Co zmieni się w 9 edycji? (Podsumowanie link w 1 poscie)

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Posty: 2828

Re: Co zmieni się w 9 edycji?

Post autor: Kal_Torak »

cegorach pisze:Silna konkurencja i wiele błędów oznaczają, że system będzie wymagać restartu. Jak to wyjdzie się jeszcze okaże, nie mniej ważne że pojawi się stosunkowo tania forma rozgrywki dla nowych graczy.
Zawsze uważałem, że jedynie złamanie u GW "poczucia" posiadania monopolu na systemy bitewne i duszę graczy przez konkurencję to jedyna droga, aby wymusić na tej firmie jakikolwiek wysiłek przy pisaniu zasad, a zwłaszcza jakiegokolwiek balansu, bo tak od zawsze GW wiedziało, że ich klienci łykną wszystko co im zaserwują i jeszcze podnosząc co chwila ceny do jakiś absurdalnych kwot ;P. Istnieje jednak spora możliwość, że GW skreśli WFB odpierdzielając na odczepnego fuszerkę jak przy War of the Ring i zajmie się utrzymaniem na Top1 ich flagowego produktu czyli WH40k i jego wszelkie odmiany ;P. Moim zdaniem za mocno się rozdrabniają na WFB, Lotry i WH40k. Ja na ich miejscu raczej przerzuciłbym całe zasoby na promocje i rozwój WH40k.

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3749
Lokalizacja: Puławy/Wrocław

Post autor: Matis »

Kal_Torak pisze:
cegorach pisze:Silna konkurencja i wiele błędów oznaczają, że system będzie wymagać restartu. Jak to wyjdzie się jeszcze okaże, nie mniej ważne że pojawi się stosunkowo tania forma rozgrywki dla nowych graczy.
Zawsze uważałem, że jedynie złamanie u GW "poczucia" posiadania monopolu na systemy bitewne i duszę graczy przez konkurencję to jedyna droga, aby wymusić na tej firmie jakikolwiek wysiłek przy pisaniu zasad, a zwłaszcza jakiegokolwiek balansu, bo tak od zawsze GW wiedziało, że ich klienci łykną wszystko co im zaserwują i jeszcze podnosząc co chwila ceny do jakiś absurdalnych kwot ;P. Istnieje jednak spora możliwość, że GW skreśli WFB odpierdzielając na odczepnego fuszerkę jak przy War of the Ring i zajmie się utrzymaniem na Top1 ich flagowego produktu czyli WH40k i jego wszelkie odmiany ;P. Moim zdaniem za mocno się rozdrabniają na WFB, Lotry i WH40k. Ja na ich miejscu raczej przerzuciłbym całe zasoby na promocje i rozwój WH40k.

W takiej sytuacji konkurencja na pewno nie będzie spała i najprawdopodobniej kupi WFB od GW. Miejmy nadzieję, że w końcu dostaniemy solidny, fajnie zrobiony system.
M&M Factory - Up. 14.01.2017 Ostatnia trójka pegazów

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Posty: 278

Post autor: Vesemirus »

via WhisperofTruth on Dakka
written by Oloh on warseer
List of current model kits that will be officially included in Warhammer 9th. He later posted that this list is accurate, but incomplete, meaning there may be additional kits that survive that are not listed, with the implication being that you should be OK to purchase and paint these kits (but not base).

Cauldron of Blood/Bloodwrack Shrine
Eternal Guard/Wildwood Rangers
Sisters of the Thorn/Wildriders of Kurnous
Witch Elves of Khaine/Sisters of Slaughter
Savage Orcs
Night Goblins
Night Goblin Fanatics
Mournfang Cavalry
Thanquol and Boneripper
Vermin Lord
Grey Seer
Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace
Hellpit Abomination
Coven Throne/Mortis Engine
Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon
Maggoth Lords
Gutrot Spume
Chaos Spawn
Chaos Warshrine
Chaos Daemons
Grimm Burlockson
Josef Bugman
Nagash is coming...

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Posty: 91
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: ShadorVD »

Naciagana ta lista :)

Wyslano z Tapatalk, sorry za ew. literowki.

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Posty: 1379
Lokalizacja: "Rogaty Szczur" Gorzów Wlkp.

Post autor: wertyg »

Anyone who wants to know what there is in V9 has to imagine that this is the V8 ; it will be 90% right.
Rule changes have been made to stabilize and streamline some points, particularly at the formation units and their interaction with the characters, from what I was told.

About the armies that follow (“factions” J ) : they won’t be "bundling" of existing armies, but almost all new prospects. These are all new units with an aesthetic different from what we knew and new historic lines, new characters, we could almost consider some of them as new “races”. Nevertheless, each new release will be integrated into one or more pre-existent conventional armies. Some new units, for example, will just belong to “Forces of Order” or “Forces of Destruction”. No stress. You can keep your old collection (all your collection), and enjoy with it.
V9 will not be just one book, but a box with other things such as a volume focused on two types of battles : clashes "lord of battles "in standard format creating links between games, and smaller battles with “pre-organised” armies (that's what you took for a skirmish game I think).
About this “skirmish” game: I’m not completely sure about that : this has taken many different forms over the settings but it seems to be one of the most tested aspects in recent years by GW teams. It is not intended to be the main way to play Battle. Currently, forces will be selected from a list of predefined choices, more restrained that the currents army books, without worrying percentage points, points themselves will not so important anymore: it will be destabilizing for the old players, but the number of miniatures contained in a unit or its point value could be no longer as important as before in this system. Players would have the choice to comply or not the points. A book will summarize the possible choices for all existing armies. It was thought just for fun, and almost all special rules of existing models could be ignored because of it.

