Beast Herd 9th Age czyli Kozy dziewiątej ery


Moderator: Dibo

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Posty: 9574
Lokalizacja: Jeźdźcy Hardkoru

Re: Beast Herd 9th Age czyli Kozy dziewiątej ery

Post autor: Kołata »

Centaur z bolcem jest super, zwłaszcza do mojej rozpy. Straszny wrzód na dupie dla przeciwników. Z doświadczenia tylko powiem, że lepiej nim grać bezpiecznie. Najgorzej jest jak się przyryzykuje i spadnie w 2 turze. Lepiej w 1-2 turze strzelić w coś mniej optymalnego, a potem cisnąć przez kolejne 4 tury w dobre cele. Trzymać się z dala od groźnych pocisków i maszynek, a na spokojnie się chłopak spłaci. Należy pamiętać, że on grozi nie tylko strzałem, ale i szarżą na dupę czy boczek.

Posty: 794
Lokalizacja: Kraków, ambasador "8smej Bili"

Post autor: Mamut »

Bobson pisze:Omena to zabijają gortaty.
na dywinacje pieski i te inne zabawki demonów to ja się zastanawiam czy ta gorgona w ogóle dojdzie, a potem czy przeżyje do bicia w omena XD
Keep Calm
Przestań Mamucić
"Making people happy is something to be proud of, especially if you can do it by accident"
"You make my heart pussy go poggers!"
~Anon to PM
"Mamut Ty weź się rozpędź a ściana sama Cię znajdzie"

Posty: 71

Post autor: bestia »

Z doswiadczenia wiem ze gorgona combatu raczej nie zobaczy :)

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 2298
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Post autor: Bobson »

bestia pisze:Z doswiadczenia wiem ze gorgona combatu raczej nie zobaczy :)
Musisz w takim razie doświadczyć czegoś innego:)

Posty: 71

Post autor: bestia »

Dlatego idąc za przykładem Kołaty doświadczam cygorow :P

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Pan Spamu
Posty: 8784
Lokalizacja: Kraków

Post autor: Laik »

swieta_barbara pisze:Jesteś maszyna debelial, bez Ciebie to hobby dawno by umarło.

Posty: 794
Lokalizacja: Kraków, ambasador "8smej Bili"

Post autor: Mamut »

Keep Calm
Przestań Mamucić
"Making people happy is something to be proud of, especially if you can do it by accident"
"You make my heart pussy go poggers!"
~Anon to PM
"Mamut Ty weź się rozpędź a ściana sama Cię znajdzie"

Posty: 71

Post autor: bestia »

iiii kolejne rozpy prosto z Francji:

Joueur : Cédric "Mouss" – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herd
Minotaur Warlord, Aaghor’s Affliction, Paired Weapon, Crown of Horn, General - 630
Minotaur Warlord, Paired Weapons, Death Cheater - 605
Beast Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Great Totem Bearer, Shield - 255
Soothsayer, Wizard Adept, Shamanism - 230
15 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons (5+), Musician - 250
15 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons (5+), Musician - 250
35 Mongrel herd, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Spear, Banner of the wild herd - 370
12 Mongrel Raiders, Bow - 109
Razortusk chariot - 230
Beast Giants, Uprooted tree - 310
Beast Giants, Uprooted tree - 310
Gortach - 475
Gortach - 475
Total: 4499

Joueur : Stéphane "Sleekit" – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herds
Beast Chieftain, General, Destiny's Call, Crown of Horns, Ambush, Hunting Call, Paired Weapons - 255
Beast Chieftain, Battle standard bearer, Aaghor's Affliction, Ambush, Great Weapon - 290
Soothsayer, Wild Form, Dragon Staff, Potion of Strength, Ancestral Carvings, Ambush, Light Armour, Wizard Master, Druidism - 520
24 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons, Champion, Totem Bearer, Blooded Horn Totem, Standard bearer, Banner of the Wild Herd - 461
3 Raiding Chariot - 330
9 Feral Hounds - 112
19 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Hallberd, Champion, Totem Bearer, Blooded Horn Totem, Standard-bearer - 436
19 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Great Weapon, Champion, Totem Bearer, Blooded Horn Totem, Standard-bearer - 436
1 Gortach - 475
1 Gortach - 475
1 Beast Giant, Big Brother, Beer Barrel - 355
1 Beast Giant, Big Brother, Beer Barrel - 355
Total: 4500

