[MASTER] DMK Kraków-Zielonki 3x4500 9 Age 26-27 Styczeń 2019
Re: [MASTER] DMK Kraków-Zielonki 3x4500 9 Age 26-27 Styczeń
uwaga ze względu na awarię drukarki we firmie proszę o wydrukowanie i posiadanie przy sobie aktualnej rozpiski
Ostatnio zmieniony 24 sty 2019, o 17:39 przez Albo_Albo, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
<Twój szef lubi to>Albo_Albo pisze:uwaga ze względu na awarię drukarki we firmie proszę o wydrukowanie i posiadanie przy sobie aktualnej rozpiski
Lidder pisze:- Co się dzieje, gdy kawaleria normalnym ruchem, nie marszem, przechodzi przez murek?
- To samo co wtedy, gdy idziesz na imprezę poderwać jakąś dziewczynę.
- Azurix
- Szef Wszystkich Szefów
- Posty: 3007
- Lokalizacja: Łódź Klub:"Ośmiornica Łódzka" Stowarzyszenie:"Wargaming"
Wybaczcie, pierwszy raz taką rozpę składam. Poprawiłem i wysłałem na maila: wdons@interia.pl. Będą jeździć na OrłachAndrzej pisze:Wnoszę, żeby dopuścić na tym masterze rozpe z magiem he na rydwanieAlbo_Albo pisze:Team Russia napisal
Hi, roster our opp (He) is not valid.
Mage cant ride on Reaver Chariot.
Queen’s Cavalier
The bearer gains Devastating Charge (+1 Att, Fear).
If the bearer’s model is Large or Gigantic:
The limit of Ancient Allies is increased to “Max. 25%”, Characters is increased to “Max. 50%”, and all Characters in the army must be Large Cavalry or Gigantic Beasts. Dragons become 0–2 Mounts/Army. Sea Guard Reapers and Sky Sloops may not be taken in the army.
P.S.: Najważniejsze, że są Smoki, łącznie 4 w Teamie
To ja tylko przypomnę na wszelki wypadek, że tradycyjnie jak to bywa w naszej rozpisce wkradł się błąd. 8 bila 2 - Biały Klocek Mamuta, w ograch są 2x5 Maneaterzy, a nie 7 i 5.
Keep Calm
Przestań Mamucić
"Making people happy is something to be proud of, especially if you can do it by accident"
"You make my heart pussy go poggers!"
~Anon to PM
"Mamut Ty weź się rozpędź a ściana sama Cię znajdzie"
Przestań Mamucić
"Making people happy is something to be proud of, especially if you can do it by accident"
"You make my heart pussy go poggers!"
~Anon to PM
"Mamut Ty weź się rozpędź a ściana sama Cię znajdzie"
te akurat druknalemRince pisze:Sugeruje uprzedzic zagraniczniakow.
- lwieserce85
- Szef Wszystkich Szefów
- Posty: 3082
- Lokalizacja: Czarne Wrony Sochaczew
Czy team volksdeutsch zamieści rozpiski?
Nowy wymiar matematyki
Ja, rozpiski beda schnell, jak tylko wir herauszufinden odpowiednia gegenangriff na Animosity3.Czy team volksdeutsch zamieści rozpiski?
Ein muss ugrac, hehe, jakies punkty, hehe. Analizy im gange.
Wir werden europäische Werte einführen und polnische Regime zerstören.
A tak powaznie, sklad zebrany ad hoc na ostatnia chwile, ale rozpiski juz sa, przesle do orga i beda pewnie dzisiaj opublikowane.
Moge tylko podac ze beda demony i wampiry w akompaniamencie sobotnich bestii i niedzielnej bretki.
