Poczytaj jak słaby i dziurawy jest dany pomysł na armię, zanim nie przyniesie on wygranej na następnym masterze.

Moderatorzy: Yudokuno, PAWLAK

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1305
Lokalizacja: Warszawa


Post autor: malfoj »

Unnamed2500 Pts - Saurian Ancients Army

1 Lord: Saurian Warlord @ 310.0 Pts
Great Weapon
Armour of Destiny [50.0]
Dusk Stone [30.0]
Divine Icon [15.0]

1 Raptor @ [0.0] Pts

1 Lord: Saurian Warlord @ 320.0 Pts
General; Great Weapon; Light Armour
Bluffer's Helm [35.0]
Talisman of Supreme Shielding [50.0]

1 Raptor @ [0.0] Pts

1 Hero: Skink Captain @ 315.0 Pts
Spear of the Stampede [40.0]
Lucky Shield [5.0]
Lucky Charm [5.0]

1 Ancient Taurosaur @ [65.0] Pts
Great Bow; Sharp Horns; Ancient Taurosaur

4 Skink Crew @ [0.0] Pts

1 Hero: Skink Priest @ 125.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; beast
Dispel Scroll [35.0]

1 Hero: Skink Priest @ 115.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; Path of Heavens
Tome of Arcane Lore [25.0]

1 Hero: Skink Captain @ 65.0 Pts
Battle Standard

26 Skink Braves @ 315.0 Pts
Javelin; Shield; Standard; Musician

3 Caiman @ [150.0] Pts
Great Weapon

1 Skink Champion @ [10.0] Pts

27 Skink Braves @ 320.0 Pts
Javelin; Shield; Standard; Musician

3 Caiman @ [150.0] Pts
Great Weapon

1 Skink Champion @ [10.0] Pts

10 Skink Hunters - Skirmishers @ 80.0 Pts
Blowpipe; Skirmish

10 Skink Hunters - Skirmishers @ 80.0 Pts
Blowpipe; Skirmish

29 Temple Guard @ 455.0 Pts
Halberd; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Totem of Mixoatl [35.0]

1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts

Models in Army: 109

Total Army Cost: 2500.0
2 mocnych lordów do bicia heros który wypłaca 2d6s6 mv d3 impactów do tego 3oddziały ze sztandarami na objectivy.
skinkowie czarownicy maja fajne czary buffujące combat duzo o malym casttingu.
temple guard z banerem który pozwala im rerolowac 1,2(1 z predatory... )