About round bases : there would be a misunderstanding at this level too. Some Warhammer miniatures will indeed now sold on round bases, but it’s the consequence of some simplified rules and not a transition to a new system, or 40k-like, or I don’t know what. No link with the new “skirmish game”. The elements attached to units will be on round base (as skaven regimental weapons or dark elves cauldron of blood for example, but also characters according to pictures I’ve seen), are no longer joined the unit but move next to, and may have a round or oval base. But if your old version is not on a round base, you can still play with, no problem.

About “waiting” armies : for the bretonnians, there is a book that will follow this year, but perhaps we can’t call this “army book” because it will be very different from what you had until then. It will be closer from the End Times books recently issued. There will be in it new units, which could join the Forces of Order, and very close from a Bretonnian army, but not only. For the Skavens, the amount of new stuff approaching is just unprecedented (although I have no visibility on dates). It won’t be really “skavens” as we knew them, but a sort of evolution type very nice and inspired. No merger with Chaos for them (anyway, no merger for anyone!). About Beastmen, they don’t have directly the same processing, to the best of my knowledge, but no doubt they will benefit from a wealth of new opportunities for chaos. I had no evidence that it’s matter of squatting them, nor nobody else.
The quantity of new stuff for Battle will be just incredible, if all that is planed comes out. New releases will be essentially new entries, unique monsters, characters, and elite units of 2 to 5 figures. This will change progressively the overall appearance of the armies, with fewer miniatures (but larger). There will always be a place for large infantry units; however I don’t have a precise view of the new rules, that's why I can’t say if it will always be interesting to play big infantry units, or not.
Solo "Rogaty Szczur"
Beast Herds

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Posty: 1864
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Lechu »

już bardziej prawdopodobne rewelacje. ale co to za źródło?

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3248
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Post autor: Azgaroth »

Lechu pisze:już bardziej prawdopodobne rewelacje. ale co to za źródło?
Wypowiedź jakiegoś ziomka z Warseera (via Ikitlagriffe on Warseer)

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Posty: 2974
Lokalizacja: Oleśnica

Post autor: kangur »

''About “waiting” armies : for the bretonnians, there is a book that will follow this year, but perhaps we can’t call this “army book” because it will be very different from what you had until then. It will be closer from the End Times books recently issued. There will be in it new units, which could join the Forces of Order, and very close from a Bretonnian army, but not only''

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Posty: 19

Post autor: Verminlord »

kangur022 pisze:''About “waiting” armies : for the bretonnians, there is a book that will follow this year, but perhaps we can’t call this “army book” because it will be very different from what you had until then. It will be closer from the End Times books recently issued. There will be in it new units, which could join the Forces of Order, and very close from a Bretonnian army, but not only''

Te zdanie jest najważniejsze :)
Bardziej TO ZDANIE lub TE ZDANIA SĄ...
Slayer Zabójców pisze:Z tego całego End Times wynikły tylko dwie dobre rzeczy:

1.Zabójcy znaleźli godną śmierć,
2.Elfy nie żyją.

Posty: 1228

Post autor: Durant »

drugie źródło na warseer wypowiada się nt. pow.

dużymi nowe informację/potwierdzenie
Are these from your own sources YES, FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES.
or simply your interpretation of what you have collected from the interwebz? SERIOUSLY ?... NO.

I am pretty sure you speak English very much better than I speak any other language NOT SURE ! SORRY FOR THAT.