przypominam o rozlosowanych paringach na pierwsza bitwę, pierwszy numer to numer stołu od razu, wszystkie nazwy własne bardzo szanujemy ale posługujemy się numerkami jak w ZUS czy na poczcie:
1. Underdogs 2 vs Czarne Wrony 1
2. Szybki Szpil vs Ordin 2
3. Legion 2 vs Lublin 2
4. Animosity 2 vs Salamandra 2
5. Germany vs Animosity 3
6. 8 Bila 1 vs Czarne Wrony 2
7. Salamandra I vs Lublin 1
8. Ukraine 2 vs JH 2/3
9. Russia vs Ośmiornica
10. JH 1 vs Ciupaga
11. 8Bila 3 vs Nemezis 1
12. Czech 2 vs Orando 1
13. Czech 1 vs Czarne Wrony 3
14. 8Bila 2 vs Ad Astra 2
15. 8Bila 4 vs Ad Astra 1
16. Underdogs 1 vs Animosity 1
17. Ukraine 1 vs Ordin
18. Legion 1 vs Czech 3
19. Legion 3 vs Ukraine 3
1. Underdogs 2 vs Czarne Wrony 1
2. Szybki Szpil vs Ordin 2
3. Legion 2 vs Lublin 2
4. Animosity 2 vs Salamandra 2
5. Germany vs Animosity 3
6. 8 Bila 1 vs Czarne Wrony 2
7. Salamandra I vs Lublin 1
8. Ukraine 2 vs JH 2/3
9. Russia vs Ośmiornica
10. JH 1 vs Ciupaga
11. 8Bila 3 vs Nemezis 1
12. Czech 2 vs Orando 1
13. Czech 1 vs Czarne Wrony 3
14. 8Bila 2 vs Ad Astra 2
15. 8Bila 4 vs Ad Astra 1
16. Underdogs 1 vs Animosity 1
17. Ukraine 1 vs Ordin
18. Legion 1 vs Czech 3
19. Legion 3 vs Ukraine 3
Nie wiem czy org zdazy wiec wrzuce rozpy tutaj, jest dosc warzywnie:
Marek Bąk - Demony
1 Omen of Savar Master @ 805 Pts
General; Wizard Master; Dominion of Pride; The Thaumaturgy;
Hereditary spell; Divine Right
Iron Husk [60]
Bronze Backbone [50]
Hammer Hand [35]
1 Omen of Savar Apprentice @ 540 Pts
Wizard Apprentice; The Divination; Divine Right
Iron Husk [60]
Bronze Backbone [50]
Hammer Hand [35]
1 Harbinger of Father Chaos Apprentice @ 190 Pts
Wizard Apprentice; The Evocation
25 Lemures @ 705 Pts
Standard; Musician; Chilling Yawn
#Chilling Yawn [0]
16 Lemures @ 444 Pts
Standard; Musician; Chilling Yawn
#Chilling Yawn [0]
5 Hoarders @ 754 Pts
Standard; Musician; Divining Snout; Kaleidoscopic Flesh;
Tightening Grasp
#Divining Snout [0]
#Kaleidoscopic Flesh [0]
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
4 Hoarders @ 636 Pts
Standard; Musician; Divining Snout; Kaleidoscopic Flesh;
Tightening Grasp
#Divining Snout [0]
#Kaleidoscopic Flesh [0]
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
10 Hellhounds @ 260 Pts
5 Hellhounds @ 165 Pts
Horns of Hubris; Hellish Growl
#Horns of Hubris [0]
Models in Army: 68
Total Army Cost: 4499
Rymar - Bretonia
1 Duke @ 560 Pts
General; Grail Oath; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield;
Divine Judgement [80]
Crusader’s Salvation [100]
Virtue of Valour [65]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0] Pts
1 Paladin @ 330 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Lance
Death Cheater [95]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0] Pts
1 Damsel Master @ 385 Pts
Wizard Master; The Divination
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0] Pts
1 Damsel Apprentice @ 160 Pts
Wizard Apprentice; The Shamanism;
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0] Pts
9 Knights of the Realm @ 512 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician;
1 Knight Champion @ [20] Pts
2*5 Knights Aspirant @ 250 Pts
6 Knights of the Realm @ 280 Pts
6 Knights of the Grail @ 616 Pts
Standard; Musician;Champion
4 Knights of the Grail @ 448 Pts
Standard; Musician;Champion
2*3 Pegasus Knights @ 349 Pts
Models in Army: 48
Total Army Cost: 4489
Stone - Beast Herds
