King, Shield, Shieldbearers, Pistol, Runic weapon (2*Rune of Might,Rune of Destruction), Runic armor (Rune of the Forge), Runic Talisman (2* rune of shielding)
Thane BSB, shield, Runic weapon (Rune of Lightning), Runic armor (2* Rune of Iron, Rune of the forge), Runic Talisman (Rune of Dragons Breath)
20 Greybeards, shield, throwing weapons, C,S,M
10 Greybeards, shield, throwing weapons, C,S,M
10 Marksman, shield, Guild crafted handgun, M
20 Deep Watch, C,S,M
15 Kings Guard, C,S,M
2x1 Venegance Seeker
Grudge Buster
2x1 Steam Bomber
Field Artillery Canon
10 Miners, Paired weapons, throwing weapons, M
Dwarf King, General, Warthrone, Holdstone, Shield, Rune of Might x2, Rune of Destruction, Rune of Storms, Rune of Mining
Thane BSB, Shield
Runic Smith, 3x Battle Runes, Shield
Anvil of Power
36 Clan Warriors, Shields, M, C, S, Banner of Relentless Company
17 Clan Marksmen, Great Weapons, Crossbows, M, S, Runic Standard of Swiftness
24 Seekers, Vanguard, M, C
6 Hold Guardians, M, C, S, Runic Standard of the Hold
17 Rangers, Great Weapons, Crossbows, M
Flame Cannon
Flame Cannon
King, General, Shield, Pistol, Runes of Iron x2, Forging, Runes of Destruction, Smashing, Fury
Thane, BSB, Shield, Holdstone, Runes of Iron x2, Rune of Dragon's Breath
Dragon Seeker, Runes of Might, Fury, Quickening, Monster Seeker
Runic Smith, Shield, Rune of Iron, Rune of Denial, 3 Battle Runes
Anvil of Power
36 Clan Warriors, Shields, Spears, M,S,C, Banner of Swiftness
2x 10 Marksmen, Shields
2x 10 Miners, Shields, TWs
2x 1 Steam Bomber
9 Seekers, Skirmish, Vanguard, C
2x 1 Cannon
King, General, Hold Stone, Shield, Magic HW: (R.Fury, R.Destruction, R.Smashing), Magic Plate (R.Iron x2, R.Shielding)
Thane, BSB, Shield, Magic HW: (R.Lightning, R.Fire), Magic Plate: R.Iron x2, Aether Icon
Runic Smith, Shield, Battle Runes x3, Talisman: (R.Denial, R.Grounding)
Engineer, Shield, Wyrm Slayer Rocket, Talisman: R.Dragon’s Breath
30x Clan Warriors, Shields, Great Weapons, [M,S,C]
12x Clan Marksmen, Shields, Guild Crafted Hand Guns, [M]
14x Clan Marksmen, Shields, Great Weapons, [M]
26x Deep Watch, [M,S,C], Banner: R.Shielding
10x Miners, Great Weapons, Pistols, [M]
Vengeance Seeker
Organ Gun, Rune Forged
Organ Gun, Flaming Shot
King, General, War Throne, Pistol, Rune of Craftsmanship, Rune Of Destruction, Rune Of Fire, Rune Of Iron, 3 x Rune of Shielding
Thane, BSB, Shield Bearers, Pistol, Shield, Holdstone, 3 x Rune Of Lightning, 2 x Rune of Shielding
Anvil of Power
37 x Clan Warriors, Shield, M,S,C, Runic Standard of Swiftness
10 x Clan Warriors, Shield, M, Vanguard
2 x 10 Clan Warriors, Shield
2 x 8 Hold Guardians, M,S,C, Banner Of Speed
10 x Mineurs, Paired Weapons
King, General, Shield, Rune of Destruction, Rune of Fury, 2x Rune of Iron, Rune of Smashing
Thane, BSB, Holdstone, Shield,Rune of Iron, 3x Rune of Lightning
Runic smith, Rune of Devouring, shield
3x10 Clan Marksman, Crossbow, Shield
30 Clan Warrior, M, C, Shield
6 Hold Guardian, M
2x 10 Miners, M, Throwing Weapons
2x Steam Bomber
2x Catapult, Rune Crafted
2x Dwarf Ballista
Runic Smith, General, Battle Runes Taken (x3)
12x Clan Marksmen, Crossbowmen, Shield
11x Clan Marksmen, Crossbowmen, Shield
10x Clan Marksmen, Crossbowmen, Shield
14x Greybeards, Throwing Weapons, Shield; S, M, Banner of Relentless Company
3x21 Seekers, M