Joueur : Alexandre "Yama" – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herds
Beast Lord, General, Razortusk Chariot, Blessed Inscriptions, Death Cheater, Crown of Horns, Potion of Swiftness, Heavy Armour, Hunting Call, Shield, Lance, Throwing Weapons - 610
Minotaur Chieftain, Battle standard-bearer, Willow's Ward, Alchemist's Alloy, Heavy Armour, Shield - 320
Soothsayer, Raiding Chariot, Inscribing Burin, Seed of the Dark Forest, Light Armour, Wizard Master, Shamanism - 495
3 Raiding Chariots - 330
8 Feral Hounds - 104
8 Feral Hounds - 104
15 Wildhorn Herds, Paired Weapons, Ambush - 200
15 Wildhorn Herds, Ambush - 170
7 Minotaurs, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Totem Bearer, Black Wing Totem, Banner of Speed - 714
8 Minotaurs, Shield, Standard bearer, Banner of Speed - 743
1 Cyclops - 355
1 Cyclops - 355
Total: 4500

Joueur : Xavier "Darkwise" – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herds
Minotaur Warlord, General, Light Armour, Aaghor’s Affliction, Paired Weapons, Blessed Inscriptions, Obsidian Rock, Potion of swiftness - 705
Minotaur Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Greater Totem Bearer, Beast Axe, Light Armour, Trickster’s Cunning, Eye of Dominance - 465
Southsayer, Wizard Master, Druidism, Light Armour, Inscribing Burin, Seed of the Dark Forest - 475
35 Mongrel Herd, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Banner of the Wild Herd, Spears - 370
15 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Musician, Shield, Throwing Weapons - 220
15 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Musician, Shield, Throwing Weapons - 220
5 Gargoyles - 135
8 Feral Hounds - 104
6 Minotaurs, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Totem Bearer, Black Wing Totem, Rending Banner, Paired Weapons - 649
1 Razorstuk Herd - 100
1 Razorstuk Herd - 100
1 Gortach - 475
1 Gortach - 475
Total: 4493

Joueur : Henri "Ashgar" – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herds
Minotaur Warlord, General, Paired Weapons, Aaghor's Affliction, Blessed Inscriptions, Crown of Horns, Potion of Swiftness - 705
Beast Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Greater Totem Bearer, Heavy Armour, Shield, Pillager Icon - 325
Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Druidism, Dark Rain - 460
10 Mongrel Raiders, Scout & Ambush - 115
10 Mongrel Raiders, Scout & Ambush - 115
19 Wildhorn Herd, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Shield, Banner of the Relentless Company - 290
15 Wildhorn Herd, Musician, Shield, Ambush - 190
15 Wildhorn Herd, Musician, Shield, Ambush - 190
6 Centaurs, Musician, Paired Weapons - 234
7 Minotaurs, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Shield, Totem Bearer, Black Wing Totem, Flaming Standard - 699
8 Razortusk Herd - 534
8 Razortusk Herd - 534
1 Razortusk Herd - 100
Total: 4491

Joueur : Thomas “Damsetoi” – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herds
Minotaur Warlord, General, Paired Weapons, Blessed Inscriptions, Crown of Horns, Aagor's Affliction, Potion of Swiftness - 705
Minotaur Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Greater Totem Bearer, Heavy Armour, Shield, Beast Axe, Willow’s Ward, Basalt Infusion, Talisman of Shielding - 495
Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Druidism, 2x binding scroll - 490
43 Mongrel Herd, Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Banner of the wild herd - 434
20 Mongrel Herd, Ambush - 160
20 Mongrel Herd, Ambush - 160
20 Mongrel Herd, Musician - 160
5 Gargoyles - 135
5 Gargoyles, Scout - 150
1 Beast giant, giant club - 330
1 Beast giant, giant club - 330
1 Gortach - 475
1 Gortach - 475
Total: 4499

Joueur : Alexandre “Polasky” – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herds
Minotaur warlord, General, Paired weapons, Aaghor’s affliction, Blessed inscription, Potion of swiftness - 680
Minotaur chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour, Shield, Greater Totem Bearer, Beast axe, Ghostly guard, Willow’s ward - 450
Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Raiding Chariot, Light Armour, Ancestral Carvings, Trickster’s cunning, Seed of the dark forest - 575
22 Mongrel Herds, Spears, Ambush - 176
22 Mongrel Herds, Spears, Ambush - 176
10 Mongrel raiders, Ambush and Scout - 115
10 Mongrel raiders, Ambush and Scout - 115
3 Raiding Chariots - 330
5 Minotaurs, Paired Weapons, Champion, Black wing totem - 476
5 Minotaurs, Shield, Champion, Black wing totem - 456
1 Gortach - 475
1 Gortach - 475
Total: 4499