Beast Lord @ 590 Pts
General; Hunting Call; Beast Axe; Throwing Weapons (4+); Heavy Armour;
Fatal Folly [35]
Death Cheater [100]
Eye of Dominance [30]
Potion of Strength [10]
Razortusk Chariot @ [0] Pts
Soothsayer Master @ 565 Pts
The Shamanism; Wizard Master; Hand Weapon; Light Armour
Destiny's Call [70]
Seed of the Dark Forest [60]
Ancestral Carvings [50]
Beast Chieftain @ 370 Pts
Beast Axe; Light Armour; Battle Standard; Greater Totem Bearer
Essence of Mithril [60]
Supernatural Dexterity [30]
Lucky Charm [10]
3 Raiding Chariot @ 330 Pts
3 Raiding Chariot @ 330 Pts
15 Wildhorn Herd @ 220 Pts
Hand Weapon; Throwing Weapons (5+); Musician; Ambush
15 Wildhorn Herd @ 220 Pts
Hand Weapon; Throwing Weapons (5+); Musician; Ambush
30 Longhorn Herd @ 725 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician
Banner of Speed [50]
Longhorn Champion @ [20] Pts
Gortach @ 475 Pts
Gortach @ 475 Pts
Razortusk Herd @ 100 Pts
Razortusk Herd @ 100 Pts
Models in Army: 59
Total Army Cost: 4500
Fluffy - Vampire counts
Bloodline Army Composition
Vampire Count of Brotherhood of the Dragon Adept @ 710 Pts
Brotherhood of the Dragon; Plate Armour; General; The Dead Arise;
Wizard Adept; The Occultism; Hand Weapon
#The Dead Arise [0]
Reaper's Harvest [105]
Crimson Rage [130]
Arise! [0]
Occult4: Breath of Corruption [0]
Colossal Zombie Dragon @ 485 Pts
Colossal Zombie Dragon
1 Necromancer Adept @ 200 Pts
Wizard Adept; The Evocation; Hand Weapon
Arise! [0]
Evoc2: Whispers of the Veil [0]
1 Vampire Courtier of Brotherhood of the Dragon Apprentice @ 400 Pts
Plate Armour; Battle Standard Bearer; Wizard Apprentice; The Occultism;
Hand Weapon; Shield
#Arise! [0]
Monster Hunter [45]
Touch of Greatness [50]
Willow's Ward [15]
29 Skeletons @ 325 Pts
Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Legion Standard [25]
Champion @ [20] Pts
25 Skeletons @ 260 Pts
Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Champion @ [20] Pts
30 Skeletons @ 335 Pts
Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Legion Standard [25]
Champion @ [20] Pts
2 Bat Swarm @ 105 Pts
8 Dire Wolves @ 133 Pts
Champion @ [20] Pts
4 Great Bats @ 120 Pts
1 Dark Coach @ 430 Pts
1 Dark Coach @ 430 Pts
5 Vampire Knights @ 565 Pts
Blood Ties (Dragon Brotherh.); Plate Armour; Lance; Shield
Champion @ [20] Pts
Models in Army: 105
Total Army Cost: 4498
Marek Bąk - Demony
1 Omen of Savar Master @ 805 Pts
General; Wizard Master; Dominion of Pride; The Thaumaturgy;
Hereditary spell; Divine Right
Iron Husk [60]
Bronze Backbone [50]
Hammer Hand [35]
1 Omen of Savar Apprentice @ 540 Pts
Wizard Apprentice; The Divination; Divine Right
Iron Husk [60]
Bronze Backbone [50]
Hammer Hand [35]
1 Harbinger of Father Chaos Apprentice @ 190 Pts
Wizard Apprentice; The Evocation
25 Lemures @ 705 Pts
Standard; Musician; Chilling Yawn
#Chilling Yawn [0]
16 Lemures @ 444 Pts
Standard; Musician; Chilling Yawn
#Chilling Yawn [0]
5 Hoarders @ 754 Pts
Standard; Musician; Divining Snout; Kaleidoscopic Flesh;
Tightening Grasp
#Divining Snout [0]
#Kaleidoscopic Flesh [0]
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
4 Hoarders @ 636 Pts
Standard; Musician; Divining Snout; Kaleidoscopic Flesh;
Tightening Grasp
#Divining Snout [0]
#Kaleidoscopic Flesh [0]
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
10 Hellhounds @ 260 Pts
5 Hellhounds @ 165 Pts
Horns of Hubris; Hellish Growl
#Horns of Hubris [0]
Models in Army: 68