2x1 Steam Attack Copters
1 Field Artillery, Cannon
2x1 Field Artillery, Organ Gun, Rune Crafted
2x10 Miners, Shield, Throwing Weapons
King, General, War Throne, Shield, Rune of Destruction, Rune of Might x2, Rune of Dragon's Breath, Rune of Shielding
Runic Smith, 3x Battle Runes, Shield, Rune of Grounding, Rune of Dragon's Breath
Thane, Bsb, Shield, Rune of Lightning x2, Rune of Dragon's Breath, Banner of Relentless Company
Anvil of Power
29 GreyBeards, Shield, Throwing Weapons, M, S, C, Runic Standard of Swiftness
10 Clan Warriors, Spear, Shield
10 Clan Warriors, Spear, Shield
23 Seekers, M, Vanguard
23 Seekers, M, Vanguard
2 Steam Copters, Attack Copters
2 Steam Copters, Attack Copters
Runic Smith, General, Ancestral Memory, Shield, Battle Runes x2, Rune of Denial
Dragon Seeker, Monster Seeker, Rune of Smashing, Rune of Fury, Rune of Quickening
Dragon Seeker, Grim Resolve, Rune of Destruction, Rune of Quickening x2
Vengeance Seeker
Vengeance Seeker
Guild Handgunners x 14, Guild Crafted Handgun, Shield, Musician
Guild Handgunners x 13, Guild Crafted Handgun, Shield, Musician
Clan Warriors x 11, Shield, Musician
Greybeards x 10, Shield, Musician
Seekers x 11, Skirmisher,Champion
Seekers x21 , Champion, Musician
Flame Cannon
Flame Cannon
Anvil of Power
Steam Copter
Thane, General, Shieldbearers, Shield, 3x Rune of Lighting, Rune of Dragon's Breath
Thane, BSB, Shieldbearers, Great Weapon, Pistol, Rune of Iron, Rune of Steel, Rune of Dragon`s Breath
10x Greybeards, Shield
2x10 Clan Warriors, Shield, S, Banner of Relentless Company
4x10 Clan Warriors, Shield
2x Grudge Buster
2x10 Miners, Throwing Weapons
2x2 Attack Copters
1x Steam Bomber
2x Catapult, Rune Crafted
Runic Smith, General, Ancestral Memory, Shield, Rune of Iron, Rune of the Forge, Rune of Mastery, Rune of Devouring, 3 Battle Runes
Thane, Battle Standard Bearer, Guild Crafted Handgun, Shield, Holdstone, Rune of Resonance, Rune of Iron, Rune of Denial, Runic Standard of the Hold
2x Engineer, Forge Repeater, Shield
14 Greybeards, Throwing Weapons, Shields, M, C, S
3x 10 Clan Marksmen, Guild Crafted Handguns, Shields, M
2x 1 Vengeance seeker
4 Hold Guardians, M, C,S
4 Hold Guardians, M, C, S, Runic Standard of Wisdom
2x 1 Attack copter
2x 1 Catapult, Rune Crafted
King, General, Shield, Pistol, 2xRune of Iron, Rune of Forge, Rune of Dragon Breath, Rune of Destruction, Rune of Smashing
Thane BSB, Shield, 2x Rune of Iron, Holdstone, 3xRune of Lightning
Runesmith, 3 Battle Runes, Rune of Iron, Rune of Devouring, Rune of Dragon Breath
Anvil of Power
30x Clan Warriors, M, S, C, Spears and Shields, Vanguard, Flaming Standard
10x Marksmen, Guild Crafted Handgun, M, Shields
10x Marksmen, Crossbow, Shields,
2x10 Miners, M, Shields, Throwing Weapons
2x1 Vengeance Seeker
2x1 Steam Attack Copters
1x Flame Cannon, Flaming Shot
1x Flame Cannon
2x1 Cannon
King, General, Shield, Runes of; Destruction, Smashing, Fury, Iron, 2 x Shielding
Thane, BSB, shield, Holdstone, Runes of; Resonance, Iron x 2, Runes of Lightning x 3
Anvil of Power
Dragon Seeker, Monster Seeker, Runes of; Fury, Might, Quickening
2x 10 Clans Marksman, Shield, crossbows, M
36x Clan Warriors, Shield, Spear, C, M, S, rending banner
6x Hold Guardians, C, M, S, Runic Standard of Wisdom
10x Seekers, Skirmish, C
2x 1 Vengeance Seeker
1x Ballista, Rune Crafted