Joueur : Rémi "XanaX" – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herds
Minotaur warlord, General, Paired weapons, Blessed inscription, Aaghor's affliction, Crown of horns, Potion of swiftness - 705
Soothsayer, Wizard master, Shamanism, Light armour, Trickster's cunning, Ancestral carving, Seed of the dark forest - 555
Beast chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Beast axe, Destiny's call, Inscribing burin - 285
20 Mongrel herd, Musician, Spear, Ambush - 180
20 Mongrel herd, Musician, Spear, Ambush - 180
39 Wildhorn herd, Paired weapons, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Banner of the wild herd, Blooded horn totem - 593
37 Longhorn herd, Great weapons, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Gnarled hide totem - 851
7 Minotaurs, Paired weapons, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Banner of speed, Black wing totem - 742
5 Gargoyles - 135
5 Gargoyles - 135
5 Gargoyles - 135

Joueur : Antoine "Big Frost" – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herds
Minotaur Warlord, General, Paired Weapons, Aaghors Affliction, Blessed Inscriptions, Potion of Swiftness, Crown of Horns - 705
Minotaur chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Greater Totem Bearer, Beast Axe, Heavy Armor, Shield, Willow's Ward, Basalt Infusion, Talisman of Shielding - 495
Soothsayer, Binding Scroll, Wizard Master, Druidism - 435
8 Feral Hounds - 104
32 Mongrel Herd, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Spear, Banner of the Wild Herd - 346
15 Wildhorn Herd - 150
15 Wildhorn Herd - 150
15 Wildhorn Herd - 150
5 Feral Hounds - 80
6 minotaures, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Flaming Standard - 600
Beast giant, Giant Club - 330
1 Gortach - 475
1 Gortach - 475
Total: 4495

Joueur : Benjamin "Asgorth" – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herds
Minotaur Warlord, General, Paired Weapons, Blessed Inscriptions, Trickster's Cunning, Talisman of Shielding, Crown of Horns - 705
Beast Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Great Weapon, Destiny's Call - 250
Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Dark Rain, Talisman of the Void - 510
35 Mongrels, Spears, Champion, Musician - 300
15 Wildhorns, Shield, Ambush - 170
3 Raiding Chariots - 330
8 Feral Hounds - 104
8 Minotaurs, Paired Weapons, Champion, Musician, Black Wing Totem - 760
28 Longhorns, Halberds, Champion, Musician, Black Wing Totem - 624
5 Gargoyles - 135
5 Gargoyles - 135
1 Gortach - 475
Total: 4498

Joueur : Cédric "Mouss" – Liste validée
Armée : Beast Herd
Minotaur Warlord, Aaghor’s Affliction, Paired Weapon, Crown of Horn, General - 630
Minotaur Warlord, Paired Weapons, Death Cheater - 605
Beast Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Great Totem Bearer, Shield - 255
Soothsayer, Wizard Adept, Shamanism - 230
15 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons (5+), Musician - 250
15 Wildhorn Herd, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons (5+), Musician - 250
35 Mongrel herd, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Spear, Banner of the wild herd - 370
12 Mongrel Raiders, Bow - 109
Razortusk chariot - 230
Beast Giants, Uprooted tree - 310
Beast Giants, Uprooted tree - 310
Gortach - 475
Gortach - 475
Total: 4499


Beast Lord, General, Eye of Dominance, Razortusk Chariot, Fatal Folly, Basalt Infusion, Talisman of Shielding, Shield, Heavy Armour, Beast Axe - 535
Beast Chieftain, Pillager Icon, Battle Standard Bearer - 225
3 Raiding Chariot - 330
15 Wildhorn Herd, Musician - 170
15 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush - 200
15 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush - 200
Razortusk Chariot - 230
Razortusk Chariot - 230
Razortusk Chariot - 230
5 Gargoyles, Scout - 150
Razortusk - 100
Raiding Chariot - 110
Raiding Chariot - 110
Raiding Chariot - 110
Gortach - 475
Gortach - 475
Beast Giant, Uprooted Tree - 310
Beast Giant, Uprooted Tree - 310
Total: 4500

Posty: 98

Post autor: Mohort88 »

Wie ktoś skąd można ściągnąć/pobrać instrukcje złożenia: jabberslythe i ghorgon/cygor ?

Posty: 1062

Post autor: Klops »

Jaber jest na tyle prostym modelem że nie trzeba do niego instrukcji.

Prawie jak Ziemko
Posty: 9484
Lokalizacja: Szybki Szpil

Post autor: QQrydza »

Tylko polamiwsz go 6 razy po drodze taki jest cienki xD
"W mojej ocenie byliśmy lepsi skillowo ale przeciwnicy byli lepiej ograni, przygotowani pod nas, mieli lepszy rozpiski, większy głód zwycięstwa i mieliśmy trochę peszka."
"T9A to gra o wykorzystywaniu maksymalnym potencjału obrysów figur składających się z kwadratów"