Total Army Cost: 4499
Rymar - Bretonia
1 Duke @ 560 Pts
General; Grail Oath; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield;
Divine Judgement [80]
Crusader’s Salvation [100]
Virtue of Valour [65]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0] Pts
1 Paladin @ 330 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Lance
Death Cheater [95]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0] Pts
1 Damsel Master @ 385 Pts
Wizard Master; The Divination
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0] Pts
1 Damsel Apprentice @ 160 Pts
Wizard Apprentice; The Shamanism;
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0] Pts
9 Knights of the Realm @ 512 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician;
1 Knight Champion @ [20] Pts
2*5 Knights Aspirant @ 250 Pts
6 Knights of the Realm @ 280 Pts
6 Knights of the Grail @ 616 Pts
Standard; Musician;Champion
4 Knights of the Grail @ 448 Pts
Standard; Musician;Champion
2*3 Pegasus Knights @ 349 Pts
Models in Army: 48
Total Army Cost: 4489
Stone - Beast Herds
Beast Lord @ 590 Pts
General; Hunting Call; Beast Axe; Throwing Weapons (4+); Heavy Armour;
Fatal Folly [35]
Death Cheater [100]
Eye of Dominance [30]
Potion of Strength [10]
Razortusk Chariot @ [0] Pts
Soothsayer Master @ 565 Pts
The Shamanism; Wizard Master; Hand Weapon; Light Armour
Destiny's Call [70]
Seed of the Dark Forest [60]
Ancestral Carvings [50]
Beast Chieftain @ 370 Pts
Beast Axe; Light Armour; Battle Standard; Greater Totem Bearer
Essence of Mithril [60]
Supernatural Dexterity [30]
Lucky Charm [10]
3 Raiding Chariot @ 330 Pts
3 Raiding Chariot @ 330 Pts
15 Wildhorn Herd @ 220 Pts
Hand Weapon; Throwing Weapons (5+); Musician; Ambush
15 Wildhorn Herd @ 220 Pts
Hand Weapon; Throwing Weapons (5+); Musician; Ambush
30 Longhorn Herd @ 725 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician
Banner of Speed [50]
Longhorn Champion @ [20] Pts
Gortach @ 475 Pts
Gortach @ 475 Pts
Razortusk Herd @ 100 Pts
Razortusk Herd @ 100 Pts
Models in Army: 59
Total Army Cost: 4500
Fluffy - Vampire counts
Bloodline Army Composition
Vampire Count of Brotherhood of the Dragon Adept @ 710 Pts
Brotherhood of the Dragon; Plate Armour; General; The Dead Arise;
Wizard Adept; The Occultism; Hand Weapon
#The Dead Arise [0]
Reaper's Harvest [105]
Crimson Rage [130]
Arise! [0]
Occult4: Breath of Corruption [0]
Colossal Zombie Dragon @ 485 Pts
Colossal Zombie Dragon
1 Necromancer Adept @ 200 Pts
Wizard Adept; The Evocation; Hand Weapon
Arise! [0]
Evoc2: Whispers of the Veil [0]
1 Vampire Courtier of Brotherhood of the Dragon Apprentice @ 400 Pts
Plate Armour; Battle Standard Bearer; Wizard Apprentice; The Occultism;
Hand Weapon; Shield
#Arise! [0]
Monster Hunter [45]
Touch of Greatness [50]
Willow's Ward [15]
29 Skeletons @ 325 Pts
Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Legion Standard [25]
Champion @ [20] Pts
25 Skeletons @ 260 Pts
Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Champion @ [20] Pts
30 Skeletons @ 335 Pts
Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Legion Standard [25]
Champion @ [20] Pts
2 Bat Swarm @ 105 Pts
8 Dire Wolves @ 133 Pts
Champion @ [20] Pts
4 Great Bats @ 120 Pts
1 Dark Coach @ 430 Pts
1 Dark Coach @ 430 Pts
5 Vampire Knights @ 565 Pts
Blood Ties (Dragon Brotherh.); Plate Armour; Lance; Shield
Champion @ [20] Pts
Models in Army: 105
Total Army Cost: 4498