1x Catapult, Rune Crafted
1x Cannon
Runic Smith, General, 3 Battle Runes (Spells), Shield, Runic Talisman: Rune of Devouring + Rune of Harnessing, Weapon Runes: 2xRune of Lighting + Rune of Returning
Thane, BSB, Shield, Rune Crafted Handgun, Banner Enchantments: Runic Standard of Shielding, Runic Talisman: 2xRune of Shielding
Engineer, Shield, Forge Repeater
Anvil of Power
10x Clan Marksmen, Shield, M
10x Clan Marksmen, Shield, M
10x Clan Marksmen, Guild Crafted Handgun, Shield, M
10x Clan Warriors, Throwing Weapons, Shield, M
10x Grey Beards, Throwing Weapons, Shield, M
1x Grudge Buster
1x Vengeance Seeker
1x Vengeance Seeker
10x Miners, Paired Weapons, M
8x Rangers, Skirmishers, Shied, Crossbow
1x Steam Copter, Attack Copter
1x Steam Copter, Attack Copter
1x Steam Copter, Steam Bomber
1x Flame Canon
1x Flame Canon
1x Dwarf Ballista, Rune Crafted
1x Dwarf Ballista, Rune Crafted, Flaming Shot
Engineer, General, Ancestral memory, Guild Crafted Handgun, Shield, Rune of Denial
25x Greybeards, Shield, M, S, C
10x Clan Warriors, Shield, M
10x Clan Warriors, Vanguard, Shield, M
10x Clan Marksmen, Shield
2x2 Attack Copters
1x Vengeance Seeker
2x10 Miners, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M
25x Seekers, M
2x1 Grudge Buster
1x Field Atillery, Cannon
1x Field Artillery, Catapult, Rune Crafted
Engineer, General, Ancestral Memory, Shield, Wyrm Slayer Rocket
1x Anvil of Power, 3 Battle Runes
10x Clan Warriors, Vanguard, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M
10x Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M
10x Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M
10x Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M
10x Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M
10x Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M
10x Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M
1x GrudgeBuster
1x Grudge Buster
2x Steam Copter, Attack Copter
2x Steam Copter, Attack Copter
25x Seekers, M,C
25x Seekers, M,C
1x Field Artillery, Cannon
1x Field Artillery, Cannon
United Nations
King, General, Ancestral Memory, Shield, Shield Bearers, Rune of Destruction, 2x Rune of Might, 2x Rune of Shielding
Thane, Battle Standard Bearer, Holdstone, Shield, Banner of the Relentless Company, Rune of Dragon's Breath, 2x Rune of Iron
Runic Smith, 3x Battle Runes, Shield, Rune of Devouring, Rune of Dragon's Breath, Rune of Grounding
Runic Smith, 3x Battle Runes, Rune of Storms, Rune of Dragon's Breath
20 Clan Warriors, FCG, Shields, Banner of the Relentless Company
30 Greybeards, FCG, Shields, Runic Standard of Swiftness
10 Miners Throwing Weapons
10 Miners Throwing Weapons
23 Seekers MC, Vanguard
23 Seekers MC, Vanguard
ETC 2018 Dwarven Holds Rosters
Moderatorzy: Arbiter Elegancji, Rakso_The_Slayer
Dobrze ma! Armata bez RC to 255+2x320=895knifem4n- pisze:Włoska najfajniejsza, ale nie legalna, 20% na maszyny to 900 pkt 2x organy orunowane i canon to 920. Conajwyzej 1 orunowane drugie nie. no brak bsbka i bez sensu banner na greyach co nic nie daje

- Slayer Zabójców
- Masakrator
- Posty: 2332
- Lokalizacja: Oleśnica
Rozpiska w której jest tylko jeden klocek piechoty to według mnie przejaw odwagi lub szaleństwa
Ale Turecka wydaje się zabawna 


Ostatnio zmieniony 4 lip 2018, o 18:29 przez Slayer Zabójców, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
