurt Helborg- Killed by Otto Glott during the battle of Altdorf, stabbed through the eye
- Volkmar the Grim- Sacrificed to serve as the vessel of Nagash
- Karl Franz- Killed by Otto Glott but resurrected by the power of Sigmar/becoming the embodiment of the Lore of Heavens.
- Valten - Murdered by a Verminlord Deceiver with its throwing weapon as he dueled Archaon.
- Supreme Patriarch Gregor Martak - Cut down by Archaon in single combat.
- Elector Count Boris Todbringer - Ripped apart by crazed Beastmen after slaying Khazrak One-Eye.
- Elector Count Wolfram Hertwig - killed by a Nurgle champion while defending a breach in Auric Bastion
- Elector Count Aldebrand Ludenhof - torn apart by undead summoned by Balthasar Gelt
- Ulric - Severely weakened when Teclis steals his flame. The last of his essence empowers Martak, and is in turn destroyed when Martak is cut down by Archaon. Utterly destroyed, not dead, as not even Nagash can reach him now.
- Morr - Destroyed when Nagash defeated Usirian, making it possible Morr and Usirian were the same god by different names.

Lizardmen Deaths:
- Grimloq - killed by Skrolk, whose plague censure instantly decays him
- Assorted Slann - heads explode trying to stop Skaven from bringing down Morrsleib, or were eaten alive by Skaven as they lay in a stupor from the effort of keeping them from puling the moon too close.
- Mazdamundi - Heart bursts after singlehandedly destroying something like 90% of the falling Morrslieb.
- Lord Kroak - incinerated after making a heroic sacrifice to ensure that the destruction of the falling moon fragments is restricted to Lustria and the Southlands.

Orcs & Goblins Deaths:
- Gobbla- Killed by a Moulder Beastmaster

Skaven Deaths Deaths:
- Queek Headtaker- Killed by Thorgrim
- Seerlord Kritislik- Obliterated by the Great Horned Rat
- Lord Skrolk - Killed by Kroq-gar
- Clan Pestilens - Most if not all of the clan and its vassals are wiped out when Lustria and the Southlands are enveloped in a warpfire storm, due to the destruction of Morrslieb.

Tomb Kings (Re)Deaths:
- Khatep- beheaded by Settra during the battle of Khemri after he breaks his exile to warn Settra about the Destroyer of Eternities
- Nekaph- killed by Arkhan's sorcery
- Usirian- Devoured by Nagash
- King Phar- defeated by Nagash' legions

Vampire Counts (Re)Deaths:
- Zacharias the Everliving - Soul consumed by Nagash after claiming he was his equal
- Walach Harkon - Ripped in half by zombie dragon controlled by Vlad
- Heinrich Kemmler - Killed by Arkhan in a magical duel, gets vaporized

Places Destroyed:
- Ulthuan- sinks after the vortex is undone
- Naggaroth- Malekith deserts Naggaroth to the near endless Khornate forces and skaven, salting the earth, slaughtering slaves by the millions and razing the cities to leave no plunder
- Tilea- completely overrun by skaven
- Estalia- Blasted wasteland inhabited by millions of skaven
- Border princes- Overrun by skaven
- Borderleaux- Turned into a brass keep during chaos storm
- Marienberg- Gets hit with one of Nurgle's super plagues that causes the buildings to erode thousands of years in seconds, and for plague flora to grow everywhere. The city falls in a night
- Talabheim- Gets hit with the second uber plague, which causes a deluge of pus and bile to flood the city and force the inhabitants out. Most escape the destruction
- The Ogre Kingdoms- All volcanoes erupted, forcing the ogres and all their monsters on an exodus towards the old world
- Carroburg- Destroyed by the forces of the Glottkin
- Lustria and the Southlands- completely smashed apart when Morrslieb falls, though lord kroak preserves some chunks of the jungle in protective force domes. It is unknown how big these are, or how many surviving lizardmen they contain, but they are sent off into space.
- Nehekhara - Khemri is destroyed completely by Nagash' magic before he and his armies do the same to the rest of Nehekhara's cities.
- Cathay- Overrun by chaos, who have breached the great bastion and spilled into the heartlands.
- Karak Azul- Taken by the skaven
- Karak Kadrin- contaminated by poisoned wind in an attack by Ikit Claw after Ungrim Ironfist and his Slayer army are tricked into leaving the city
- Karak eight-peaks- one peak blown up by Queek. After the night goblins join the war, the dwarfs collapse the ancestor hall rather than let it be fouled by skaven and greenskins
- Itza- contaminated with so much plague that the lizardmen have to evacuate. eventually devastated by warpstone meteors
- Xlanhuapec- badly damaged by the skaven
- Nuln- Completely destroyed by Thanquol and Skreech Verminking
- Middenheim- taken by Archaon with the aid of Thanquol
- Kingdoms of Ind- Presumably wiped out by Clan Skyre
- Bretonnia- Between the war with the undead, the civil war, the chaos storms, the plagues, and having most of their knights leave to aid the empire, they didn't stand chance when the Skaven invaded.
- The Empire- Effectively destroyed, Averheim is the only city relatively intact, the rest of the lands are in possession of the undead, chaos or green skins.

- Balthazar Gelt - Became Vlad's right hand man but his current actions and location are unknown.
- Eldyra - Defeated by Manfred, turned into a vampire by an unknown, but absorbed Erith Khial's power and became the new elf god of Death.
- Teclis - Last seen holding his brother's body as the island of the dead sank. revealed to still be alive and present at middenheim
- Morathi and Caledor Dragontamer - grabbed by Slaanesh and dragged into the realm of chaos.
- Lokhir Fellhart - Wounded on the isle of the dead, last seen being carried from the field.
- Ariel - Poisoned by Lileath then merged with Alarielle.
- Kalara* - Replaced Shallya as the poxfulcrum.
- Lileath also claims to be the last elven god alive, although Eldyra is acting as the elven god of the dead.
- Glottkin- Curb stomped by Karl Franz Ascendant. Smashes open Ghurk with one hit, lightning blasts Otto, and is about to pulp Ethrac when he completes a spell that turns the Glottkin into swarms of flies. Currently being held in Nurgle's mansion in giant jars.
- Settra- Humiliated by Nagash who blows him up and leaves him immobile in the sands. Gets put back together by what is probably the chaos gods.
- Apophas- Defeated by Nagash after the Destroyer of Eternities does nothing. He appears to gets killed, but his scarabs scuttle away and he appears in the undead legions army list.
- Rahmotep- MIA after the battle of Khemri.
- Hellebron- last seen being carried away by her forces after losing to Morathi. It is unknown what her current fate is, though she appeared in the eternity king army list
- Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir - while he shows in Nagash, it is actually Changeling impersonating him. Nothing is known about the fate of the real Emil.
"Mam sto rąk, sto sztyletów... gdy chcę, sto ran zadam."

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5229
Lokalizacja: Świebodzin

Post autor: BOGINS »

z forchana powyzej (ale skad tam to nie wiem)
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