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Unnamed2000 Pts - Dark Elves Army
1 * Druchii Anointed 453 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Lore of Slaanesh; Chaos Armour; Shield
Heart-stone of Darkness [45]
Draich of Dark Power [50]
1 Steed of Slaanesh [40] Pts
1 Sorceress 200 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Lore of Slaanesh
Soulstone [25]
Dispel Scroll [25]
1 Sorceress 170 Pts
Magic Level 2
Wand of the Kharaidon [40]
1 Sorceress 170 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Lore of Slaanesh
Darkstar Cloak [20]
10 Devoted of Slaanesh 120 Pts
6 Shades 84 Pts
10 Warriors 110 Pts
Repeating Crossbow; Light Armour
5 Chaos Furies 75 Pts
5 Cold One Knights 163 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard
5 Mounted Daemonettes 150 Pts
5 Dark Riders 90 Pts
5 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh 205 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard
Casting Pool: 11
Dispel Pool: 6
Models in Army: 57
Total Army Cost: 1990