9th edition will be 90% the same as 8th edition YES, ABOUT RULES, SAME OPINION FROM 2 DIFFERENT SOURCES.
The new 'Factions' ...
...will look so different from the existing armies they might as well be new armies YES
These new armies will be made from new units/characters MAJORITY YES
The new units will have a very different aesthetic from existing miniatures. 200% YES
The new units can be used by one or more of the existing armies. YES
OR can just be used as units for generic 'Forces of order' Or forces of destruction' armies. NO
I can keep my "OLD COLLECTION" YES
... but don't expect any new miniatures for a while? I CAN'T SAY THAT FROM WHAT I KNOW BUT LIKELY DEDUCTION
9th Edition will get a boxed set.I HEARD ABOUT A BOX OF BOOKS
In the box will be a rule book? YES
a skirmish Rule book YES / and a Warhammer armies book NOT EXACTLY : but a listing of playable units or pre-constructed groups YES.
The warhammer armies book will have a limited army list for each faction. YES, but I HAD NO INFORMATION ABOUT "FACTIONS" (and this number of "6" ??), so I would say "for each army".
There is a points system. YES
But it is not compulsory (So you can pick 'X' number of characters/units from the selection) SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
Skirmish is not intended to be the main way to play Warhammer ... but an alternative. YES
This will be a simple starter game without a lot of complex special rules. An introductory game. YES
Some fantasy miniatures will be supplied on round bases due to rules changes YES
... but not all.... just skirmishing units DON'T KNOW and units attached to ranked units? YES
...and big Warmachines? ATTACHED TO RANKED UNITS YES
Characters will be on round bases. (Or oval bases for cavalry) YES
... and so characters can no longer join ranked up units. PERSONAL DEDUCTION, BUT YES
I do not need to re-base my existing characters to use them YES - two times confirmed
Round bases are nothing to do with the new skirmish game YES.
You don't know what is going on with round bases EXPLAINED BY MINOR CHANGES OF RULES, FROM WHAT I KNOW.
Bretonnians will not get a new army book and will not get any new units STRICTLY SPEAKING YES
There will be some units which are a bit like Bretonnians in a new 'Forces of order' book YES
Loads of stuff coming for Skaven but you don't know when. YES
New skaven stuff will not look like the existing Skaven stuff but an evolution. YES
Beastmen ... future is uncertain but you guess they will find a place in Chaos. YES, I GUESS.
Lots of new stuff to come for Fantasy. YES
Most stuff will be new units monsters or characters. YES
Elite units will be smaller 2-5 minis.YES
Look of armies will change. OH YES !
Smaller armies with less miniatures and more big stuff. LOGICALLY
No information about new rules. NO DETAILS YES, BUT IT SEEMS TO BE MINOR CHANGES.

Chuck Norris
Posty: 403

Post autor: Kolas111 »

Czyli generalnie Herohammer ale myślałem że będzie gorzej

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Posty: 3248
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Post autor: Azgaroth »

Z jednej strony "niewielkie" zmiany zasad względem 8 edycji, z drugiej gruntowna przebudowa armii oraz ich kompozycji (małe elitarne oddziały, bohaterowie i "duże" zabawki"). Ciekawe co z tego wyjdzie...:)

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3749
Lokalizacja: Puławy/Wrocław

Post autor: Matis »

Jest napisane, że te małe oddziały, to będzie elit armii 5-10 modeli.
Więc spokojnie zostaną duże oddziały mięsa armatniego, które dalej będą grywalne, może już nie w takim stopniu jak jest teraz, ale jednak nadal.
M&M Factory - Up. 14.01.2017 Ostatnia trójka pegazów

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Posty: 1864
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Lechu »

ja tam lubię duże kloce piechoty. herohammer to lipa. mam nadzieję, że jakoś pogodzą te opcje np formacjami

Chuck Norris
Posty: 403

Post autor: Kolas111 »

Lechu pisze:ja tam lubię duże kloce piechoty. herohammer to lipa. mam nadzieję, że jakoś pogodzą te opcje np formacjami

Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9484
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: QQrydza »

jezeli nie zmienia zasad steadfasta to bedzie git
"W mojej ocenie byliśmy lepsi skillowo ale przeciwnicy byli lepiej ograni, przygotowani pod nas, mieli lepszy rozpiski, większy głód zwycięstwa i mieliśmy trochę peszka."
"T9A to gra o wykorzystywaniu maksymalnym potencjału obrysów figur składających się z kwadratów"

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 397
Lokalizacja: Swarzędz/Poznań

Post autor: Qsownik »

No z tego co czytam, to raczej redukcja nie będzie aż do 6 armii - jak ma być ten podział na siły porządku i zniszczenia to teraz (według teorii "tylko 6 armii") byłby podział 2 (ludzie, elfy) do 4 (reszta).

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Szef Wszystkich Szefów
Posty: 3248
Lokalizacja: Poznań

Post autor: Azgaroth »

Z Bolsa
A new set of rumors is doing the rounds regarding what WFB 9th’s starter box will look like.

WFB 9th Box & Armies

The results of the End Times will be directly reflected in the armies included in 9th Edition

Boxed Set:

Will include good guys (the Forces of Light) versus Chaos – in a loose fashion.

The Boxed Set is set in a former city of the Empire (save your breathe, it’s NOT Mordheim), but luckily the End Times offers up plenty of new choices.

Boxed Set includes a campaign at a skirmish level and is firmly designed to introduce new players into the game at this smaller model-count level.

Look for an increased focus on “Heroes & Characters”, even at the skirmish level of the game.

WFB 9th will kick off a new set of products that cover not only the new surviving factions, but new modular terrain pieces that support the game at all size levels and reflect the new “Post End-Times” world.

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Posty: 2683
Lokalizacja: Szczecin

Post autor: Byqu »

Z powyższej informacji wynika, że 9 edycja dzieje się w tym samym świecie ( \:D/ )

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Posty: 317
Lokalizacja: Katowice

Post autor: Fubuki »

Archaon zobaczył że sprzedaż spada i zamiast niszczyć świat, postanowił go odbudować i uporządkować, a każdej armii dał nowe i zbalansowane zasady.
Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim

