VC 9th age

Vampire Counts

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Lokalizacja: Warszawa

VC 9th age

Post autor: Pocisk »

Jak w temacie, jak się podoba? Co jest grywalne? Itp

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5113
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Gasior »

W sumie w dużej mierze na nowo trzeba się uczyć grać. Na razie grałem raz, ale okazało się że miałem jakoś nielegalnie złożonego wampira lorda, także nie mogę nic mówić o wyniku. Dużo fajnych możliwości, chyba więcej niż było. Wróciła zajawka na robienie rozpisek itd, także to jest dokładnie to czego potrzebowali ludzie. Martwi mnie tylko że póki co jest tylko jeden chariot. takie połączenie trenera, mortisa, corpsa - tylko słabsze jak na jeden model.

ogólnie - zajebiście się ciesze że wracamy z WFB do gry :)
:twisted: always Vampire :twisted:

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 557
Lokalizacja: Toruń

Post autor: hellsing »

Trzeba sporo zagrać ale wydaje mi się ze dużo jest grywalnych jednostek podoba mi się trener przez zasadę wagon wargulf tani szkoda ze nie ma ts, linie krwi u vampów sa w sumie całkiem całkiem myślę ze najlepsza to nosferatu i carstein, szkoda ze w corach nie ma czegoś nowego ale cóż ważny jest powiew świeżości
Klub Gier Bitewnych Toruń
Każdą moją prace publikuje na YouTubie ... zFQ/videos
Szukam kogoś do współpracy przy malowaniu modeli Toruń i okolice

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Posty: 1822
Lokalizacja: GW - Rogaty Szczur

Post autor: Aro »

Dragon dalej obsys na maxa. IMO zbyt drogi.
Reszta wygląda nawet OK - trzeba pograć i można się wypowiadać.

"Nie jestem powergamerem"
Posty: 100

Post autor: Arthas »

Ogólnie wygląda to spoko, morze poza rydwanami (brak wszystkich 3, za to jest jakiś 1 nowy). Tak to raczej kosmetyczne zmiany w statach i pkt niektórych jednostek, tańszy Varghulf i brak jego jednej specjalności czy dodatkowy wound w Bloodach, imo moim zdaniem Bloody dalej niegrywalne. Największymi zmianami chyba są linie krwi i możliwość grania na 40 GG.

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Posty: 2456
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Pocisk »

Generał z innym lorem niż necromancy musi jeden czar zamienić na inwokację. Czy może inny czar zamienić na sygnaturę?

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"Nie po to jadę"
Posty: 350

Post autor: Mojżesz »

Osobiście nie widzę czemu nie.

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Posty: 1048

Post autor: Szaitis »

Wrzuciłem już na ogólnym, ale tutaj też wrzucę - co myślicie - dobre czy słabe?

1 Lord: Necromancer Lord @ 235.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Path of Death
Tome of Arcane Lore [25.0]

1 Lord: Necromancer Lord @ 245.0 Pts
Magic Level 4; Path of Necromancy
Dispel Scroll [35.0]

1 Hero: Vampire Baron of Blood Drakes @ 215.0 Pts
Blood Drake; Plate Armour; Battle Standard Bearer;
Shield; Natural Armour, KUŃ
Banner of Cleansing Fire [20.0] - płonące albo niepłonące dla unitu
Dusk Stone [30.0]

2 x 20 Zombies @ 70.0 Pts

2 x 50 Skeletons @ 230.0 Pts
Spear; Light Armour; FCG

3 x 3 Vampiric Monstrosities @ 126.0 Pts

1 Cadaver Wagon @ 95.0 Pts
Unholy Convergence - mag w 6" lepiej wskrzesza małe unity o 2, średnie unity o 1

3 Ghost Horde @ 105.0 Pts

8 Vampire Knights @ 525.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Shield; FCG; Bloodline Unit (Blood Drake) - as 1+ i +1A w szarży
Banner of Speed [15.0]

Models in Army: 159
Total Army Cost: 2398.0

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Posty: 2456
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Pocisk »

Fajne ale nie wiem czy nie za dużo frenzy, może zamiast jednych vargheistów i czegoś jeszczre varghulf?

Posty: 1691

Post autor: ślivek »

Hej! Wrzucam z tajnego forum 9th Age. Zmiany od ABC:VC które będą zatwierdzane przez Rules Team.
Vampire Covenant - Proposal for the RT

@fjugin @lagge @arthain @el rey @Sir_Joker

Here are our suggested changes.

A. Undead (should be streamlined with UD)
-Add the following sentence to the Undead Rule: "At the begining of a combat round, if a unit with this Special Rule has more full Ranks than all opposing units, this unit has the Fear special rule until the end of the combat round.
We lost Fear on all our units, which feels a bit wrong fluffwise. This brings it back in a small form and gives worth to the really big units of undead. This rule could potentially be made into a new common rule given to a lot of units that lost fear.

B. Skeleton Steed
Fly upgrade ONLY if mounted by a Vampire Count or Vampire Baron.
No flying Barrow Kings, Necromancers or Wraiths (see G.).

C. Magic Item - Acursed Book
Change to: 50 Pts. The wearer has the Distracting Special Rule. Once per game, the wearer can grant the Distracting Special Rule to all Models part of the same unit. This ability can be activated at the start of any combat phase and lasts until the end of the end of the next combat phase.
Removes the extreme limit of only on Mounted, always protects the wearer and once per game lets you protect the unit.

D. Magic Item - Nightshroud
Make it available for all models except those mounted on Large Targets.
Less limiting.

E. Nosferatu Bloodline
Down to 140/70. Change last sentence to: "When generating Spells, the Vampire can exchange any Spell for the signature of any of the Paths available to it."
Make Barons worthwile, currently they are too expensive for what they do compared to a necro. This diversity of spells is more easily handled by the rules. A bit more flexible for the user but at the same time you can't access those big spells.

F. Strigoi Bloodline
Back to Regeneration (5+). Thin Blood Power costs only 50 pts and only increases regeneration by +1.
With only 6+ Regeneration you were more or less forced to spend your power on improving it, or forced to get a Ward Save and ignore even having it. This allows more diverse builds. With having replaced rerolls To Hit with Hatred the point cost probably won't have to be adjusted.

G. Wraith
Can take a Talisman for up to 50 pts.
Can take a a Skeletal Steed (see point A).
Allows you to protect your most fragile units if you invest in them. Steed lets him join Barrow Knights and Burning Reapers for a more diverse roll.

H. Angels of Death
Streamline with UD (Increase base points from 150 to 160).
Should be as similar as possible. Ours heal a little more easily so should possibly be even more expensive.

I. Bat Swams
Make it WS3.
Change Disturbing swarm to:At the start of any close combat phase a Bat Swarm is in base contact with an enemy unit you may sacrifice any amount of remaining wounds. For each 3 wounds sacrificed this way the enemy unit in base contact gets -1 WS and -1 Initiative (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the combat phase. Those sacrificed wounds do not count against combat resolution.
Streamline with other swarms. Gives them an actual use if we can sacrifice them to gain a little boost. As it is now they will just bleed too much combat res regardless of their boost.

J. Floating Court - Only as Rare Choice.
Split 3 Paramours into 2 Paramours and 1 Maiden with Distracting Special Rule.
So only Floating Court as Rare choice has Distracting and Floating Court as mount don´t have it (unless the rider is not wearing armour).

K. Vampire Knight Champion
Allow him 25 pts in Magic Weapons.
More diversity, same as 8th.

L. Path of Necromancy (Dance Macabre).
Targets get BOTH rerolls and magical movement. Increase difficulty to (9+/14+) - (12”/Aura 12”).
This nerf hit really hard. Current wording is also unclear if you have to choose the same for all targets or not. This is more simple and the increased casting value should make it balanced.

M. Path of Necromancy (Raise dead)
Change to:
Raise Dead 8+
[10+] Range 12” [Range 24”] Ground Instant Summon a unit from the ones in the Awaken (X) Special Rule of the caster (choose before casting) with as many Models as written within the Invocation (X) Special Rule of the unit.

More diversity and using exciting rules. Needs to be cleared up how the unit is placed. I (Mad 'At) suggest changing the rules for Summoned Units to specify that the centre of the unit must be placed on top of the point on the ground.

N, Path of Necromancy (Steal Youth)
Steal Youth 11+
[16+] Range 18" Hex, Direct, Damage Remains in Play At the end of each magic phase, each model in the target unit suffers a hit that wounds on 6+ [5+], is Armour Piercing (6) and has Multiple Wounds (2, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Monstrous Beast, Swarm, Monster, Ridden Monster, Chariot, Warmachine). These hits have +1 to wound for each player turn that has ended since the spell was cast.

A lot more powerful boosted version but actually gives it a use as a damage dealing spell instead of just being a way to drain the enemy magic phase.

O. Path of Necromancy (Curse of the Monkey Island)
Curse of the Monkey Island 12+
[15+] Range 12" [Range 18"], Augment, [Hex] Lasts one Turn Target unit gains the Stubborn [Undead] Special Rule.

A completely new 6th spell cause no one uses the current one. An interesting hex and a very useful augment.

All changes to the Path of Necromancy are intended to make people use it again, cause atm people seems to always go for other paths on the main casters and a few low lvls with Necromancy for IotU.

P. Blade of Red Thirst
If mounted on a Large Target the Model only has Hunger (5+)
Along with Q. it creates a nice scaling when used with refined taste. Large Targets get 5+ which can be increased to 4+, others gain 3+ which can be increased to 2+.

Q. Refined Taste
If mounted on a Large Target the Model only has Hunger (4+)
See P.

R. Ghouls
Change Bloodline unit to:
May take Vanguard Special Rule* 2 / model
*Strigoi Vampire in the unit also gains this Special Rule
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Musician 10
Standard Bearer 10
More clarity of what we intended.

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Posty: 1048

Post autor: Szaitis »

Fajne zmiany, mam nadzieję, że wejdą w takim kształcie. Uważam, że naprawdę sporo dają VC.

Strasznie mi się podoba, że można teraz tą armię zrobić naprawdę kombinacyjną. A te zmiany pozwalają na to w dużej mierze

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5113
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Post autor: Gasior »

ooo wraith na koniu to powrót do 6 edycji
fajna zmiana z klątwą
:twisted: always Vampire :twisted:

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 382

Post autor: Lucyfer »

Jak będzie działać ta klątwa? W powiększonej wersji będzie dawać komuś tylko undead, czy undead i stubborn?

Nosferatu stanie się jeszcze ciekawsze, ale brakuje trochę starego lorda klepacza jako alternatywy :\

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Posty: 1031
Lokalizacja: Wrocław

Post autor: Abrasus »

Zmiany wyglądają naprawdę spoko, ale szkoda, że z Crypt Horrorami nic nie jest zrobione. 2 woundy z inwokacji przy tym ile jest teraz KB, znerfionym Mortisie i podniesionym koszcie to jest kpina.

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Chuck Norris
Posty: 572
Lokalizacja: Chełmża

Post autor: beszcza »

Mam pytanie. Czy twórcy 9 age przywrócą Nagasha do gry czy raczej model nadal może ładnie wyglądać na półce??

Posty: 1691

Post autor: ślivek »

Nie mam pojęcia i nawet twórcy pewnie nie wiedzą jeszcze. Prawie na pewno nie wróci przed ETC 2016.

Posty: 1691

Post autor: ślivek »

propozycja na drugi tydzień. Komentarze kursywą:
This topic is not for discussion.

To conform to the RULES

This topic will be used only for presenting the final version of a Proposal to the RT and for receiving their response.

@fjugin @lagge @arthain @el rey @Sir_Joker


Change Design

A. Magic Item - Acursed Book
Change to: 50 Pts. The wearer has the Distracting Special Rule. Once per game, the wearer can grant the Distracting Special Rule to all Models part of the same unit. This ability can be activated at the start of any combat phase and lasts until the end of the end of the next combat phase.
Removes the extreme limit of only on Mounted, always protects the wearer and once per game lets you protect the unit.

Balance Changes:

1). Nosferatu Bloodline
Down to 140/70. Change last sentence to: "When generating Spells, the Vampire can exchange any Spell for the signature of any of the Paths available to it."
Make Barons worthwile, currently they are too expensive for what they do compared to a necro. This diversity of spells is more easily handled by the rules. A bit more flexible for the user but at the same time you can't access those big spells.

2) . Strigoi Bloodline
Back to Regeneration (5+). Thin Blood Power costs only 50 pts and only increases regeneration by +1.
With only 6+ Regeneration you were more or less forced to spend your power on improving it, or forced to get a Ward Save and ignore even having it. This allows more diverse builds. With having replaced rerolls To Hit with Hatred the point cost probably won't have to be adjusted.

2b Ghouls
Change Bloodline unit to:
May take Vanguard Special Rule* 2 / model
*Strigoi Vampire in the unit also gains this Special Rule
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Musician 10
Standard Bearer 10
More clarity of what we intended.

3) WS3 for Bat Swars (like ALL others swarms).
And we still have one Wound less. (In futher weeks we should change his special rule), but WS3 is an urgent balance.

Fly upgrade ONLY if mounted by a Vampire Count or Vampire Baron.
No flying Barrow Kings, Necromancers.

As long all models with vampiric special rule has Fear and Hunger (X) too, for the purpose of simplicity merge all in one special Rule called Vampirc (X), where all models with this special rule has Fear, can march and have Hunger with (X).

AND LAST BALANCE, suggested by Balance Board, and RT.

6) Raise Vargbeast 10 Pts.

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Posty: 1031
Lokalizacja: Wrocław

Post autor: Abrasus »

Hehe, 10 pkt zaoszczędzone na Nosferatu pójdzie się kochać przez podrożenie Vargbeasta :D.

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Postownik Niepospolity
Posty: 5208

Post autor: Stan »

Wampir może wykupić jedną dużą moc i jedną małą? Czy tylko jedną? Czy może dwie małe i duza?

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Posty: 1031
Lokalizacja: Wrocław

Post autor: Abrasus »

"May take a single Blood Power no limit"

Jedną, niezależnie jaką.