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8 godzin to moim zdaniem mocne niedoszacowanieDue to space and power constraints in our primary datacenter we are moving
the entire shared cluster “spacey” to our LAX facility at 10:00PM PST (GMT
- 8 ), two weeks from today, Friday, November 30th 2007. All webservers,
mail servers, file servers, and MySQL servers in the spacey cluster will
be unreachable during the move, which we expect to take approximately 8 hours.
Receiving this email means the downtime window will affect your site(s).
To double check your cluster, you can go to the “Account Status” button on
the upper right hand of the webpanel ( https://panel.dreamhost.com ) you
should see your cluster under the section “Your Email Server:”.
We do apologize for this inconvenience. Rest assured we will do everything
possible to keep downtime to a minimum.
If you have any questions regarding the server move, please contact our
support team.